The Witcher: Wolf School’s Hunting Notes

243. Don’t Do That, Yennefer and Clay Are Still Here!


The boat moved slowly through the water.

A light morning mist filled the air, like a veil of gauze, accentuating the mixed shades of green in the wild forests lining both sides of the Pontar River.

Inside the merchant ship, Mary, who had just been asked a question, was somewhat flustered. She glanced at the increasingly refined and handsome young man, then quickly turned her head to look out the window.


The distant cry of a deer echoed from deep within the woods.

Faint, elusive.

It helped calm Mary's restless heart a bit. She turned back, looked at the slightly frowning young witcher, and asked: "Allen, do you really plan to deal with the Wild Hunt yourself?"

"Of course," the young witcher nodded. "Once I consult with Grandmaster Ivar Evil-Eye on methods to counter the Wild Hunt, I plan to deal with them."

"Is there a problem?"

As expected...

Mary's heart sank, and she bit her rosy lips.

Vesemir and Allen were not sorcerers; they had no understanding of the terror that was the Wild Hunt. That magic which conjured explosive ice clusters—just sensing the elemental fluctuations was enough to tell that it was an extremely high-level water element spell.

What was even scarier was how that magic instantly drained every bit of water element within her sensing range.

Instantly casting such a spell was far beyond even Lady Vera's capabilities. Witchers, who only used simple signs, probably wouldn't even get close before being killed. And even if they did get close, there was still a powerful magic shield.

Upon realizing that Allen was personally inclined to face the Wild Hunt, Mary, who had been acting out of sympathy, suddenly sobered up. In the next second, she regretted having even uttered the words, "Is there really nothing we can do?"

She had thought about it all night, unable to come up with any solution to face such a powerful enemy. Nor did she believe that this Ivar Evil-Eye, who supposedly could see the Wild Hunt, an ordinary witcher, would have any way to deal with them.

And then...

She had the same nightmare over and over again in the second half of the night. In it, the young witcher was encased in ice clusters, just like Flora Dooley's husband. His piercing blue cat eyes stared at her.

The biting cold wind kept howling the same words: "Is there really nothing we can do?"


"Allen, maybe… uh… maybe..."

Mary's round face suddenly turned pale as snow. Recalling last night's dream that had terrified her, she stammered, unable to complete her sentence. Not understanding why Mary suddenly became so frightened, Allen gently patted her back and said soothingly: "Take your time, don't rush, don't be afraid!"

"We're the ones who killed the archgriffin together, what's there to fear?"

"Ee-ee-yah!" Yennefer, who had been counting Clay's fingers, suddenly quieted down and sneaked a peek at Allen and Mary. Feeling the faint warmth on her back, the light scent of tanned leather at the tip of her nose, and the sneaky gazes from two pairs of eyes nearby…

Mary's cheeks instantly flushed, and she awkwardly pushed Allen away.

"Don't… don't do that… Yennefer and Clay are still here!"

Allen: ?

Do what?

I didn't do anything!

Seeing Allen's blue cat eyes widen in surprise, they became as round as the fluffy, blue-eyed cats unique to the northern regions that Mary had once seen. She couldn't help but chuckle. Her inner fear and panic eased considerably.

Taking a deep breath, Mary seriously looked at the young witcher and described in as much detail as she could her perception of the Wild Hunt's ice cluster magic.

Allen's expression grew more solemn as he listened. From a sorcerer's perspective, Mary's insights into the Wild Hunt's power were in many ways things he hadn't considered. Especially the part about the water elements being drained when the magic was cast.

Even though his water element affinity exceeded ten points, he had only barely sensed something unusual. As he listened to Mary's insights, Allen began to think...


When dealing with the Wild Hunt, this could be a point he could exploit...

"So, Allen, do you now understand the strength of the Wild Hunt?" Mary asked, taking a deep breath. "I know that mother and child are pitiful, but the Wild Hunt..."

She sighed: "The Wild Hunt is truly beyond human capability to handle. They are not like the giant griffin..."

Allen looked at Mary's anxious, pleading expression and felt warmth in his heart.

"Don't worry, Mary."

"You know me. Unless I'm forced to, I won't attempt something I'm not confident in..."

Mary felt a bit helpless and began listing: "Old Speartip, the drowner King, the abandoned mine, the apprentice tournament, and the archgriffin..."

"Allen, which one of these were you confident about?"

"And how many of them were truly situations where you had no choice?"

"Allen..." Mary gazed into his blue cat eyes, as if trying to convey all her emotions, "Betting your life for a stranger just isn't worth it!"

"Lady Vera wouldn't approve either..."

Mary insisted, as if facing the Wild Hunt was a one-way ticket to death.

Of course.

That was indeed what she thought.

After a couple of seconds, the young witcher decided to stop hiding: "Mary, what if the Wild Hunt is coming for me?"

After saying that, Allen glanced at Yennefer and Clay. Mary, understanding the cue, snapped her fingers, casting a soft red soundproof barrier around them. As soon as the barrier went up, Mary asked urgently: "Why do you say the Wild Hunt is coming for you?"

After gathering his thoughts, Allen began to explain everything he knew about the Wild Hunt, the Conjunction of the Spheres, and Aen Elle to Mary. He even hinted at his own connection to the Conjunction of the Spheres. As she listened, Mary's face changed dramatically. She covered her mouth, her eyes widening.

"...So, Mary, this isn't just about avenging Flora Dooley and her child. It's about me, too."

Allen smiled bitterly and joked: "This time, I really have no choice!"

At this moment.

Mary was still trying to process all the shocking revelations. It was a lot to take in at once. She took a while to fully grasp the connections between all the pieces.

"Incredible, unbelievable..."

"If you told me now that you were the child of prophecy from Ithlinne's Aen Saevherne Prophecy, I'd believe you..."

Mary stared at Allen in shock, and only after a long time did she collect herself. Allen shrugged nonchalantly.

"Then there's no other way..."

Understanding the young witcher's current predicament, Mary relaxed instead. With no choice, there was no need to worry. Seeing this, Allen quietly sighed in relief.


The soundproof barrier dissolved like a soap bubble. Having said everything that needed to be said, Allen didn't ask Mary to renew it.

The cabin fell silent.

For a long time.

With her head bowed, seemingly deep in thought, Mary suddenly lifted her head, looked resolutely at the young witcher, and said: "Don't worry, Allen. No matter how powerful the Wild Hunt is, I will help you!"

Hearing this, Allen paused for a second, then nodded firmly. Yennefer, standing nearby, was curious about the interaction between the two, but she didn't ask a single question. She even found a way to divert her brother's attention to her fingers.

Vesemir, Allen, and Mary were all very kind to her, a kindness she had never experienced before. They never once showed any sign of disgust or hatred towards her, even though she was considered a "monster."

Sometimes, she even felt like she was dreaming. A life where she wasn't beaten, discriminated against, or forced to eat leftovers...

A life where she could eat well and stay warm every day seemed unreal. So she cherished this life deeply and longed for it to continue forever.



After having a heartfelt conversation with Mary, Vesemir returned alone.

According to him, earlier that morning, with the persuasion of him and Ernest, Radu Kuhn had temporarily formed an alliance with them, or rather, became a sponsor of their hunt for the Wild Hunt.

When Allen and the others disembark, Kuhn's family ship will not only deliver Ernest to the free city of Novigrad. After unloading some cargo, Radu Kuhn will switch to a merchant ship at sea and take Ernest directly to Nilfgaard. Then, at the port closest to the Viper School, he will wait for them and return to the Floatsam Harbor.

Additionally, upon reaching Novigrad, Radu Kuhn will use the Kuhn family's reputation to send a Wild Hunt warning notice to all countries of the Northern Continent and Nilfgaard. He will offer a reward of 100,000 crowns for the head of the Wild Hunt.

"How did you manage that?"

Walking along the corridor of the merchant ship, both Allen and Mary were shocked after hearing Vesemir's explanation.

If they didn't know Vesemir wasn't the type to boast about serious matters, this kind of arrangement—covering round-trip costs, providing ships, and even offering a bounty of 100,000 crowns—seemed completely unlike something a merchant family, capable of selling goods to two warring kingdoms, would do.

What were they after?

Looking at the calm expressions of the passing sailors, it didn't seem like anyone important had died in the Wild Hunt's attacks either!

Seeing Allen and Mary's confusion, Vesemir scratched his head and chuckled awkwardly. "I... I'm not really sure either..."

"Most of the negotiation was handled by Ernest and Radu Kuhn. I just analyzed the Wild Hunt's strength and threats when needed."

"But afterward, I asked Ernest..."

"It seems Radu Kuhn's agreement had something to do with the Kuhn family's ties to some election for a free... some citizen... some council... something in Novigrad."

Vesemir gestured wildly, trying to explain, but ended up confusing even himself.

"Forget it, if you're interested, just ask Ernest directly," Vesemir gave up and hurriedly walked toward the ship's dining hall.

Allen and Mary exchanged a glance and had no choice but to speed up and follow.


Since Allen and the group would disembark at Beyer Most before lunchtime, Radu Kuhn invited them to enjoy a brunch as a token of gratitude for the information they provided.

Apparently, this was a new trend in Novigrad. However, Allen and the others weren't really there for the delicate pastries or the precious tea supposedly from south of Nilfgaard. It was Radu Kuhn's friendship that was their main goal. Though Mary seemed to genuinely enjoy the overly sweet desserts that Allen found too cloying.

But to everyone's surprise…

After the dull social interactions of brunch, Radu Kuhn had a servant deliver a gift to their cabin—a parchment book, a steel sword, and a silver sword.

"Lady Margarita, this is the alchemy book of the elven sage, Elinor..."

The servant, wearing white silk gloves that shimmered faintly, carefully lifted the parchment book from a small cart.


Mary, who had been lounging casually in her chair, instantly perked up.

"Yes, it's the very 'Alchemist' Elinor you're thinking of..."

"Alchemist" Elinor, the most talented alchemy master of the elven empire a thousand years ago, created many potions with unique effects. An undeniable figure in the history of alchemy.

It was said that the legendary mage Ottolan referenced Elinor's alchemical techniques when creating the famous anti-aging potion.

"This is for me?"

"Of course, all of these gifts were personally chosen by Mr. Kuhn, please accept them."

The servant smiled as he handed the book to Mary with both hands.

Mary swallowed, wiped her hands on her clothes, and then cautiously accepted the parchment book.

"Master Vesemir, this is 'Ghilna' silver..."

Before the servant could finish speaking, Vesemir, who had been smiling at Mary's joy, suddenly jumped up from his seat, as if a spring had been set beneath him.

"The Ghilna who slayed a red dragon, a green dragon, and over ten high-ranking vampires?"

Vesemir's lips pressed tightly together as his golden cat eyes flickered between slitted and round pupils. The servant nodded and said, "Indeed, he was one of the original witchers from the founding of the Witcher Order..."

"Mr. Kuhn knew that you were using a silver sword unworthy of your status, so he took it upon himself to choose this one for you."

Before the words were finished, both Vesemir and Mary instinctively glanced at the sword on Allen's back, Elsa.

"What's wrong?" The servant noticed something unusual and asked curiously.

"Nothing..." Vesemir shook his head awkwardly and changed the subject, "This hardly counts as presumptuous..."

"But..." Vesemir continued, "such a legendary silver sword..."

"Who would dare to use it to hunt monsters?"

Vesemir took the gleaming silver sword, lovingly caressing its simple hilt, guard, and spine. His touch was so delicate, as if he were afraid the sword's spirit might escape from his grasp. With both Mary and Vesemir receiving gifts they loved, Allen unconsciously sat up straighter, filled with anticipation.

At the same time, he couldn't help but feel a bit puzzled.

Even without considering Allen's own gift, just the value of the parchment book from the elven sage and the sword of one of the first witchers far exceeded the 100,000-crown bounty Kuhn had set for the Wild Hunt.

Was the news about Aedirn starting a war due to revenge against Kaedwen worth so much?

Before Allen could ponder further, the servant's gentle smile suddenly vanished, replaced by a serious expression. His genuine reverence was palpable, changing the atmosphere in the room to one of solemnity.

The servant knelt on one knee and from a long velvet case, took out a longsword. Then he stood, holding it with both hands, and solemnly presented it to the young witcher, his face filled with respect.

"Master Allen..."

"This is a gift that Mr. Kuhn has specially prepared for you…"


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: [email protected]/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
244. The Sword of Heroes, Balmur.
245. The Girl I Once Met.
246. Are You Really Not Planning to Tell Him About His Origins?
247. The Temptation of Immortality.
248. Yennefer's Talent.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.