The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1632 The natal corona!

Chapter 1632: Destiny - Corona!

Yi Xia didn't know that someone had already booked his next fight.

Because at this moment, he ushered in another important moment of his own without warning:

"Important reminder from Zongwang: Your innate treasure: the Crown of Four Times has been initially refined..."

Refining the innate treasure is essentially a water mill.

Yi Xia's general expectation for this was after the Spring Festival.

The unexpected time crystal obtained later greatly advanced the refining progress of the Four-Time Crown.

Of course, there is no stable progress bar for refining like this.

Moreover, Yi Xia was unable to obtain more references in this regard through the comprehensive network or other channels.

Yi Xia believes that there are many online players with innate treasures in the multiverse.

This may also be because the characteristics of the innate treasure in terms of practical application are indeed difficult to summarize in a refined way.

In this regard, the comprehensive network can still give a relatively accurate description as a whole:

But obviously, experience in this area is indeed rarely spread.


Limited time - days are like years:

The predecessors were always keen to describe the power of the innate treasure in mysterious and mysterious terms.

But it's just like the progress bar marked 99% in the download program.

A Titan's life guide obviously has no greater substantive value to ordinary people except for curiosity.


And when it comes to beings who already possess innate treasures, they rarely lack the means to manifest themselves in front of such people...

Yi Xia immersed her mind in her own sea of ​​consciousness.

Of course, given the vast possibilities of the multiverse.

Probably like in the ordinary material world:

The character will be blessed by the limited elements of the item and will no longer have a natural growth limit. At the same time, all basic growth coefficients will gain an additional 1000% growth.

At this moment, he could feel the new concept that was clear enough but abstract.

Isn’t it possible to say that there is such a thing that enjoys relatively simple pleasures?


Originally, before that, Yi Xia also felt that the refining progress of Si Shimian was almost complete.

Every time a character obtains a positive benefit through the relevant time rotation series, the relevant growth coefficient will be permanently increased.

"Tips from the Internet: Your innate treasure: the Crown of Four Times has activated the relevant limited ability: the Crown of the Sun."

The time of its final completion has somewhat metaphysical elements...

When the character is in "Beyond-Four":

Whenever a character receives the first ray of morning light on each natural day in the timeline, his or her state will be restored to its peak state;

Whenever a character gets the first ray of sunset on each natural day in the timeline, he or she will gain one natural year of growth;

Whenever a character spends a natural year in the timeline where they are, they will gain natural growth for a life cycle (based on the current character's limited world, the life cycle is: one hundred years).

Limited - Summer Witch's Attention (valid only in the world):

All units that meet the individual requirements have a high probability of obtaining the permanent gain effect of time every time they spend a complete natural year.

All units that meet the limited individual requirements will have a certain probability of obtaining time rotation gains based on the sum of previous training every time they pass a staged breakthrough (based on personal cognition and world cognition).

All units that meet the individual requirements will have a certain/small probability of activating the relevant time rotation effect every time they pass through a life cycle or are on the verge of death.

ps: The origin of the legend is the great sun...




The world is changing...

The snow in winter is falling on the ground.

Winter in the mountains always seems cooler and quieter than in the city.

The creatures may huddle in a warmer place, or spend eternal sleep to welcome the next reincarnation.

The evergreen trees are covered with piled snow, but the deciduous trees have more content.

Zhong Ling sat on the back of her old scalper, but she didn't feel cold at all.

She looked at the sky above her.

White clouds drifted by, and the stars were hidden in the midday sun. That belongs to the knowledge in textbooks about planets, about galaxies, and about the universe...

When there is no need to put it into words, it suddenly becomes vivid and interesting again.

After all, monkeys have a somewhat awkward temperament.

Even though he spent some time in the village with her, he still liked the purity of the mountains.

Even if there are no children or grandchildren here, it can still tease the innocent mountain beasts.

When he saw it again, Zhong Ling saw it squatting in front of a pool of water, sitting like a lonely old man.

No matter whether it is a person or a monkey, on days like this, those who are left alone always make people look a little pitiful.

Zhong Ling brought a lot of new products to it.

She had recently made a small fortune.

Although it is not rich, it is enough for expenses.

"Monkey, what are you looking at?"

Zhong Ling shouted towards the monkey.

The monkey didn't respond. He just shook his ears towards her as a response.

It originally had a tail.

It wasn't until he saw the native dog in Zhong Ling's house that was also wagging its tail towards its owner that he suddenly changed his mind.

Zhong Ling came over curiously, but only saw a clear, bottomless pool of water.

How can there be any excitement in the mountain pond in winter?

If it is a spring day, even if there are no small fish or shrimps, you should still be able to see larvae or artemia.

So Zhong Ling knew that the monkey had finally become stupid in the mountains.

"Shh, I'm watching the whirling world..."

The monkey said nonchalantly.

Zhong Ling knew that the monkey had no good intentions, and it had never been of such a temperament.

But just like a little human trick - when you know someone is waiting for you to say why, you just need to be patient and you can save the effort of speaking...

So, Zhong Ling found a pack of spicy strips among the New Year gifts she brought to Monkey and ate them.

She was sweating profusely after eating, and the monkey finally scratched his head.


The monkey grabbed the half-pack of spicy strips and started eating them too.

"It wasn't like this when I was the Demon King before..."

While the monkey was eating the spicy strips, he rummaged through the new year goods brought by Zhong Ling and found a pack of shrimp crackers.

"The fat pigs from the Western Mountains, the shrimps and crabs from the East China Sea..."

"It also had some majesty..."

"It's just that at that time, I was thinking about which mountain gate I would visit if I got lucky one day."

"But how can people take notice of the wild and strange mountain spirits?"

"Fortunately, I made a mistake and turned the world upside down, so that those scriptwriters at the bottom of the mountain would not have to deal with those clichés all day long..."

When the monkey said this, he put the remaining spicy strips into his mouth.

Zhong Ling felt that the monkey had eaten something.

"Now that I am left with a broken body and a fragment of my soul, who knows, I finally got what I wanted..."

"Oh, the whirling world..."

As it spoke, it suddenly stopped and looked at Zhong Ling. It looked at Zhong Ling until it felt a little hairy before saying:

"You must practice well and don't live up to your luck."

Then, he looked up at the sky again, but he didn't even eat the shrimp crackers.

Zhong Ling followed it and looked towards the sky.

Just like the pool, she didn't see any other movement.

All I saw was that the sky was clear after the snow, and a big sun was standing in the sky...

(End of this chapter)

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