The Witch of Comprehensive Network: From Azeroth to the Classic of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 1603 The beginning of the battle (1 update!)

Excessive waiting...

Costa-Je lay on the grass and looked at the night sky boredly.

At this time, he should have been killing everyone in a vicious monster lair or a cruel battlefield...

But for a more outstanding and ultimate combat experience, some slightly tedious waiting is undoubtedly worth it.

The jingling and jingling sounds reached Costa-Jie's ears along with the breeze that passed through the mountainside.

Costa-Je knows:

Those are the weak guys, working hard to build their own unique tombs.

Maybe this is just a futile struggle?

Costa-Je doesn't know.

He looks forward to every unknown and graceful encounter - when his fist penetrates his chest and infiltrates between the blood and bones, everything will come to the most perfect ending...

Of course, if there is another strong arm, it can crush his skull or break open his chest.

That is also a beautiful thing...

Costa-Je yawned.

The projection of the stars fell into his slightly bloody eyes.

Costa-Je licked his chapped lips.

Those were the traces left by a certain flaming figure on him.

Costa-Je liked the short, fishy-sweet pain.

So he kept this cruel gift.

He walks in the world in a body of flesh and blood.

He brought war, chaos and... passionate fighting...

When the distant starlight hundreds of millions of light years away quietly told him that this era was not too far away.

Costa-Jie's eyes suddenly moved slightly.

As if he had discovered something, his originally scattered gaze gradually converged on a nearby celestial body.

That's...what interesting thing?




A bright campfire burned in the bushes.

This was a scene that most druids would no doubt raise their blood pressure in an instant, but it made Ding Shi stretch his waist quite comfortably.

As I get older, my energy and blood will inevitably become a little rough.

It is obviously not appropriate to endure hardships like when you were young...

And on such a wet and cold foreign night, there is nothing more comfortable than a warm bonfire.

Because he couldn't afford extra insurance, the boy who originally carried the sword couldn't bring it with him.

So Ding Shi, who had not carried a sword by himself for a long time, could only suffer from his old waist.

He felt that he undoubtedly liked to join in the fun.

Therefore, no matter what kind of trouble he encountered, he always liked to go over and take a look.

This forced him, who was still young at the beginning, to make a huge name.

Of course now, times have changed.

He was dying and no longer had such a violent temper.

Several clusters of straight dead branches were cut down by Ding Shi's hands.

He bundled them in the palm of his hand and dropped them loosely on the ground.

The ground, which had been burnt and transparent, still had some moisture from the night.

Looking at the dead branches scattered on the ground, Ding Shi moved his body thoughtfully.

The front side has just been grilled, now it’s time to let the back side relax...



Billions of sand people are like hard-working worker ants carrying out construction.

Baraga held the scepter in his hand and stood in front of this huge unfinished building.

The long river of time always sets its time limit so fairly.

Now, it's his turn to grasp the direction of this era...

When this majestic building was completed, Baraga was convinced:

No one on this planet can stop his will...

This is the general trend, and it is also the bargaining chip he has invested in this.

How to seize your own opportunity in this unique event.

Baraga had already planned.

The sand people worked tirelessly. They will complete the casting of this miracle within one natural day.

Baraga knew that there were too many eyes that were coveting or paying attention.

They may be planning that when the time of shelter is over, they will swarm up and kill his greatness.

They may be planning to use some cunning or insidious way to take advantage of the miracles he has created.

Baraga knows it.

But he doesn't care.

They will and will only be witnesses...



"Now, it's my turn!"


Matthew's face at this moment was undoubtedly filled with arrogance.

He looked at his opponents - the other three clones - with contempt, and then played his cards with arrogance.

This is undoubtedly a killer:

Judging from the expressions of the three clones that suddenly became distressed or thoughtful, it was probably like this...

When Matthew saw this, he couldn't help but let out a wild laugh full of villain atmosphere:

"If you win this one, you only need to win ten more to make up for it!"

Matthew put his hands on his hips and calculated smugly.

The icy cold wind coming from the night did not disturb the interest of these four people.

Even if there are visitors at night, they are attracted by the lively movement here.

But after stopping to watch for a while, they all undoubtedly chose to leave.

Whether it is in the mortal world or the extraordinary realm, madness is always a scary factor...

And in that vast sky, there may not necessarily be a star that is given the elements of a morning star.

But when the night before dawn is as deep as an abyss, everyone knows that the first day of unrest is about to begin...

"The game is about to start, so I don't think this one will count."

Matthew said this after looking at the card game and then at his hand.

"Don't worry, the first one to draw a card may not necessarily get a good card."

"Perhaps it's hard to tell if it's just a piece of shit."

The other Matthew immediately glanced at the other party alertly when he saw this.

His cards are not bad...

"If it's pulpy, it's pulpy. Even if you eat shit, you have to eat a fresh bite!"

Another Matthew playing his hand noncommittally...

Under the deep night, countless noisy or strange changes are taking place...

They are waiting for the first hint of white snow on the horizon...



At this moment, Yuan Xian is flying happily...

For him now, the ability to fly is of course no longer a distant and extraordinary factor.

But in the form of an individual, flying at a speed exceeding the speed of light in the vast universe, those are undoubtedly two concepts...

In this limited timeline marked by the azure light belonging to the "observer".

Countless brilliance representing different individuals are traveling through the vast universe.

In this limited time line, only one thought is enough to travel an extremely far physical distance.

Going from one galaxy group to another is just a matter of a moment's change of mind.

Yuan Xian didn't know where Xie Xia was now.

Until the event officially started, only He Xie Xia had temporarily passed the test.

Dasha encounters some trouble, or maybe...a revelation?

For her, the trial at this moment seemed to be more meaningful.

Because in that fierce battle, she found her own path...

To be honest, Yuan Xian thought this was ridiculous.

Obviously everyone was beaten together...

And at this moment, the glow represents the end of the battle preparation time.

As if a dark curtain had been pulled down over the entire universe, bright rays of light flashed across every corner of the universe...

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