The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 778 The Truth

Chapter 778 The Truth

Over at Emperor Varan's camp, prolonged confusion hung on the faces of every commander and captain present in the abandoned building where their meeting was held.

The arrival of Hecate and her Dreamcatchers brought joy to the human side – This much was true.

However, it also brought greater confusion to Emperor Varan's side.

No one understood why Hecate was able to arrive with her reinforcement. After all, they had yet to locate Hecate's Devil's Contractor. Thus, communication and striking a deal with the Great Devil shouldn't have been possible.

In that case, why did Hecate and her Dreamcatchers appear?

For personal reasons?

Emperor Varan was under the impression that Hecate had come to settle her feud with Abaddon for the death of her followers. As such, he was concerned that they would still have to face a Great Devil no matter who came out on top.

When Emperor Varan sought out Kuvat for answers, he was only given one answer, "Wait for the Supreme Leader to return; only he has the answer."

As such, he had no choice but to wait with uncertainty.

Suddenly, a raucous laughter resounded through a large part of the imperial capital, surprising everyone. Its source seemed to have come from the eastern sea.

"Hahaha! Where is my emperor nephew? Your uncle has come to aid you! Where is the battle?! Point me in that direction!" the Sea Emperor's wild voice sounded, shocking many people.

Dragon Palace was quite far offshore from the imperial capital.

As such, no one expected any reinforcement from there--at least not within the next day or two.

It was quite surprising that the Sea Emperor arrived so fast.

However, Emperor Varan couldn't help but give a helpless and bitter smile after hearing his uncle's voice.

After all, the Sea Emperor wasn't around with his people when the battle was at its peak intensity. But now that they had arrived, the war was practically over. Even if it weren't, they wouldn't be able to do much in the face of the Rank 6 Divine Beings.

Nevertheless, Emperor Varan still had to receive his uncle regardless.

"Uncle, how did you arrive so fast? No, how did you even receive word of the situation here so quickly?" Emperor Varan inquired with surprise after meeting up with the Sea Emperor, who came with a force of 10,000 men.

However, these men were all battle-hardened warriors with only a step away from Transcendence.

On the other hand, the Sea Emperor was more impressive. Despite looking quite primitive in his crude sea armor, his aura has surpassed the Transcendent Rank.

"The Dragon-Serpent King notified me when the crimson light appeared. After that, the Sea Serpent Clan assisted us in reaching the mainland quickly," the Sea Emperor explained while wildly searching the area. So, where's the battle?"

"The battle has ended, for the time being, Uncle. You came sooner than expected but still late, nonetheless," Emperor Varan smiled wryly.

"Ended? How is that possible?" the Sea Emperor was dumbfounded.

"Haha..." Emperor Varan forced a laugh and said, "I'll explain to you on the way. Let me take you to introduce some people to you, Uncle."

"This... Alright," the Sea Emperor blankly agreed, still finding difficulty accepting the situation.

Pangea Star System, Asteroid Field

After warping through space for roughly twenty minutes straight, Vaan and Hecate arrived at the outer rim of the asteroid field region.

"What happened here?" Hecate was astounded after she had a closer look at the place.

Originally, she thought the asteroid field was just a huge space region full of asteroids. However, it was actually the remnants of planetary structures and a lost civilization.

It was unknown how many planets had been destroyed to form the asteroid field, but it was a truly vast region of space debris—stretching over 200,000,000 kilometers in width and orbiting the sun.

"An ancient great battle between clashing civilizations, or perhaps a massacre caused by Outer Beings," Vaan casually replied while surveying the region for points of interest.

"Not much is known about Pangea's history, and what I have learned about it can't be trusted from the root sources. Perhaps the actual truth about the past can only be found here."

"Then, let us find it together; I am also curious about Pangea's history," Hecate expressed interest.

Vaan nodded.

According to what he knew, Golden Dragon Pangea was imprisoned on the toxic water planet by an unknown advanced civilization, and a clash between it and her dragon civilization resulted in the star system's present state.

However, the Blessed Golden Dragon Tribe believed that Golden Dragon Pangea willingly imprisoned herself on the planet to give the unknown advanced civilization a chance to deter her dragon civilization from acting against it.

Although Vaan didn't know how much of the reason behind it was true, he also believed Golden Dragon Pangea willingly stayed on the planet.

After all, having seen the Pangea planet from outer space, he had not discovered anything that could have been used to keep Golden Dragon Pangea imprisoned on it.

From this, he could derive that Golden Dragon Pangea had a good relationship with the unknown advanced civilization or, at the very least, shared their sentiments.

Although it should have been obvious what the unknown advanced civilization was, Vaan wanted to avoid jumping to conclusions before obtaining more concrete evidence.

However, now that he had found some clues in the asteroid field, he could no longer deny it.

The unknown advanced civilization indeed belonged to humans.

The truth became quite clear, from the ruined megastructures inside the moon's core to the fragments of spaceships and cold corpses floating throughout the asteroid field.

Golden Dragon Pangea wanted to protect the human civilization from her dragon civilization. Alas, she probably didn't expect that her action would be fruitless in stopping the clash between the two civilizations.

More importantly, no one also knew that Outer Beings would arrive and ruin them all.

As Vaan explored the asteroid field, he found remnants of both the dragon and human civilizations. There wasn't a single shred of life in the vast asteroid field region; it was a wasteland of the dead, one big graveyard.

Unfortunately, any remnant technology and artifacts had been ruined beyond usability.

Nevertheless, the one other thing Vaan came for was found in abundance—divine energy crystals. Any large piece of space debris would have at least a chunk of it, if not more.

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