The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 773 Fearsome Thought

Chapter 773 Fearsome Thought

The discovery of Fourth Dimensional Energy immediately startled Vaan.

Such energy should only be found in the fourth-dimensional world. Of course, fourth-dimensional beings could have also left it behind, which seemed more likely to be the case.

In that case, it further proved that fourth-dimensional beings had visited this space region before. The Earth Spirit Worm alone was already sufficient proof.

Nevertheless, Vaan couldn't help but recall Varuna's memories.

He remembered that the Outer Beings were constantly drawn to Chaos despite the vast sea of nothingness between them. Furthermore, they couldn't break the barrier protecting Chaos from it.

If the Lord of Chaos hadn't wiped out the subsequent waves of Outer Beings, they would have likely found their way to the vulnerable, youngest chaosverse – his universe.

However, according to Vanitas's memories, they quickly encountered the Outer Beings after entering the Divine Realm's Divine Abyss of Absolute Beginning.

How could there have been Outer Beings in the depths of the supermassive black hole known as the Divine Abyss of Absolute Beginning?

Nevertheless, the Divine Abyss of Absolute Beginning quickly got Vaan thinking.

What if the Divine Abyss of Absolute Beginning was, in truth, a special gateway leading not only outside the chaosverse but to the fabled fourth-dimensional world?

Perhaps it was hinting that the absolute beginning of the chaosverse could be sourced back to the fourth-dimensional world. In other words, the fourth-dimensional world was responsible for the birth of the chaosverse.

Just like how a two-dimensional shape drawn on paper wouldn't exist if the pen hadn't entered human hands first, the birth of chaosverses could be the result of some random act in the fourth-dimensional world.

If that were the truth, it would be quite terrifying.

After all, the birth of the chaosverse was considered a miracle. However, after it was observed to be recurring over a long period, it became accepted as normal as the world's natural laws.

If people found out this miraculous event was no more than a casual dump from a fourth-dimensional being, they wouldn't know what to think or believe.

Of course, the actual truth of the matter probably wouldn't be something that vulgar.

However, it was more likely to be something similar to a bodily function instead of an action dictated by choice.

After all, a farmer feeding their chickens every morning would also be considered an absolute law to the observing chickens--at least, until the farmer led them to the slaughterhouse.

In that sense, Vaan was more inclined to believe the chaosverse was something similar to a drop of blood born from the bone marrow of a much larger fourth-dimensional being; its entire cycle and purpose was to supply oxygen and energy to this complex fourth-dimensional body.

This thought was born from understanding the black holes' endless appetite for starlight.

The stars produced a seemingly limitless amount of energy, but everything eventually ended in the depths of black holes.

What would it be used for if all this energy flowed back to the fourth-dimensional world?

If Vaan had to venture a guess, it was the sustenance supporting the unimaginably big fourth-dimensional being.

But in that case, how would the said fourth-dimensional being view the growing Chaos in its body?

Chaos's existence itself defied the world's natural order; it took in every doomed chaosverses, originally bound to disappear at the end of their cycles.

On that point, Chaos would be no different from growing cancer in the eyes of that fourth-dimensional being.

And like all cancer, it had to be removed or destroyed.

Vaan wasn't sure how much time Chaos had before such a time came. However, he could only hope he was wrong about his whole speculation.

Nevertheless, although it seemed like Vaan had spent a lot of time dwelling on the matter, only a short instant had passed in reality after he discovered the presence of Fourth Dimensional Energy.


The Blood Devil Abaddon howled, generating spacequakes throughout the surrounding space region and making it unstable.

He seemed to have gained one of the Earth Spirit Worm's abilities. Moreover, it was one that worked to Vaan's disadvantage.

Vaan couldn't help but wonder if his fourth-dimensional talent had caused the difficulty tribulation to upgrade in the fourth-

dimensional aspect to match him.

If that was the case, the heavens should go and screw itself.

'Damn thing isn't making it easy for me,' Vaan narrowed his eyes, locking gaze with Blood Devil Abaddon.

Neither side seemed to move for a moment. But the moment Blood Devil Abaddon did, space itself seemed to have shattered behind him, creating dimensional cracks and rifts.

While some led to a part of Chaos, others also connected with the endless sea of nothingness.

The two were just like two sides of the same coin.

However, the two were also at odds, like water and fire, and the current chaosverse was the innocent passerby caught in the middle of their conflict.

Nevertheless, Vaan couldn't believe how fragile the universe was—seeing how easily the dimensional fractures formed in Blood Devil Abaddon's trail.

The poor universe had certainly been beaten black and blue by the Outer Beings. Calling it a complete mess was probably an understatement; it was most likely on its last legs.

The substantial damage to the chaosverse had greatly hastened its destruction.

Nevertheless, Vaan instantly reacted with his swiftest retreat, expecting a much tougher chase than before.

However, it appeared he had overthought the matter.

Blood Devil Abaddon had indeed grown stronger after his ghastly transformation. However, his increased size and strength also came at the cost of speed.

Including the crumbling space around him, Blood Devil Abaddon's speed was practically crippled compared to before.

Even without relying on the Spatial Law, Vaan had no difficulty evading the present Blood Devil Abaddon.

What seemed like a worse situation at a glance, in fact, turned out to be a blessing.

A smile suddenly crept on Vaan's face as he utilized the power of fire and wind to evade Blood Devil Abaddon's mindless pursuit for some time.

His backer had finally arrived!

In the far distance of dark space, Hecate swiftly shuttled over after following the traces of battle they left behind.

When Hecate came within sight, she locked her gaze with Vaan and nodded.

However, Blood Devil Abaddon's ghastly form quickly captured her attention the next instant.

"What the hell is that?" Hecate uttered with great surprise.

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