The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 73:


Finally, the summon was finished and Forzelotte held her breath seeing the man that suddenly appear before him.

He has a silky dark-brown slightly long hair that reaches his collarbone. His face is devilishly handsome, that enchanting wine-red eyes and that white smooth skin that could make any women out there feeling envious. And the way he currently dressed is very sexy as well, his upper clothes are currently unbuttoned exposing his perfect muscle chest and perfect abs. While his pants are not properly connected by his belt as well enabling his waist to be slightly visible.

This man is obviously Issei, he used his magic at the last second just before he was summoned, and because of his brain still isn't focused enough from the broken seal that Forzelotte put inside him he can't properly wear his clothes. Even now his breathing was slightly rugged and he's also sweating a little bit.

If any normal women saw Issei current appearance then they will instantly become head over heels towards him because his current appearance is so mesmerizing. His little bit of sweat on his body just made him even more mouthwatering.

Forzelotte only mesmerized because it's her other half not because he's handsome. If he's not her other half then she could care less even if he was the most handsome man in the multiverse.

Issei also starts inspecting her right now and he has to admit that she's indeed as beautiful as Semiramis and co. (AN:

He still needs to process on what's happening inside his body, he knows that right now his soul is interlinked with her. And he got no one to blame for that but himself because he's the one who decided to protect her back then even though she already told him to leave her be.

If anything he should be thankful towards her that he's still alive right now or he would've died a long time ago.

Forzelotte stands up from her throne and walked forward until she arrives at Issei's front.

Forzelotte - ...We've finally met again... My significant other... Issei...

She extended her hands toward Issei's face and he doesn't try to evade her touch in the slightest.

Forzelotte - Fufufu, just like I expected... My <Devour> skill doesn't work on you.

<Devour> is Forzelotte Unique skill. She can <Devour> anything that related to mana, whether it be life force or magic itself she can absorb it all. But she can only absorb an attack from those that are weaker than her or at least on par with her in terms of overall strength.

If the opposite party has greater strength than her then she won't be able to absorb their attack.

The other downside is that she also can't touch any of her subordinates directly or they will die instantly. She needs to complete the pact between her and Issei to gain perfect control over her unique skill.

One of the reasons she became the Supreme Overlord on this world is because of that unique skill of hers. As for the other reasons, she's a really capable and strong woman as well. And her biggest trump card is Issei himself...

Every Demonkin agreed to her position as the Supreme Overlord, as well as the other faction for that matter. Whether it be The Celestials or The humans, they all agreed to it without any objection.

After touching his cheeks for a while she moved her hand slightly toward the mark on his cheek, which is the claw-like mark tattoo of his.

Forzelotte - Can you feel it? This mark is what connects us with each other...

By having their souls interlinked neither of them could die as long as the other one still alive. If you want to kill either Issei and Forzelotte herself then you need to kill them both at the same time.

So, even if Rias didn't reincarnate Issei as a devil back then when he's "Killed" by Reynare, Issei wouldn't have died anyway. He will automatically revive himself after some time. And if his whole body disappears then his soul would've gone toward Forzelotte's place and vice versa.

And that's why Issei is her biggest trump card. The only one who knows about Issei is only her close aide that absolutely won't betray her in any way.

Forzelotte - Do you still remember my name, Issei?

Issei - ...I do... Forzelotte Savant.

Forzelotte smile grew wider after hearing that he still remembers her name but then she sensed something odd about Issei's soul. She started frowning while inspecting his soul current state.

Forzelotte - ...Why are your current souls slightly different from before? I can sense traces of some sort of corrupting element inside it... I see... So what I felt back then is not just my misconception...

She remembered what she felt a while ago. (AN: That time when Issei <Evil Pieces> started to corrupting his soul right before he's reborn as a Dragon.)

Even though Issei current soul is not corrupted anymore but there are still a tiny traces of it and it will take some time before it will completely disappear. It won't affect him in any way, but it still angers Forzelotte that someone dares to do this towards her other half.

Her yellow eyes glowed brightly and her smile turned into a scowl after realizing it was not just her misconception back then.

Forzelotte - Who was it... What's causing your soul to become tainted with this filthy corruption? Who's responsible for it... Tell me.

Her bloodlust started to go wild after thinking that there's actually someone that dares to corrupt her other half beautiful soul. She will make sure that the one who's responsible for it pay dearly.

Issei - ...It's already in the past, and it's quite a long story, to be honest...

Forzelotte - Just tell me, I have all the time in the world.

Issei - ...

Issei is thinking if he should tell her about his past life or not and when he was about to decide to tell her there's another portal created nearby. And the one who comes out from it is Semiramis, Scathach, and Irene.

Semiramis and co - Ise!

They are glad to see that Issei is still safe and sound then they saw Forzelotte who's emitting bloodlust. They clearly misunderstood her bloodlust and thought that it was aimed at Issei.

Semiramis - Get away from him! <Chain of Death>!

Semiramis instantly cast her magic at Forzelotte. Scathach and Irene also launched their respective attack towards Forzelotte.

Scathach - <Impaler Strike>!

Irene - <Dragon Flame>!

Issei - Wai-!

Issei was about to stop them from attacking but it's too late because they've already launched their attack.

Semiramis attack takes a form of a dozen black chains that contains <Death> element inside it, Irene used her flame breath while Scathach threw her spear which contains her <Ougi> towards Forzelotte.

Forzelotte - How dare you! Hmph, <Devour>!

Forzelotte easily devoured both Semiramis and Irene attack since both of their attacks contains mana so it's useless against her, the moment their attack reached her, it disappears into thin air, and as for Scathach attack she calmly deflected her spear to the side but she felt some weird intent behind her attack but since that intent contain her <Qi> then it's also devoured by Forzelotte as well.

Semiramis and co - Wha?!

All of them are surprised seeing Forzelotte being able to take all their attack head-on like that.

Sure that was not their full powered attack because they don't want to hurt Issei in the process but it's still quite strong. So it's understandable that they're surprised seeing someone able to easily handle their attack combination.

Forzelotte - Who sent you here? Well, it doesn't matter, because all of you will die here... <Black Ho-

Forzelotte extended her hand and was about to launch her own attack when Issei stopped her from doing so.

Issei - Stop, Forzelotte...

He grasped Forzelotte extended hand to stop her from launching her own attack.

Forzelotte - ...Why are you stopping me, Issei?

Semiramis and co are also confused about what's going on. Because when Issei stopped her, she appears to be obeying his command because the moment Issei put his hand on her she stopped her attack.

Semiramis - Just what is going on here, dearest?

Forzelotte - ...Dearest? What she meant by that, Issei?

Forzelotte body twitched when she heard Semiramis calling Issei with that nickname then she glared at Issei demanding for an explanation.

Issei sighed tiredly because he needs to do a lot of explaining now...

Issei - The thing is...

Then Issei explained everything to them. He told Forzelotte that Semiramis and co are his women.

Scathach blushed slightly when he said that she's his woman, but she's feeling happy inside. The same goes for Semiramis and Irene.

Then he explained his past when he was a kid and how he met Forzelotte back then. Semiramis and co become completely surprised and they feel glad that he's alive until now. They also felt thankful toward Forzelotte because if not for her then this idiot here would've died a long time ago and they would've never met with each other.

Irene - ...I swear, partner... You need to start thinking about yourself more...

Irene felt a headache thinking about Issei conducts because he almost lost his life for someone else even when he was still a kid. It's nice of him to be that way but she's worried that he might lose his life because of this someday and that's not a thing that she wants to see.

Issei - Err... My bad...

Semiramis - Dearest... We need to have a little talk later. Understand?💢

Issei - Y-Yes, ma'am...

Semiramis pulled at Issei's ear while glaring at him and Issei can only smile wryly because he is the one at fault here.

Scathach - Hahahah, it's good to know that even when you're still a brat you're manly enough to put your life on the line to protect someone in need... But just like Irene said, you need to think about yourself more, baka-deshi!

At first, Scathach laughed jovially but soon glared at Issei. They're all happy that the man they love is still the way he is even during his childhood, but it's quite worrying for them if he keeps putting his life on the line like that. They're happy and worried at the same time.

Forzelotte - Hoo... So you're saying that the three of them is your woman?

Forzelotte narrowed her eyes towards Semiramis and co, she started inspecting them thoroughly and she has to admit they're beautiful enough and also quite strong as well from their brief confrontation back then.

From her point of view, their power is at least on par with her. And if it wasn't for her <Devour> skill then their attack combination just now could've hurt her.

Forzelotte - ...Very well, I allow you to take them as your concubine.

Semiramis - ...Excuse me?

Forzelotte - What? I said I allow him to take all of you as his concubine.

Semiramis - And why are we the concubine here?

Forzelotte - Obviously because I will be his main wife.

Semiramis - Hee, is that so?

Forzelotte - That is so.

Semiramis and Forzelotte gazed at each other and there's a spark when their gaze intersected with each other.

Irene - Heheh, you really never cease to amaze me though, beloved. You actually managed to attract another godly being... Supreme Overlord huh... This ought to be very interesting.

She couldn't help but wonder what would the reaction of the Maou back in their original world when she saw Forzelotte... Well, maybe when the time comes, Forzelotte won't be the Supreme Overlord anymore because her beloved will take her place as the Supreme Overlord... She can't wait for that day to come.

Scathach - Indeed, I wonder if I will have the chance to fight her at full power later.

Scathach blood boils because she found another person that she deems worthy enough to give her a challenge.

Issei could only smile wryly because he's the only one who finds this whole thing troublesome it seems. But he needs to tell Forzelotte about something.

Issei - Forzelotte.

Hearing Issei calling her name Forzelotte finally break her eye contact with Semiramis, the same goes for Semiramis.

Forzelotte - What?

Issei - I don't differentiate my woman, to me all of my women have the same importance as the others. I would never put a rank on them, to me they all are my number one. I know that this is selfish of me but that's just how I am.

Forzelotte - ...

Forzelotte knows what he wanted to convey here. What he meant is, to him, all of his women are equal in his eyes. He won't favor someone over the others, so he will not make any of his woman to be his concubine. They ALL will only just be his beloved wife, no more no less.

She's in a dilemma after hearing Issei's words. She's happy and annoyed at the same time. Happy because that means he will never favor the new and forsake the old if he were to have another woman in his life.

And also, if he was to differentiate between his woman then she might be dead last because she is the last to get inside his life, even though they've already met during his childhood, that doesn't count because back then he still doesn't even understand the basic relationship between man and woman so of course there will be feelings developing between them.

If she wasn't fortifying her position as the Supreme Overlord back then. Then maybe she could've been Issei's number one but reality said otherwise, so she's glad that he has this sort of mentality. She just can't accept that she's not his first woman, in other words, she's just feeling jealous of Semiramis and co for being able to spend their time with Issei while she's stuck here.

If she could, then she would've abandoned this position of hers back then. But she can't because if she were to abandon her position, then there will be millions of casualties just to compete for the empty throne. That's why she has to take this position whether she likes it or not.

She's not bothered by how many women he has because, in this world, power means everything. So it's normal for a strong and capable individual to have a harem of their own, whether it be a male or female harem.

There are many examples that can be found all across the realm. Whether it be the Celestial realm or the Human Kingdom. Each and every one of them views harem as a symbol of power as well.

But of course there are some that are not fond of creating a harem, and one of them is Forzelotte herself. She only wants to have one man in her entire life, and her unique skill also doesn't allow her to have a harem of her own because she can only share half of her soul with one person only. And that man is Issei which she met years ago.

Semiramis and co could also see that Forzelotte is feeling jealous of them and they can understand that feeling well because they're woman themselves. If they're the one who's in her place then they would've felt the same.

After thinking a bit more Forzelotte finally exhaled a sigh and accepted Issei words.

Forzelotte - ...I understand. I won't force you to make them your concubine.

Issei - Um, thank you for your understanding.

Forzelotte - But!...

Issei - Hm?

Forzelotte suddenly raised her voice.

Forzelotte - I shall be the first to bear your child, and I will take no for an answer.

Issei - Err...

Issei awkwardly looked at Semiramis, the same goes for Scathach and Irene because they know that Semiramis was the one who wanted to bear Issei's firstborn.

Semiramis - I have to deny that claim because I shall be the first to bear his child.

Semiramis obviously won't back down on this one, but the same goes for Forzelotte as well.

Forzelotte - Then I believe we have come to a standstill...

Semiramis - Indeed...

They glared at each other once again and Issei rubbed his forehead feeling a little headache seeing their interaction. Irene and Scathach smirked towards him, their eyes are saying "So, what will you do about this one?". He indeed doesn't have any solution for this one.

On one hand, Semiramis have helped him many times before this, but Forzelotte is also his savior when he was a kid and she has been waiting for years for their reunion. She also gave half of her soul to him, and if wasn't for her, then he would've died a long time ago.

Scathach - How about you both have a duel to settle it?

But then Scathach came up with a great idea and she told them about it.

Semiramis/Forzelotte - Oh?

Both Semiramis and Forzelotte interest got piqued by her idea and they stopped their staring contest once again.

Forzelotte - Duel?

Scathach - Yes, you both can do a mock battle with each other and the winner will be Issei's firstborn mother. Simple right?

Semiramis - ...Indeed, that sounds simple enough. Then do you agree with this, Forzelotte?

Forzelotte - Hmm, of course. I believe it will be quite interesting to fight with the Goddess of Death herself, Semiramis was it? Very well, I accept your challenge.

Both of them smirked at each other, their fighting will is burning brightly.

Issei - ...Shishou.

Scathach - What? Do you have any better idea, baka-deshi?

Issei - ...No.

Scathach - Then let them fight it out, it's better that way anyway rather have you choose between one of them.

Irene - She's right, knowing your personality, you won't be able to choose either of them anyway. So it's better to let them fight it out.

Issei - Fine... But I'm stopping them if the situation calls for it.

Scathach - Oh, of course, we will stop them when things got out of hands. So don't worry.

Irene - And I believe that by fighting it out they will become best sisters in no time at all.

Scathach - Exactly, let them talk with their fists! Hahaha!

Issei - ...

Both Scathach and Irene laughed at each other like what they just said is a good thing. Both of them is kind of the battle maniac aka muscle brain. So it's not surprising that they have the same wavelength on things like this.

Issei can only sigh tiredly after seeing them.


Then Irene summoned the other girls who are left behind to their current location. And all of them swarmed towards Issei the moment they saw him. They're glad that he's fine but soon they realize that Semiramis about to have a duel with another person, so they asked him just what happened.

When they heard the reason for their duel is to decide who shall be the first to bear Issei children they are left speechless. But they do understand both of their feelings as a fellow woman though so it's not that hard to accept.

So they started their duel, thankfully they held back when they're fighting with each other so Issei and co don't have to interfere but it was still a very devastating fight regardless. And if they weren't fighting at the special arena then the whole realm would've been alerted.

Ramius and co are in awe after watching their fight, so that's what God's battle looks like they thought. But they are not feeling depressed because they believe they can reach their rank someday as long as they keep training.

Issei smiled watching Ramius and co are still motivated to get stronger even when they saw an actual God in battle, there are not many who can do the same as them. Some even felt despair when they're faced with an opponent that they couldn't hope to surmount.

The result of Semiramis and Forzelotte duel is a draw. They could get a better result if they use their full power but since they're not sworn enemy then they have no reason to do so.

Both of them are confused just what to do about this until Issei told them that he won't have any child right now until his problem about Nyarlathotep is finished.

Only then Semiramis and co remembered that their beloved is marked by the God of Chaos itself. Forzelotte at first doesn't understand from what he meant by that but after she realized what they're talking about is THAT God of Chaos, she also becomes pale because if there's anyone that could break her bond with Issei, then it's Nyarlathotep itself.

Because its <Chaos> element is even more dangerous compared to her <Devour> skill. If Issei got killed by Nyarlathotep then he will truly die, the same goes for her, no second chances because <Chaos> destroy everything no matter what they are.

But thankfully from what she's been told, Nyarlathotep gave Issei its mark. That means he still has a chance.

Forzelotte - Fumu, Issei. Let's complete our pact. You can gain my power once we've completed the pact.

Issei - No.

Issei knows what she meant by complete their pact. It means to have sex with her but he refuses her suggestion.

Forzelotte - ...What?

Forzelotte thought that he would agree with her suggestion because any logical person would agree to it. So she thought she misheard his words or perhaps he just doesn't understand it.

Forzelotte - Did you know what you're saying? If you gain my power then you will have a better chance of facing Nyarlathotep...

Issei - I know... But I won't have sex with you just to gain your power, I don't want that.

Forzelotte - ...

Forzelotte becomes stupefied after hearing the reason on why he's refusing her offer.

Semiramis - Fufufu, give it up, Fozelotte... That's the kind of man he is, and that's also why we all fell for him. Right, girls?

The other girls nodded with a smile as well after hearing Semiramis question. Because this side of Issei what makes them attracted at him, he always put their well being over his. But sometimes they hoped that he thinks about himself more though...

Forzelotte lives where the strong rules over the weak, so all of them usually will do anything to become stronger whatever it is. She also agrees with this point of view.

So that's why she would do anything to make her other half to become the strongest no matter the cost. She would sacrifice anything to make it happen, even her own purity.

But it seems she's mistaken thinking that Issei has the same belief as her... Oddly enough, she likes him more this way. She never felt this way before... This feeling of being cared about. She felt like dozens of butterfly is fluttering inside her stomach when she felt his care for her.

Semiramis - But she's right, dearest... You need to get all the power you can get if you want to have a better chance of facing Nyarlathotep, and while we're at it... It's about time that you make me yours as well, don't you think?

Semiramis grinned at Issei teasingly.

Scathach - Umu, too bad that I can't give you anything other than my spear.

Issei - You've already given me plenty enough, Shishou. Don't belittle yourself.

Scathach - U-Umu. Good to know that you understand that...

Scathach got slightly embarrassed hearing Issei's words but she's happy that he recognize her effort.

Then Issei looked towards Semiramis who's currently grinning at him. He knows that he can't get out from this one... It is about time he makes her as his...

Issei - Semiramis... Will you be my wife?

Semiramis - Ufufufu, hai, gladly.❤

Semiramis smiled happily after hearing Issei proposal.

Forzelotte frowned a little but soon sighed tiredly.

Forzelotte - ...Fine, you can have sex with her first. But next one in line will be me, do you understand, Issei?

Forzelotte glared at the other girls and then at Issei himself because he has been waiting for this moment for an entire 11 years, Semiramis is the only one she will allow to go first but that's her limit, she won't let anyone stand in her way on the next-in-line.

She still has to prepare herself anyway so she might as well let Semiramis goes first. But, after that, it's her turn and she will take no for an answer. The other girls obviously don't want to earn her ire so they all nodded stiffly.

Scathach doesn't really care either way because he still needs Issei to surpass her in battle before she would allow him to claim herself as his. Her pride as the Queen of the Land of Shadow won't allow that.

Issei - G-Got it...

Forzelotte - Fumu, you can use the room I've prepared for you if you want.

Semiramis - No need, I have my own place in mind. Then let's go, dearest~❤

Semiramis hugged Issei arm and dragged him toward the rift opening she just created.

Issei - O-Ou...

Issei could only smile wryly seeing her being so happy like this, even her cute long ears started moving up and down because of how happy she is now.

After seeing both of them disappears from the room, Forzelotte called one of her close aides to escort the other girls to their respective room.

All of them already introduced themselves towards her and when Forzelotte saw that most of them are weak she frowned a little, she doesn't care about their race, what she cares about are will they be her husband burden later on?

But after seeing the fighting will inside their eyes she erase that thought because she's sure that they won't be a burden for Issei in the future so she smiled thinly at herself thinking that Issei sure knows how to pick his women. As to be expected for her other half she thought.

Forzelotte - Meryl.

When Forzelotte called her aide, the one who entered the room is a pretty woman that looks like still in her teens.

She has slightly tanned skin, she has whitish-brown colored hair that tied into a twintail that reached her shoulder. Her eyes are green colored and her ears are elongated like the Kalars, her body shape is quite average, it's neither voluptuous or flat but she's still quite beautiful overall. (AN:

She's clearly a demon-race, they could tell from just her magic aura alone. She kneeled in front of Forzelotte waiting for her orders.

Meryl - At your command, Forzelotte-sama.

Forzelotte - Bring these girls to the empty room we have, treat them well. That's an order.

Meryl - As you wish. Is there anything else, Forzelotte-sama?

Forzelotte - Umu, inform Rakia that if these girls here wanted to buy something then she could just put it in my tab. I will pay for them. That will be all.

Meryl - Understood. Then please excuse me... And If you all could follow me, please.

Meryl stands up and bowed one last time before looking at Riche and co and asked them to follow her.

She doesn't need to ask just what's a human doing here, she only needs to obey Forzelotte orders. Then she brought them all towards their respective rooms and informed Rakia as well.

Forzelotte retreated to her own room and started preparing herself.


At Issei's current location.

They both arrived in front of what appears to be a flying fortress. Issei is amazed by the size of the Fortress before them.

Semiramis - Fufufu, isn't it amazing? This is my own personal fortress, <Hanging Gardens of Babylon: Aerial Garden of Vanity>...

It is an enormous fortress capable of housing thousands of people, assembled with systematically ordered floating masses, covered in floors of marble, stone balconies, many pillars, and every kind of plant life entangled and intertwined over the construct in a manner described as a "unification of unsightly disorder and luxurious beauty." It contains a throne room used as its main means of control, allowing Semiramis to cause it to activate by touching a large jewel on her throne's armrest.

It also can be seen as her personal domain, it's been a very long time since the last time she used this fortress.

Semiramis - All of this will be yours soon, dearest... Now let's head inside shall we?

Then Semiramis teleported both of them inside the fortress directly into her personal bedroom.

The fortress is very clean because it can clean itself so there is not a speck of dust can be found inside it.


At Semiramis room.

Semiramis and Issei are on the bed with the former mounting the latter. Semiramis used her magic to make both of their clothes disappear, after seeing Issei's bare body she licked her lips seductively and ran her dainty fingers across his chest down to his abs.

Issei also felt extremely aroused after seeing Semiramis flawless and perfect body. That full and firm breasts of hers that incite his lust to the maximum after seeing it, he loves the way it jiggles just from the slight movement of her body and that sexy smooth waist of her without a single ounce of excess fat. Everything about her is perfect he thought...

Semiramis - Fufufu, shall we get started... Dearest~❤?

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