The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 68:

The party went to Hamlet and visited Croix at the hospital in Horatio.

Towa - I'm sorry I made you bring me along.

Issei - Don't worry about it. I'd feel bad stealing you from the kids as well.

Issei hugged Towa's body close and give her forehead a kiss. She blushed instantly along with the nurses who saw their interaction, they wished they could be in Towa's position right now.

Towa - Uuuu, I-Ise-san...

Issei chuckled at her and decided to stop teasing her for now.

Issei - I can teleport here instantly anyway. Just ask and I can send you any time.

Towa - Okay! Thank you.


Riche - This is onee-chan's room.

Once they arrived at the part of the hospital for special patients, Riche knocked on a door and went inside.

Croix - Oh, it's Otouto! Hey, let's go out and do something fun! I've been so bored.

Issei - Err...

Just as they entered the room, Croix was so excited to see Issei and she ran right over and glomped herself on his arm once again.

Acheval - Sorry, but I can't let you do that, Princess. The King has ordered me to not let you out of my sight.

Ramius - Good job looking after Princess Croix, Aniue. It must have been a lot of work.

Acheval - Eh, I guess.

Croix - Father worries too much...

Silent - Good day to you, Issei-sama. She's gone through every type of checkup imaginable, so I can guarantee she's in good health.

Acting like her being there was perfectly natural, Silent pulled Croix away from Issei and pushed her onto the bed.

Riche - Every type... That's a lot.

Silent - There happened to be enough time, you see... By the way, I can confirm she's fertile and hopes to see her have a healthy baby.


Even Issei is speechless hearing that.

Croix - But I'm bored... Ne, otouto, run away with me!

Issei - ...

Riche - Don't be silly, onee-chan... We don't want any mishap happening now, do we?

Croix - Well, now I feel bad...

Silent - If you're that bored, allow me to go over the plans again.

After prompting the rest of the group to have a seat too, Silent began.

Silent - The final wedding ritual is to be held on the big bridge between the Central Empire and the State of Hamlet City.

Issei - Hmm, the last of the rituals huh...

Silent - First, there will be a parade going from a city to the bridge. Princess Croix will ride in a specially-made cow carriage.

Kathryn - A parade? How needlessly extravagant.

Croix - It is rather embarrassing, but the event is supposed to draw attention.

Silent - Prince Felton, playing the part of the First Ancestor, will come from the other side of the bridge and meet with Princess Croix, playing the part of Eve, in front of Bride's Tower.

Issei - Recreating the events in the <Evenicle> was it...

Silent - That will be the climax of the wedding ritual. For those of you prone to crying, don't forget your handkerchiefs.

Kathryn - Ugh, some people just start wailing at weddings, right.

Silent - Once the wedding ritual is over, there is a banquet planned in the capital of the Central Empire. By the way, Princess Croix will be changing into eight different dresses over the course of the banquet, so that everyone can enjoy.

Croix - Aaw, but changing that much is annoying.

Silent - This is a once in a lifetime event. I'll make it as grandiose as Princess Croix deserves.

Ramius - Your dedication is incredible.

Gurigura - I wanna see lots of Princess Croix in pretty dresses.

Issei - Central Empire, what it's like over there?

Riche - I've never been there either. All I know is that it's cold, but the indoor heaters are too strong.

Issei - I wonder if anyone can tell us about it? *Glance*

Gurigura - If they did it using cute pictures, it could be really fun... *Glance*

Towa - ...Um, shall I tell everyone about Central?

Gurigura - Yaaay! Please do!

Issei - It'd feel wrong going to a new country without one of your stories.

Towa - C-Compliments won't get you anything in return.

Ramius - You could at least give him more intense action one of these nights.

Towa - Yes, if that's all, I would gladly- Wait, no! I mean... I wouldn't mind, but...

Silent - Ever a lively family you have, Issei-sama.

Issei - Um, indeed.

Towa - ...Ahem, now let me begin. About the Central Empire...

The land currently inhabited by the Central Empire is the original human homeland in the World of Eve. Following the death of Archfiend Adan, the climate grew dramatically colder, sealing the coasts of the continent during winter months and complicating life as food supplies began to dwindle. This was the impetus for the mass exodus led by King Arthur to other continents, resulting in the bridge that now connects it to the neighboring continent that contains the City-State of Hamlet. The inhabitants that remained behind would later unite to make up the current Central Empire, which has rise to power through its economic importance as a source of crystal goods.

It was one of the key players during the Arthur Tragedy, before which Central was under the rule of Emperor Viaries. He had invested a significant budget into hiring the poppins of Humpty for the construction of Battleship Digamma, the greatest sailing ship the world had ever seen. After the tragedy, the battleship was lost and Viaries disappeared into isolation. His son, Prince Felton, has been the nation's de facto ruler since.

Central is still one of the world's great powers, alongside the Kingdoms of Eden and of El Quixote. Beside their prominent military, the nation has business in the market for crystal products, which are used for magic and assorted luxuries.

The Central Empire is home to four major cities: Central, Leftest, Lightning, and Aubade. The first three cities are each close to a major ruin from the days of Mother Eve. Central is not far from the Mirror Labyrinth, a ruin that plays a key role in the history of Mother Eve and the First Ancestor. The labyrinth is now guarded by a mysterious creature.

The towns of Leftest and Lightning are both close to one of the three famous towers created by Mother Eve. Leftest is close to Ancestor's Tower, where the First Ancestor was imprisoned for an extended time. The town of Lightning is home to Bride's Tower, where Eve and the First Ancestor were married. The tower underwent a good deal of decay over the ages but was recently restored in preparation for the marriage between Prince Felton and Princess Croix of Eden. The final town of Central, Aubade, is a simple coastal town.

The third tower created by Mother Eve - Humanity's Tower, the birthplace of humankind - once existed on the continent of Central but has since been lost. It is believed to have sunken into the sea.

Towa - Each country cooperated with others when necessary, but for the most part, they isolated themselves. But with the destruction of the Kingdom of Arthur, I believe we found a common enemy in the monsters and came together. We can't go back to being a united people again, but I hope Felton and Princess Croix's marriage will make us all closer. Much like how the First Ancestor and Mother Eve were close so long ago... The end.

Gurigura - Those three towers are pretty famous.

Kathryn - Well, it's basically the first thing you see when you open a history textbook.

Riche - The disappearance of Humanity's Tower... One of history's greatest mysteries... Just hearing about it gets me excited.

Silent - The wedding ritual will require escorting Princess Croix out of the bridge, by the way.

Riche - Bringing the bride to the groom is usually the dad's job.

Acheval - Well, the king's in Eden, so... Sucks, but guess I have to-

??? - No, that's the one duty I must do.

Riche - Huh? Father?

Shocked by the sudden sound of the King of Eden's voice, everyone looked around but didn't see him anywhere.

Issei - Oh, the transmitter?

Louin - Yes, I picked it up and happened to hear the conversation. I didn't intend to eavesdrop. HOWEVER, THAT DUTY IS MINE ALONE!

Issei took his transmitter out of his pocket, only for King Louin to scream through it. He does tell the King if anything were to happen just give him a call but he never thought he gonna use it to eavesdrop on them...

Riche - But what about Eden? Even Acheval's here, so the kingdom's gonna be left empty.

Louin - A few days of absence won't be a problem, and I will have Barro to take control over here for a while. Although, I wish travel wouldn't take so long.

Issei - I can come to get you.

Louin - Mm, what a good son-in-law. I'll see you on the day of the ritual.

Issei - Ah...

Issei already told Louin that he could use Teleportation magic.

Riche - Geez... You're so selfish.

Ramius - Much like a certain someone else I know.

Gurigura - Like father, like daughter...

Riche - Hey, what's that supposed to mean?

The conversation lightened the mood, freeing Croix from her boredom and getting her to smile.

Acheval - ...Got a moment, Issei?

Issei - Sure.


Issei followed Acheval to the roof of the hospital.

Issei - What's up?

Acheval - ...How's Ramius? Been a good wife?

Issei - Yes, of course. She's the best wife I could ask for, she's a little clumsy sometimes, but it's cute. Just yesterday, we held hands while we went shopping together.

Acheval - Not really what I was asking about, just... Well, I'm a bit worried.

Issei - She's getting along fine with everyone. What's there to be worried about?

Acheval - ...Back when she was younger, she was a cowardly crybaby. Like any normal girl, you'd find anywhere.

Issei - Hmm, I see. Quite surprising though seeing how she is now.

Acheval - ...Gonna tell her you said that later.

Issei - ...I'm sorry, please don't.

They both chuckled at each other.

Acheval - So, while I knew she was improving as a Knight, I couldn't shake off that concern.

(AN: Small Ramius ❤)

Acheval - I still remember those days... She was like a little puppy, following me around everywhere. "Aniueee, Aniueee, wait for meee!" is all she said back then... I love my sister now, but back when I was a kid, I thought she was an annoying pest.

Issei - But she's so cute though?

Acheval - Hmph, that's how blood-related siblings are. There's always a time where you can't stand them.

Reminiscing on the past, Acheval smiled and went on talking as though making a confession in church.

Acheval - One day, I managed to shake off Ramius and went out to go train by myself. My dream was to become a great Knight, like my mother, so I could only see Ramius's clingingness as obtrusive. She kept looking at me with shock, but I ran off without turning back... That was the last time Ramius ever tried to follow me. She was outta my reach from then on.

Issei - ...I see.

Acheval - Well, siblings go their separate ways. Happens in any family at some point. Sorry, it's not the kinda thing I'd usually talk about. Hearing the king and the princess got me emotional.

Acheval and Issei stopped talking and spent a while looking up at the sky. As if bothered by the silence, Acheval spoke up again.

Acheval - Hey, Issei... What are you becoming stronger for?

Issei - Hm?

Acheval - You're crazy strong already and still worked your way up to the level of <Holy Knight> now... What's pushing you forward to become this strong? What for?

Issei - To keep my loved ones safe of course. And what about you?

Issei doesn't even need to think about what will his answer be. Because he never lost sight of his true aim ever since the beginning.

Acheval - Huh, that's just so like you... As for me, well... Dunno. Maybe if we fought once more, I'd find out.

Acheval's body oozed with the aura of a warrior. The air around him also vibrates a bit.

Issei - ...Maybe later.

Acheval - Heh, guess so... Not that I will be able to put up a good fight anyway. Bet you'll just defend against my attacks again just like before, not that I'm complaining though because from what I've heard, most of your enemies die just from one of your attacks and even though I love to try it out I still don't want to die yet, so yeah... Welp, sorry I wasted so much of your time. Good talk, though.

Issei - Ah. I'm up for a practice match later on if you want.

Acheval - Sure, if we get the chance.

Acheval went back to his usual self, gave Issei a smile, and turned around.

Issei - ...Oh, we will. I'll make sure of it...

Issei whispered after seeing Acheval retreating back then he gazes towards the sky but soon he also went back inside the hospital.


Several days later, it was time for Croix's wedding ritual.

Louin - Goodness, if only I could have come to Hamlet before today. No chance to spend some time with my daughter now.

Like he was engaged in kingly duties until just before Issei brought him over, Louin looked exhausted.

Riche - The reconstruction of Eden's Harbor's starting to get pretty hectic.

Croix - It's not like we'll never see each other again. You can go home and rest if you need to.

Louin - But you can't just casually return home. How would that look to the public?

Croix - My otouto can always teleport me. It's okay.

Louin - Hm, there is that. Perhaps you could commute from Eden.

Kathryn - What kind of princess commutes?

Silent - It's time, everyone. Let's head off for the wedding ritual.

Silent checked the time, then urged Croix to depart.

Silent - An extravagant cow carriage has been prepared just for today. Princess Croix, King Louin, and Sir Acheval will be riding.

Acheval - ACK, ME TOO?!

Silent - The parade will start from Horatio and proceed along the road to the big bridge.

Riche - So, what should we do?

Silent - After a discussion between security personnel, we decided it would be best not to put any limits on your actions.

Kathryn - Basically, we can do whatever, then. We'll be on the lookout for anyone suspicious.

Silent - Please do. Try to be at the bridge at the same time the parade arrives.

Acheval - Hey, switch with me, Issei. I'm not interested in being part of a parade.

Issei - ...Sorry, but the feeling's mutual.

Ramius - You're pretty famous and accomplished, Ise. It would make the crowds go wild if they saw the famous newly appointed <Holy Knight>.

Issei - ...No thanks.

Riche - Well, onee-chan's supposed to be the star today.

Issei - We'll be off, then.

Issei took off right away before they changed their mind.

Acheval - Agh, dammit, he got away!

The party parted ways with Croix's group and headed to the bridge between Hamlet and Central.


As the party proceeded along the road, they saw numerous people walking toward the bridge. But they finally safely arrived at the bridge.

Ramius - I didn't see anyone particularly suspicious.

Gurigura - All these Knights are probably keeping them away. That's the bridge Princess Croix's gonna cross? It's super big.

Riche - The bridge between Hamlet and Central was built, in part, to commemorate humanity expanding out from its birthplace to the rest of the world, so they wanted to make it pretty grandiose.

The bridge was already packed with people awaiting Princess Croix's arrival. A few simple facilities were set up for the crowd, around which the people gathered. It was like an international festival.

Kathryn - God, why do there have to be so many people? Doujinshi conventions aren't even this crowded.

Silent - I'm sorry I kept you. Follow me, I can show you to the special seating.

The party was led by Silent to special seats intended for the most important figures from each country.

??? - Oh my. Long time no see.

Riche - Hatter?

??? - Sounds like you've kept yourself busy. From all I've heard, you all have done some remarkable things. I'm glad Tio married a man like Issei-kun. Speaking of which where is he?

Riche - You're here too, Palomides? Were you both invited? As for Ise, he said he'll be going somewhere. Not sure where but he said just stay calm in case anything happened.

Riche and co are confused on why Issei suddenly separated himself from them back then but they trust him completely so they're not worried.

Hatter - I am here in place of my wife. Queenbelle is too heavy to board a ship, you see.

Gurigura - Hmmm, she does look awfully heavy, but I didn't know it was that bad...

Palomides - I see, so he went somewhere, but knowing him it will be alright. And the Republic of Lancelot is happy to celebrate the marriage of our close ally's crown princess.

Kathryn - Oooh, you've also got a bunch of powerful aristocrats, big deal CEO's, and celebrities here.

Palomides - When the two major powers are coming together, it's naturally going to attract some considerable attention.

Hatter - This will likely be a turning point in history. Witnessing it in person will be something to remember forever.

Riche - Huh...

Suddenly, something caused the crowd to grow louder.

Riche - Oh, looks like she's here.

Croix's cow carriage had arrived at the bridge.

Norshin - This way, please, Saint Princess Croix.

Croix - Thank you, Your Holiness.

After Norshin helped Croix out of the carriage, King Louin and Acheval followed.

Croix waved to the cheering, applauding crowd, then put on a serious look and turned to Louin.

Croix - Father...

Louin - ...

Croix - I've complained on some occasions, but I truly enjoyed life in Eden.

Louin - ...I see. Well... Your complaints were nothing compared to Riche's.

Croix- Heheheh, very true.

Louin - You have held the duties of both a saint and the princess of Eden, and I believe you've done an excellent job with both. However, that did lead to other concerns. I worry whether I was able to give you the simple joys an ordinary girl would have.

Croix - Yes, plenty. You're not only the best king anyone could ask for, but a father who garners my utmost respect.

Louin - ...Thanks. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that.

Croix - I'll always be your daughter.

Louin - ...Yes, that's true. You will always be my precious daughter.

Riche - Oh, Father... He's nearly crying.

Ramius - I can understand why.

After exchanging a much shorter hug with her father than she would under normal circumstances, Croix stepped away.

Norshin - Are you ready? Then please begin, Princess Croix. I will follow after you.

Croix doesn't answer Norshin right away but he started to look around for someone.

Croix - Where's otouto?

Riche - Oh, Ise said he will be going somewhere for now.

Croix - I see...

She felt sad she couldn't catch a glimpse of Issei but soon her face reverts back to normal.

Croix - I'll be off, then.

As Croix began crossing the bridge on her own, the thus-far-silent band began their performance. The audience silently gazed at Croix, uttering no sound aside from the occasional sniffle from an emotional viewer.

Prince Felton stood on the other side of the bridge, gently watching Croix as she walked closer.

He's quite the handsome man with blue hair with twin dual sword at his waist. (AN: I don't know what the hell is he wearing so there you go)

The Knights who had been guarding Croix went ahead and lined up behind Felton.

Millet - ...

Riche - Even Millet looks kinda nervous.

Ramius - Well, this is the marriage of the century, and the responsibility for any incidents would fall on her.

Millet's eyes watched Croix like those of a bird of prey, but most would assume it was because of stress.

Croix was near to the other side of the bridge.

Explosive cheers came from the Hamlet side and enough confetti to block out the sun rained down.

On the Central side, the cheers were accompanied by the organized lines of Knights raising their swords with both hands.

Felton - I'm so glad to see you, Princess Croix.

Croix - ...Heheheh, we're going to be married soon. You can just call me Croix.

Felton - Sorry, I'm always so awkward around women.

Croix's direct eye contact made Felton bashfully scratch his cheek.

Silent - ...It's starting.

Riche - Oh...

After they greeted each other, the power of miracles materialized around Croix. The light steadily grew brighter, even illuminating the crowd as it swirled and expanded.

Gurigura - ...Is this a miracle? My chest is getting really warm.

Riche - Wow... What the heck? It's like Mother Eve's love keeps flowing into me.

Kathryn - So this is the big miracle from the Evenicle... They actually recreated this.

Ramius - These are intense emotions. Mother Eve's love is greater than I could have known... But...

Ramius and co. felt like their love with Issei is even stronger than Mother Eve herself, not that they would say that out loud though because who knows if anyone will get offended by it.

Silent - Everyone seems to be feeling it. The glorious love Mother Even felt for the First Ancestor...

Norshin - Now, let's cross the bridge. Once the ritual ends, we'll need to do the vows.

Acheval - Hold on, Your Holiness.

When Pope Norshin was about to cross the bridge, Acheval's burly arm grabbed his skinny one.

Louin - What is it, Acheval?

Acheval - S-Sorry... Just, uh... Got a hell of a bad feeling.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the bridge, Felton and Croix were smiling and casually observing the miracle they had caused.

Croix - My, this is quite something.

Felton - Yes, I never could have imagined it would be an event of this magnitude.

They gazed at each other in the center of the light. To the many who witnessed them, it looked as though they were being blessed by the light of the whole world.

Millet - It's time, my prince.

Felton - Millet? I thought you were supposed to come a bit later.

Millet - No, this is the most ideal moment.

Millet grinned and took a syringe full of blood-red fluid out of her pocket.

Croix - What is that?

Felton - ...It's <Adan's Blood>.

Still smiling, Felton took the syringe and pricked it into Croix's neck.

Croix - ?!

She went limp and nearly collapsed, but Felton caught her.

The crowd immediately screamed. And while everyone else was paralyzed, Riche's party took off running.

Riche - ONEE-CHAN!

Kathryn - He just injected Princess Croix with something!

Riche - Could that have been... <Adan's Blood>?!

Ramius - Let's hurry. There's no time to waste.

As the party rushed across the bridge, they saw Acheval running, reaching Felton ahead of them.

Acheval - You bastard! The fuck are you doing?!

Felton - Nothing much. I'm taking Croix.

Acheval - For what?! She was about to marry you anyway!

Felton - Marry me? Unfortunately, I'm not very interested in marriage.

Louin - Prince Felton... Have you gone mad?

Felton - I suppose I should pay my respects to the bride's father by explaining a little.

Unfazed by Louin's deathly stare, Felton continued.

Felton - We're making Princess Croix into Mother Eve.

Acheval - ...Mother Eve?

Felton - An imitation Mother Eve of our own creation, to be more precise.

Louin - What absurdities are you spewing?

Millet - Princess Croix has inherited all of Mother Eve's qualities. She possesses more soul power than the average human.

Acheval - Soul power? The hell's that?!

Felton - We all have small souls portioned out by Mother Eve. Princess Croix, however, has a much greater soul... Isn't that right, Pope Norshin?

Norshin - ...That's known only to a select few in the church. Who told you that?

Felton - Someone who's trying to make use of that information. I'm sure you have some idea as to who.

Norshin - ...<Snake Crest's> Supreme Commander...

Acheval - I see. You're with <Snake Crest>?

Louin - The prince of such a great nation would side with <Snake Crest>?

Felton - This was a lot of work, let me tell you... The main difference between an ordinary human and Mother Eve, as it happens, is that Mother Eve was able to make use of her soul power.

Norshin - Impossible! Whatever qualities Princess Croix might possess, no human could replace Mother Eve!

Millet - True, it would be impossible on its own. Her soul equates only to that of a few hundred human souls... In essence, she would be an empty Mother Eve.

Felton - But what she lacks can be supplemented. The world is still full of Mother Eve's power.

Millet calmly looked up at the sky, where the miracle power from the wedding ritual was still swirling.

Norshin - You couldn't mean the miracle power...

Felton - I do. This land isn't supposed to contain souls, but thanks to Mother Eve's miracles in the past, many still linger. If that's poured into her, she will effectively become equivalent to Mother Eve.

Acheval - Hah, thanks for explaining your plan, I appreciate it.

While Felton was still talking, Acheval made it across the bridge, with Riche's party nearing the end as well. But they suddenly stopped by a woman with long green hair.

??? - Wait, Riche-sama.

Riche - Huh?! If I'm not mistaken you're Kyuriha?

Yes, the one who stopped Riche and co. is one of the <9 Divines> Kyuriha, the wind elemental angel. But at this moment her wings are hidden.

Ramius - Why are you stopping us! We need to fight alongside Aniue!

Kyuriha - I've been ordered to stop you all by Issei-sama himself, please understand, Ramius-sama.

Ramius - Ise did?... But...

Kyuriha - Issei-sama also sends a message, "It's going to be okay, trust me." Is what he said.

After hearing Kyuriha words they finally remembered what Issei told them when he's about to separate with them a while ago. "Stay calm no matter what happens" he said... So they choose to believe Issei and stay put this time.

Kyuriha bowed at them with a smile and hid her presence once again. She's still next to Riche and co but no one can see her but Riche and co.

Acheval - Now prepare to die, you dumbass prince. Or is the huge titty lady here gonna fight for you instead?

Felton - ...Goodness, this is concerning. Can you take care of it, Millet?

Millet - Hmph, what a pain.

Acheval - Wha?!

Millet sighed and lunged forward, thrusting her arm out in front of Acheval.


Then she snapped her fingers.

Acheval - Ungh... Ah, gah... Wh-What... What the fuck did you do?

But that was all it took to make Acheval claw at his chest and drop to his knees.

Ramius - Scroundel! What did you do to my brother?!

Millet - What did I do? Oh, right, you don't know. I was already doing something, I just undid it.


Scratching at his chest with both hands, Acheval howled like a beast.

At the same time, his skin turned black and metallic, as though a black suit of armor were forming around his body.

Ramius - Wha?!

Riche - Acheval turned into Kuro?!

Kuro - Haah... Haaah, haaah...

Felton - Are you awake, Acheval? If you're back to normal, then let's do as we planned, please. Millet, do it.

Millet - Got it.


The bridge collapsed into the ocean. Riche and co are safe because of only half of the bridge that collapsed just now, which is the other half near the Central Continent.

They already planted sparkle bombs on the bridge.

Riche - Oh no, the bridge...

Kuro - ...

Then Kuro turned back into Acheval as if nothing had happened, then went to stand next to Felton.

Acheval - Sorry about that.

Felton - Oh, don't worry about it. We're friends, aren't we?

Ramius - Aniue... What is the meaning of this? You're being controlled, aren't you?!

Acheval - Bad guess, Ramius. I've been on their side from the start.

Riche - Why is Acheval the Black Knight, of all people? Then Prince Felton must be...

Felton - Heheheh, shall I show my true identity too?

Riche - ...The White Knight.

Like he no longer felt the need to hide anything, Felton exuded an aura identical to Shiro.

Acheval - I'm not as good an actor as this guy, so whenever I'd go back to Eden, Millet used a spell to wipe my memories.

Millet - And he always tries to kill me until I can undo it, unfortunately.

Louin - Not only Rochefort but you too, Acheval? Tell me, for how long?

Acheval - Since after the Arthur Tragedy, or thereabouts.

Ramius - My god, since five years ago?

Felton - During the tragedy, we met and joined forces. Then, when it looked like the Supreme Commander had no hope of succeeding, we took him into hiding. But don't get the wrong idea. We didn't join <Snake Crest>, we rebuilt it ourselves.

Ramius - Aniue! Come to your senses! I'm sure Millet has some sort of spell on you.

Acheval - You've always been so dense.

Ramius - You're a respected <Zero Knight>. The public looks up to you. I look up to you!

Acheval - Ramius, let me tell you one thing... In the middle of a fierce battle in Arthur, I killed our mother.

Ramius - ...Wha?

Acheval - She was the greatest warrior I've ever known. Look up to her, if anyone.

Ramius - But... Liar, you wouldn't...

Acheval - Though now that she's gone, there's nobody left who can satisfy me...

Louin - Felton... What does <Snake Crest> intend to do with my daughter?

Felton - I told you. She's already become an imitation Mother Eve... Which is to say, the laws of the world are in our hands.

Louin - What does that mean?

Felton - How about a demonstration? Croix... First, I want you to...

Felton whispered something into Croix's ear and smirked.

Kyuriha sent a message directly inside Riche and co minds about something when they heard it they become a bit surprised but soon nodded softly.

The tower behind them was filled with the power of miracles, which slowly expanded outward and enshrouded the world.

Riche - The tower's glowing... Is this that miracle power?

Louin - Bastard... What did you-


Riche - Huh?!

One by one, Riche's and co rings broke apart and fell from their fingers.

Riche - Oh no... M-My ring...

Not only Riche, but everyone experienced the same phenomenon, spreading fear throughout the crowd.

Kathryn - Mother Eve's blessing... It's gone, I'm guessing.

Felton - Yes. First off, I have erased Mother Eve's blessing. Heheheh... You've been freed from your shackles.

Riche - G-Give it back! It's important to me...

Kathryn - Hey, this is serious shit. If they can get rid of the blessing, that means...

Felton - Smart. I see why you're a <Zero Knight>. It sounds like you get it.

Kathryn - They can create new rules, too.

Felton - Heheheh, yes, that's right. The world will be reborn under <Snake Crest's> new rules.

Norshin - But, but... A human changing Mother Eve's rules...?

Felton - Now, that's all for today. Admittedly, we'll need more miracle power before the new rules can be put in place.

Kyuriha smirked seeing them act like they had everything under control. But in reality, they're just a dancing clown... What a pitiful clowns she thought, they're already dead but just doesn't realizes it yet.

Riche - W-Wait!

But the bridge had collapsed, preventing the party from pursuing Felton and his accomplices.

Riche - Gh...

Louin - This event is canceled. Let's try to get the crowd under control and return to Hamlet for the time being.

Norshin - Princess Riche, you and your family should come too... I wonder just where is Issei-san during all this...

When Riche and co confirmed that Felton already disappeared from their original position they exhaled tiredly.

Riche - Fyuh, that was tiring...

Louin - ...What's wrong, Riche? Why did you all seem so calm now?

Louin is confused about why Riche and co who were so tense before seems to be very relaxed already.

Riche - Well, Ise already told us that everything will be fine, he said. We were told to put an act like we're in a desperate situation but actually, we're not...

Gurigura - Yup, Ise-nii said he has everything under control already.

Ramius - ...I am genuinely surprised finding out Aniue is actually Kuro though...

Kathryn - Who wasn't? We're all pretty surprised as well, you know...

Riche - Well, Kyuriha, can you tell us the details now?

Riche talked at thin air and everyone is confused just who is she talking to, but soon they saw a beautiful woman with a long green hair appeared out of thin air.

Norshin - <Snake Crest> member?!

The Knights and Norshin put up a guard instantly after seeing her.

Kathryn - No, she's not. She's Ise loyal follower you might say.

They all become taken aback once again after hearing Kathryn words.

Kyuriha - Nice to meet you, I'm Kyuriha, one of the loyal servant of our king, Issei-sama.

She bowed gently towards Louin and the others. She only bows towards them because of Louin is Riche's father, if not, she won't bow to anyone other than her beloved king.

Louin - K-King? Since when Issei is a king?

Riche - Err, about that...

Then Riche proceeded to tell them all about the Kalars having Issei as their king.

After hearing Riche's explanation they all become totally speechless.

Louin - S-So you mean, Issei is basically the Kalar race king and they all are his women as well?

Norshin - A-And on top of that, most of them is an angel? That means this lady here is also...

Kyuriha - Yes, I became reborn as an Angel when Issei-sama gave me his "Essence".

She fondly remembers the time when she first received Issei "Essence" and she couldn't wait to have another lovey-dovey moment with her king. Just by thinking about her king perfect body and his dragon rod she already feeling a bit wet down there. But she reels her desire in because she knows that this is not the time and place to feel aroused she thought.

Then she showed them all her wings.

Louin - M-My Goodness...

Silent - A true angel...

Norshin - ...I've read some books about the Kalars before and I know a little about them being the caretaker of Mother Eve in the past but I never know that they could turn into an angel or a devil as well...

Kyuriha - It's a well-kept secret because we don't want to attract too much attention to ourselves more than needed.

Norshin - Make sense...

They all become even more awed at Issei because if they're not wrong then he basically already has the same standing as Mother Eve at this point. Him being able to "Transform" the Kalars into what they're meant to be.

No wonder he's able to cast the <Grand Purge> like it's nothing and able to upgrade Silent and Croix holy power as well just by exposing them to his <Holy> light. Now that explains a lot on why he could purify souls and communicate with them as well.

Silent thought that he's really an amazing man... No wonder she felt so attracted at him, whether it be appearance, power, personality, he has it all. There's no way such a perfect man like him won't attract her, she thought.

Louin - *Sigh* Just what kind of son-in-law did I get...

Riche - Oh right, he's also a Dragon.

Everyone - ...

They are feeling numb already with all this revelation. First, he's a king of an entire race, then he's a dragon as well, so what's next? If they told them that he's a God then they won't even be surprised anymore at this point.

Well, he is indeed on par with a God but it's just not known yet. And if Riche and co know what they all thinking right now then they would tell them that he has an actual Goddess as one of his lovers actually. Goddess of Death herself to be exact...

Louin - *Sigh* Nevermind that... What about Croix's case? Did he inform you about her as well?

Louin thought at this rate he might become old really fast because he kept exhaling a sigh whenever Issei is involved. But then he asked Kyuriha about Croix's case.

Kyuriha - Yes, Issei-sama already has it all under control. You could rest assured that she will be perfectly safe.

Louin - I see... It's good to know that she will be fine... Oh, Riche? I thought your ring broke?

Riche - Heheh, Kyuriha already told us about it so we just act surprised.

Kyuriha - Hai, it's just basic illusion magic to make them think that they have everything under control, even when you see Princess Croix's being injected with <Adan's Blood> by that Clown Prince its just an illusion. I just make Princess Croix fell asleep with my magic when she appears to be "Injected" by the syringe.

They all smiled wryly hearing her calling Prince Felton a Clown Prince, not that she's wrong though because he does look like a clown if what she told them is true... They even starting to feel bad for him... Well, not really, since he does planning to hurt Princess Croix after all. So he totally had it coming they all thought.

Pope Norshin even gave a silent prayer for Felton so that he may rest in peace when Issei is through with him...

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