The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 1833 - disaster

69 Net 69, the fastest way to update the way of the peasant mother-in-law! In the end, the surprise didn’t come true, Chang Zhong kept his face cold, no matter how thick-skinned a few sages were, they wouldn’t be able to stay. Not to mention Zhou Hou’s mansion, they still have to hang out in the Hanlin Academy, Zhou Changzhi’s reputation is still resounding!

The Zhuo family in the capital attracted everyone’s attention. Without the title of the prince, the Zhuo family lived in a mansion with a good status. Even if the decoration was low-key, it still could not escape the eyes of the calculated.

When Zhulan went to the academy, she thought she would meet Zoya, but she didn’t see Zoya. . .

Zhulan couldn’t help but ask, “Did Zoya ever come?”

Jiang Ling said, “Zuo Ya has never been to the academy once the accident happened to the Zhuo family.”

Zhulan didn’t believe that the Zhuo family would let Zoya go. Now that the Zhuo family doesn’t have many trump cards, Zoya’s reputation will become a life-saving card, thinking that Zoya has withstood the pressure?

Soon Zhulan stopped thinking about it, and Zoya had nothing to do with her.

Zhulan is more concerned about the roster, “There are already five classes?”

Jiang Ling, “Since the teaching books have been changed, more female students have come to study recently, and people are signing up every day.”

Zhulan flipped through the roster. The girls who came here to learn knowledge were all too young. She touched the cover of the roster, “I’m very happy.”

These children are the foundation of the future Women’s Academy and the source of her confidence.

Jiang Ling had a bright smile on her face, “I like watching children become dazzling beings.”

The women’s college is well run, and the thinking of the first children to enter the school has changed a lot. Even some parents realize that girls can be used as support just like boys, and the status of girls in nearby households has improved a lot.

Zhulan stayed at the academy for almost a day. She is not so diligent in coming to the academy now. After Jiang Ling got married, she gave up a lot of power. She was waiting for Shao Ting to get married. Take it easy.

On the way back to the city, Zhulan was still thinking about the date of Minghui’s marriage. Minghui was not too young, so the two agreed to discuss the date of marriage, which will be after next spring.

With a smile on Zhulan’s face, she and the Wei family were relieved. Due to the relationship between the eldest of the Wei family and the maritime affairs, the date of Changzhong’s marriage will have to wait for a few more days to discuss.

The carriage stopped and Qingxue asked, “What happened?”

The coachman lowered his voice, “The carriages in front have overturned.”

As soon as Zhulan heard this, she motioned Qingxue to take a look. Seeing how the carriage that was about to enter the city would overturn, it was still several carriages together!

Qingxue came back quickly, “The Zhuo family picks up Zoya’s carriage.”

Zhulan still thinks of Zoya today, “Who will pick her up?”

If no one picks up, Zoya won’t come back by herself.

Qingxue replied, “Zoya’s mother and sister-in-law.”

Zhulan narrowed her eyes, “Zoya’s sister-in-law?”

If she remembered correctly, it was the daughter of Earl Ye’s family!

Because it was close to the city gate, many guards at the city gate quickly dealt with the carriage. Zhulan got the news that Mrs. Zhuo Guyu had a miscarriage, and his mother also injured her leg. Zoya was lucky and only suffered minor injuries, but at this time she was slightly injured. will be blamed!

Zhulan’s heart is very heavy, and it’s okay to treat women or pregnant women, and the bottom line is really low.

In the evening, Zhulan asked, “When will the results come out?”

Zhou Shuren, “I have to wait.”

Zhou Shuren thought that his daughter-in-law was worried about Mingyun, so he talked a little more about Mingyun’s situation. Mingyun had just been transferred back to the Zhouhou Mansion, and it would not easily involve Mingyun. The family was afraid that they would not be able to provoke Zhouhou Mansion.

The current Zhou Houfu network has matured, and they are all clear-minded allies. If you think about it carefully, the strength is terrifying, and this is not even the son-in-law of King Qin.

Zhulan talked about the misfortune of the Zhuo family’s daughter-in-law today, “I’ve given up on the daughter-in-law, is this an urgent warning?”

Zhou Shuren looked down with contempt, “Duan Zhen’s next act.”

Zhulan said again: “I don’t know how Earl Ye will react?”

Zhuo Guyu has been married for a long time, and finally there is good news. As a result, this time the child is gone. Why is Zhuo’s family under the big house, it is obvious that the Zhuo family is now supported by Zhuo Guyu!

Zhou Shuren said quietly: “You have to know that the Ye family has never made a sound, and the meaning is already obvious.”

Zhulan was silent, the loss of the title of the Zhuo family meant that Mrs. Zhuo Guyu was abandoned by her family, and there would be no response to this incident.

The next day, Chang Zhong and Chang Zhi arrived at the Hanlin Academy on time. As soon as they entered the Hanlin Academy, they saw Zhuo Guyu. The two saw Zhuo Guyu unexpectedly. Zhuo Guyu had to be more stable when something happened to the Zhuo family.

It’s just that the cyan in Zhuo Guyu’s eyes is obvious, and he obviously hasn’t rested well.

Zhuo Guyu greeted him, “I have seen Lord Zhou.”

Chang Zhong also wanted to see the ceremony, and Zhuo Guyu stayed in the Hanlin Academy and was promoted.

Changzhi had no intention of talking, nodded and left with his younger brother, leaving only his back to Zhuo Guyu.

Zhuo Guyu was dazed. He saw the lady sitting alone in the study last night. He was really tired but he had to hold on. He was the only official in the whole family.

Zhuo Guyu squeezed the palm of his hand. Recently, many people went to the Zhuo family to propose marriage, not because of the daughter of the Zhuo family, but because of the dowry of the daughter of the Zhuo family. Who are the people who came to the house to propose marriage? It’s not a **** who eats, or a scumbag who has been raised and abandoned in the family, and clearly cares about the silver money of the Zhuo family.

Zhuo Guyu pursed his lips. He is very envious of Gu Sheng now. When he saw Gu Sheng a few days ago, Gu Sheng was eating tea with Anhe County Master. Gu Sheng did not worry about the future. He was so envious. The Zhuo family would not be in the situation they are today if they got engaged with the county head.

Zhuo Guyu twitched his lips and smiled bitterly. Now he can’t even climb up to Gu Sheng. He heard that the future concubine will be very fond of Gu Sheng’s friend.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Protect, he heard that Gu Sheng has become a guest of many people!

In Zhouhou Mansion, Zhulan became concerned about Zhuo’s family because of yesterday’s accident in the Zhuo family. She knew to ask Zhao’s and Su Xuan’s questions.

Zhao Shi, “Mother, the Zhuo family is having a hard time, and the girls in their family don’t dare to go out.”

Su Xuan answered, “I’m afraid I’ll lose my reputation when I go out and have to marry in the end.”

Bamboo Orchid, “”

Zhao continued: “Those who went to the Zhuo family to propose marriage even pulled a fig leaf for themselves, and some people just waited for the Zhuo family to lose.”

Su Xuan whispered, “Recently, the Zhuo family has sold a lot of shops and fields. I bought a lot for Yuwen to add to the dowry.”

Zhao Shi also stretched out, “I also bought it for Zhu Lan said: “The price must not be high! “

Zhao nodded, “Well, they are all lower than the market price.”

They knew that they didn’t buy too much, and they only entered when they saw many people bought them.

Su Xuan sneered, “The Zhuo family deliberately did this to buy themselves time.”

The Zhao family pouted, the actions of the Zhuo family did appease some people, but it also nurtured the appetite of many people, and sighed that the Zhuo family could not do anything, the wall was pushed down by everyone, and now it is only to see if the Zhuo family will fall down completely.

Zhulan looked at the expressions of the two daughters-in-law, and the Zhuo family really did not entertain them.

Li shi suddenly said, “Mother, what will our family give when the daughter of the Zheng family gets married?”

There was not much contact between the two families, and there were no gifts except for important festivals. She was not sure how many gifts to give.

Zhulan counted the days, “Time flies so fast, the Queen’s Anniversary is coming.”

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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