The Way of the Mysterious Dust

Chapter 27: Yin Qi

   "Yin Qi" is also a kind of spiritual power between heaven and earth, just like the "Five Elements Reiki".

   "Five Elements Reiki" is gentle and gentle, nourishes the human body after being absorbed, and nurtures the soul. The "Yin Qi" is cold and violent, and after being absorbed, it will corrode the human body and invade the soul.

   Two different spiritual powers restrain each other, just like the difference between yin and yang. "Yin Qi" can also be used for cultivation. The practice of "Yin Qi" has very low qualification requirements. Unlike the "Five Elements Reiki", which has the characteristics of mutual growth and mutual restraint, it has very strict requirements on spiritual roots.

   "Yin Qi" practice As long as the body has spiritual roots, everyone can cultivate at the same speed as the "spiritual roots". Even if you are carrying five complex spiritual roots, you can make progress in practice.

   However, the practice of "Five Elements Reiki" is the mainstream in today's comprehension world, and all righteous schools practice "Five Elements Reiki". Those who practice "yin qi" are called evil cultivators. Regarding evil cultivators, all sects of the righteous path have never been merciless, and have adopted an attitude of punishing them.

   The practice of "yin qi" is extremely harmful to the human body. But some cultivators with low aptitudes are often willing to degenerate, and take risks to cultivate "yin energy" only for the pursuit of rapid growth.

   The evil cultivation technique of cultivating "yin qi" is extremely powerful, and most of the righteous cultivators of the same realm are not opponents. The evil cultivation method is extremely overbearing, and it is a quick method. Often use side-by-side, self-interested cultivation methods.

   Evil ways were prevalent in ancient times, and mortals were often slaughtered for practice, and thousands of slaughters were carried out. Evil cultivation bases with advanced cultivation bases refine magic weapons, and massacre and destruction of towns are also commonplace. The number of mortals is extremely reduced, miserable, and dark.

   The righteous cultivator who cultivates the "five elements aura" also hides in Tibet for fear of being discovered. Xie Xiu regards the body of the righteous cultivator, and the soul is a panacea, swallowed to promote cultivation. Once the practitioners of the right path are found, they will besieged and swallowed alive.

   Righteous cultivators are like evil cultivators in today’s cultivation world, disappearing and almost extinct.

  According to ancient records, the evil cultivation from prosperity to decline is due to karma, thunder comes from the sky, and the evil cultivation with advanced cultivation bases die under the heaven.

   After thousands of years of fierce and endless wars between righteous and evil, only those who practice righteousness turn defeat into victory. After tens of millions of years of rest and recuperation, the real world of comprehension is now prosperous.

   Yannan City is a prefectural city of Gaocang Country, which governs ten counties. There are nearly 300,000 civilians who have lived for a long time, the red walls are high in the city, the houses are lined in order, and the street is still bustling with constant flow of people.

   Liu Yu drove over the mountains and ridges every day. He hadn't seen such a sight for a long time, and felt comfortable. All the way to the passers-by to ask the direction of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, the scroll of the division's mission stated that, go to the Heavenly Master's Mansion in Yannan City and find Brother Li Songlin to report, and Senior Brother Li will arrange specific tasks.

   Soon after I found the Tianshi Mansion, the gate of the Tianshi Mansion was open, and a team of armored guards stood on each side of the gate. Liu Yu got off his horse and walked forward, and a guard with a sword greeted him when he saw it.

"Who is this young man looking for? This is the Heavenly Master's Mansion. No idlers are allowed to enter. Don't disturb the celestial masters to rest." Seeing Liu Yu's extraordinary aura, the guard holding a knife asked him politely although he was carrying a strange cylindrical object on his back. road.

   "I'm looking for Li Songlin, Brother Li, but in the mansion." Liu Yu replied casually.

   "The son turned out to be Li Tianshi's younger brother! Please come inside." He Xiaoshan was startled, and it turned out that the son on the other side was also a cultivator.

   quickly asked someone to help lead the horse, and walked towards the mansion with Liu Yu himself. He Xiaoshan has guarded the Heavenly Master's Mansion for many years, and he has encountered many situations like this. It has always been possible to bring people directly into the mansion without reporting, and it has never made a mistake.

   From He Shanshan's point of view, anyone who is desperate to pretend to be a cultivator.

   Li Songlin lay halfway on a bamboo chair, with the brewed Longjing tea next to him, and the jasmine fragrance wafting in the house, which seemed very leisurely and at ease.

   Li Songlin is from Tianlinggen, with excellent qualifications, nearly ninety years old, with white beard, but full of energy and not showing his senility. At present, the tenth level of Qi cultivation base, as a small manager of Huang Shengshan, was assigned to Gaocang Guoyan South City to deal with the affairs of the division.

  Twenty years ago, I took a pill of Jidan, but unfortunately failed to hit the foundation and was seriously injured. His teacher would help to save his life. However, in this life, there is no possibility of foundation construction, so he was discouraged and took the initiative to apply for a job. Now his family moved to Nanyan City and settled here.

   "My son, you are here. That's it." He Xiaoshan walked respectfully and led the way.

   Li Songlin saw the guard He guarding the door from the window. He respectfully brought a young man in a blue-and-white robe with weird utensils on his back and walked into the house. Judging from the youth's clothes and demeanor, it should be someone from the teacher's door, so he got up to meet him, not knowing what happened to the person.

  "Tianshi Li, the young man said it was your junior, so the villain brought in, and the adults talked slowly." He Xiaoshan bowed to Li Songlin and turned around and went out.

   "Senior Brother Li, younger brother Liu Yu, the younger brother sent to Yannan City, waiting for the older brother's dispatch." Liu Yu took out the task scroll and Zongmen jade card from the storage bag and handed it over.

   "Brother Liu! Sit down quickly." Li Songlin first led Liu Yu to sit down at the table, and then carefully checked the mission scroll and the Zongmen jade card.

   I saw Li Songlin take out his Zongmen jade tiles and move the two jade tiles closer together. At this time, the two jade tiles glowed brightly. Seeing this scene, Li Songlin nodded and returned the jade medal to Liu Yu. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

   It turns out that this is a small method used by Huang Shengzong to identify disciples of the same sect. As long as the disciples of Huang Shengzong are both disciples of Huang Shengzong, the two jade plaques of the sect will emit light when they are close. This is very simple, and it can identify whether there are artificial fakes. Moreover, Huang Shengzong's Zongmen Jade Plate is very delicate, far more than just this small trick.

When    Zongmen jade cards are issued to disciples, they will take a strand of soul silk and a drop of essence and blood from the new disciple and seal them in the jade card with secret methods.

   If the owner of the jade card dies, the Zongmen jade card will automatically crack and send a message to the Zongmen jade card within a hundred miles. Zongmen jade tiles within a hundred miles will emit red light, and a pointer will appear on the surface of the jade tiles, pointing to the location of the deceased.

   "Brother, what a young man! Welcome to Yannan City, come and drink a cup of tea first, and go to Fengchen." Li Songlin said, making a cup of tea for Liu Yu.

   "Thank you brother! I don't know what this celestial master is responsible for, but please clarify your questions?" Liu Yu didn't know what the celestial master's position was, and he was always curious.

   "No hurry! Junior brother will take a rest these few days. After a few days, senior brother will show you around, you will know it." Li Songlin said with a smile while touching his long white beard.

   The two talked again. Soon after, Li Songlin led Liu Yu to a wing to let Liu Yu rest well.

   In the evening, Li Songlin came to invite Liu Yu to be a guest at home. Li Songlin’s own courtyard is not far from the Tianshi’s mansion, and the food and drinks in the courtyard are already prepared. Two other brothers from the same school also came to pick up Liu Yu from the dust, both of them seemed to be middle-aged.

   A man named Yuanman was thin and his blue robes did not fit. Another named Xi Chenyong was born a little short, a head shorter than a normal adult man. According to Li Songlin's introduction, there is still another senior who is stationed in other places. Even Liu Yu himself has five disciples of Huang Shengzong who hold the post of celestial master in Yannan City.


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