The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 077 – Home

[2009 – July]

Elijah?”, Jean called out lightly, as she entered the apartment, though she received no reply.

Walking through the small corridor that led to a broom closet on one side and a guest bathroom on the other with half a dozen shopping bags in her hands, her mood excellent after an afternoon of normalcy, Jean stopped herself from calling out for her lover just in time as she saw him sleeping on the soft leather couch, the television still playing a movie she didn't recognize.

With a soft look appearing in her bright gaze, Jean tried to be as quiet as possible as she sat down her bags and picked up the remote from the floor, which had probably slipped from Elijah's hand after he had fallen asleep.

Switching off the TV, she put the remote aside, as she crouched beside the sofa, smiling gently at the sleeping young man that had stolen her heart, her hand rising up to gently brush away some of his hair that had fallen in his face.

Quietly gazing at him as he rested so peacefully for a few moments, Jean rose back up after leaving a feather-light kiss on his lips and brought her shopping bags into the bedroom, using her telekinesis to prevent any rustling sounds from waking up Elijah.

Putting away the clothes she had bought, a spike of naughty excitement rose in her chest when her gaze fell on the risque lingerie she had purchased. The thought of wearing the near-transparent lace for Elijah to seduce him and awaken his desire made her feel incredibly sexy.

Grabbing the skin lotion she had bought, Jean moved into the bathroom to place it on the shelf for her stuff, when she suddenly froze in her movement, her gaze fixed on the cracked glass of the walk-in shower and the small clock still sitting on the floor.

Considering that there weren't any signs of a fight, it didn't take Jean more than a moment to guess what had happened, as she realized that Elijah must have lashed out with a weak blast of psionic energy while granting himself a new power.

Hurriedly placing down her lotion, Jean rushed back into the bedroom, moving to the door as she looked at Elijah still laying on the couch, her eyes slightly watery.

She knew that he had to have been in incredible pain for him to even be able to affect the ambient psionic energy enough to crack the glass as his mind was simply not attuned enough to take control of it for a more destructive result.

Forcing herself to not rush up to him and search his body for any injuries while waking him up to make sure he was okay, Jean turned back towards the bath and removed her earrings, before turning towards the damaged shower.

Reaching out with her Telekinesis, she forced the molecular structure of the glass to rearrange itself so that the cracks would close up again, before going back into the bedroom and stripping out of the short white summer dress and the jeans vest she had worn over it.

Her bra meeting the same fate, she unclasped it and dropped it into the laundry basket, before taking off her short socks and leaving her with nothing but a white pair of lacy panties. Taking one of Elijah's shirts from the drawer, the oversized brown clothing article reached just far enough to hide her lower body, which was clad in nothing more than a flimsy piece of fabric.

Grabbing the large blanket she shared with Elijah, Jean moved back into the living room and draped it over the sleeping man she loved so dearly before slipping under it as well, as she laid herself to rest right next to Elijah on the large leather couch.

She knew that Elijah didn't want her to worry unnecessarily, nor did he want to burden her with his pain, but seeing the obvious signs of his suffering tore at her heart, more than even the Professor's betrayal of her trust.

Knowing that her love had been in such pain that he couldn't help but lash out subconsciously, without her being there for him to soothe and care for him, caused an icy spike of grief to pierce her heart.

Crying silent tears, Jean buried herself in Elijah's embrace as best as she could while trying to not wake him up, her hands moving onto his chest so that she could feel his strong heartbeat and know that he was still with her.

Shhh. I am alright, my love.”, a whisper suddenly reached her ear, as Elijah's arms wrapped themselves around her and pulled her in as close as he could, his hands drawing soft circles on her lower back and brushing gently over her hair, “I'm still here.”

Hearing him console her and feeling his tender caresses even though he had been the one in pain, caused Jean to only dive deeper into his embrace while she sobbed quietly, clinging to Elijah in near-desperation as if he was her lifeboat, her love for him threatening to tear apart her heart.

It was moments like these that Jean wished that she could just let him feel how much she loved him, wished she could open her mind for him to see how much he meant to her. She knew that she could never be with someone else, Elijah having captured her heart so thoroughly that she would never be able to get it back.

Laying in the safety of his embrace, soaking up his warmth and care with every single cell of her existence, Jean found herself unable to do anything but suppress her heart-breaking sobs to tell Elijah the only words that mattered at this moment.

I love you so much.”, Jean whispered, raising her head from his chest as she continued softly, “Y-You are my everything, Elijah.”

Hearing these words of tender devotion while Jean gazed up at me with tears in her enchanting eyes, her beautiful flaming hair framing her flawless features, the look in her eyes one of pure vulnerability and affection, I couldn't restrain myself as I captured her supple lips with my own.

Pressing her into the soft leather with my larger frame while her hands buried themselves in my hair, holding me close as she returned my kiss with a desperate hunger for intimacy, I broke our kiss for just a moment.

"No pain in this world will ever make me leave your side, my love.", I whispered against her lips, inhaling her sweet scent as her warm breath brushed over my lips, my gaze locked onto hers, "I will always return to you, Jean."

Elijah's words echoed in her ears, soothing her longing soul, causing Jean to be unable to hold back any longer as she reconnected their lips fiercely, hunger for his warmth and touch filling every inch of her lithe form.

Their clothes vanished piece by piece until finally nothing was between them anymore and Elijah sheathed himself inside her fully, his hardness connecting them intimately as Jean cried out in bliss.

Elijah's lips danced over her neck and jaw, while one of his hands kneaded the soft flesh of her breasts, the other having taken hold of her own wrists, holding them down above her head, as he ravished her with gentle determination, whispering words of love as he thrust into her, his eyes aflame with heart-breaking tenderness.

Jean whimpered and moaned, crying for his every touch, the feeling of his throbbing shaft pushing inside her deeply making her feel complete, fulfilled. The way Elijah overwhelmed her with his sensual caresses, drove her crazy with pleasure, his lips dancing over her breasts, sucking and biting at her sensitive peaks.

Jean just gave herself up, coming over and over again around his invading shaft, knowing that Elijah would be there as she opened herself up to her love, crying his name in orgasmic bliss until finally, she felt his shaft pulse and throb inside her, his hot seed rushing into her womb just a moment later as he called out her name.

Feeling tired and loved beyond any ability to explain, Jean didn't resist as Elijah gently carried her to their bed before slipping under the covers with her, embracing her from behind as she drifted into sleep, his warmth and presence blanketing her.

Her last thought before slipping off into her dreams was that she was exactly where she belonged – home.

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