The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 073 – Pictures

[2009 – July]

Elijah had clearly gotten stronger again after his power had evolved, and not just a bit. Emma could feel the psions stilling the moment her younger half-brother walked into her office, something that was only possible thanks to her incredible sensitivity and control over psionic energy.

Elijah's mental power must have made a major step forward, as it would not be possible to affect the psions surrounding him passively otherwise, which meant that she should probably have a talk with him on a later date about giving him some lessons on how to control the effect he had on the ambient psychic energy.

It would be a weakness if his enemies could gauge his reactions by keeping track of the psionic energy surrounding him, and if there was one thing Emma did not wish for, then that would be for Elijah to be weak.

Her little brother was the most powerful member of the Frost family and even if she knew that he was not interested in the family business, his strength was a matter of great importance when it came to the Hellfire Club.

She may be the undisputed Queen of the Club, but she wasn't deluded enough to think that there weren't at least a dozen schemes in place to dethrone her, some of them put in place by herself to draw in the traitorous parties she had to be wary of.

Elijah's existence and power had already reached the upper echelons of the organization, as the Club's spy network was incredibly extensive. And the more powerful her brother was the more hesitant her competitors would be to strike at her.

Nobody wanted to offend an Omega-level mutant, especially not one as ruthless as herself. But even fewer people were sane enough to try and go against two Omega-level mutants, one of them whose powers had no known limits.

Laura was also a nice addition to their ranks, as the girl was as fearsome as her father and even more ruthless. Her upbringing also made her the perfect weapon, though Emma knew that she couldn't force the girl to act as her assassin, not with Elijah being close to Laura.

Emma was clear on the fact that her younger brother would not stand by and watch as she manipulated Laura into acting as her personal killer, but that didn't mean that the girl's enrollment into the Academy didn't still bring with it many benefits, even more so if she could convince her to join her Hellions.

Such plans though had to be approached with patience, rushing them would only backfire in the long run.

And if there was one thing Emma had in spades then it was patience. One didn't end up as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club by being a reckless fool after all.

With Blink's portals, it was particularly easy to arrive at a high-class Mall in Boston which would have taken hours to reach from the Academy using a normal vehicle, the three teenage girls were rather excited to take a short break from being superhuman as they arrived.

Their appearance though did not go unnoticed, the three girls possessing a beauty that was anything but ordinary.

Angelica and Jean both had bright red hair, though while Angelica's reminded one of rust and autumn, Jean's hair was of a flaming red. Their figures also differed as Angelica leaned more on the athletic side with long legs and a smaller bust, while Jean was curvy in all the right places and still possessed a slender build.

Clarice though was clearly the most exotic amongst the trio, her asian descent unmistakable due to her facial features, along with her light purple hair and stark green eyes.

Jean though ignored the looks and chatter of strangers, Elijah having placed a shield around her mind so that she wouldn't have to worry about being assaulted by a stream of voices flowing into her mind while being amongst crowds.

The mall that they had chosen to visit was one for people with rather expensive taste, though such wasn't a problem for the three of them, as Emma was very generous when it came to the spending money that she provided her Hellions, while Jean herself was armed with Elijah's credit card.

Emma had wanted to give her her own monthly allowance, but Elijah had turned down his sister's offer and simply asked that Jean be given access to his own, even having requested a debit card to be issued in her name.

Jean hadn't wanted to accept at first, but she had been left with little choice as her love had insisted on it. It hadn't taken her long to realize though that Elijah simply didn't care about money at all, he simply wanted to share what he possessed with her and prevent her from worrying about finances in the first place.

Taking a small break, the three of them sat down in a small cafe, their bags having been taken back to the Hellion Mansion through one of Blink's portals.

"So, who wants to go and flirt with our stalkers?", Angelica asked after they had sat down and finished placing their orders, her head turning sideways to give a flirty smile to four boys that had obviously followed them to the cafe and only sat a few tables away.

They were well-dressed in a display of obvious wealth, though Jean wasn't the least bit interested and neither was Blink if her expression was anything to go by.

You do remember seeing John shirtless during training, don't you Angie?”, Clarice replied with a rather bland tone.

"If you want me to flirt with someone just because you are horny and can't find a guy to scratch your itch, the least you could do is find someone looking less like the definition of a beansprout.", the lightly tanned Asian girl added, her dry tone causing Jean to let a small laugh escape her lips.

“ … So, that's a no then.”, Angelica said, not bothering to banter with Clarice as her gaze turned to Jean, “What about you Jean? Wanna have some fun?”

Sorry, but Elijah looks pretty good shirtless too.”, Jean stated with a small laugh, shaking her head as she declined Angelica's invitation.

Seemingly unbothered by being rejected twice, Angelica demanded with a mischievous smile: “Well, that calls for proof. I have seen John shirtless during training, but not Elijah. Your boyfriend likes to keep to himself while training after all.”

Surprised by the other redhead's words, Jean didn't quite know how to answer as she in fact did have a few pictures of Elijah without a shirt or any clothes at all for that matter. She herself was also in most of those pictures, as she had taken them in front of the bathroom mirror after they had showered together.

Her favorite one was the one where they were both naked with Elijah embracing her from behind, his right arm covering her breasts while his left hand hid her sex, her own arms reaching back and wrapping themselves around Elijah's neck, her hand buried in his wet locks.

She had taken the picture using her telekinetic powers, though she hadn't ever planned on showing them to anyone as they were just for Elijah's and her viewing pleasure.

She still remembered the abrupt end of their little photoshoot when Elijah had simply sheathed himself inside her wet depths from behind, having been unwilling to suppress his desire any further after having her naked body pressed against his for different poses.

It had been a wild and passionate round of lovemaking, where he had thrust into her from behind while she had held onto the sink desperately, moaning and whimpering the whole time under his ruthless assault of her lower lips and womb.

"So you do have some pictures.", Angelica exclaimed and teased when she saw Jean's reaction, "How naughty of you Jean! Now you have to show us, pretty please!"

Clarice also looked at her newest friend with curious eyes, not having expected the somewhat shy beauty to have those types of pictures of her boyfriend.

Blushing slightly at having been found out, the memory of Elijah's passionate assault still in her mind, Jean gave in.

Only one. And you aren't going to blab about it to anyone, I will know if you do!”, she relented with an intimidating glare, as she fished out her phone from her small handbag.

Eager nods were her answer, as neither Clarice nor Angelica had any doubts about the powerful telepath's capabilities.

Flipping through her gallery, she choose one of her other favorites from the morning after Elijah had given himself an enhanced physique.

It was a picture of him laying in bed shirtless, a thin sheet covering his lower body as he looked up sleepily at her. His dark hair wildly framed his charming features while love shone in his bright eyes, a gentle smile sitting on Elijah's lips.

"Damn, does he look sexy!", Angelica exclaimed quietly, Clarice nodding in agreement, causing a surge of pride to rise in Jean's heart, "No wonder you aren't interested in flirting with other boys if you have that waiting for you at home. So, is he as good in bed as he looks?"

Taking back her phone while blushing furiously, Jean answered the nosy vice-leader of the Hellions quietly: "Even better."

Okay, enough with the grilling, Angie. Just get yourself your own superpowered boyfriend, so that you can stop asking questions that make you look like a slut.”, Clarice interjected with a roll of her eyes.

Easy for you to say.”, Angelica sighed in defeat, “The only other male Hellion is Haroun, and you know he is kinda obsessed with 'repaying his debt' to Emma for saving him from burning alive. I mean, he is kinda cute but he doesn't seem the type of guy you want to be your lover.”

Knowing her friend to be right, Clarice didn't argue with her on that point as Haroun was indeed a bit strange, despite being an overall friendly and nice guy.

"Well, you could always try and charm one of the X-Men recruits.", the exotic Asian beauty stated with a devious smirk, "Angel and Darwin are pretty cute."

Darwin is probably a bad target for seduction, as he has a thing going on with Jubilee. Though Angel is single and a rather nice guy under his 'tough guy'-exterior.”, Jean added helpfully, enjoying herself acting like a normal teenage girl with her friends.

Gossiping and talking about boys, weren't things she had been able to do so easily before, her mind having usually been occupied by worries of losing control and a constant stream of foreign voices.

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