The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 058 – Birthday

[2009 – July]

Preparing dinner in celebration of Jean's birthday while the lovely redhead stood by my side, her fingers gently brushing over my sides, chest, and back every chance she got.

Jean had decided not to celebrate her birthday in a grand fashion, as she just wanted to spend a quiet day with me. Though I did have a few surprises planned.

We passed the time with light-hearted conversation as I asked her about her progress with Emma's lessons and the state of her mental barriers.

Jean didn't hide anything from me as she told me that her lessons went exceptionally well according to Emma, which didn't surprise me as Jean's talent was indisputable. I knew that even Charles, who was widely acknowledged as the most powerful telepath, couldn't measure up to her in that category.

Jean had been born as the perfect avatar for the Phoenix Force, so it was only natural for her to have talent that fit this fate.

I feel as if I am only a step away from something. I can't really grasp it but with every mental shackle that I dismantle and every barrier I build up myself, I- … I feel as if I am changing somewhat.”, Jean explained, a slight stammer in her voice, as I felt her lean against my back, her arms wrapping themselves around my waist.

I could see the insecurity and a hint of fear in her eyes as she was still afraid of what she could do, the trauma of her childhood still haunting her.

Setting aside the knife and vegetable I was about to cut up, I wiped my hands with the kitchen towel and turned around in her embrace, one of my arms wrapping itself around her, while my other hand reached up to gently brush aside her fiery hair and cradle her cheek.

"You are not changing, my love. You are becoming what you were always supposed to be, and I know that frightens you. But I also know that no amount of power could ever change the fact that you have a kind heart and a gentle soul.", I assured her with a whisper, deep affection in my tone, as I could see the tears gathering in her eyes.

"The Phoenix Force has to be harnessed by you, my love. This is your fate. Suppressing it or trying to distance yourself from this, will not change anything. It will only lead to disaster.", I added softly, "I know that you can control it, that you are strong enough to shoulder this burden. And that you will still be my Jean even while you do so."

Brushing aside the fallen tears with the tips of my fingers, I placed a tender kiss on her lips, while Jean just buried herself in my embrace.

A sudden knock on the door interrupted our intimate moment a few moments later.

It seems my surprise arrived earlier than expected.”, I stated with a gentle smile, while stealing myself another soft kiss, “Ready?”

Shaking off her worries while taking a deep breath, Jean inhaled Elijah's wonderful smell as she replied with a curious light in her eyes: "I am."

Elijah often surprised her with small gestures of affection, be that with flowers laying in wait in different spots like in her drawers, on her nightstand, or in the bathroom cabinet, or with little love notes in her books and on her laptop that read out with different messages every time.

She loved that she couldn't read his thoughts and never knew what he planned or thought, as this made every word and gesture of his more memorable, and it also forced her to be more attentive.

Without being able to read his thoughts, it was on her to ask him about his day and show her affection clearly, so that she could be assured that he knew she loved him and thought about him.

Taking half a step back, Elijah grabbed her hand and led her to the entrance of their little home, her mind shielded from the thoughts of whoever was on the other side by him, meaning that she had no idea what waited for her on the other side.

Turning the handle, Elijah opened the door, a bubbly asian girl practically pouncing on her as soon as he did.

Happy Birthday, Jean! I missed you!”, Yukio exclaimed cheerfully as she hugged Jean tightly, Ellie and Pietro stepping into the room right after.

Having the three of them come to visit had been less of a challenge than I had anticipated, as I expected Xavier to be unwilling to let them go and visit here. Though after looking at things clearly, I realised that this had been just my distaste for the Professor influencing my view.

Charles was an incredible manipulator and it would be way beneath him to interfere in Jean's and my friendships with some of his students, especially now that they were the only things that tied us to his school.

From an objective point of view, they were also the best chance he had to draw us both back in.

I also knew that Jean had missed Yukio and Ellie even though she did not have much contact with them before my arrival at the school. With them around, Jean could be herself as they did not expect her to pretend to be someone she was not, they themselves being anything but normal.

The same went for Pietro of course, who unlike the two girls did not represent any danger of leaking information to the Professor involuntarily, as he was immune to telepathy.

Or more accurately, his thoughts moved too fast for any telepath to be able to keep up with them, which made any attempt of mind reading a horror experience for telepaths. His thoughts literally became weapons that drilled into the heads of those trying to see what he thought.

Still, I didn't care about Xavier knowing what happened here, as we just planned to celebrate Jean's seventeenth birthday nothing more, and judging by the full-blown smile sitting on her gorgeous face and the happy light shining in her eyes, my surprise had the desired effect.

Smiling to myself at seeing her this joyful while Yukio practically drowned her in questions and gossip, I turned towards Pietro after closing the front door: "Glad you could make it. Want something to drink?"

Have something sugary?”, the grey-haired teen asked with a light smile.

The three of them had been curious why we had left so suddenly and during dinner, Jean and I had told them what the Professor had done, though we left some of the details out as they were too personal for Jean to share.

Still, I could see that Yukio's and Ellie's opinion of the old man had plummeted, while a healthy amount of anger had also bloomed in their hearts. I knew that as the individualist that they were, the simple thought of the Professor screwing with their minds made them both feral.

Things though were not yet at a point where they would consider leaving the school as they greatly enjoyed their duties as X-Men recruits and also saw the mansion as their home, while Pietro stayed strangely silent on the topic.

It was a few hours later that the three of them left after we had all made a short trip into the city and to the arcade. I had opened I portal for them to the school grounds, so they wouldn't have to be driven back by the car that I had asked Emma to prepare beforehand.

Jean and I, though had stayed in the city and were currently sitting atop the torch in Lady Liberty's hand as we watched the bustling city from the distance.

The sheer height of our resting place was intimidating and liberating at the same time, considering that I did have a slight fear of heights in my last life.

Being so high up though reminded me that I had nothing to fear in this life as long as I was willing to face those fears, instead of doing my best to avoid them. I was now capable of flight, so why shouldn't I climb to the highest building and monument in this world?

Like always, Jean sat between my legs as I enveloped her with my larger frame, my arms being wrapped around her slender waist while she leaned into me, her fingers softly brushing over the back of my hands.

Jean, there is something else I have for you.”, I addressed the somewhat exhausted beauty in my arms, my heart clenching in hurt due to what I was about to do to her.

Another surprise?”, Jean asked with a soft smile.

Yes.”, I sighed, as I answered, “But this one will not bring you any joy, my love.”

Sensing the turmoil in my heart, Jean turned her head back a bit further as she placed her gentle fingers on my cheek, looking at me with deep love and trust.

I am with you, I will be alright.”, she voiced out tenderly, as she placed a light kiss on my lips.

It's about your father, Jean.”, I said, forcing myself to tell her what I had asked Emma to investigate.

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