The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 053 – A Goddess

[2009 – June]

Knowing this to be an important moment, I restrained myself as my fingers brushed lightly over Jean's cheek.

Sighing quietly, I answered her: “It's about the origin of your fire, Jean.”

My fire?”, Jean questioned in confusion.

"I told you about my Self-Creation, didn't I?", I asked her and continued, after she gave me a slight nod, "That isn't the only power I awakened, Jean. Like you have your telepathy and telekinesis, I too awakened a second ability. It's something similar to precognitive visions.", I stated calmly, once again hiding my knowledge behind a little white lie.

Visions? You mean about the future?”, Jean questioned with a curious look on her flawless face.

"No, not just the future. I had visions about all kinds of obscure things, some about the future, some about the past, and other ones about the occult.", I started, before I continued, "These visions … Some of them were about the power slumbering within you, Jean."

What are you saying, Elijah? What power?”, Jean asked, an adorable frown on her face.

The limiters that the Professor had placed on you, he was lying as he said that they would limit your power until you gained more control. The truth is much more complex.”, I answered with a bitter smile.

With an almost pleading tone in her words, Jean voiced out: "Tell me, Elijah. Tell me the truth."

"I will, but you have to stay calm, my love.", I said, my hand cradling her cheek before I continued slowly.

"The origin of your fire is where your true power lies, as you were born the perfect host for a Cosmic Entity called the Phoenix Force. It slumbers within you and the Professor has tried to block your connection to it. Its power- … It is simply incredible, capable of destroying and creating whole worlds with ease."

Phoenix Force … ? What does that mean?”, Jean whispered, confused and unable to truly understand what my words implied.

"Well, in easier terms it means that you have the power of an immortal all-powerful goddess lying within you.", I stated calmly.

A Goddess … “, Jean whispered, her eyes widened in surprise, before she questioned softly, “Why would the Professor try and prevent me from using that power, wouldn't I be able to do a lot of good with it?”

"You would, but he wouldn't be able to control you. Nobody would.", I said quietly, "You are the only one capable of controlling this power and the Professor was probably afraid you wouldn't use it for his goals."

A pause spread between us, as Jean's gaze was turned downwards before she lifted her head and turned towards me. Silent tears ran down her cheeks, as she asked almost inaudibly: "He never really cared about me, did he?”

Sighing, I wrapped my arms around her as I hugged her tightly, her head buried in the crook of my neck, while her body was trembling with quiet sobs.

I wish I could tell you otherwise, my love.”, I whispered with a heavy heart, as I continued, “But the Professor cares only about his goals and he is willing to do truly horrible things to accomplish them.”

It took some time for Jean to calm down, time I spent mentally cursing the Professor and hardening my resolve to pay him back for the pain he made Jean endure.

Feeling Jean settle down gradually, I addressed her with a whisper: "You wanna go back to studying, or take a nap together? I promise I'll smooch you to sleep."

A subdued giggle sounded out, as Jean replied softly: “Smooching.”

Doing as she decreed, I brought her to the bedroom, where I brushed away her tears with my lips before showering her with tender kisses. My hands gently caressed her sides and back while things slowly got more heated.

Undressing each other unhurriedly, I caressed every bit of exposed skin with my hands and lips while Jean was equally eager.

Finally, I pressed her into the sheets with my own muscular form, before she welcomed my shaft inside her with an incredibly sensual moan.

Jean was unsure how it was even possible, but no matter how much the truth pained her heart and caused her sorrow, Elijah's touch and love were all that she needed to forget all about that.

As she felt his shaft penetrate her again and again in a gentle rhythm while his eyes burned with desire and love, his gaze locked onto hers, she could think of nothing else, except that she never wanted this moment to end.

Feeling him so close, his heat pulsing inside her and his strength surrounding her, while his hand gently kneaded the sensitive flesh of her breasts, she felt her eyes tear up as her love for him threatened to drown her.

I love you.”, she whispered, as tender moans left her lips.

Her hands burying themselves in his wild locks, she drew him in for a deep kiss. Her inner muscles clenched around his invading member, a devastating orgasm rocking her form, while his hot seed rushed into her depths.

Breaking their kiss, Elijah's eyes burned with tender affection, as he voiced out softly: “I love you, Jean Grey.”

Again, Jean wished that this moment would never end, as she looked up into his charming face while feeling his essence inside of her, their bodies still connected in a lover's fashion.

While we basked in the afterglow of our orgasms, I told Jean about Emma being willing to instruct her in the use of her telepathy, something I was sure the Professor hadn't done properly.

Even though a bit nervous at the idea of spending time alone with Emma, Jean still accepted gratefully, as she knew how precious this opportunity to learn from a telepath like Emma was.

And after taking a rather 'heated' shower, we went back into the living area, where Jean started asking questions about the Phoenix Force, which I tried to answer to the best of my abilities.

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