The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 049 – Restraint

[2009 – June]

"Thank you.", her younger brother said with a serious and grateful look in his eyes.

"You don't have to thank me. I told you last time that you are a Frost and that makes you my family.", Emma replied. And she meant it.

She knew herself very well, and she was sure to try and squeeze the most benefits out of every situation, and probably even this one. Drawing two Omega-level mutants to her side was an incredible achievement, considering their rarity and the immense power each of them wielded.

But Emma, in her heart, promised herself and her new little half-brother, that she wouldn't betray his trust. She would try to be honest with him, even though it went against her habits because Elijah was right.

This was her chance at a family, together with Christian, Cordelia, and now Elijah, she had something that even her cold heart cared about deeply and she refused to lose it due to her own selfishness.

Mhm.”, Elijah nodded, accepting her words quietly.

The next moment though before her very own eyes, the little brother she had thought she had found in him vanished.

Elijah's eyes transformed into a whirlpool of darkness, like an abyss ready to devour every drop of life it could find.

Something overwhelmingly ruthless had appeared in his dark-green eyes, as Elijah's quiet and even voice sounded out: "And while I don't want to threaten you, please don't try and repeat what Charles tried to do to Jean. Because family or not if you force me, I will destroy you and everything you love, Emma."

Her breath was caught in her throat as she found herself frozen by his gaze and words, fear bloomed in her heart while a chill ran down her spine for split second.

It was at this moment that Emma realized that looks or not, Elijah was a Frost, and definitely her brother.

She had not a shred of doubt that he would follow through with his words, as his eyes spoke volumes of his determination. She could see that clearly, as she recognized that look from herself.

When she had been at her lowest and sworn revenge to all those that had caused her harm, it had been those eyes that had stared back at her through the mirror. It was this same determination that made her able to go through things that would have broken a weaker woman.

No amount of humiliation, pain, or fear had been able to stop her from reaching her goal, so she knew that they wouldn't stop Elijah.

She didn't know what he had gone through to have gained such eyes, but Emma's icy heart clenched when she thought about him following her footsteps in search of vengeance.

Experiencing a rare moment of gentleness and care, Emma couldn't stop herself from approaching her younger brother and enveloping him in a soft hug, as she whispered: "I promise, Elijah."

Backing away a moment later, Emma's face was turned away, as she tried to regain her composure.

"I believe you.", Elijah voiced out quietly after several long moments of silence, setting her heart at ease and giving her enough time to control herself.

With a schooled expression, she asked calmly: “Now, how about we start packing your stuff?”

"Probably a good idea. We shouldn't drag this out, not when we have to talk with the Professor later.", he replied, before letting out a quiet sigh and moving towards his bedroom.

Following behind him, they spend no more than half an hour packing away all of Elijah's clothes and other belongings in some sports bags, though not all of them fit. The rest they placed on the bed with the bags, as they made a small pile of his stuff, mostly toiletries, books, and documents, that he wanted to take with him.

Doing something so menial with her little brother made a special feeling bloom in the Ice Queen's heart.

Exhaling deeply after she appeared in her room and the portal had closed, Jean felt as if a burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

Meeting Emma Frost for the first time had definitely been stressful.

Not because she was one of the most successful businesswomen in the world, which she was. Or because she was a telepath with abilities rivaling the Professor's, which she likewise was.

It was because she was Elijah's older sister and one of the few relatives he had remaining. Jean was pretty sure that this was how it felt to meet her in-laws with how nervous she had felt. Thankfully, Emma seemed like a nice person and Elijah had been by her side the whole time.

Headmistress, making you nervous?”, Clarice suddenly asked her with a small smirk, breaking the silent atmosphere in the room.

Turning towards her, Jean couldn't help but smile wrily: “Well, kinda. But shouldn't she?”

Well, Headmistress Frost can be very strict, but she is also very fair.”, Blink answered reassuringly, before she continued, the small smirk returning to her face, “Also, you are dating her little brother, so I think you are safe.”

True, but I can't rely on Elijah for everything.”, Jean voiced out stubbornly, “I want her to like me for me.”

Well, the Headmistress likes talent, so you're probably good on that front.”, Clarice remarked.

And how would you know that?”, Jean questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Well, I am one of the Hellions, so it's kinda my job to know about all the powerful mutants around.”, the pink-haired girl explained, “But enough about that, we should probably get started with pack- … ”

Clarice stopped mid-sentence though as Jean simply used her telekinesis to empty all her drawers and the closet, her clothes being folded neatly as they arranged themselves on the bed, along with her other belongings, that she wanted to take with her.

"That was fast.", Blink stated with a bit of surprise, as she asked, "Can you levitate your stuff through one of my portals?"

Sure.”, Jean answered easily, before she inquired curiously, “So Hellions? Are they like the X-Men?”

It was an hour later when Jean returned to Elijah's room with one of Clarice's portals, where she likewise levitated his belongings through one of Blink's portals and they finally finished with their 'move'.

Time to meet the Professor. You ready?”, Elijah asked softly, a caring look in his eyes.

Stepping to his side, Jean grabbed his hand and interwove her finger with his as she responded confidently: "I am."

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