The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 132: The Omen of Saint Marian's Crisis

***Edited by Kronost***

Ten o'clock.

When Dark finally came out of the library, he happened to meet a crowd of people returning from the secret passage. Densely packed magic spirits covered the sky, urging the students to return to the dormitory, as if they were escorting prisoners.

"I don't know when this wave of enthusiasm will pass?" Dark shook his head, turning towards the window, waiting for the crowd to pass.

The moonlight was not affected at all, and it was as clear as water.

Half of Dark's face lit up, just in time to see White and Robert hurry past the outboard bridge.

"I remember that it was also this position last time after the astronomy class?"

A faint memory flashed through Dark's mind, but he shook his head immediately.


The next day, Friday.

Noble House, common room.

Dark, as always, enjoyed breakfast brought back by DemiDevimon.

This morning's Daily Sage finally touched on what happened inside the Saint Marian Academy.

Despite the school's efforts, it seemed to have a little effect.

The incident made the headlines of The Daily Sage with a picture of Principal Arte featured on the front page.

It was just that the point of view of this incident was slightly different from what Dark had imagined.

The voice of condemning the little fairy was not as strong as expected.

The usual impression that they were unreliable made people feel that this was not surprising.

It was just that some parents were surprised that the academy appointed a little fairy as a professor. However, due to the "Hundred Races Alliance Treaty" signed during the war, it was not easy for the kingdom's nobles to publicly criticise this from their political standpoint.

People were more relieved to hear that the affected students were safe and sound.

The school submitted the list of the students involved to the court, but the court did not publish it because of confidential regulations, and only the name of Mr. Starfish appeared in the public document.

The incident had been fermenting for the whole day, but the most fierce criticism was actually made by the holy church, which had nothing to do with the incident.

Moreover, the angle of criticism from the spokesman of the holy church was also quite strange. He actually accused Principal Arte of stigmatising Moon God!

Seeing this, Dark couldn't help but laugh.

The so-called "Moon God" was actually a very general term.

All gods related to the moon can be called Moon God.

Among them, one of the more famous, the Moon Hunting Goddess, was the ancestor of Principal Arte.

In ancient myths and legends, some gods who descended on the earth used to live with human beings.

Their bloodlines had been passed down through normal reproduction. Although they had been diluted from generation to generation, there were still a small number of people who had high-purity divine bloodlines.

Principal Arte was one of them.

That holy church spokesman could have had criticised anyone, but they accused the descendant of the Moon God for stigmatizing the Moon God—that was really dumb.

Dark continued to flip through the newspaper, only to see a clarification post about yesterday's headline in a small corner.

In the post, a reporter apologised for his "nonsense" and clarified that Duke's son did not have a marriage contract with the royal princess.

"So the rumour post is the headline, and the clarification post is only worthy of staying in the corner!"

After seeing this, Dark seemed to suddenly think of something, so he looked back at the report on the Moon God incident—and then fell into a brief thought.

"If Principal Arte was out until late last night, then who was in class yesterday afternoon in the History of Magic?"

"It can't be her magical spirit, can it?"


Time flew by.

When Dark put the newspaper down, a sorting card in the card pouch suddenly vibrated.

After taking it out to take a look, Dark found that it was a notification: "The Duel Class has changed the class location".

Duelling classes were usually held in the classroom, but sometimes they were switched to the duelling hall.

Every time the classroom was changed, Professor Jones would give advance notice.

"I wonder what Professor Jones will talk about in duelling class this time?"

Dark's anticipation for the duelling class has risen slightly after his fierce fight with the Moon Goddess.

However, when the first-year students from the four Houses entered the Dueling Hall, what awaited them was a high-intensity physical training class!

Professor Jones seemed to have thought that the students' poor physical fitness was not enough to deal with a possible crisis, or she simply thought they had too much energy and nowhere to spend.

In short, in this class, she trained the first-year students hard.

To physically weak students, this class was like hell.

Some people ground their teeth to persist, stubborn and adorable.

Others protested, but were ignored.

It was not until halfway through the class that two students suddenly fainted, and Professor Jones temporarily stopped the physical training and sent the two students to the infirmary as quickly as possible.

About fifteen minutes later, Professor Jones returned to class.

A student from Noble House suddenly denounced her inhumane teaching methods loudly, and received a reward of training task X2.

Professor Jones frowned in thought.

Several other students asked her about the health of the two students who had been sent to the infirmary.

Professor Jones was puzzled: "It's strange. Sister Kaleid said that they fainted because of long-term malnutrition. But our canteen is run by halfling chefs. How could they be malnourished? Did they not eat?"

Professor Jones was even more confused when a Knight House student, who was close to one of the students who fainted, declared that the student was a big eater.

Anyway, the little magisters did not escape the next training because of this.

It was not because of training that the two students fainted.

The incident became a mystery, and it was later incorporated into the list of several unexplainable aspects of school life.

At the end of the class, Professor Jones arranged the after-class assignment and asked the students to write a long thesis about "The Importance of Physical Fitness in Magical Duel".

At the same time, she announced that the second in-class competition would be held before Christmas.


In any case, this morning's duelling class was not a pleasant one.

The two fainted: one was Esiko from Magister House and the other was Wagner from Knight House.

Wagner was the famous big eater of Knight House. He was strong and sturdy and didn't look like he suffered from "malnutrition" at all!

Therefore, some students thought it was an excuse that Professor Jones found to avoid responsibility. In order to verify it, they even gathered a group of classmates to go to the infirmary to check the fainted students.

However, most of the students lost their mobility because of the high-intensity training tasks, and some people even slept in bed until afternoon, not even eating lunch.

Dark's stamina could only be regarded as above average, and he almost fell asleep in the bathtub.

And, Dianna and Robert finally showed their strengths, still alive and well after training.

In short, after this incident, Dark began to consider whether to add morning exercise to his daily routine.


At half past eleven.

Dark dragged his sore body to the cafeteria and ate a bowl of noodles, then he waited for Traveller Street to open.

On this trip to Traveller Street, the amount of credits he had was much higher than before.

But the things he wanted to buy were also more than ever.

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