The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 12: Dark Demon survived tenaciously (2)

His familiar spirit would pass by the castle and fly in from the vent to the cafeteria kitchen.

The halfling chefs really liked this DemiDevimon who always came to give some small gifts.

Although those gifts were like pebbles picked up by the river, small flowers picked from the roadside, clovers in the setting sun, beautiful colorful feathers...

But, they were the best gifts a little familiar spirit could find.

The halflings would always pin the flowers between their hair, keep the clovers in the card deck, and store the pebbles and glass shards in the jar.

Every morning, DemiDevimon would come on time.

Then, they would hand over to DemiDevimon the prepared basket containing snacks and milk.

DemiDevimon would use those two sturdy claws to grab the basket and go back smoothly to the Noble House tower.

Dark had already become used to eating breakfast in the common room.

Reading while eating could effectively reduce the probability of triggering [Gluttony] and [Greed].

This was definitely his true intention!

After eating, DemiDevimon would return the basket to the kitchen.

Dark would continue reading in the common room.

He would not go to the classroom for the first class until the crowd in the room gradually increased.

At first, he was the first to come to the classroom, but later he noticed there was another person who came earlier than him in every class with Knight House.

Fortunately, the first female protagonist in the game was not mature enough, outside his target range.

Compared to the more troublesome Dianna, Emma was like a little harmless kitty on the side of the road.

Dianna slowly became more and more unruly.

The main trigger was arithmetic homework.

Dianna had no talent in arithmetic, and Rose was not much better.

So, when these two little girls came to Dark, a straight-A student, in desperation, he had no choice but to teach them a secret technique [Column Calculation Method]!

Column calculation was to use "Columns" in the calculation process to make the calculation more convenient.

This secret technique was directly learned by Professor Lily and spread throughout Saint Marian later.

For intelligent fairies, this calculation method was not necessary at all, but for beginners, it was simply a great help.

Professor Lily even named it [Dark Column Calculation] and gave him a full fifty points!

However, this made Dark feel very troubled, because his [Pride] index had increased again!

Dark had always paid great attention in controlling his emotions, but the deadly sin indicators could always give him a surprise blow whenever he missed a beat!


Obviously, he had been trying to avoid communication as much as possible, pursuing a life of a buddhist with no desires, no sadness or joy.

Unfortunately, the more he wished to do so, the more he would stand out among the naive and naughty freshmen.

No one cared about the "rumours" before enrollment. Everyone had a new definition of Dark Demon based on "seeing is believing".

Hardworking, smart, and handsome, although a little indifferent. Wasn't all that the image a high-ranking person should have?

In contrast, White Gawd, the son of another [Kingdom Double Swords], was a bad example.

White had not received pre-school elite education. He only learned how to read in church, and memorized addition and subtraction formulas.

Although he was very smart, he was still immature and was always dragged by Robert to play around.

As the old saying goes: if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Without the urging of Emma, ​​the "Miss know-it-all", there was only Robert with all kinds of bad habits next to White, so naturally, White was influenced by him.

In addition, when he was in class, he was always distracted, so his studies became worse and worse.

Just when the demeanour of the protagonist and the villain in the original game was about to be reversed, a card game called [Love Divination] suddenly became popular among the first-year students.


But, this has nothing to do with Dark who didn't have a social circle.

He still maintained his daily routine. After the second class every morning, he would go to the cafeteria and eat a self-controlled lunch. He would basically return to the common room at twelve.

The next step was to make a cup of coffee and continue reading.

If there was an assignment that could be done directly, he would do the assignment first.

After finishing the homework, he would continue reading.

DemiDevimon would bring some biscuit snacks, which were all sorts of coarse snacks, not to trigger [Gluttony].

And the books he read were no longer textbooks, but books about [Magic Guide] and [Potion] borrowed from the library.

Because he was immersed in those books occasionally, the [Greed] value was slowly increasing.

After the third class in the afternoon, he would go to the library as usual.

Apart from the initial visual shock by the charm of the female senior, Dark no longer triggered [Lust+1] when he looked the female senior in the eyes.

Even so, Pandora's body was still too attractive, which always made Dark panic.

Every time he ran away, he could hear the giggles behind him, making him wonder what she was laughing at.


There were seven values ​​in total.

[Sloth] was the indicator he managed to control well.

Dark did not expect that he would have such perseverance. After a month of hard work, the value of [Sloth] had not increased and it even decreased!The next was [Envy].

The first year textbook was too simple. With the magic energy and related aptitude that were gradually increasing after the blood of the demon god entered the awakening stage, he not only led the arithmetic class, but also in the summoning class, magical class and potion class.

The only person who could compare with him in terms of competence was White who inherited the blood of the hero.

But White didn't pay attention to study at all.

So Dark didn't have anyone to envy.

Except for, he would sometimes get slightly emotionally upset when he saw freshmen play with each other or talk about youth topics. So [Envy] had not increased much, but it also had not decreased.

But the number of emotional upheavals had increased with time recently...

Another emotion he tried to hold back was [Wrath]!

Yes, he could always suppress [Wrath] in time, but the anger of the demon god bloodline and the demon god's assistant system had always been rooted in his heart, and it was getting deeper and deeper.

What if it suddenly broke out one day?

Dark was worried about this.

[Greed] was still under control, but there was also a hidden danger of sudden outbreak.

In contrast, although [Lust] indicator was not that worrying, Dianna was getting more and more clingy to him; from pestering him alone when she just started school to pestering him with another girl now.

But he couldn't blame anyone. Because he dug his own grave!

Every time Dianna insisted to ask him a question about homework, he couldn't help but want to squish her little face.

As a result, [Lust] also quite a lot, only increasing and not a bit decreasing!

Dark once wondered if it could be rapidly reduced by the [Wise Man Time].But he didn't dare to try, he was afraid of exploding in an instant!

Surprisingly, the most difficult to control was [Pride]!Dark originally thought this was the best sin to control. After all, he had memories of his previous life. Even if he was affected by the character of this life for a while, he could always wear off that kind of arrogant temperament a little bit.

However, he never expected the memory of his previous life was the real cancer!

Looking at the [Pride] indicator that had successfully gone past 100 by the end of the month, and its colour changed from a mature red to a darker purple, he was very worried.


On Friday afternoon of the fourth week of academy, the freshmen were allowed to go out of the castle for the first time and enter the only trading and recreational area in Saint Marian-Traveller Street!

Dark silently counted his credits, which were a lot more than the average freshman. He knew his time was running out.

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