THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


This event happened during the training.

"*huf* *huf* *huf*"

A green-haired boy was huffing and sweating as he lay on the floor.

All his muscles were so sore he could hardly move. His vision was clouded, his chest heavy, his mind clouded.

Another session of hard work was terminated.

"It should be enough for today Midoriya-dono."

Sébastien spoke as he looked at the young boy. Praise could be seen in his eyes.

It has been eight months now since the start of training. The initial deadline for the end of phase 1.

Frankly, when he saw Midoriya Izuku for the first time, he wasn't particularly thrilled at the thought of training this shy and unconfident boy. He was more interested in Hayate Kuroha and he had already trained Togata Mirio in the past.

The true worth of a teacher could only be seen by his students. Even now, of all the ones he trained, the student who made him the most proud was without a doubt Togata Mirio. But Izuku wasn't far behind.

Kuroha didn't count. Teaching Kuroha was extremely frustrating. It made people wonder about the fairness of the world. The only thing really stopping Kuroha from becoming a master himself, was his own mind.

But for Midoriya Izuku? Sebastian didn’t like to act arrogantly, but people of their status wouldn’t train anyone for no reason. If it wasn’t a request from Nigheye and All Might, they would have refused.

The three of them were ex-pro heroes from Italy all in the top 10. There, Milienia stayed as the number 3 hero for more than ten years. He also stayed as rank 5 while Malicia was ranked 9.

But, Milliena decided to stop being a hero and became a trainer. Since neither he nor Malicia cared much about being a hero in the first place, they simply decided to follow her. After all, it wasn’t like it was the first time they did something like this. 

He still remembered what happened twenty years ago when they fled while the Immortal queen chased them through half of England. At that time Malicia was still a child.

(Ah...Those were good times.)

Anyways, while he was skeptical at first, reality proved to him that sometimes a diamond could be covered by so much dust that it would never shine without being polished. 

Midoriya Izuku was a very interesting boy. Looking at him was like looking at two different people at the same time. 

He couldn’t understand how someone so weak mentally could support and go through so much torture without giving up.

The level of training they concocted for him was basic but harsh at the same time.

 Other students would have had years of training and casual use of their quirks. How could it be easy to reach their level without an absurd training full of pain?

The level of pain Izuku had to bear was inhuman, but the results were obvious. From a short and shy boy, he had grown into a tall and...Shy boy.

He really couldn’t understand. What was his problem? When training or fighting, the boy acted with a calm and serious praiseworthy. But once outside, he became a wreck. 

Still, this didn’t diminish his result. In eight months, thanks to the correct distribution of nutrients as well as the conditioning training he received, he went from a short 166 cm to a more correct 175 cm.

What's more, he wasn’t just some beansprout. His body wasn’t particularly muscular, but lean and more suited for speed. This was Miliena plan. When he asked why to make him bulkier since he would become All Might successor, she simply answered, that Midoriya should find his own styles. If in the end, he wished to follow All Might steps, it wouldn’t be too late then.

“Sensei, will I meet All Might tomorrow?”

Sebastian looked at the boy who could attack him using a broken arm without hesitation but still blushed and acted like a shy maiden when asking a simple question. Once again, it was really baffling.

“Yes, today marks the end of your foundational training. Tomorrow, once you clean the last beat of trash from the beach, you’ll really become All Might's successor.”

Izuku, now rested, got up before bowing toward Sebastian,

“Thanks for everything senseiu.”

Sebastian looked at the boy with gratification. He let out a smile before saying

“I’m sure you’ll become a fine hero. Show Nighteye that you’ll make All Might's legacy proud.”

Tears gathered in Izuku's eyes before he bowed even more deeply. 

“Thank you!!”


Izuku looked at the now cleaned beach with emotions. He couldn’t help but let out a scream. 

All this pain, all this suffering, all those tears. Now, everything would be rewarded, now he could be proud and say that he was worthy of obtaining this power. No one could say that he was just a lucky kid who obtained great power. 

He worked for it, sweated for it and bleed for it.


Midoriya smiled before walking toward All Might with a spring in his step. Once he was close enough, All Might ruffled his head before saying. 

“Now… Eat!!”


Izuku looked at the strand of hair in All Might's hand and began to wonder if all those months of hellish training were really worth it.



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