THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)

CH 50: PAST? (4)


A green soft eerie light filled the road. 

Kuroha took his step carefully as he evaluated the scene. If the scene before was like that of a badly done Sci-fi movie, this one would one done with a clearly higher budget.

Tubelike things could be seen in and out of the floor. 

He began to follow their direction. After a while, he reached another large gate. This gate though didn't seem able to open automatically,

("Destroy it. it wasn't one of the protection gates so it shouldn't be too hard.")



"*Sigh* Ok I understand."

He once again used his knife to cut his hand. As the blood began to flow, he couldn't help but think for an easier way to activate his power. Enemies fast enough wouldn't give him the time to search for a knife and cut himself every time.

As the blood continued to flow out, it began to slowly condense and took the form of a large(very large) hand.

Kuroha slowly put himself in a punching position, before clenching his fist. When he did that, the large hand made of blood that was floating behind him also followed his movements. 

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, 

"My right hand is the hand of a giant."

and then...punched.

The moments he did, the hand behind him was hurled at an unbelievable speed before hitting the gate with all it might.


The result was immediate. The gate was destroyed and crumbled like paper.

[GIANT HAND], another original technique he created. No, it was just a part of a greater technique he was preparing himself for. 

Truthfully speaking, Kuroha didn't really create techniques. The only limits of his blood manipulation were his own imagination and the power of his mind.

What he did was more like saving a combo. Creating new and complex form took time. As such he only trained in a few sets of forms and used them again and again until he could summon them nearly instantly.

As could be seen, this "technique" still required more work in order to be usable in live combat. It was only in manga or novel that enemies would be stupid enough to give the time to launch one own final attack.

"*Cough* *cough* Man, the dust is really bad."

After he destroyed the gate, he waited patiently for the dust to settle down. He really feels like he would face a great danger once he entered. No way he would enter while his sight was hampered by the dust.

He really didn't know what could kill him, but he didn't want to find it out either.

Once, the dust settled down, he carefully entered. He didn't know if something could stay alive for so many years down here, but be careful never hurt. 

This continued for a few minutes until he finally saw it.

Tubelike Container with shining green liquid in it. This made him frown. Those kinds of things generally screamed genetic manipulation and human experimentation.

(AN: For those who follow the manga, this isn't the laboratory where the doctor meets tomura and the villain league but it basically looks like it. The nomu keep in that laboratory are too powerful to appear so soon.)

Well, he shouldn't be surprised. There's no way he was their sole victim.

Those containers were neatly placed in three-row. For a total of ten in each row. 

He curiously comes close to one and swiped the dust covering it. Words were written on it.


Kuroha tilted his head in wonder. 3771? What did it mean? He began to look at some other container and saw the same. 3771-N-6; 3771-N-1; 3771-N-20. 

No matter which container he looked at, the numbers and words 3771-N could be seen. For some reason, this number filled him with disgust. 

"Madness. What does it mean?"

("N stands for nomu or brainless in English. The nomu are being, human being, who were experimented on in order to find the secret of holding multiples quirk in one body.")

Kuroha feels a chill go through his body. Just how evil one had to be in order to experiment on so many people?

"What about 3771? Any indices on it."



("Continue walking, there should be some electronic records if no one erased them.")

Understanding that it was useless to continue. Kuroha stopped talking and began to walk. Finally, he stopped in front of what looked like a very big computer.

"Incredible. How is it possible for such a facility to still exist? What's about this computer? "

("Put your thumbs on the scanner close to the keyboard. Once you activate it, you should see the truth of what happened here.")

Kuroha looked around before seeing said scanner. He followed Madness instruction and put his thumbs on it, but the moment he did, a need came out and prickled his thumbs. 

This level of pain couldn't even make him frown, but it was really infuriating to be wounded so suddenly.


*Beep* *Beep*

He wanted to complain, but the screen suddenly lit up.  A voice sounded in the laboratory,





[WELCOME N°3771]




The moment those words sounded. The screen that was lit up immediately shut down before lithing up once again. This time though, everything was red. A large word, Warning, was written. At the same, the voice sounded out again alongside a cacophony of noise and alarm sound.




The moment those words sounded, all alarms bell stopped. The words, warning stopped flashing on the screen. The very moment it stopped, the screen lit up once again before giving place to what seemed like a recording.

"Test...Test. Hum, seem like it's good. Hello 3771 how are you?"

Kuroha was stupefied. Once those warnings words appeared, his first instinct was to flee. But, hearing this voice made him hesitate and decided to wait and listen. He would come to regret this decision later. 

The voice coming out from the recording was different from the cold and emotionless voice of the system of this laboratory. 

It was an old voice, the voice of an old man.

"I do not know how you reached here by yourself, but if you did, most likely it means that this place cannot serve as a hideout anymore. What is about to happen is a little sad since I liked it this place quite a bit, but that life. Ahahah, you really shouldn't listen to the rambling of a villain. I hope that you'll love my present. After all...It will be your last one."

The recording immediately stopped. While Kuroha stood here more confused than anything. He feels like his life was really in danger this time. As if to answer his fear.








[....GOOD LUCK N°3771…]

*Rumble* *Rumble*

Kuroha's expression was ugly to behold, he tried to teleport, but nothing happened, his quirk wouldn't work. The same happened when he cut his hand. The moment the blood flowed out of his body, he lost all control of it. 

He never felt so vulnerable. 

Still, he keeps a cool head and began to run towards the exits without hesitation. Now wasn't the time to scream.

As he begins running, he couldn't help but scream. He needed to vent some of the frustration in his heart



Kuroha really runs as if his life depended on it. After all...It did.


Kuroha runs and runs but it wasn't enough. If the alarm could be trusted, he had less than 5 minutes to get out of this trap.

But without his quirk, he was far too slow. 

(Think! Think! Think!)

His mind was operating in overdrive. Despite his inability to form his hoverboard or teleport, he was still faster than a normal human but it wasn't enough. He didn't know how strong would be and how far it would go, but the term Total annihilation showed that it wouldn't be child play.


(Think! Think! Think!)

It was the first time Kuroha really felt death. During all those years, he always fought weaklings who could never harm him, and even against Muscular, he wasn't really scared.

He always had full confidence in himself. But perhaps this confidence transformed into arrogance? 

Should he give up? What was the use of running? Shouldn't he just lay down and wait for death?


He begins to think about everything he did and all those he meets. Nighteye, Rei and all those he cared about filled his mind. At the very end, a picture entered his mind.

Momo and Himiko smiling at him.

(No way I can give up. I still need to become reconciled with Momo)

(No way I can give up,  who will keep Himiko from destroying her life if I die.)

(I cannot die, I will not die. Think, I need to think.)

Many possible solutions passed through his mind as he discarded them one after the other. Finally, he remembered a scene.

The moment when he cut his hand. He could still feel some form of control. It was only after the blood flowed out that he lost control.

What did this mean? It means that he could still control his blood internally.


He wasn't happy with this answer. He never managed to control his blood internally. Each try finished in failure.

But right now, he was his sole hope. He had to succeed.

The moment this thought entered his head, his mind suddenly became extremely clear.

He didn't need something too complicated.

He didn't need to control his blood drop by drop.

He just needed to pump his blood at full power.

He just needed... To speed up his blood flow in all his body.

His mind had never been clearer. He didn't know why this was happening, but he didn't care either. He was just happy to have found an answer. What's more, a perfect name also appeared in his mind.

He concentrated. He could feel his body heat up considerably. His blood began to flow faster and faster in his body. 

His heart began to hurt. His lungs ruptured. Blood filled his throat as he stopped himself from spitting it. Multiple wounds began to form on his body as his organs were destroyed and regenerated. Blood covered his body from head to toe.

(It hurt, it hurt like hell. But it is working, and that is all that matter)

He screamed the name of this new technique while tears of blood flowed from his eyes.


One moment he was simply running a little faster than the fastest normal human could run...The next moment? He was running faster than the naked eye could see.

Nueva Esperanza. New hope. There was no better name for the sole technique that could save him from sure death.

He runs and runs and runs without stopping. Soon, he reached the zone where the elevator was. Obviously, it wasn't working, and even if it did, it would be too slow.

He tried to activate [BLINK], but it seemed like he still couldn't activate quirk outside of his body.

Looking at the elevator and the hole that was above it. He didn't stop but rather accelerated. His only hope was to run on the wall and reach the first laboratory above him. 

He refused to believe that this field could be big enough to reach until that far.

As he continued to accelerate, his body continued to destroy itself. This wasn't a technique that could be used without a high regeneration factor. 

The blood continued to flow out from his boy, but the temperature was so high that it transformed into steam… A bloody steam.

After a while, of running on the wall, kuroha could finally see it. 

He could see the opening.

He reached it and landed heavily on the floor of the first laboratory.

He couldn't run anymore. Simply breathing was so difficult that he felt like he would die.

Still, it didn't matter. He did it. He escaped.

 Now; there shouldn't be much time. In order to avoid an accident, he decided to activate his [BLINK] and get out of here.

 But...Nothing happened.


(AN: KYAAHH!!! What happened? Did he survive? Did he die? While he goes to the next world? Should I create a new mc? All this will be answered in the next and last chapter of this arc. PAST? (5). )

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