THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


It all began in China, in qingping city. There was news that a baby that gave off light was born. Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places and time passed without the cause being identified. 

Before we knew it. the supernatural became normal, and dreams became a reality. The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait.

But this transition wasn't without its part of bloodshed. Human, full of their new powers, began to go rampant and destroy everything. To fight against evil, vigilante began to rise.

The Pro Hero System was first put into place on Rhode Island in America under the "Rhode Island New State Statute", 189 Vigilantes were affected by this statute, with only 7 being accepted as official Heroes. Nowadays most of the vigilantes have vanished.

This profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight. Heroes now controlled by the government, must go to school and receive their license.

In Japan, two schools stand at the forefront as the best heroes school. Shiketsu high school in the west and in the east … U.A high school.


Kuroha yawned as he looked boringly at the now filled exam paper in front of him. He had a close to perfect memory, so most tests were ridiculously easy for him. After all, most tests didn't really care about how smart you are, but rather how much you could remember. What's more, it wasn't as if he was lacking in the intelligence department either.

U.A recommendations test would be done in three parts. A written test, a practical test, and an interview. Any form of cheating was forbidden and examinees with mutation types quirk that boosted their fives senses were put in an isolated room for the duration of the written exam. 

They're future heroes, not Ninja. How could they be allowed to cheat during an exam? 

The written test would go on for one week while the practical and interview would go on for another one. All in all the recommendation entrance exam would go on for two weeks straight. By the way, today was the last written test. So, next week, they would begin the practical part.

Those who were on the public test, on the other hand, had a more relaxed schedule. There was no interview, and the written exam already happened a few months ago.

The reason for such a disparity in treatment was pretty easy to guess. U.A was a meritocracy. Only those who worked hard and showed results were appreciated. Those who didn't would either have a very bad resume or be outright expelled.

As such, the recommendation exam was used to weed out those who could only rely on their connections.

At the same time, if someone's recommended students failed to enter U.A three times in a row, they would lose their right to give a recommendation. This made it that all recommended students were extremely gifted.

Since he had already finished way ahead of time, he began to let his eyes wander around. Everyone else seemed awfully stressed as they wrote their answer. One of them ,though, caught his eye.

It was a rather tall boy who seemed to have too much spring in his step. Even though the test was rather hard for most people, this guy didn't seem particularly disturbed. 

Kuroha could feel it. This guy was strong. He decided to keep an eye on him.

Still, he didn't really care. As long as this guy didn't come between him and his successful entry in U.A, he couldn't care less about how strong this guy was.

Finally, he decided to simply close and think. He couldn't sleep, but this was still a form of rest.  He was thinking about what happened earlier one week ago, on the morning of their first test. When this weird professor entered the room.


"It's time, you can all now begin your work."

This voice sounded a little weird, almost nasal. Kuroha raised his head. He looked around but couldn't find anyone. The same happened to the other students. They were all seated in the places where their numbers were written.

Seemingly amused by the reaction, the voice seemed amused

"Why do people always have the same reaction? Look lower!!"

Kuroha lowered his head and was a little surprised and, from the stirring of the crowd it seemed like he wasn't the only one.

What stood close to the desk wasn't a human or a mutant, but… A penguin. More precisely what looked like an adult penguin emperor. 

This penguin wore a green Hawaiian shirt, a white and black beret on his head, a pair of black glass on his face and had a golden watch on his left...Wrist? Nageoir? Wing? Well, it didn't matter. All in all, he was weird but somehow, this get-up looked rather cool on him.

In the past this would be a generally comical sight or girls would be screaming about how cute he is. But in this world. Weird sight such as this didn't even reach the top ten.

As such, while they were surprised, they stayed calm and listened to him.

"I'm Hyoga. Those of you who will succeed will be able to call me professor Hyoga. I am a new teacher at U.A."

They all understood and so they quieted down and waited.

"As you all know, today's test is on math. The test will last 3 hours. Anyone who is caught cheating will be disqualified. Now, you can begin!!"


Kuroha smiled as he thought it. This guy seemed harmless and gentle, but he could feel it. The way he looked at them was mostly filled with disinterest and a little hatred. 

He didn't know why, but this hatred wasn't directed toward any them exactly but more like at all of them and even beyond. Did it hate humans? 

Well, once again he didn't care. He wasn't the kind of saint busy body who always interfered in the life of other people and generally created more problems than solutions before somehow resolving all those problems in one go and being acclaimed as a savior.

Even now, he didn't feel all that heroic. Sure, he killed many evil guys, and by doing so, indirectly helped many people.

But he didn't care. He never did what he did because he thought that he was some kind of savior who could save the world of all pain. 

He did it not because he thought that someone had to do it. He did it because he wanted to do it, and in the end, that's all that mattered to him.


Kuroha was now walking toward home. Next to him was a silent Momo. 

He didn't know what had happened, but recently she seemed awkward with him. 

He hoped this wasn't anything too stressful. She wouldn't want her to fail her exam because she could put enough attention on it. 

Finally feeling that things couldn't continue like that, he stopped and looked at her. 

"Momo, what's happening?"

Momo blushed a little at this question. This made him squint a little. It has been a long time since he saw her blush. After a moment of hesitation, she opened her mouth and said, 


(AN: For those of you who have an account on WN vote for me there if you can. If I reach the top 30 before Saturday I will write a bonus chapter. I reach the top 10 I will add one more.?) 

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