THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


Hum. So I promised to edit the chapter of yesterday for those who were unable to read it, but I didn't have the time. Still I will do it today. So once I finish editing I will send a notice.


Hello. Join my discord if you want more details about the story.




The school class was close to the end of the day. 

The Homeroom teacher was giving a last speech before ending the lesson. 

Izuku though wasn't really paying attention. During this morning, he did his workout with All Might and then went to school as always. 

He wondered what kind of training he would do with Nighteye. 

He began using his notebook to look at the diverse hero abilities he wrote. He didn't have much information on Nighteye apart from the little things that were shown on the TV. 


Few minutes later, after the class ended, Izuku was walking out of the school while his head was buried in his notebook. He was reading his old training regiment and wondered what kind of changes would be made. He didn't pay attention to where he was walking to; then


He hit something, or rather someone and then fell down, a little disoriented. 


Izuku could recognize this voice between thousands. It was, 


He hurriedly got up and repeatedly bowed as he apologised,


Many old traumas resurfaced in his mind, making it difficult to answer. He was frankly a little terrified. He thought that their relationship would become better ever since the accident back then, after all, Kacchan stopped bothering him since then. But it seemed like it was just in his head.

He began to take his things that fell from his bag in silence, but when he was on the verge of taking his notebook, a foot was placed in it.

"Oi, Deku!! I am talking to you!!!"

Seeing this, Izuku felt anger boil inside of him for the first time. This was a gift from All Might. What's more, there was his old training plan on it. You could say that this book had his dream in it. As such, how could he let anyone destroy it? A burst of courage burned in his head.

"G-get your fe-feet off this book."


Katsuki looked down and found this book. He stepped on it by accident, but seeing Izuku fight for this right, only angered him further.

Izuku burst of courage instantly died out. There was nothing he could do. He was just a quirkless. 

All men are not created equally. This was the reality he learned at the young age of four. What could he do? He was nothing. But….

"Out of my way."

A chilling voice suddenly came out of nowhere.


A crowd already formed and looked at this scenes from afar. For the students of this school, this was nothing new. They were already used to it.

Bakugo looked at the trembling Deku with a sneer. He couldn't understand that stupid bastard. He was so weak. So why the fuck did he always act as if he was so great.

He remembered the moments when Deku tried to save him and shivered in rage. It seemed like he needed to give him a lesson.

But, just as he was about to use his quirk to scare him, a chilling voice suddenly sounded from behind him,

"Out of my way."

He couldn't help but freeze. His blood, his thought, everything was like he was thrown in an icy lake. 

He slowly turned to face the originator of this voice. What faced him was a demon.

A boy, with tanned skin white hair and a white tee-shirt under the uniform of another middle school. But what really took his attention were the eyes. 

Those scarlet devilish eyes. The look in his eyes was one of absolute despise and contempt. He felt like he was less than trash in those eyes.

That thought, more than anything brought him back.


He was a king. He will surpass All Might and become the number one hero. How dare this bastard look down on him.

Small explosions began to form in his hand but just as he was about to launch them, a blood red sword suddenly appeared close to his neck.

"The usage of quirk outside is prohibited. But people have the right to use their quirk to protect themselves. Try... and I will cut your hands."

Bakugo stopped short. He felt like he was bound, sweat rolled on his forehead as tried to think. 

Who was this guy?

Why did he provoke him?

Where did he come from?

What should he do?

All those questions floated in his head before he ultimately decided to slowly lower his hand and disperse the explosion.

The moment he did this, the sword seemed to liquify before entering the hand of that bastard.

The boy, walked slowly toward him. Bakugo could feel his heartbeat loudly in his heart. 

Then, slowly, as if it was nothing...He went past him without even giving him a second glance. As if he wasn't even worth the time.

He took the hand of Deku, before dragging him outside of the school. 

Bakugo stayed here with an incredulous look on his face. The murmur of the crowd slowly brought him back to reality

(What the fuck? What the actual fuck? )

The fear was replaced by an overwhelming feeling of shame and humiliation.

He couldn't help but scream towards the crowd.


He then took his bag and went away. He was gritting his teeth in frustration

"Bastard, I will train like hell, and when I meet you once again, I will make you pay!!! "

At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of relationship existed between that red eyed freak and that nerd of Deku.


Izuku was walking in silence next to Kuroha with his head lowered. He really showed a pitiful sight today. Finally, he took his courage and said

"Th-thanks you for helping me today."

Kuroha stopped and looked at Izuku with an emotionless pair of eyes.

 Since yesterday he was particularly in a bad mood. It became even worse because Nighteye forced him to wear a white tee-shirt since UA uniform was composed of a white shirt.

One could say that Kuroha went past a particularly shitty day, as such his mood could be imagined

"You're really pathetic…"

Izuku froze on the spot hearing those words. He thought that he had a somewhat friendly relationship with Kuroha. Kuroha fully turned to face him, his words were like a venom

"The kind of  people I hate the most are those  who take pleasure in inflicting pain to others. In my eyes, people like that are lower trash. But what I think that  hypocritical bastard like you who spout beautiful words but doesn't act on it aren't much better."

After saying this, he began to walk ahead once again, but before that, he gave some last words that deeply pierced Izuku heart.

"You said that you wanted to become a hero who saves everyone with a smile? But you see...How could you save anyone if you can't even save yourself?"

After those words, they walked in silence with Kuroha in the front and Izuku behind until they reached All Might office.

During all the way, Izuku keep his head down in thought. He was sad, frustrated and on the verge of crying. 

All that for a simple reason. He had absolutely no way of countering Kuroha words... He was really pathetic.


"I'm back!!!"

Nighteye looked up from his PC when Kuroha and Midoriya entered. He could feel a stifling atmosphere between them but he didn't inquire. He still didn't recognize Izuku as a worthy successor, so he didn't really care if he and Kuroha become friends. 

Frankly, even if in the end Izuku really passed his test and become a worthy successor, he still wouldn't care. What he admired was All Might not One For All. He would never force Kuroha to be friends with someone he didn't want to.

Since he didn't want to know what happened, he went to the point.

"Midoriya, follow me."


After entering another room in the buildings, Izuku was surprised to find other people in it.

Nighteye opened his mouth

"Let me present you my training team."

He pointed toward a tall Middle-aged man with a mustache and an eyepatch on right eye.

"This man is nicknamed Sebastian. He will be in charge of your Fitness and Martial art training."

Sebastian was wearing a black suit that gave him the look of a butler. He simply gave a low bow after being presented. 

 "His quirk id called [STABLE]. It give him an absolute sense of rhythm and equilibrium."

Nighteye then pointed toward a young woman.

"She is Malicia. She will be in charge of your nutrition and relaxation."

"Yahoo young man!!!"

Malicia gave a wave of her hand as she laughed. She wore a gothic dress and had long pink hair. Nighteye ignored her antic and continued 

"Malicia's quirk is called [GLUTTONY]. Her quirk allow people to eat way more than they should be able to and only receive the good nutrients from eat."

Finally he pointed toward the last one in the room. It was also a woman. But she looked more like a child than anything else.

She was wearing a white nun dress with yellow strip. 

"This woman is the head of this team. She is from the same generation as me. Her power is equal if not greater than recovery girl herself. The sole problem is that it's limited in its daily use and the rather nasty side effects."

The girl pouted

"Mooo. Mirai!! how many times did I tell you to not casually reveal my age."

She then turned toward Izuku and give him a wink, 

"Don't listen to that old guys. I'm eternally fourteen."

Izuku looked at the girl who could pass for his little sister with his mouth hanging open.

So she was what people of culture called a legal loli?

Nighteye said in a nonchalant voice. 

"Don't let her look trick you. Her quirk is called [HOLY PAIN]. She can heal absolutely any wound ten time each 24h but there are three conditions. One, the healing must be done within 3 hours. Two, the healing will last 3 minutes. Three, during those three minutes the one being healed will feel three time the pain of the initial wound."

Izuku shivered. Why did it feel like he was surrounded by wolf ready to devour him? .

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