The Trash Wants to Live

Chapter 59

ED: Ozriel

PR: Naa_chi

We headed for the hotel again. While contemplating what happened at the bar, I had forgotten that I had sneaked out; when I tried to enter through the lobby, Kwon Jae Hyuk grabbed my shoulder.

"Look over there."


He pointed out that there were people everywhere—people reading newspapers, people wandering around the lobby, people on mobile phones. 

Kwon Jae Hyuk whispered to me,"They're probably related to the U.S. government.”


Does he mean they are monitoring us now? 

When I heard that people whom I thought were allies were spying on us, I couldn't hide the trembling in my eyes. Kwon Jae Hyuk, who smiled a little at my expression, shook his head.

"It's not surveillance… It's probably for protection."

It looked like they kept people attached to us so that people couldn’t just approach us, or to prevent us from getting into an accident while we were enjoying the night in Las Vegas.

Anyway, I sighed and opened my arms toward him because I was sure I would be caught easily if I just went in through there. Accepting the silent request for a hug, he smiled and lifted me like before. Each time he stepped on the decorations of the hotel wall and jumped, the floor level changed.

When I arrived at the terrace attached to the suite, I told him that I was grateful for today and went into my room.


I couldn't see Cookie who was supposed to be on the bed. Did he go to Jang Eui Yeol? I thought it wouldn't be a big deal as I changed my clothes.

By the way, what kind of person should I look for…

I still wanted to piece together Ki Yoon Jae's missing memories. But the person I tried to bring in turned me down, so I had to find a replacement… I couldn't think of anyone more suitable. 

I don't think this is Kwon Jae Hyuk's area of expertise…

Naturally, Ki Hyun Joo wouldn't know either, so there was no one to ask. 

Jeez, nothing works out. I sighed and closed my eyes. 

Looking for people was a side task, and what I originally planned to do was go on a field trip to SNT. I fell asleep, thinking about looking for gifted people.

When I woke up in the morning and was out in the living room of the suite, Jang Eui Yeol, who was out in the living room first, asked me.

"Where did you go last night?"


When I shut my mouth because I was perplexed by the sudden question, Jang Eui Yeol spoke as if he were making an excuse and scratched his head.

"No, I wasn't spying on you… Cookie came to my room yesterday when I was about to sleep…" 

So he came to my room just to confirm it was empty. I tried to sneak out without anyone knowing and I didn't think that Cookie would go to Eui Yeol’s room… 

I became speechless when he said no one knew about it except him. In the end, I hastily spat out my words like a confession.

"That… oh… I've been out for a while because I had business."


"No, with Jae Hyuk."

Jang Eui Yeol's face became clouded when he heard that the two of us went out. Jang Eui Yeol, who answered “I see” with a slightly disappointed face, was slightly lost in thought. He snapped out of it and grabbed my hand.

"I'll work hard too."


"I will be strong and be useful to Yoon Jae."

I felt like I had to praise him for what he said as if he had resolved himself, so I reached out and stroked his curly hair.

Jang Eui Yeol was startled at first and lowered his head so I could stroke it better.

"What are you guys doing?"

As I did so, Jung Yi Joon approached me with a frown and did not stop glaring fiercely after asking what the two of us were doing. 

What else are you trying to pick a fight on…? 

As I looked on anxiously, Cookie ran over.

[Ki Yoon Jae! Pat me too!]

The running Cookie jumped on my lap and shook his butt wildly. 

"Hurry! Hurry!" He urged. So I stopped petting Jang Eui Yeol and rubbed Cookie with both hands.

I always felt that Cookie really wasn't dignified as a divine beast. He seemed very lonely, but he was still cute.

I ran my hand through Cookie's fur as the thought ran through my mind. A black nose and eyes were exposed between the beige fur. It would have been nice if he always showed his face like this, but I couldn't help it because he didn't want me to tie or shave his fur.

When I didn't talk to Jang Eui Yeol while caressing Cookie, Jung Yi Joon left, saying he would be watching over me to see if he was satisfied.

What do you mean watch…? No one else acted like a jerk other than him.

"Oh, by the way, I'm going to comb Cookie. Yoon Jae, give me Cookie, please. Where's the comb?"

As Jang Eui Yeol remembered it, he stood up and reached out to me. Cookie became surprised.

[No… no need! You don't have to comb my fur!]

"Oh, Cookie. If you jump around like that, Uncle will do it.”

Jang Eui Yeol intimidated Cookie, who was whining and digging into my arms to hide. I didn't know who Uncle was, but I agreed to have Cookie's long hair brushed because it might get tangled if it wasn't managed. 

[Tell Jang Eui Yeol that I'm fine… Ki Yoon Jae, you traitor! Traitor!]

When I lifted his body and handed him over to Jang Eui Yeol, Cookie grumbled, calling me a traitor. I waved at Cookie who was dragged by Jang Eui Yeol.

Ha Hyun Seo came out as soon as Cookie was dragged into Jang Eui Yeol's room. Ha Hyun Seo, who was still half-asleep, whined that he was sleepy while rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. He sat next to me and leaned over.

"I'm sleepy…"

"Hm… I guess you’re really jet-lagged."

In any case, he must have been tired yesterday. I tried to wake Ha Hyun Seo, who was about to fall asleep again, but I stopped. There was still plenty of time until the appointment, so it wouldn't be bad to be a little lazy.

While sitting on the sofa looking at the scenery outside, Cookie, who had just finished being combed, shivered as he came out of Jang Eui Yeol's arms. Maybe he really didn't like it; he shook his small body and grumbled.

[Hmph, Ki Yoon Jae, you traitor…]

Cookie was sulking, still calling me a traitor. 

Even so, he approached me and sat down with his butt on my thigh. I reached out and stroked him, and he didn't refuse. However, he still showed that he was uncomfortable.

As time passed, Ki Hyun Joo and Ha Eun Seo both woke up. We ate breakfast sent by the hotel without using the breakfast buffet.

I didn't know which agent it was, but it was a foreigner wearing a black suit and had a radio in his ears, requesting us to eat in the room for protection and security.

What Kwon Jae Hyuk said last night was true.

The person who requested it was the one I had seen in the lobby the previous night. If I were to go to the breakfast buffet, I would have no choice but to leave Cookie behind, so I nodded right away.

Even now, he was still sulking, but I couldn’t imagine what would happen if I left him in my room to eat.

Fortunately, the hotel served raw food for dogs along with our meal. Cookie forgot that he was sulking as he ate.

When we got down to the lobby at the appointed time after eating our food, Rachel was waiting next to a black van while waving at us. 

As we got into the van and started her car, Rachel said,“Well, as I'm sure you know… I'm going to seal electronic devices like cell phones when you get there."

It was a seal that would prevent them from filming or recording as everything inside was confidential. It took too long to drive there, so we got in a van and drove to the airport again. 

[Why did we come here again…?]

Cookie, who did not fully understand, shuddered at the thought of being trapped in the strange house again. After taking a short flight to Area 51, he even whined that this plane was worse than the previous one.

I hugged him and coaxed him by saying, “No, hang in there a little bit.” The plane slowly began to touch down on the runway.

How long did it take by plane? I could see the runway and buildings in the middle of the desert.

So, that's Area 51.

It was the first time for me or as Ki Yoon Jae to go there. The plane soon landed on the runway, and Rachel got off first when the door opened.

“Welcome, Mr Ki and everyone.”

Tanisha, whom I saw in Korea before, welcomed us with a smile. Behind her stood soldiers in sand-coloured military uniforms.

“It's very nice to see you here too.”

“Me too.”

I greeted Tanisha with a handshake, and she returned my greeting.

“Rachel will show you around the base, but I couldn't help wanting to greet you when she said you were coming. I'll see you at the lab. I have something to show you.”

What? I thought we were going to the lab first. 

It seemed we were going somewhere other than the research centre. I followed Rachel and saw something like an airport security checkpoint.

After a simple body search, they attached a seal to my cell phone as she had mentioned earlier. 

I was a little scared, and Jung Yi Joon looked concerned when I mentioned that removing it without permission could cause big problems if he was found out.

T/N: Sorry for the delay, just done proofing today 🙏

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