The Transmigrated Professor

Chapter 63: Interesting…

“Why don’t you kids find an empty table and order some food?” Ray instructed the three of them, as they followed behind him, heading to the bar.

“Aww. We want to sit there too.” Izzy complained, her eyes excited at seeing the pyramid of bottles displayed behind the counter.

“Unless any of you is over 21, go find a table! Jacob, please take care of them. I will be back in a while.”

“No worries.” 

Leaving the minors in Jacob’s hands, Ray made his way to the bar. 

“What can I get for you, Sir?” The bartender asked as Ray occupied a stool.

Looking at him, he looked like a typical bartender - light-blue eyes, with dirty-blond hair and piercings lining his ear. His clothing was similar to that of bartenders on Earth - a crisp black tie and white shirt under an ironed black vest with sleeves pulled up to the elbows. There was even a hint of hardened edge in his voice like an Italian mafia bartender, definitely adapted from his ruthless clientele.

“One glass of gin, please. On the rocks.”

“Alright! One Engine coming up.” Elegantly, he whipped up a glass and poured the ice and drink.

“You are a new face. First time at Wolfsbane?” The bartender asked, trying to make small talk.

“Yeah. Just arrived here today.”

“Mainlanders usually don’t like coming to Wolfsbane. Too barbaric, they say. You running from something?” 

A smile curled up on Ray’s lips as he sipped his drink.

‘This man’s really sly! He just implied that he knows I belong to the Laxon family, but even left himself room for excuse if I decide to point this out, though quite unlikely.’

And indeed, Ray didn’t point this out. Because the bartender’s status screen was floating in front of his face.

Instead, he decided to answer his question.

“Not really. I’m here visiting with my family...Actually, that’s why I am here. The receptionist at the Portal Station told me to come here if I wanted to rent a place, so I was wondering if you could help?"

“The Pack indeed does provide places of stay for newcomers. However, I can’t help you with that, I am just a lowly bartender. You will have to meet the receptionist” The man politely declined Ray's request for help as he cleaned the glass.

“That’s where you are wrong, Mr…Lucius.” Ray answered in a low tone, reading his name from the nametag pinned to his pocket. “I believe you are the only one who can help me. Because the receptionist would never help anyone unless they get your approval.”

Mimicking his low tone, Lucius asked him with a smile. “And why do you think I can help you, Sir?”

Motioning to the customers of the establishment, Ray casually explained.

“The mercenaries of Wolfsbane are famous for their hot temper. Yet they are all sitting quietly in this restaurant, like domesticated cattle. Or, would it be more apt to call them scaredy-cats? Scaredy cats, wary of a ferocious lion. And I have to say, your test is too simple.”

Ray concluded as he sipped the last of his drink.

Indeed, ever since Ray and the others had stepped into the Pack building, they were being monitored and evaluated by everyone, to see whether they were worthy of joining the Pack as mercenaries.

The Pack believed in the law of the jungle.

And the law of the jungle is survival.

The only way one can survive is if one knows whether the person in front of them is stronger or weaker than them.

And if they were stronger, one can only hope for mercy.

In the novel, since Rhian is an ex-Demon, a species that worships strength more than anything else, he realized quickly that the ordinary-looking bartender was more powerful than anyone else in the entire building and pointed it out, passing the test.

At that time, Lucius was impressed with Rhian nonchalantly pointing this out, showing no hint of fear or nervousness.

This is why Ray asked the others to sit at a table while he went to the bar and introduced himself to Lucius.

“The test's not easy, it is sufficient. I don't want the people who come under my wing to start dropping like ants. When did you realize it?” Lucius asked him, not because he was suspicious of how easily Ray passed the test, but out of genuine curiosity.

“When I saw a powerless bartender, confidently sitting in a restaurant filled with A and B Rank Awakened. And those who can perfectly hide their mana are only S Ranks and above, am I right?”

“Pleasure to have you with us, Sir Ray Laxon.” Having passed the test, Lucius decided to greet him properly this time. “I am sure you know who I am.”

“Of course, Sir Lucius Lupalia.” Ray nodded in agreement.


Name: Lucius Romulus-Remus Lupalia

Rank: SS+

SS Rank Title: Night Wolf 


  • Strength 18
  • Stamina 17.9
  • Agility 17.8
  • Perception 17.3
  • Magic Power 16
  • Intelligence 5
  • Charm 8


  • Primal Frenzy (★★★★): Unleash the savage instincts within, transforming the body into a weapon of raw power and aggression. This fighting style emphasises brutal strikes, savage bites, and relentless assaults. Mastery allows for subconscious reactions to danger, turning the user into a whirlwind of unpredictable violence.  [Advanced Level]
  • Lunar Dance Sword Art(★★★★☆): Channel the power of the moon to execute swift, precise, and devastating sword strikes. This style emphasizes fluid movements, graceful arcs, and the ability to anticipate an opponent's actions. As mastery increases, the user can harness the moon's energy to enhance their blade's power and speed, delivering strikes that seem to defy gravity.


  • Werewolf Transformation(SS): Turns the user into a werewolf granting a major boost in physical Stats. 
  • Lunar Blessing (A): Can use the primal energy of the moon for various moon-related spells like concealment, illusion and increasing perception.

Suitable Class: Berserker

Mana Compatibility: 

  • Water: 100%
  • Air: 70% 


After the first generation of Heroes Awakened during the Catastrophe, only 10 out of all those Heroes reached the SS Rank, not counting the ones on the Demon’s side.

Of course, those like Heron, who became SS Rank after the worst threats of the Catastrophe had disappeared, are not counted among the ‘10 Original SS Ranks’.

7 of the 10 teamed up to establish the Hero League, while the other 3 chose to leave the Human Continent and go their own ways, not wanting to be restricted by society and its many laws.

This Italian-born, young-looking bartender behind the bar was one of those 3 SS Rank Heroes who had fought for humanity 70 years ago and had later left the Continent at that time, deciding to establish his own group on the abandoned Islands of the Sanskriti Archipelago.

"You are really bold to speak so casually to me despite knowing my name."

"Of course. It's because I know you wouldn't harm me." Ray replied shamelessly.

If being direct and shameless worked for Rhian in the novel, he was gonna ride that train all the way.

"Haha! And why do you think I won't do anything to you?"

"Aren't you retired, Sir Lucius? I thought your philosophy for retirement was 'To Bear No Trouble, to Cause No Trouble'?"

"Retirement? Can't you see this face? I am still a spry 90-year-old. My life's just beginning!" Lucius countered, pressing his cheeks in a cute idol pose.

"And yet here you are, far from the bustling Capital City, serving people drinks," Ray replied with a calm grin.

Hearing the bold and calm tone, Lucius burst out laughing.

“Sneaky bastard. Your father taught you well. Sad to see how far he has fallen.” Lucius commented, pouring him another drink.

“Well, he deserved it.”

“Not a very filial son, I see.”

“He wasn’t a very filial father, either.” 

Although he wasn’t the original Ray, he knew very well that Ray didn’t deserve the indifference that Heron Laxon subjected him to.

What Heron was facing was karma biting him back for favoring one child over his two others.

“Alright. Whatever internal family issues you have, I won’t be butting in. As you said, I am retired. However, remember my motto you just said with your own mouth. Make sure your problems with the League don’t have any effect on Wolfsbane. Otherwise, you will have a bigger problem to deal with, and it's not going to be the League.” Lucius warned him as he slid over a white, gold-lined card to Ray. “Since you passed the test, take this to the third floor. Rhea, there will provide you with whatever you need, whether it be accommodations or work.”

“Thank you. And don’t worry. I have sorted out everything with the League. We won’t have any problems.” Gratefully accepting the card, Ray thanked him and left for the table where Jacob and the others were sitting.

“Come on, guys. We are heading upstairs.” Ray called out.

“What? But we just ordered.” Mike and Rohan complained.

“You will have enough time to eat once we are all settled in. But for now, we need to go up and register at the Pack.”

Quickly canceling their order, Ray guided the others to the lift.




Seeing the blue-haired boy leave with such confidence, a soft smile appeared on Lucius’s lips.


Having known him for a long time, Lucius was well aware of Rufus’ long-standing hatred for the Fallen and those associated with them. More so, after the incident where his son and daughter-in-law were murdered by a Fallen and his grandson was left Cursed to die before he turned eighteen.

Yet, that very same Rufus gave this young man a pass, despite the indisputable fact that his brother had contracted with a Demon and was embezzling his Guild’s resources to the Chaos Alliance.

‘And the news regarding Rufus’ grandson breaking his Curse. How interesting that it happened just a few days before Rufus decided to pardon the other members of the Aurum Guild.’ 

Lucius mulled, twisting the ring on his finger.

Some media articles released conspiracy theories that Heron Laxon was the one who cured the Curse, but Lucius begged to differ.

A sneaky bastard like Heron, with a cure to the Curse in his hand, could have demanded his family’s pardon and much more. That’s how cunning a bastard he was. Yet, the only thing that Rufus pardoned was the Laxon Family’s lives, taking away everything that the Aurum Guild had ever achieved.

It meant that the one who made the deal was still a little wet behind the ears, and didn't necessarily care for the Guild.

And how suspicious that the Laxon's banished son, who fit this bill to the T, was now here at Wolfsbane.

“This is making me regret not visiting Capital City enough. How can I miss something like this?” 

Turning towards the elevator, a light whisper escaped his lips. “I hope you bring me as much fun as you brought Rufus.”

As the elevator doors dinged open on the 3rd floor, Lucius turned his attention to the new customer sitting in the seat occupied just a few moments ago.

'And this one is far ruder than the previous one.'

"Hey, you bartender! Get me a damn bottle of whiskey, and do it now!" the man bellowed, snapping his fingers to get the bartender's attention.

"Of course, sir," Lucius replied calmly, his voice switching back to its monotonous customer-service tune. "Just a moment."

"And after you are done with that, take me to the registration for the new mercenary groups! Now get my drink!" the man demanded, his face flushed with anger.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but I'm not able to leave my post at the moment," Lucius replied, his voice still even.

The man's face contorted into a snarl. “Huh? I don’t think an Unawakened bartender like you can see this, but I am a B+ Rank mercenary, one of the strongest you will find in all of Wolfsbane. The monsters I have killed can eat you limb from limb.”

And the monsters I have killed can eat you in one bite and not have enough to shit...

“I am sorry for the inconvenience, sir. But I still can't accompany you. What I can do, is provide you with directions and my private recommendation for the receptionist to provide you with special treatment.”

Taking out a black red-lined card, he passed it to the mercenary.

"Hmm...if it's a special treatment, maybe I can accept this much." Drool dropped from the edges of his lips, as he curiously stared at the elegantly hand-drawn card.

'Yeah, it's gonna be VERY special. Hope you like it.'

Suddenly, a wave of mana lightly fluctuated in the room.

It was so light that not even the highly experienced A+ and S mercenaries in the restaurant were able to notice anything was wrong. If Lucius wasn’t an SS Rank with Skills related to concealment, even he probably would have missed this too.

As he handed a glass and an entire bottle of whiskey to the customer, He stealthily activated his Skill, “Lunar Blessing”.

By the lunar gaze, reveal the hidden in my sight.

Whispering a small spell in his heart, the mana fluctuations became clearer in his blue eyes that were now tinted with a hint of silver.

As the cause of the mana fluctuation sneaked towards the elevator, Lucius’ lips subconsciously curled up.

Goosebumps appeared on the mercenary’s arms as he saw the creepy smile on the bartender’s face.

“Interesting…” The bartender whispered under his breath.

“Uhh…Is everything fine?” 

“Everything’s fine, dear customer.” Lucius reassured him, as he went back to his docile, monotonous self.

Meanwhile in the lift…

“Achoo!” Ray sneezed, as a chill went down his spine.


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