The Transmigrated Professor

Chapter 46: The Changes of The World

The previous month had been the most chaotic in Human History, perhaps comparable to the Great Catastrophe when Dungeons began appearing in the Human World.

The Aurum Guild, one of the highest ranking Guilds, had been accused of colluding with the Fallen, beings who sold themselves to the demons in exchange for power.

The power hierarchy would have to be restructured on a major scale, and distrust among the masses had been on the rise along with fear for the Fallen.

At the same time, a miracle had descended upon them, giving them hope once more. The Hero League President’s grandson, who had been afflicted with a fatal Curse, destined for death, had mysteriously been healed. 

Reporters from media houses all over the Continent were swarming the hospital, waiting to meet the First Survivor of the Curse, though the President’s guards maintained a high level of security to make sure nobody went inside.

However, inside the hospital research lab, a very similar kind of exciting atmosphere was prevalent.

“This is revolutionary…no, it's no less than God's miracle.” Devi and her team of researchers marvelled at Ryder’s blood sample.

“Professor, you have to ask the President where in the world he found such an amazing Potion.” One of her junior researchers urged Devi.

“Yes, Professor. If we can reverse engineer this Potion, the humans could very well be the first to reverse the tide against the Demons. Even other Races would be begging us to help them.” A second researcher excitedly added.

Surprisingly, Devi did not join in the excitement of her team and just shook her head. “There’s no use. The Potion was a one-time use reward he found in a Dungeon. There is no way to get our hands on a second one.”

“Maybe you can ask him for the location of the Dungeon? We might be lucky enough to find another one.”

“I will see what I can do.” 

Although Devi reassured her colleagues, there was no way she was going to do that. 

A Potion this powerful…there is no way other Guilds weren’t fighting for that information right now. She had no wish to throw herself into the merciless world of politics and ruin her life.

Let’s go and run a few more tests on Ryder.’ Although she wasn’t brave enough to fight the President for the information, there was no way her thirst for knowledge as a researcher was going to waste this opportunity.

And if Ryder had truly drunk the world’s only Curse-Breaking Potion, then the best place to find answers was already waiting for her in her lab.

‘For now, I should go check up on Ryder.’

She changed out of her lab uniform and headed towards the VIP patient ward.

“Ms. Devi, you are already here?” The receptionist greeted her in the lobby. “It’s so amazing that Master Ryder was able to get well. It must be thanks to your continuous effort.”

“Well…” All Devi could do was reply with an awkward laugh. 

Although the other nurses looked at her with respect for continuing her research on Curses, even when countless other doctors and researchers gave up on it, she knew better than anyone that she was completely useless in Ryder’s recovery. 

But this will not stop her from extracting all the information she can from Ryder’s blood and recreating the Potion. That would be the only way she could be worthy of all the praise she is receiving right now for not giving up on Ryder’s treatment.

And the first step in her plan will be monitoring the changes in Ryder’s system.

“Has Ryder shown any signs of discomfort or any abnormalities in his blood?” She asked the nurse, checking Ryder’s records.

“Nothing significant. He seems rather too healthy, in my opinion. He has been exercising non-stop for the past hour.”

“Wait, he’s already awake? The anaesthesia shouldn’t have worn off yet?”

As Devi opened the door to the room, she saw Ryder doing push-ups, proving the nurse’s claims. 

“Ah, Doctor Devi, you are here!” He greeted her as stepped through the door. A guard nearby handed him a towel to wipe his sweat. 

As Devi eye-balled Ryder’s condition, she realised why the anaesthesia wore off so quickly. She hadn’t noticed it when he was unconscious, but Ryder’s body was releasing a subtle E Rank Aura.

“Congratulations on your Awakening, Young Master.” Devi gave him her congrats.

“It’s a miracle, isn’t it?” Ryder gave her a wide smile, excited that his life-long wish had finally come true.

“It sure is.” Devi nodded. “Now if you please take a seat, it's time for your checkup.”

“Sure!” Ryder laid down on the bed as Devi began her work.

Golden mana started to leak out of her fingers slowly enveloping Ryder’s body. As the energy sunk into his body, infusing with his bloodstream, Ryder could feel it slowly analysing every cell in his body and sending the collected information back to Devi.

“It seems there is nothing physically wrong with you. Your health also seems much better than the average person’s.” Devi concluded, withdrawing her energy. “Now, let me take a few samples of your blood and you will be free to discharge.”

“You are letting me get discharged so easily? That’s surprising.”

“It's not a full discharge. You will still have to come in for regular checkups every week.” Devi explained as she prepared the blood kit. “Also, I felt kind of bad seeing your sister sleep in the hospital lobby every night for the past few days.”

“Rachel is here?! Since when- Ouch!” Ryder flinched as the needle entered his skin.

“Don’t move, Young Master.” Devi cautioned him. “I will send your sister in, once I am done. I believe you two have a lot to talk about.”

“I suppose we do…” A soft smile appeared on Ryder’s lips. “You know, I am really glad.”

“I know, Young Master…” She knew what he meant even without him saying anything.

How could she not? She had been taking care of this boy ever since he was just a baby. 

She had been with him when woke up from his nightmares at night. She talked with him when all he could do was stare lifelessly at the hospital walls. She was there every single time.

“...I’m really glad too.” 

That’s why she was really, really happy that the gripping pain that cursed this ill-fated boy was finally gone.

“I will go call for your sister.” Devi stood up, once the blood extraction was over. “I hope you two can talk about everything you weren’t able to till now.” She wished them well as she left the ward. 

A few moments later, a small knock appeared on the door, and Rachel stepped inside. 

There were a million thoughts running in her mind, unsure of what to ask first.

“Hi!” Ryder waved at her.

But once she saw that innocent face smiling at her, flushed with life, tears began to fall from her eyes.

“You are fine now, aren’t you?” Rachel asked the most important question, embracing her brother in her arms. 

“Yeah! I am fine now…” 

Izzy kept glancing at the front gate nervously, as she and Mike trained in the garden.

“Izzy, are you waiting for someone?” Ray asked her.

“I am just wondering why the reporters haven’t swarmed our house yet. Shouldn’t the media be thirsting for updates on our family?”

“Oh, that’s not going to happen. President Rufus has placed strict security on the Indigo Road. Only residents are allowed to come inside for the time being.”

“Brother, I didn’t ask you this before, but…did you make a deal with the President?” Izzy asked with concern.

Ray lightly patted her head in response. “Izzy, I told you before, right? You don’t need to worry about anything. Us adults will handle everything.”


“Kyuk!” A cute wail interrupted them.

“Ryu, quiet!” Mike quickly tried to hush his Spirit. Ray turned back to see Mike giving him an awkward smile. 

He had wanted to give the two siblings a private moment together, considering how serious the current situation was for them.
Unfortunately, his Spirit ruined his chance to sneak away.

“It’s fine, Mike. You don’t need to leave.” Ray stopped him. “And Izzy, I understand you’re concerned but don’t you have bigger things to worry about.”

“Huh?! What are you talking about?”  Izzy was confused as to what he was referring to.

“Aren’t you close to Awakening soon? You must have been experiencing growing pains too.”

“I am!! How do you know that?”

“Doesn’t matter.” Ray ignored her question “Shouldn't you be focusing on making your wish right now?” Ray decided to tease her.

“Wishing? Why?” Both Izzy and Mike were listening with curiosity.

“Yeah. In the earlier generations, people used to say that your greatest wish in life is what manifests as your Skill when you Awaken.”

“WHAT!?!” Mike yelled in shock on hearing this. “You mean I could have gotten better Skills if I wished harder.”

“Who knows…” Ray decided to tease him a little.

The boy seemed genuinely scared that he had wasted his only chance. Ray could only secretly laugh at his naivety. 

Needless to say, what he had told them was just an old wives’ tale. An aphorism like the ‘Money can’t buy you happiness’ schtick - Made with the philosophical purpose of comforting the masses.

However, Izzy, unlike her fiery personality, seemed to be concentrating on his mischievous words quite seriously.

“What are you thinking about? Don’t tell me you are really making a wish…” He asked her doubtfully.

Izzy shrugged her shoulders. “...just in case.”

“What did you wish for?” Ray asked curiously. 

In the novel, Izzy was already executed by now. She never got a chance to manifest her powers, so even he didn’t know what kind of powers she would Awaken.

“Just that I don’t inherit our parents’ powers.” Izzy answered, nonchalantly.

That was surprising. 

Although their attitudes had much to be desired, in the supernatural department Heron and Liliana were among the top of the food chain for sure. Any average person would wish to inherit their powers.

“Why don’t you want their powers? I think they are some of the best you can find.”

“Well, if we are going to cut them from our lives, shouldn’t we do it in all aspects?” She tilted her head as if saying why he was asking something so obvious.

“You know, most children your age usually hesitate to cut off their parents.”

“Why would I worry about that? Didn’t you say you will take care of me, Big Brother?”Izzy gave him a coy smile.

“I suppose I did say that, didn’t I?” Ray scratched his head in embarrassment. It felt nice to have someone depend on you wholeheartedly.

“So, my wonderful, caring Big Brother, how about we stop practising for today and play some video games? I feel exhausted.” Izzy asked, flashing him puppy eyes.

Ray sighed in defeat. “I suppose, it’s a bit exhausting with the investigation these days. Let’s go inside.”

“Yay!” Izzy cheered and ran inside the mansion. Ray followed behind her, ready to take a relaxing shower.


Meanwhile, in the garden, Mike slumped down on the grass. “I wish for more Skills” He wailed to the sky.

Ryu mimicking his owner, howled at the sky as well. “Kyuuu!!!”

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