The Transmigrated Professor

Chapter 44: Epilogue (End of Volume 1)

“Is anyone there?” Ray called out through the large, transparent door. Like the past six months, he was once again greeted by complete silence.

He turned back,  defeated, to the room in which he had found himself magically transported months ago.

The room was grand and was luxuriously decorated. At one corner, there was a huge bed topped with pillows as fluffy as clouds. Overlooking the bed, a large balcony provided breathtaking views of gorgeous snow-capped mountains.

In another corner of the room stood a dining table made of Elven oak. He recognized it since his Father’s office door was made with the same material. The plates on the table were enchanted to summon any food he wished for on command and had the handy feature of cleaning themselves as well.

Seeing all these luxuries in one room, one would imagine he was living the life of royalty. But Ray immediately knew what it was.

It was the life of a doll.

A doll, beautifully cared for, purely for the amusement of a child.

Ray’s gaze lingered on the balcony and the tempting freedom it offered. He would have attempted to jump from it ages ago, but there was a significant problem stopping him in his tracks.


Name: Happy

Title: The One Whose Body Was Taken

Rank: E


  • Strength 1
  • Stamina 1
  • Agility 1
  • Perception 1
  • Magic Power 1
  • Intelligence 8.8 
  • Charm 5

===Memory Synchronisation: 100% ===


  • Hand-to-Hand Combat (★★★):

Coordinates the body for easy movements and helps the user to use their body to fight more efficiently. Allows the user to easily learn basic martial arts techniques.

As mastery increases, it will allow the user to subconsciously dodge dangers.

[Beginner Level]

  • Brahma Sword Art (★★★★☆):

A sword art that was created to create. With each swing, the user can materialize their mana. Upon mastery, the user will be able to materialize mana into their surroundings and change the terrain temporarily.

[Beginner Level]


  • Gold Manipulation(B): Allows the user to manipulate gold in the vicinity.

As a C Ranker, he probably would have gotten away with a few broken bones. But with his current Stats, he was no better than an ordinary person. He would be flattened like a pancake.

‘And what the hell is wrong with my status screen? The name’s changed, and what’s with this weird Title? Is it because of what happened to me when I was kidnapped?’

Ray turned towards the mirror, still unfamiliar with the reflection that greeted him.

Instead of his usual dark blue hair and eyes, they had darkened to a deep black. The few muscles he had barely maintained were now gone and his figure had turned somewhat scrawny.

The thing most strange to him in that mirror was the face that was staring back at him.

It was the most familiar and unfamiliar face he had ever seen.

The day he found himself in this peculiar room, the memories of the man behind the mirror flooded his mind. But they made no sense to him.

A world without magic, monsters, or demons.

And that novel. What was that about?

His body slumped down in defeat over all the unanswered questions.

“I don’t know anymore! Somebody just come and help me, please!” He yelled in frustration. 

“It seems the accommodations I provided you with were unsatisfactory.” A mysterious voice suddenly called out.

Ray looked up in surprise. For months he had been screaming beyond the glass door, but this was the first time he had ever received a response.

“Who's there?” Ray quickly asked. He didn’t want the voice to vanish after it had finally reached out to him.

“I am here, Mr. Laxon.” The voice called out to him from behind.

Ray turned back in shock to find a cloaked figure sitting cross-legged on his bed. He hadn't even realized that someone had appeared in the room. 

Ray slowly picked himself up from the floor. His Stats were busted, but Ray could still see that whoever was in front of him was no ordinary person. 

The most surprising fact was the energy that was radiating from inside the cloak. It was subtle, the cloak doing its best to hide the presence, but to Ray who had tested hundreds of Potions and become highly sensitive to mana, it was easy to recognise what kind of energy the man in front of him was exuding.

Demonic Energy!

“You are a Demon?!” Ray was shocked at his discovery. He had been imprisoned by the Demon Race.

 The Demon, on the other hand, clapped in delight. “Wow, I didn’t think you would recognize it so easily. I can't believe even A-Rank Artifacts like this Cape of Maya couldn't fool you. I did good bringing you here."

The Demon's hungry gaze aggressively examined him, like a wolf checking out its prey.

“What do the Demons want from me?” 

“The Demons? They don’t want anything with you.” There was genuine confusion in his voice that even Ray got caught off-guard for a moment.

“So, you are saying it has nothing to do with that Curse-Breaking Potion I made?” That was the only reason why the Demons would capture someone as insignificant as him. "If you let me out of here, I can promise you that I will burn the recipe for that Potion."

It was impractical anyway since the ingredients for the recipe weren't something anyone could ever find.

“What? Why would you destroy years of your research?” But the reply that came out of him was something he never expected.

"Didn't you guys capture me because of that Potion I made?"

"No way. The Demons don't even know something like that exists. Yet, at least."

“Then why the hell am I here?!” That was the one question that had been gnawing at him the past months he had been isolated.

But the Demon just shrugged his question like it was no big deal. “No reason. I had to pick somebody and you seemed the most desperate to get out of your life.”

“Excuse me? I had a good life out there. I was offered a position as a Professor at the Star Academy, who, by the way, will be looking for me by now. So you better let me go.”

A giggle escaped the Demon’s lips. “I am sorry, but I don’t think anyone is looking for you, Ray. I made some pretty good arrangements to make sure no one knows you are gone."

“What are you talking about?” He tried to demand more answers but the Demon's attitude made it clear that the discussion was over.

“You know, you are lucky to be here. Soon, the human world as you know it, won’t exist. After that, I don't think anyone will ever realize you were gone.”

“Do you think the humans will just let you invade our planet?” Ray just scoffed at him. "We have the other Races on our side. Don't think it will be easy for you."

The Demon just giggled under the cloak. "Ray, you have no idea what we have in store for you. Though, I don't think you will ever find out, being trapped in here and all."

"What did you say?" He tried to grab his collar, but the Cloak slumped in his hand, the person inside gone just as fast as he had arrived.

“Toodles!” The loud voice echoed across the room one last time, and Ray was once again left all alone.

‘I don’t know what that Demon is up to, but I can’t stay here.’  This was no time for him to stay in this stupid dollhouse and wait for help to come. If what the Demon said was true, it looks like the Academy didn't even realize that he was missing.

'But how do I get out here?' As Ray fiddled with the discarded Cloak, his gaze moved to the balcony. ‘Hmm...Aren’t A-Rank Artifacts supposed to be pretty sturdy? Surely it withstand a free fall from a big height.’




A few hours later, two Demon Guards were making rounds near the corridor of the guest suite.

“Hey, you want to check what’s inside that room?” The first guard asked, excitedly. "I heard a guest was staying there."

“Are you nuts? The Duke especially warned us to stay away from that room.” The second guard quickly tried to bury the reckless idea.

“Oh, don’t be a wuss. One little peek won’t hurt anyone.” The first guard dismissed his friend’s worries. “Hmm…Hey, was this room supposed to be empty all this time?”

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