The Transmigrated Professor

Chapter 35: The Life of The Cursed

Ryder awoke drenched in sweat, his body gripped by the familiar, agonizing pain.

It felt as though a vortex fought to escape from within him while a boa constrictor coiled tighter and tighter around his being.

There were pain meds on the table beside but he just pushed them to the ground. He knew better than anyone that those pills couldn’t help him.

Flashbacks of yesterday’s appointment flashed in his mind.


“Ryder, your test results aren’t very promising. At this rate, I am afraid you might not even make it past this month!” The doctor delivered the news with sad eyes.

“I understand.” Ryder replied, his face as emotionless as they had been ever since they started their treatments. There must have always been a lingering doubt in the young boy's mind that he was beyond saving.

The doctor found herself helpless in front of the boy who seemed to accept his fate without so much as a fight.

“Ryder, I haven’t told your family about your condition, but you should consider informing them soon.”

“Will telling them make the  pain go away?” He asked with not a hint of change in his expression.

“Well, no! But… “ The doctor started, but  Ryder interrupted her. “Then I won’t be telling anyone about it.”


Ryder slowly got up from his bed and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. 

When he got out of his room, their housekeeper and nanny, Emma, was setting up the dining table. His sister was already seated.

The moment their eyes met, Ryder quickly straightened up his aching body and took a seat beside her. He didn’t want his sister to notice his affliction. 

“Did you take your medicine?” She asked, concern reflecting in her eyes.

“Yeah, I did!” He lied.

“That’s good. “ She patted his head. “Oh, and since your birthday is coming up in a few weeks, Grandpa suggested we should hold it lavishly. We will invite some celebrities and—”

“Rachel, I don’t really want a big party. Can we have a small celebration at our house instead?” Ryder interrupted, shooting down her idea.

Rachel looked a little disappointed but agreed with his suggestion. “Fine, let’s do whatever you are comfortable with.”

“Don’t worry, Young Master Ryder. I will make sure to make all your favourite dishes on your birthday.” Emma cheerfully chimed in, setting down an omelette and a glass of juice in front of him.

“Thanks, Emma!” He replied with a smile as he took a bite of the omelette.

“So, should I send an invite to Professor Ray next door? I know you are close with that guy Mikael.” Rachel asked, her full attention on her brother.

“Huh? Miss, you don’t mean Ray Laxon, do you?” Emma interjected, visibly shocked. “Their family has been rumoured to be allying with the Fallen.”

Heavy silence descended upon the dining table. 

Rachel glanced at Ryder before turning back to Emma. “Don’t worry. I spoke to Grandfather and Ray has been cleared of any suspicions, so there is no need to worry about Fallen or anything like that.” 

She turned back to her brother. “Ryder, why don’t you get changed? I was thinking we could go out to do some early birthday shopping for you, and maybe spend some quality time together.”

“Sure!” He quickly excused himself from the table and retreated to his room.

“Emma, I know as Ryder’s nanny you are just worried about him, but please don’t speak anything about the Fallen and Laxons in front of him.” Rachel spoke up, once she knew that Ryder was out of earshot.

"I'm sorry, Miss. I just can't bear to see him in pain again," Emma confessed, her head bowed as she fought back tears.

After their parents died, Emma was the one who took care of and raised Rachel and Ryder. In her eyes, they were no different than her children.

She couldn't bear to witness Ryder's suffering, hearing him cry in pain from nightmares every night. 

‘Oh, God! Please help this poor child. He has already suffered enough.’ She prayed every night outside his room.

“Don’t worry, Emma. Ryder’s gonna be fine. Grandfather will make sure of that.” Rachel reassured the devoted nanny, trying to convince herself as well.

But, despite all those words, her eyes didn’t drift away from Ryder’s plate, where just a single, tiny bite was taken from the omelette.

‘Grandfather, hurry!’ She just prayed helplessly.

“You know, if you wanted to go on a date, you could have just gone by yourself. Being left alone at home is probably less awkward than third-wheeling.” Ryder deadpanned his sister in a dead-serious tone.

“For the hundredth time, this was just a coincidence.” Rachel stammered, flustered at her brother's remark.

“You know, I am okay with leaving!” Rhian interjected, trying to mediate the situation.

“Don’t worry, man! I am just messing with her.” Ryder reassured him, flashing a playful grin.

The trio found themselves window-shopping in The Apex Plaza, a prestigious mall located in the bustling commercial district of the Capital City.

“So, what are you guys shopping for?” Rhian asked as they leisurely explored the array of shops.

“It’s going to be Ryder’s birthday soon. I am thinking of buying him a handsome new suit.” Rachel replied, her eyes scanning the storefronts.

“Wait, we are shopping for Ryder and not you? Cause I am pretty sure we have only gone inside the women's clothing stores till now.” Rhian pointed out, gesturing to the assortment of shopping bags they were carrying.

Rachel slapped him on the shoulder. “They were pretty! And I am boosting the economy, aren’t I?”

“I don't think the  economy is what you have in mind.” Rhian retorted, raising an eyebrow.

Suddenly, Rachel's attention was captivated by a mannequin displayed in one of the stores. "Oh, that's cute!"

She dashed into the store, leaving behind Rhian and his boring lecture.

Rhian just sighed. 

“My sister is quite something, isn’t she?” Ryder chuckled, amused by his sister's impulsive actions.

“She sure is.” Rhian replied, shaking his head in disbelief.

“She tends to over-shop when she stresses herself out.” Ryder explained.

“Stresses out-” But before Rhian can complete the question, an uproar started inside the shop Rachel had disappeared too.

“I was the one that found this dress first, so it belongs to me.” A loud voice reverberated across the entire store.

“No, I was the one that saw it first, so it belongs to me.” A second voice roared even louder.

One of the voices was familiar to the two boys. 

‘I have a bad feeling about this.’ Rhian thought as he made his way to the centre of the store where the fight was happening.

Sure enough, Rachel was fighting with another girl over the dress she had noticed earlier.

“Rachel, why don’t you just leave the dress? You have already bought a lot of stuff.” Ryder tried to mediate between the two. 

But as any guy with a girlfriend would tell you, you should never get in the middle of a fight between the two girls.

“Get lost, Ryder. That dress is mine and I am going to have it.” Rachel pushed her brother aside, as the fight continued.

Ryder and Rhian awkwardly watched as Rachel and the other girl continued their heated argument over the dress. The commotion attracted the attention of the store staff, who rushed over to mediate the situation.

"Excuse me, ladies, please calm down. We need to find a solution to this situation peacefully." One of the staff tried to reason with them, but neither heard her pleas.

"No way! I found this dress first, and I'm not letting it go!" Rachel yelled, grabbing the dress.

"You're just being selfish! I saw it before you, and it should be mine!" The other girl screamed as she tugged the dress back.

The tension escalated and soon the inevitable happened.


The ripping sound echoed across the store as the employees and everyone around them stared in horror at the poor dress that was lost before its time.

“LADIES! STOP! NOW!” Ryder finally yelled at the two.

The two girls froze in their spot, both, from the rage Ryder was emitting and the guilt over what they had done.

Ryder turned towards the employee that was examining the torn-up dress and bowed his head. “Miss, I apologise for my sister’s actions. I request you to pack up the dress and charge for the full price on this card.”
He said, handing her a black credit card

“Yes, sure.” The employee awkwardly replied to Ryder’s sincere apology and went to pack up the dress.

He then turned back to the two shocked girls. “You two! Apologise to each other! NOW!”

"I... I'm so sorry. I let my emotions get the best of me. I shouldn't have fought over a dress like this." Rachel stuttered.

"You're right. I got caught up in the heat of the moment too. I apologise for my behaviour." The other girl apologised too.

Another employee, probably a manger, soon returned with the packaged dress and the two apologised to her.

“We are sorry for our actions.” The two bowed their heads in shame.

“Going forward, please focus your attention on browsing our collection, rather than engaging in any form of conflict or disagreement.” The manager responded quite professionally, but anyone could see that she was pretty pissed off at them.

The four quickly left the store to avoid any further shame.

“You handled that pretty well, dude.” Rhian praised Ryder, as the four distanced themselves from the store.

Suddenly, the girl interrupted him, her voice filled with recognition. "Wait, aren't you Rhian? The first-year from the Academy?"

Rhian's eyes widened in surprise as he recognized her. "Oh, yeah. And you're Kyla, Miyu's friend!"

Ryder, intrigued by their connection, couldn't help but ask, "Do you two know each other?"

Kyla nodded eagerly. "Of course we do! Rachel, Rhian, and I were actually investigating the mysterious attackers—" Before she could finish her sentence, Rachel and Rhian swiftly covered her mouth, panic in their eyes as they pulled her away.

"Are you out of your mind?" Rachel hissed at Kyla, her voice barely above a whisper. "Miss Misa explicitly warned us not to divulge anything to outsiders."

"But he's your brother!" Kyla argued, her voice slightly muffled by their hands. "Surely we can trust him!"

Rachel's expression grew grave as she spoke with a serious tone, "That's even worse! If you say anything to him about the monster attacks, I swear I won't leave you alone."

"Woah! Calm down. Fine, I won't tell him anything," Kyla agreed, sensing Rachel's hostility. The three of them then returned to where Ryder was patiently waiting.

"Did you guys finish your discussion?" Ryder asked, his smile contrasting with his serious tone as he looked at Rachel.

"Don't worry about it," Rachel reassured him, attempting to dismiss the matter.

"Sister, I hope you're not hiding anything from me," Ryder said firmly, hinting at his suspicion.

"It's nothing for you to worry about," Rachel responded, trying to deflect his concerns.

Rhian, sensing the tension, decided to change the subject. "Kyla, we're going to buy something for Ryder now. Would you like to join us?"

Rachel stared at Rhian in shock, her expression silently questioning his decision. 

Kyla, feeling Rachel's antagonism, decided to decline the offer. "It's okay. I'm meeting up with Miyu and Ophelia soon. I'll see you guys later."

Bidding her goodbye, Kyla left the group and went off to find her friends.

“So, Ryder, where do you want to go now? Tom Forde? Or H. Bossini?” Rachel asked, suggesting some of the high-end stores.

"Actually, I was thinking of doing something different," Ryder responded, catching their attention. He pointed at an advertisement that had popped up on the LED screen. "There's an Artifact Exhibit happening on the top floor of the Plaza. Should we check it out?"

"An exhibit? Sounds interesting! Let's go there!" Rachel exclaimed, intrigued by the idea.

"Wait a moment!" Rhian interjected, noticing a particular section of the advertisement. "It seems like they are selling a limited number of tickets. I'm not sure if we'll be able to get in."

Rachel and Ryder stared at him, their expressions filled with confusion. They couldn't understand why Rhian was bringing up such concerns.

Rhian let out a frustrated sigh, realising the difference in their perspectives. "Right, I forgot who I am talking to. The Hero's League President's grandchildren. Limited tickets don't mean much to you."

The exchange left a momentary pause in their conversation as they processed Rhian's words.

"Don't worry about the small details, Rhian! Let's just go and have fun," Rachel dismissed his concerns, eager to continue with their plans.

With that, the three of them made their way to the topmost floor of the Plaza. 

When they approached the exhibit entrance, the attendant checked their identity cards and quickly invited them inside upon recognizing who they were, disregarding their lack of tickets.

"Ah, the taste of power is sweet!" Rhian commented with a hint of amusement as he accepted the brochure handed to him.

"Oh great! She's here too," Rachel sarcastically remarked, her gaze fixed on a group of three girls giggling in the distance. Among them was unmistakably Kyla.

"Let's go and say hi!" Rhian suggested, but Rachel swiftly shut down his idea. "No! Let's enjoy the exhibit ourselves!"

They began exploring the exhibit, while the three girls were lost in their small world, failing to realise the small encounter they had just missed.

But all six didn’t realise that soon an incident would take place that would force them together.



Meanwhile, in his laboratory, Ray paused from his potion-making, his gaze fixated on the ceiling, trying to remember something.

“If I think about it, wasn’t there an incident regarding the protagonist at this point in time in the novel? Well, if I don't remember it, then it's probably not important. Rhian will take care of it.”

Ray quickly dismissed his thoughts and went back to his work.

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