The Transmigrated Professor

Chapter 31 – What Happens After A Party – Part 1

“I don't see that date of yours anywhere.” A cherry voice approached Misa, as she stood alone. 

She looked down to find a cute girl looking at her. With her sky blue hair tied into two long ponytails and her big grey eyes, the 5-foot girl was the human definition of ‘chibi’.

“You look pretty as always, Selene!” Misa smiled down at her friend, wearing a deep blue frock.

"You don't have to butter me. I know the frock makes me look very young." Selene pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It still matches you very beautifully!" Misa reassured her with a smile.


Selene had been Misa's close friend since childhood and they had been practically inseparable for years. They had even gotten into the same class in the Star Academy and applied together in the Hero League. But while Misa left her post at the League so that she could become a Professor at the Star Academy, Selene continued her work at the League.

She had now even surpassed her childhood friend and raised her Rank to SS. 

But as they say, “God is fair to all!”, she too had her own set of troubles.

When the Era of Mana began, people’s bodies underwent a major biological change. They lived longer and thus their bodies aged slower.

For most Awakened, they would grow normally till they reached the end of their adolescence, usually around 17 or 18 when they awakened their powers, and then grew at an extremely slow pace. 

But fortunately or unfortunately for Selene, she received her powers when she was only 12 years old, stunting her growth.
Because of this unpreceded event, she was stuck with the appearance of a middle school girl for the rest of her life.
Thus, Selene developed a major inferiority complex about her height and child-like appearance. 

“I see you aren’t destroying buildings anymore, whenever your looks are mentioned.” Misa teased her. "You sure have grown."

“That happened one time.” Selene flared up at the mention of her dark past. “I even paid for all the repairs later, didn't I?”

“One time is literally all it takes.” Misa gave her a mischievous smile.

When Selene had just joined the Hero League, people, envious of her powers, made fun of her appearance. But the jokes quickly stopped when Selene, in anger one day, destroyed an entire section of the League Headquarters. The entire society had laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation, but it had also set a foundation for everyone to know how scary she can be when angered.

“Anyway, why did you come to this party with Ray Laxon as your partner?” Selene coughed, changing the subject.

“He’s quite attractive. What’s the problem in wanting to be escorted by a handsome guy?”

Selene just gaped at Misa's reasoning. Not many people knew it, but Misa was quite a thirsty woman, highly influenced by those romance novels she reads every night. 

“Listen, the problem is that your handsome guy is someone who is under suspicion for being involved with the Chaos Alliance.” Selene whispered to her.

“I already investigated him fully. I can promise you that he is, in no way, associated with them.”

“Even so, if even one person from the Laxon Family turns out to have joined them, you know what will happen, don't you? The League will exterminate their whole family just to tie up any loose ends.”

“I know that all too well.” Misa sighed.
She had worked in the League for a long while. Of course, she knew what will happen to Ray if the investigation results aren’t favourable.

Selene noticed the solemn expression on her friend’s face and decided not to push the matter. 

“Anyway, I read the recent report you sent to the League. How amazing, a student tracked a monster that even the Academy's best professors weren’t able to!” Selene was proud of the junior Heroes as an alumnus.

“It wasn’t the Academy’s fault. We pinpointed the monster’s location many times, but whenever we reached its hiding place, it had already vanished. The monster must have some kind of teleportation skill.” Misa explained.

“I see, teleportation! That also explains how it could have gotten inside the City undetected.”

As the two were discussing the different identities of the monster, a voice came from behind. 


A sigh escaped Misa’s lips. “Is that who I think it is?” 

Selene looked behind Misa's back and nodded. Misa reluctantly turned around to find her trouble-making niece and her friends walking toward her.

“What are you doing here, Miyu?” Her voice was already turning cold.

“Of course, I came here to meet my favourite aunt.” Her niece replied cheerfully, ignoring the emotionless tone.

“...Favourite aunt, huh?”

“Aren’t you being a bit too cold, Auntie?” Miyu asked her, awkwardly.

“Cold? Oh no, why would I ever be cold to my precious niece, who repeatedly went around chasing monsters even when I warned her multiple times.”

“Oh come on. Nothing happened to me, did it?”

“Nothing happened? Your friends got attacked by an unknown monster. You do realise that you could have been one of them, right?”


Thankfully, the music was loud enough that nobody was able to listen in on the scolding. But, as the tension between them thickened, Selene was just stuck as a third wheel. 
As Misa continued to lecture her niece, someone tucked at Selene’s sleeve. Miyu’s friends motioned her to get out. Selene welcomed the opportunity with open arms, quickly sneaking away with the two girls.

“Wow. Thank you for getting me out, girls.”
“Ah, no problem. Anyway, I didn’t realise Miss Misa could get so angry?” Kyla commented.
“Oh, please. She was even more hot-tempered during our school years.”
“That’s surprising. She’s always so prim and proper during classes.”

As Selene told the two youngsters about their Academy life, the three wandered into the garden. 


Selene bumped into someone.

“Oh, you are…” Selene noticed the person she had bumped into. 

“Miss Selene! My apologies.” Ray apologised.

Ray and his sister were returning to the hall.

“Ah, that’s okay, Mr. Laxon. I was at fault as well.” 

As Ray was heading back, Selene hesitantly stopped him. “Ah, Ray. I don’t think you should go and meet Misa right now. She’s a bit occupied at the moment.”


“Uh, yeah. She’s scolding her niece.”

“You mean, Miyu? I guess she did get into trouble over the incident two days ago!”

“Incident?” Next to Ray, Isabella asked out of curiosity.

‘Crap. I forgot there was an outsider here.’

Immediately, silence dawned upon the group. 

“Why did you guys get silent all of a sudden? That’s suspicious!” Isabella pointed at Ray.

“That’s not something kids like you need to know!” Ray answered, avoiding her eyes.

“Kid! I am already 17. I will be turning into an adult in a few months.”

“That doesn’t change the fact you are a kid as well as an Unawakened.”

“But I will Awaken soon!”

“Then I will tell you when you do. Now, come let’s go.” Ray dragged his sister back to the ballroom, as she kept complaining.

“Would girls like to get some drinks at the bar?” Selene asked.

“Yup!” The two students cheered, eager for some alcohol.

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