The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 277 Fudge's Decision

Chapter 277 Fudge's Decision

At this moment, a dumpy man appeared. Harry knew this man. He was the current Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

However, the Minister Fudge who appeared at this time was no longer neat and glamorous in the past, the dress on his body was buttoned up indiscriminately, and he was still wearing pajamas through the corners and collar of his clothes.

"Where's Black?" He acted excitedly.

The onlookers hurried out of the way, allowing him to see Sirius Black lying on the ground.

"Haha, finally caught Black!" Fudge smiled happily, and he quickly thought of something, "Who caught Black?"

The Aurors didn't answer him, they just looked at Harry who was standing there stupidly.

Fudge immediately understood, "Well done, Harry!" Fudge strode up and patted Harry's shoulder heavily, "You have successfully completed a beautiful revenge!" Said quickly in the ear.

"You will soon be rewarded by the Ministry of Magic, and there will also be a second-class Medal of the Order of Merlin, which is unlikely for the first-class, but I will try to fight for it." Fudge said boldly, it seems that he has recently received The pressure is not small, and now I can finally let go of the pressure in my heart.

At this moment, Black on the ground suddenly moved, and Fudge was so frightened that he immediately hid behind Harry.

The Aurors next to him immediately surrounded him, and magical ribbons spewed out from the tip of the wand, binding Black tightly.

Only then did Harry react and continue to defend Black, but no one cared about Harry's words, mainly because his words were too bizarre.

"Children, I know you have been through unimaginable things tonight, and I now feel that you have just been bewildered by the terrible criminal Blake, so go back and drink a butterbeer and sleep well." You won’t be able to say things like that when you wake up the next morning.” Fudge offered his advice.

Harry still wanted to argue, but Fudge had already walked towards Dumbledore, "Albus, my people are probably going to stay at Hogwarts for one night, I will send someone to call the dementor over, and give Black what he deserves." Punitive."

He quickly realized that something was wrong, and he looked at an Auror, "Aren't there hundreds of dementors stationed nearby? Why didn't they see their figures when there was such a big commotion here? Don't they usually like to go to the crowd?" place?"

"An extremely powerful lightning magic was cast here just now, the target was hundreds of dementors gathered here, and that powerful magic directly defeated hundreds of dementors, causing them to suffer serious injuries, now They are probably running for their lives," Professor Dumbledore finally spoke.

"You defeated hundreds of dementors, are you sure it's not a Patronus?" Fudge still didn't believe it.

"The Patronus wouldn't make such a big noise. The magic just lit up half the sky, and it was because of the big noise that it attracted so many people." Professor Dumbledore continued to explain.

Fudge turned his attention to the wizards of the Ministry of Magic on the scene, and he saw the staff of the Department of Prohibiting the Misuse of Magic among them.

"Yes, we detected a powerful magic being cast near Hogwarts, and then rushed over." The staff of the Department of Prohibition of Misuse of Magic replied quickly.

After hearing this, Fudge pondered for a while and said: "We need to continue to investigate the lightning magic, but at the same time we have to send people to find the dementors. Aren't they hurt a lot? Now there is a ready-made tonic for them." Fudge His tone was indifferent.

Several staff members of the Ministry of Magic thought of something and shivered uncontrollably.

"Black must get the punishment he deserves, and set the record straight." Fudge said sternly.

Fudge has his reasons for being so anxious to find the dementors. The Ministry of Magic has executioners who execute magical creatures, but there are no executioners who kill wizards, because no wizards are willing to do this kind of dirty work, because killing people in this world will It had some bad influence on the wizard, so the dementors acted as the executioners who killed the wizard, so if there were no dementors, the Ministry of Magic really couldn't find a way to kill Black.

The two Aurors immediately took the lead and went to find the fleeing dementor.

"Black is innocent, Peter Pettigrew," Harry kept yelling from the sidelines.

Then he was forcibly wrestled by Professor McGonagall to the Hogwarts School Hospital, accompanied by Hermione and Ron who were in a coma.

Before leaving, Harry heard Fudge and Dumbledore discussing where to keep Black
Harry wanted to say something to Professor Dumbledore, but Dumbledore just gave him a meaningful look and turned away.

Madam Pomfrey administered some strange potions to Harry in the school hospital, which made him feel that his physical strength had recovered a lot, but it did not reduce the anxiety in his heart at all.

"I want to talk to Professor Dumbledore." Harry said to Professor McGonagall who was about to leave, "There are very important things."

Professor McGonagall turned and looked at Harry seriously, her lips were tightly pressed together, she looked at Harry for a while and said, "I'll tell you." Then she left.

Madam Pomfrey also left the ward after filling Hermione and Ron with the potion, and Harry heard the door lock.

Harry's heart sank again, and many terrible thoughts appeared in his mind. He really couldn't accept that Black died unjustly like this, and it was such a tragic death.

But he is also very clear-headed that people will not believe a little wizard who speaks nothing so easily.

He thought of many plans quickly in his mind, but those plans were too unreliable. One plan even relied on Pikachu to rescue Black, and then kill Hogwarts.

However, he was still a little sensible and gave up this idea. If he had an army of 100 Pikachu, this plan would be feasible to a certain extent.

When he was at a loss, Hermione and Ron woke up, and Harry hurriedly told them the situation.

Hermione and Ron also began to worry, and they also began to think of ways to break the situation.

But after thinking for a long time, there is no good way.

"So what if we have a good idea? We can't even get out of this door now." Ron said with some frustration.

Hermione gritted her teeth, and seemed to have made some decision, "It seems that I can only use it." She said quickly, and then she fumbled around the neckline of her robe, and pulled out a long, fine gold thread from under the robe. chain.

Harry looked at her suspiciously, not knowing what she was going to do.

But at this moment, Hermione's movements suddenly stopped.
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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