The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 274 The second scroll

Chapter 274 The Third Scroll

Lupine and Black were about to kill Pettigrew directly, but were stopped by Harry at the moment.

"No!" Harry yelled, running forward to stand in front of Peter Pettigrew. "You can't kill him," he said, out of breath. "You can't."

Both Black and Lupine were shocked.

Harry gasped, "We'll take him to the castle, we'll give him to the dementors, and he can go to Azkaban...just don't kill him."

"Harry!" panted Peter Pettigrew, wrapping his arms around Harry's knees, "thank you for being kind to me thank you."

"Let me go," said Harry spat, shaking Pettigrew's hand in disgust, "I didn't do it for you. I did it because I don't think my dad would want his best friend to kill— Especially killing someone like you."

"Those who committed evil will be punished as they should be, but those who have been wronged for more than ten years should also be cleared of their grievances and have their reputation restored." Harry continued.

No one moved or made a sound except Peter Pettigrew.Peter Pettigrew clutched his chest, gasping for breath.Black and Lupine looked at each other.

"Mr. Black, I think Harry is right. The existence of Peter Pettigrew can prove your innocence. You should return to live in the sun, and you should go home." Hermione said softly.

"Go home?" Sirius Black murmured, his expression became complicated, and he didn't know what he thought of.

"Padfoot, you can take better care of Harry only after you restore your reputation. Don't forget that you are still his godfather." Lupine also changed his mind and began to persuade Black.

Harry's expression became shocked, it was the first time he heard this
"You're the only one with the right to make that decision, Harry," said Black, his eyes watering again, and he respected Harry's decision.

Tape shot out of Lupine's wand, and within moments Peter Pettigrew was bound and gagged, writhing on the floor.

Harry took back his Invisibility Cloak, and the group was ready to head back.

Fortunately, except for Snape who flew to nowhere, none of the group was injured.

"What about them?" Professor Lupine said, pointing to the two shapeshifting beasts.

"That's right, Allen said not to let more people know about the existence of these deformed beasts," Harry said.

"Wait a minute!" Hermione and Ron rummaged through their pockets, and they quickly found the Poké Ball that Allen gave them.

"Come in!" They threw two small red and white balls under the amazed eyes of others. The ball suddenly opened when it was about to hit the two deformed beasts, and directly put the two deformed beasts into the air. went in.

Then they easily picked up the poke ball from the ground.

"The scrolls and poke balls that Allen gave are really useful. It would be great if there were more." Ron couldn't help but said while holding the poke balls.

"Don't think about it, the scrolls are very expensive, each cost more than 200 Galleons." Hermione reminded Ron.

"Oh" Ron was instantly defeated by poverty.

Lupine and Black glanced at each other quietly. They didn't expect that this matter would have something to do with Alan Phoenix, but it made sense after thinking about it.

A group of people started to walk towards Hogwarts Castle. They were going to hand Peter Pettigrew to Professor Dumbledore, but the school should be on the alert after making such a big noise with Professor Snape just now. .

Harry walked briskly on the road, and his mood was also brisk. Just now Sirius invited Harry to live with him, which made Harry very excited.

A cloud drifted away, and a blurry shadow suddenly appeared on the ground. This group of people was bathed in moonlight.

Lupine, Pettigrew Peter, Ron and others stopped suddenly, and Black froze. He stretched out his arm and signaled Harry and Hermione not to move forward.

Harry could see Lupin's profile in profile, stiffening, and then shaking in his limbs.

"Oh my God—" gasped Hermione, "he didn't take his medicine tonight! He's not safe!"

In a terrible growl, Lupine's head lengthened, as did his body, his shoulders arched, and the hair on his face and hands was clearly visible, curling into claws.
Sirius disappeared beside Harry, he transformed, and a huge black dog leaped forward, and the dog grabbed the werewolf by the neck and pulled him back, away from Ron and Pettigrew.

Werewolf and dog entangled, jaw to jaw, paws tearing at each other
Harry stood, transfixed by the sight, while Pettigrew Peter had gone to get Lupin's lost wand.
By the time Harry came to his senses, Peter Pettigrew had completed his Animagus transformation.
Ron and Hermione cast two spells on him, but he dodged both, and he quickly disappeared into the grass
Harry turned and saw the werewolf fleeing, running into the Forbidden Forest.

"Sirius, he's gone. Peter Pettigrew is transformed!" Harry yelled.The big dog was bleeding, and it had wounds on its muzzle and back, but it got up again when it heard Harry's words, and ran in the direction where the mouse disappeared in an instant, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the three inside.
"Ron, you sent your shapeshifter to chase Pettigrew Peter, Sirius is injured." Hermione said quickly, and the next moment she threw her poke ball, and ordered the wizard shapeshifter to find Professor Lupine , Control him, so as not to hurt others or himself, the mage deformed beast spread its wings and flew up, disappearing into the night sky.

Ron did as well, and the Hidden Spike deformed beast lowered its head and smelled the smell on the ground, and quickly chased after it, disappearing into the dark Forbidden Forest.

Harry realized it was just the three of them now.

Just when they were at a loss, they heard a bark, a whimper in the dark, a dog barking in pain
"Sirius," Harry murmured.

From the sound of it, Blake is in trouble.
Harry sprinted, Hermione and Ron close behind.

The barking seemed to be coming from the other side of the lake, and they were running as hard as they could, Harry was running as hard as he could, feeling cold without thinking about what it meant to be cold—

The howling stopped suddenly, and they ran to the lake to understand why—Sirius was human again.

He was lying by the lake with his hands raised in front of him, but the figure of the shapeshifting beast was gone.
"No no no no," he moaned, "don't please please no"

Then Harry saw them.

The Presbyterians, at least a hundred of them, were gliding toward them in a black mass around the lake.

He turned quickly, the familiar cold feeling permeated his internal organs, the fog began to blur his vision, and more of these guys came from the darkness on all sides, and they were surrounding.
The dementors quickly surrounded them, hovering over their heads in darkness
They feel overwhelming pressure and cold
"Call God to protect!" Harry tried to think of happy things, but all he could do was conjure up a small silver light, swaying like fog in front of him.

"The shapeshifters are too far away." Hermione and Ron said these words with difficulty, and fell in front of him, but they also knew that even if the shapeshifters were present, they could not deal with such a situation with their abilities and state. Lots of dementors.
Harry realized he was alone now.
He frantically casts the Patronus Charm to fend off the dementors, but the silver mist he summons is getting smaller and smaller
He saw one of the dementors come to a halt, very close to him, and a thin, dead hand slipped from under the cloak, and it lowered its hood, leaving only thin scabs where the eyes should have been. gray skin, monotonously covering the empty eye sockets, but it has a mouth. A shapeless hole that sucks air with the sound of a dying throat
It is approaching Sirius and wants to kiss him
Harry was full of terror, standing there as if he was going to be paralyzed, unable to move or speak, the silver mist he summoned flickered and went out.
He can't accept such a result!

He suddenly felt something hard in the pocket of his robe—it was the scroll left to him by Allen, and it was also the most powerful scroll.

Hope was rekindled in his heart, and he used his last bit of strength to take out the scroll, aimed it at a stone beside him, and pulled it away
The scroll was cast successfully!

The stone is changing rapidly
Soon a strange creature appeared in his line of sight - most of its body was orange, with two long ears standing on top of its head, much like the ears of a bunny, and its eyes were big and round, like Two black gemstones, its nose is very small, even if you don't pay attention, you can't see it. The most striking thing is the two blushes on its cheeks. Its limbs are short and thick, chubby and cute, and its tail is thick And long, like the shape of a thunderbolt.

It looks very cute, very weak, and can only be cute, and now it is staring at Harry suspiciously with a pair of big watery eyes
Harry and it stared wide-eyed, not knowing what to say for a moment
"pika-pika pikachu!" the strange creature broke the silence first
 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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