The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 263 Farewell

Chapter 263 Farewell
"Okay -" said Harry, Ron and Hermione with difficulty.

Then they began to look at the magic scrolls in their hands.

The general appearance of the magic scrolls is the same. It feels like it is made of some kind of animal skin. The animal skin is rolled into a small roll, and the animal skin is rolled very tightly. There is a mysterious text carved in the middle of the small roll. The metal ring looks like an ordinary scroll, and there is an arrow mark on one end of the scroll.

"Why are the scrolls we got different colors?" Hermione asked suspiciously while playing with the blue magic scroll in her hand.

"The three scrolls have different colors because the deformed beasts they transform have different functions." Allen explained.

"Ron and Hermione, the scrolls you got were for small battles, and the white scroll in Harry's hand is the most powerful one."

"Can these scrolls really transform into powerful deformed beasts?" Ron touched the thin scrolls in his hand, and suddenly became less confident.

"Believe me," Alan's eyes wandered among the three, "Each deformed beast's combat power is enough to easily defeat an adult wizard." He said in a deep voice.

"Actually, based on my experience of fighting Black last time, any deformed beast transformed from a scroll can defeat Sirius Black, but the speed of defeat is different. But I am afraid that Sirius Black has unused hole cards, So I prepared three scrolls for you."

"Use these scrolls according to the situation. Ron and Hermione's scrolls can be used first, and Harry's scrolls can be used last. When in danger, use these scrolls as needed. Don't hesitate." Allen emphasized again road.

The three of Harry became silent looking at the scroll in their hands, and they looked at the saber in the room again. Although they still can't believe the power of the magic scroll in their hands, Alan has never let them down Pass.

"Have you seen the arrow sign on the scroll? You need to point the arrow at the target of the transformation when you unroll the scroll." Allen continued.

"Thank you, Alan." Harry said suddenly.

"Why do you say this? We are good friends!" Allen reached out and patted Harry's shoulder hard.

"Besides, all of this is just my personal speculation. Maybe nothing will happen when I leave for a while, and the preparations I made may not be used at all." Allen shrugged.

"Don't say that, I will remember everything you did for me." Harry said solemnly.

The next morning, Allen carried the small bag he had prepared earlier, and was about to go to Hogsmeade Village, and go to the Ministry of Magic through the fireplace there.

After arranging everything, he is still looking forward to the execution of his Ministry of Magic. After all, the Ministry of Magic is the ruling center of the British magic world, and he still wants to see how wizards rule the magic world.

There is a four-wheeled carriage pulled by thestrals parked at the gate of the castle. Hagrid will drive this carriage to take Aaron to Hogsmeade Village and go to the Ministry of Magic with him.

"Do you have to pretend to be parting from life and death? I just went to the Ministry of Magic to stay for a few days and then came back." Allen looked at the three of Harry helplessly.

The three of Harry came to see Alan off, and Professor McGonagall also came to see him off.

The three of Harry came to see him off. It was a mobilization of the whole family. Allen saw Hermione with Crookshanks, Ron with Scabbers, and Hedwig, who was originally in the owl tower, seemed to have noticed the situation here, and also flew over. on Harry's shoulder.

Allen said goodbye to them one by one.

Finally, they did not forget to say goodbye to their pets.

Crookshanks still seems to be angry with Alan, with a proud look of indifference to Alan, I don't know if he is still remembering the catnip feud before, or remembering that he picked it up a few days ago Back grudges.

Banban's condition is getting worse and worse. It has been lying motionless in Ron's arms. Alan looked at it twice, and he always felt that Banban gave him a particularly strange feeling, but he couldn't figure out why.

The relationship between Hedwig and Alan is the best, and it gently pecks Alan's finger, which is a gesture of intimacy.

Finally, Allen and Professor McGonagall bid farewell. Professor McGonagall looked at his favorite student with relief, and said softly in his ear: "You are my pride."

Allen looked at Professor McGonagall in surprise, this was the highest compliment he had received from Professor McGonagall.

"Be careful not to be proud." Professor McGonagall added in a low voice.

Just as Alan was about to board the car, an unexpected person appeared.

Professor Snape appeared from the gate of the castle with a cold face, and the three of Harry hurried out of the way.

Allen originally thought that Professor Snape was just passing by, but he didn't expect that Professor Snape came straight to him, which made him feel a little guilty, and he thought it was something wrong.

Still, he remained calm, convinced he left no clues that day.

Professor Snape walked up to Allen, stared straight into his ear and said, "You haven't sampled yet today?"

Allen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, such a big posture was only for this matter.

Allen got Ibrahimovic's ears randomly today, and his ears drooped immediately.
"Severus, why don't you just forget about it," Professor McGonagall interrupted.

"I can't forget it, you understand the significance of Allen's talent transformation now." Professor Snape said a little bluntly.

Professor McGonagall was blocked all of a sudden.

"During your visit to the Ministry of Magic, you can't waste the magic materials produced by the innate transformation parts. You have to complete the sampling by yourself every morning, and then send the owl back to Hogwarts." Professor Snape followed closely.

Allen looked at the stubborn Professor Snape and didn't know what to say for a moment.

But he also knew that Professor Snape was like this because he directly took away all the Pokémon materials of Professor Snape.

Allen wanted to refute Professor Snape, but he saw the red blood in Professor Snape's eyes. It seemed that his emptying of his Pokémon magic materials still had a huge impact on Professor Snape.

He softened his heart for a moment, and besides, he also hoped that Professor Snape's research would yield results, so he made a decision in his heart.

"Add money!" Allen said firmly.

"It costs money to ask the owl to deliver the materials, and it's painful to sample by yourself." Alan looked at Professor Snape's unexpected expression and said confidently.

"As you wish, you will receive satisfactory compensation." Professor Snape snorted coldly, then turned his head and walked into the castle.

Allen went to Hogsmeade village with Hagrid.

 Still looking for votes!
(End of this chapter)

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