The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 17 Punishment and Imagination

Chapter 17 Punishment and Imagination

Professor Snape nodded to Professor McGonagall expressionlessly and said, "Let's get started!"

At this time, Professor McGonagall, who had been silent for a long time, pushed his eyes, and his eyes wandered back and forth on the six people.

"Now, can someone explain to me what's going on?" said Professor McGonagall.

The six people lowered their heads and dared not speak. Alan opened his mouth, feeling as if there was a big stone in his throat, and he couldn't make a sound.

"Draco, tell me about the situation, don't be afraid!" Professor Snape said slowly.

Malfoy evaded the whole thing, but was quickly interrupted by Harry: "Malfoy, there are many witnesses!"

Malfoy had to readjust the content of his narrative, but still downplayed Alan's fall.

Ron finally couldn't bear it anymore, and told what happened out loud. Professor McGonagall became more serious as he listened, his eyes full of fear.

"Professor Snape, what do you think?" Professor McGonagall said seriously.

"I think it was all young people who were impulsive, no one was seriously hurt in the whole thing and Crabbe paid for his impulsiveness, I think 20 points off Mr Crabbe, Malfoy and Mr Gore How about 10 points each, and 10 points each for Weasley, Potter, and Mr. Phoenix?" Professor Snape said slowly.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly, which meant that her mood was rapidly deteriorating.

"I don't think that's okay, Crabbe's behavior is too bad, too dangerous! If someone else sat on that out-of-control broom today, it would really kill someone. Hogwarts has not had a student death in 50 years. Already!" Professor McGonagall said seriously, "So we must give Crabbe a serious punishment, deducting 100 points, and the remaining 5 people will each deduct 20 points!"

Professor Snape wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Ron, who made him shake so long before speaking, always slow and serious.

"Professor! The three of them are the real perpetrators. Why are we deducting so many points?" Ron asked loudly.

"Mr. Weasley, this is the final decision!" Professor McGonagall didn't even look at Snape.

Ron wanted to continue to argue, but after being glared at by Professor McGonagall, he mumbled and couldn't speak.

Professor Snape snorted and walked out. When passing by Harry and Allen, he gave Harry and Allen a blank look, and then walked away with the students of his college without saying a word.

Harry and Allen were filled with a sense of relief for the rest of their lives. They thought they were going to be expelled today, but they didn't expect to pass the test like this, but they didn't dare to show it, because Professor McGonagall was still by his side.

"Now, go back to your dormitory and rest. I will have dinner delivered." Professor McGonagall said to the three.

Allen and the three felt relieved, and quickly thanked Professor McGonagall.

"Hurry up and go back! Don't bother me here, I will get angry when I see you!" Professor McGonagall issued the order to evict the guest again.

When Allen lay down on his four-poster bed again, he felt unreal. Too many things happened in this day, as if it was as long as a year.

Neville had been sent back from the hospital and was sleeping soundly. The brand-new memory ball was carefully placed by his bedside, shining brightly under the light.

"Good night, Ellen!" Harry's head poked out of his veil.

"Alan, Harry, good night!" Ron also yawned and poked his head out of his curtain.

"Good night to you too!" Allen said to them with a smile.

The three looked at each other and found what they wanted in each other's eyes.

The three laughed happily, as if something invisible had been broken, and everyone became closer.
Allen was lying on his bed again (mainly because he couldn't lie down), and everything that happened today quickly flashed through his mind, from the fear of seeing the wings for the first time, to the anger after being insulted, to fighting side by side while galloping in the sky , to the struggle to survive falling from a high altitude, and the massacre of Return of the Jedi, scenes flowed through his heart, and finally it was frozen on the scene of the three of them diving.

Allen adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable. Surviving a near-death made him realize once again the preciousness of life. The last time he passed away was like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit. The people are gone, how can there be the unforgettable feeling of today's struggle to survive.

But now he felt something more important than life to some extent, this was the first time in this world.

"Is it friendship?" Alan buried his face in the pillow and muttered in a low voice.

"Maybe there will be love in the future?" He added in a low voice in his heart, but he instantly felt the ambiguity in this sentence, and shook his head to throw this thought out of his mind.

Allen stretched out his hand to touch the somewhat obstructive wings on his back, thinking that he would disappear after falling asleep, and he didn't know when he would appear next time, so he started to feel a little bit reluctant.

He drew his wand and studied him carefully, thinking about what Dumbledore had said that morning.

Do you want to continue to sleep with your wand tonight?
This was indeed a problem before.

But after Dumbledore's enlightenment today and a real walk between life and death this afternoon, it's not a problem.

Alan's heart became stronger than ever, and he decided to face his inner fear.

He also remembered that Dumbledore also said that his transformation would be affected by his subconscious mind,
If you use a magic wand to perform talent transformation, the effect of transformation will be enhanced, and it is estimated that a part of your body or organs will be randomly deformed, so what would be better?

You have to think about it carefully, maybe if you think too much, it will become what you want!
Allen's thinking began to diverge, and all kinds of knowledge from his previous life flashed across his mind.

Suddenly a thought popped into Allen's mind: Will my lower body be deformed completely, for example, the lower body becomes the lower body of a fish, is this a mermaid?Maybe it will become the lower body of a snake, which seems to be a descendant of Nuwa again?Maybe Slytherins would like this.

Allen patted his head vigorously, trying to throw this idea out, but thoughts are not so easily interrupted once they start.

Alan thought again that if his lower body turned into a fish and a snake, wouldn't his own be gone?This is a terrible question!
Allen couldn't control the situation in his brain at this time, and his brain went down to think: Will there be a random animal?
All the strange knowledge that Alan saw at Station B and Zhihu in his previous life suddenly flooded up: What's the use of random animals?

A voice in my head whispered:!

Another voice appeared again:!

Allen was stunned by his brain hole and reserve of strange knowledge!How did divergent thinking become like this?

Step on the brakes in your mind quickly, trying to empty your brain!
But it was too late, the speed was too fast!
There is only one thought left in his mind: What if a pig is randomly selected?

Allen covered his face in pain: What did I do wrong, how did the situation develop to this point?
He looked at the magic wand in his hand with a wry smile, this is an idealistic world!And this ability of my own will also be affected by my subconscious mind, and my mind is full of pigs now.

Sleeping with a wand today, you won't be transformed tomorrow, right?
Seems like a possibility!

Obviously just now, my mind was still full of big thoughts about life and friendship, so why are they left now?
Count it!

Angrily, he threw the wand into the drawer at the head of the bed, covered his head with the quilt, and got ready to sleep.


Just such a small body of 11 years old!
It will really be wiped out!
 In this chapter, more than 100 words were deleted by the river crab master, but it did not affect the follow-up plot. It was mainly the protagonist's thinking about whether lu or not.

  After repeated revisions many times, the author gave up, so let's leave this chapter alone!
  Finally, ask the readers for various tickets again!
(End of this chapter)

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