The Tower of Passion

INTERLUDE 2 – The Best Friend II

This one is quite short, as a lot of Annabelle's class and character will be revealed later on - apologies!

"Gertram you are a fucking piece of shit." Annabelle screamed in the fighter's face. And she was Annabelle now, 3 foot 6 Goblin, [Witch of Deep Desires]. Purple hair in pigtails. She'd met a stupid god lady who told her nothing and was useless other than being a stupid hot succubus type. Fiona had met some other goddess she'd said. 

Annabelle had at least been prepared for disappearance compared to Fiona, who she imagines must have been terrified confused, and scared. She knew her friend never went outside, never mind going to another reality. How would she deal with this? She must be in a panic, alone and afraid. At least Annabelle's worst fears decided this.

It would have been great fun, she would have had the best time of her life if the stupid party finder didn't match her up with stupid idiots. Like fucking Gertram.

"What did I do?" The tall man, his curly mustache waving and bouncing with his lips as he talked looked down at her. Which, fair, she was three feet shorter than him. But also fuck him the condescending prick.
"WHAT did you do? You didn't do anything - that's the problem. Fighting ONE kobold when it's swarming, me and poor Tamlin" She pointed at the Cat-girl [Priestess of the Sun], the last member of their second-floor party. "We had to deal with SEVEN. YOU ARE THE TANK?"
"I'd rather not be." Gertram said, swirling a staff he'd clearly stolen from someone.
"I desire to be a mage." Annabelle knew it was her fault. Her stupid class, and using her stupid new ability to make people realize what their deepest desire with. She just wanted to try it out - and it came with a great buff! It wasn't like she could try her other new ability out with random people. And Gertram, for some reason, his deepest desire, far down in the tiny pebble that was his brain, was to completely change everything about himself. He'd already unequipped his armour and found a flowy shirt for somewhere.

Annabelle was about to rip her hair out, instead she just screamed. At least they had survived - the system message popped up, she was level two, new ability. 

And that was another thing. The system. She'd asked the goddess why it was so similar to games from Earth, how did it make any sense. Just some vagueness about the creator of the tower, making it in their ideal image. The goddess didn't know the creator. Apparently, they had never left the top floor after the tower appeared. Just... staying there. On their own, as far as anyone knew.

Contrived stupid ass shit with useless dumb ass crazy hot demon goddess.

And now she waiting for the loot and she could leave. And hopefully, find Fiona on the third floor - she wanted to show her her magic, her cool class, how she looked just like the character they'd played. But mostly she wanted to know if her friend was okay. That she hadn't run into a Gertram.

A singular chest spawned - presumably the tower was not impressed with the performance of the dumbest person she had ever met. Gertram, eyeing up the loot and about to say something, received a swift green fist to his groin, before Annabelle picked up all the items. She gave everything bar one to Tamlin, who was still nursing a bad cut from one of the kobolds. Healing herself was difficult.
"Do not stay in a party with him." Annabelle said, sternly. "I know he impressed you on floor one - but do not. You will die." The cat-girl nodded, and Annabelle put on her [Cave Witch Hat] she had looted.

"Fuck you Gertram I hope you die" She shouted. "Stay safe Tamlin" And before either could answer, she hopped through the shimmering portal.

She quickly scanned through the additional abilities she'd gotten, smiling, excited to show them to Fiona. Excited to adventure with her friend, finally for real, to show her all the cool stuff she could do - and what she could do. She assumed she had a hammer. She hoped she had the cock.

"Absolutely not" She said as soon as the system asked if she wanted to stay in the party. Group finder for Floor Three. Maybe she'd find Fiona. Finally.  It was all that mattered. The goddess, that stupid hot booby goddess had said it was important to climb the tower. Save the world. Save all of eternity.
Annabelle did not give a shit. She didn't care about the tower, eternity, even kind Tamlin and absolutely not fucking Gertram. Returning to earth was irrelevant - she thought this was incredible. She was a super cool goblin! Why would she want to return to working a million hours and still being broke?
The only thing that matter, and would matter would be to find her friend. And make sure she was safe.

The queue was quick, and she hopped through, hoping her search was over. Hoping at the very least she didn't meet another Gertram. Desperate to find Fiona.

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