The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.17 – Dinner & Desert

Fiona blinked at the system message. That... That was incredible. She looked up at Qae from the notes they were writing together, seeing a smile on the woman's face. The first actual expression that wasn't loaded with derision, snark, or superiority since she had met her.
She was satisfied. By Fiona's maths.

This was interesting - she and Liddy did know that it didn't have to be sexual, the message was clear proof of that. But mental stimulation and satisfaction being able to give her a boost was a theory she was incredibly glad to have confirmed. And it could be added to the link.

And she'd seen Qae's title. Oh god. Oh no. She was important. And hot. And smart. Why were all of her party members amazing?

Fiona's other form of passion was very unhappy about how ignored it had been. And she felt like she knew something about Qae- The dragon queen that she really shouldn't. It wasn't her fault, it was the system. But it still felt like an invasion of privacy.

"Are you brainy folk ready for some food?" Liddy asked, having seen the glow dissipating finally. Fiona was happy for the distraction - but she knew she had to tell Qae as soon as possible. About her class.
"Ravenous" Qae said, flashing sharp teeth. 
"Thinking and fighting on the same day - very hard work" The two moved and joined Liddy by the fire. Watching Qae walk out of armour was... Impressive. She was like on a catwalk. Powerful, intentional stride.

Fabric straining again. Stop it, Fiona admonished her cock. She'd have to go behind a rock later. Maybe Liddy would come.
She blushed - the gnome had given her an open invitation to help... but would she actually ask her? Never. She couldn't put that expectation on her friend, not when they didn't need to refresh their buff.

The three of them sat eating the fresh seafood in silence, which seemed to become a dungeon staple for Fiona.

"I believe it is my turn for a question" Qae started once they'd finished their meal and the women were sat around the fire. Liddy had moved next to Fiona and leaned up against her muscular arm. Like friends do. A friendly snuggle by the fire.

"Go ahead." Fiona said, content and relaxed, drinking from her watering can.

"Do all women on your sphere have a phallus?" Qae asked in a monotone voice. "And are they all of a similar...unwieldyness?" 

Fiona literally spat out her drink and looked away from the dragon. Which put Liddy's incredible, beautiful body, snuggled up against her in her sight. She twitched again - little Fiona hadn't had attention in nearly a day and that was unacceptable.

"What is a phallus" Liddy asked.

"At least one of you has an expected level of vocabulary." Qae smiled. "A cock, my dear. I'm asking about her cock"

"N-n-no." Fiona stammered. "It.. It came with my class. How did you notice it?" She decided to bury her face into her knees again, the standard position at this point for excessive embarrassment.

"You are wearing a loincloth about an inch shorter than your cock. And it's been... twitching all evening." She gave Fiona a questioning look. "I don't mind. Math is exciting. I'm just curious - even more so, most berserkers do not grow one of those."

Fiona took a deep breath. "It's my subclass it... you know what." She just didn't care at this point. Qaerlyz was clearly powerful, connected, and some form of royalty amongst dragons. Not knowing her class details would not prevent this woman from inconveniencing Fiona.

"[Berserker of Endless Passion]"

She drew little circles in the sand as Qaerlyz read through, her visage emotionless. Not even a raised eyebrow. Nothing.

"I see" She said finally.

"I need to tell you." Fiona said. "We linked when we talked about math... it isn't just lewd. But, ehm, the system. It tells me who I link with." Fiona's fingers kept absently drawing circles on the ground. "It told me your title."

The dragon Queen certainly reacted to that. She thought for a second. "It is not a secret, and it has no power within the tower. No power unless I get to the top, I make it out." She looked at Fiona. "I had no intention of sharing it as people tend to be intimidated enough by a dragon. I need to be able to work with les... with the adventurers I meet. But I suppose, there is no harm to you knowing."

Liddy had been trying to follow and looked confused, eyes darting between the two.

"What's going on?" She asked Fiona, who looked at Qae, who nodded for Fiona to reveal it.

"She's a queen. Dragon Queen." Fiona said softly. And she had been asking about my cock.

Liddy grew a massive, ear-to-ear grin.

"Queen Qae-Qae" She whispered.

Fiona stared at the gnome, eyes wide, mouth open, the most ashamed she had been of her friend since. Mortified.

Qae, seemed surprised. The thoughtful. Then, to Fiona's surprise, she giggled. It was soft and light and bubbly and a very pleasant noice, gone before it had started.

"I apologize. It was not the expected reaction I had to the reveal."  She collected herself, and the cool, slightly judgemental, resting bitch face that was Qae's default. "Dragon Queen isn't quite the same as royalty you may be used to - and as I said, it has no bearing within the Tower. Treat me as a usual party member. Now, more importantly. Your abilities" Her eyes bore into Fiona. "The potential with your class - and at level two, is extraordinary if you have some cumbersome abilities. I presume the two of you have activated [Exchange of Passions] and [Shared in Passion]? I presume not through mathematics? I presume you exercised together or something?"
Fiona blushed, and Liddy grinned.
"She at-" Liddy started as Fiona slammed her fist over the smaller woman's mouth.
"Or something." Fiona said.
"Ah. Are you... Bonded?" Qae asked, and Fiona went so far past purple she dipped back into blue. "No... Nono. We are friends." Fiona stammered.
"She helps me like a friend would."
"With... That?"  Qae indicated Fiona's fully formed bulge.
Fiona stayed silent.
"You are a good friend." Qae said seeming almost jealous, before respectfully bowing her head towards Liddy, who was now looking away in her own embarrassment. Fiona couldn't believe the girl, swapping from shouting about it to being embarrassed at any moment.

"Now - your third ability that relies on, party members. [Strong Skin]... I must admit I am not in the habit of admiring my party members in that manner but" The dragon queen licked her lips "Would you... Show me? The implication that would reduce the damage you take even further seems significant, and while I can't guarantee I... I don't think it's unlikely to trigger." her steely gaze held Fiona's, daring her to look away. 
"What do you mean show you?" Fiona tried to look away, but Qae's vision was like a magnetic field.
"I mean" Her voice deepened, took on an even stronger intonation as Qae stood up, towering over Fiona. Her white tunic hugged her elegant form. "Stand up."
Fiona jumped to her feet, unable and unwilling to disobey.
"Good girl. Turn around." There was the licking of the lips again.
"I..-" Fiona started.
"Quiet. You do not need to speak for my attraction. Undress" Qae snapped back at her, Liddy was leaning back watching the show clearly enjoying herself.
Fiona's mouth snapped shut as she obeyed, the taller woman circling her like prey, observing every aspect of her physique. She pulled her top off, unhooked her bra, and let her breasts fly free. Qae leaned forward to inspect the piercing Liddy had done just that morning, still sore, but a healing potion had helped.
"And the rest." The dragon commanded, demanded. There was no option - Fiona was sure if she said something, if she wanted she could stop. But her pussy, ignored and hidden behind her balls had never been this wet. And her cock was about to break free.
Fiona's hand went off to the string holding her loincloth. She pulled it and let the flimsy garment fall to the ground before she hooked the sides of her thong with each thumb and pulled them down, stepping out.

The entire ten inches stood at full attention, slapping Fiona's hard stomach. 
Qae stood watching in silence.
"That is an interesting member."  She said finally. "It nearly looks like dragons but...Somehow more. Fascinating." She turned to Liddy.
"Do you take this thing? It's over half your torso." 
Liddy, surprised and immediately embarrassed to be taken from comfortable spectator to active participant, shook her head no. The attention from Qae, who was... Fascinated? Horny? Whatever it was was incredibly intense. Fiona felt like she could see into her soul.
"Of course not, there is no chance someone of your stature could take this magnificent thing." Qae continued her inspection. Fiona tried to ignore what the dragon queen implied - that she could - but the cock heard it. Twitching, a small dribble of precum drooling out of the top.
"And balls too." She squatted down in front of it, Fiona desperate for something. Anything. Even feeling her breath on it drove her insane.

But nothing happened. She stood up and kept walking around Fiona, stalking her prey. Suddenly she leaned into her and whispered in her ear.
"I am going to demand something from you. Know, you are fine to say no." The soft breath against her ear made her knees weak. "I do not intend to make you feel any discomfort beyond what you clearly enjoy. Nod if you wish me to go further."
Fiona sucked her breath in, her thighs wet, her cock head glistening. She nodded.

"Gnome." Qae said, attention back on the little one. "I am curious, will you help me satisfy my curiosity?"
"Ehhm." Liddy started, nervous. 
"Yes or no will suffice." She walked over to the Monk, and leaned over. Fiona couldn't hear what she said, but the two spoke in hushed tones for a moment, Liddy's eyes going wide. After a short time spent discussing, Qae stood back up and Liddy nodded yes, biting her lip. She locked eyes with the gnome - both of them clearly excited. Fiona was happy for her friend, always willing to help her - and if this was what was needed to get Qae to unlock [Strong Skin] it made sense. She was just happy Liddy was on board, always willing to help.
"I am curious to see how Liddy... Assists you when you are inconvenienced." Qae looked hungry as she stalked around her. "She has agreed. Do you?"

They were... She wanted her to jerk off onto Liddy? Or do the thigh thing? In front of her? It was mortifying. Embarrassing. She was standing at attention, naked, inspected, stalked, and pushed so close to cumming. A breeze would do it. The idea of doing it to attract Qae was... bizarre. Strange.

One of the hottest things Fiona had ever heard.

"If you wish" Fiona said. This was just to activate her ability. She was very lucky to get understanding party members - she had a perverted class, and she was a pervert. They were clearly just being accommodating.

"Lidvina" Qae said - how did she learn the monk's full name? Did she tell her? It did sound hot coming out of that authoritative, strict mouth, with that husky, hungry voice Fiona thought. "Strip."

Liddy swallowed, and then within a second matched Fiona's state of dress. She was so pretty, so gorgeous. Her wide hips and strong thighs made Fiona's mouth water. She wanted to taste her again. Just to help her friend, like she helped her.
"Come." The command was immediate, and Liddy walked over to Fiona. Standing right in front of her, facing her. Very, very close. Her mouth was at the exact height of the tip of Fiona's cock. Pre dribbled down, caught on Liddy's lip.
"Lidvina told me you have masturbated onto her and used her thighs." Qae said, stroking the gnome's hair. "I agree that your cock would not fit into her - a problem that can be resolved, but not today." She sounded very upset at this fact. "But I want you to experience variance. New things." Qae's face, still fully dressed, holding Liddy's head looked up at Fiona.

"Fiona. Do not move. At all." The stern voice made Fiona stiffen, and stand up even straighter. It sent chills down her spine and made her skin tingle. Qae had stood up, sharp, intelligent eyes less than an inch from Fiona's.
"No matter what, you do not move until you have... released. Do you understand?" Fiona gave a slight nod - hoping the amount of movement was acceptable. Qae seemed content.

"Good" The dragon nearly purred.  She sat down next to them, her eye line matching Liddy's, staring directly at the gnome's face and Fiona's engorged girlcock.
"Use your tongue." The command came.
"Only your tongue," Qae said, softly, as she sat there her gaze never leaving. Watching her show.

Liddy looked up at Fiona for a moment, before her attention came back to what was in front of her. Everyone knew it wouldn't take much. Liddy leaned in towards the girthy shaft, her tongue reaching out. Suddenly, just before contact she dipped down and dragged her wet appendage along Fiona's heavy balls. 
Fiona moaned immediately - her sack had received no attention, and she knew nothing about... that kind of anatomy. The immediate feeling as her friend's tongue pulled it into her mouth, softly sucking on one of her orbs, then the other. Within minutes the hairless sack was dripping in Liddy's saliva, strands of spittle stringing between the fleshy sack and Liddy's lips. Slightly parted, breathing.
"Oh my-" Fiona started before Qae made a sharp "shh"
"Do not speak. Do not move" She commanded, before waving a hand at Liddy to continue.

Liddy applied her efforts, her tongue attacking FIona's orbs with vigor, as she licked and sucked on them. The tip of her cock was leaking, droplets flowing down her girthy shaft as Liddy placed her tongue on the bottom of the enormous member. In one, long, sensuous stroke she dragged her fleshy appendage up leaving a trail of saliva, flicking her tongue slightly as she reached Fiona's frenulum causing the tall woman to visibly shudder.

"You may release when you wish... This is for your relief and your ability after all" Qae whispered. The flat, fat head of Fiona's cock produced another large glob of pre that slowly dripped onto Liddy's tongue. She slowly withdrew her tongue and visibly swallowed, before renewing her attention to the bright pink and white member in front of her. Trailing her tongue around the edge of Fiona's head. Fiona was shaking, wanting more than anything to moan, to move, to do something - but she followed the directive. The queen's order.

Fuck was she close. Liddy flicked her tongue around the head, dragging it up and down as suddenly the shaft started pulsing, the first strand arching high up in the air, landing on Liddy's cheek. The monk immediately moved back up to the head and started flicking her tongue back and forth across the head of the girlcock. Coaxing strand after strand of thick, white cum out, fountaining out and painting Liddy's face. Covering her eyes, plastering them shut the woman never stopped, teasing more and more of it out.

The flow slowed, then stopped, a final spurt across Liddy's face punctuating it.

"You truly are a good friend" Qae exclaimed. She'd sat there, watching, not touching herself. Fully clothed.
"Now it's your turn to be a good friend" Qae looked at Fiona. 
"Don't you think you should clean her up?" Fiona stood there, stunned. Liddy had sat down on her ass, legs spread as the cum - Fiona's cum - dripped down her body. Fiona nodded and pulled a towel out of her inventory.

"No." The paladin said, sternly. "Tongue."


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