The Third Reich: I Became Emperor

Chapter 46

"All pilots aboard at once, all pilots aboard at once!"

"Get ready for takeoff! Get ready for takeoff!"

All German airports issued the same order. All pilots began to leave their barracks and lined up neatly towards their respective fighter planes. This time, the German army dispatched almost all of its fighter planes.

The purpose was to completely destroy the British fighter planes.

Soon, the first Il-28 bomber began to turn its engine, and a huge sound resounded throughout the airport.

One after another, the Il-28 bombers began to slide towards the runway, and then began to accelerate with heavy bombs, and finally took off at the end of the runway.

As the first Il-28 bomber took off, the second and third fighter planes also took off quickly.

At this time, at the airport in northern France, hundreds of Scato bombers also began to prepare to take off. This was the last asset of the German army. Once they were gone, the German air force in France would be completely finished.

In addition, the J-5 jets that had been on standby for a long time also began to take off. Their mission was to escort���Destroy all intercepted enemy aircraft.

This time, in order to bomb London, the German Air Force dispatched a total of more than 3,000 fighter planes. In addition to a small number of Il-28 bombers, there were also a large number of Stuka bombers, and even BF-110 heavy bombers were sent to the battlefield.

Of course, the main force is still the Il-28 and J-5 fighters, and the others are supporting roles. They can only approach the battlefield after they gain air supremacy.

More and more pilots have begun to transform into jet pilots. In fact, the gap between the two sides is not big, mainly in avionics training.

I believe that in a few months, a large number of excellent jet pilots will emerge in the German army.

When the J-5 and H-5 fighter formations arrived over northern France, the Stuka bomber formation that had received the order also began to take off.

At this time, the sky became dark and dense, like a swarm of locusts, crossing the channel and rushing towards the target.

"Okay, now let's announce the bombing targets! Gentlemen!" Inside a specially modified bomber, the commander in charge of the bombing opened the telegram in his hand and said to all the planes via the radio:

"Target London, indiscriminate bombing!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard about bombing London. Some people speculated that it was no wonder that it was so secretive and there was no word at all. They were afraid that spies would leak secrets.

Once the British army was prepared, it would be very troublesome to bomb them.

"Sir, are you sure it's London?" a pilot asked on the radio

"Confirmed to be London! Execute the order!" The commander of the team opened the envelope engraved with confidential information under the supervision of three supervisors from different arms.

""Yes!" All the pilots responded loudly.

At this time, in a forest on the ground, several men looked at the densely packed planes in the sky with binoculars and were stunned.

"So many planes are flying across the strait, are they bombing the mainland?" one of the men muttered.

""Will it be the bombing of London?" another man speculated

"How is it possible? The capital is now protected by thousands of fighter planes. If they go there, they will die!"The leading man said disdainfully.

Hearing this, several people nodded in agreement. This is not the early stage of the war. The local defense is weak. The current local defense is very strong. If they want to bomb the capital with these fighter planes, it will definitely be a suicide act.

"Send a telegram to the mainland, saying that thousands of fighter planes were spotted crossing the strait, and their target is the mainland, but we don't know where exactly."The leading man said in a deep voice


At this time, the British homeland defense was very tight. In addition to radar, there were also countless ground observation posts, which could transmit the news of the German bombing back to the country by telegraph at any time so that the homeland could make timely judgments.

On the other side, Dowding, who had been promoted to marshal, received news from the intelligence department at the Royal Air Force Command.

"The Germans' target should still be London." Marshal Dowding read the telegram for a while and said slowly.

Hearing that the bombing target was London, the entire air force command seemed a little confused.

They could not remember when they last bombed London. Since receiving support from the Eagle Sauce, the air defense capability of the mainland has been greatly improved.

With the help of radar, they have successfully repelled the German fighter planes many times with fewer forces.

"Marshal, the Air Force will win this time. It is obvious that the German army has forgotten those scars."A major general staff officer couldn't help but laugh and said

"Yes, the Air Force will definitely destroy the invading enemy."

However, Marshal Dowding was not too relaxed, because according to the news sent back by the Allies, the German army has a new fighter, suspected to be a jet fighter, with a speed of more than 1,000 kilometers per hour, which is very fast.

Their fighter planes will only be slaughtered when facing this fighter, so they must be extra careful.

PS It's hard to say, I went to the hospital again this afternoon, the child's problem, congenital problem, so the mood these two days is extremely complicated, the update is not timely, please allow me to slow down!

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