The Third Reich: I Became Emperor

Chapter 172

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TảAfter all, every second he flew in the air was a little more dangerous. He wished he could land immediately and didn't want to stay in the air any longer.

"Okay, stop complaining. The Air Force has their own considerations."The colonel shook his head and said.

It was early in the morning, the sky was not very bright, and the ground was not very clear. However, the colonel suddenly felt uneasy and said,"I hope nothing unexpected will happen. I always feel something is wrong."

His doubts and worries did not resonate with others. At this time, most people were praying to get down as soon as possible.

On the other side, in the City Palace, August was looking at the secretary in front of him. One telegram after another was constantly being collected.

"Report, the 82nd Airborne Division has successfully landed"

"Report: The enemy navy is covering their army's landing"

"Report: enemy air forces are frantically attacking defensive positions and military facilities on Sicily"


August frowned after hearing the series of reports. He did not expect that the US military would dispatch such a large-scale force. This was completely beyond his expectations.

"It's really powerful with a solid foundation."August murmured.

Originally, he was going to let the Air Force launch a sneak attack to see if he could relieve the pressure on Sicily, but Catherine quickly replied that the J-5 on the front line was undergoing a major overhaul and could not be deployed for the time being.

Some fighters are replacing engines, and many fighters have been in service for a long time.

There is no way. It was because of their conquests in the past six months that the current situation has been achieved. Otherwise, the situation of the German army would have deteriorated long ago.

It is precisely because of their conquests in the south and the north that the situation has been stabilized. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to turn the tables. Now the German army's advantages are being pulled back little by little.

If these advantages can continue to be expanded, then the German army may be able to turn the tables.

And now what August has to do is to expand his advantage, but the opponent's strength is not bad either, especially the huge industrial foundation, which makes August very worried.

"How is the maintenance of the Air Force's fighter jets?" August asked

"It is still under maintenance and is expected to take another ten hours. Bowman said hurriedly.

August nodded. Ten hours was considered fast. After all, this was a jet plane, not a propeller plane. It could be fixed in a few hours.

"It seems that it is impossible to solve this problem by relying on the air force. What about the navy? Can they attack?"August asked again.

He didn't have many new weapons at his disposal, and they would be easily exposed if they were transported to Italy. Even if the US military got the news, they would definitely find ways to get these new weapons.

"The navy is still escorting the army to land in Aliya." Bowman thought for a moment and said,"It is not possible to withdraw warships for the time being. It will take at least seven days to complete the escort mission."

The oil field in Aliya is very important. If this oil field is not taken, then the large number of German armored forces will be completely turned into a pile of scrap metal, and the jet planes will never take off again, which is the so-called decoration.

"If we want to repel the U.S. military, we can only rely on the navy."August thought for a while and said slowly.

Even Marshal Keitel beside him nodded, obviously agreeing with this statement.

"Let the defenders on the island hold out for a while, and then we will support them when the navy is free." August thought for a while and said.

There was no other way. The troops were stretched to the limit and needed support everywhere. He didn't have many options. He couldn't learn from the Soviet army and pile up human lives. He would definitely be killed if he did that. He could only let the reserve troops complete a certain amount of training before sending them to the battlefield.

"How is the recruitment of female soldiers going?" August thought of something and asked hurriedly.

"One hundred thousand female soldiers have been recruited." Marshal Keitel said respectfully:"We are still recruiting, but it will take some time. You know, many people think that our women should not show their faces in public."

"Humph, a bunch of old stubborn people, let someone check who said that, the coolie camp is short of a lot of people."

August said with a frown. At this time, there are still many people disturbing people's hearts, which is simply punishable. Hearing that 100,000 female soldiers are still too few, he immediately said:"Too few, continue to expand the scale, preferably to 500,000."

500,000 female soldiers is August's consideration after careful consideration. Once these 500,000 female soldiers are trained and put on the job, at least 500,000 more German troops can be trained.

In fact, many jobs nowadays can be replaced by female soldiers, such as medical soldiers. Female soldiers are really careful in taking care of people, which is much better than male medical soldiers.

At least when the wounded see the female medical soldiers, they will at least try to act manly. Do you want to be retorted by the female soldiers, are you still a man, can't stand any pain?

In addition, the private sector should also recruit a large number of female workers and let them go to factories to replace those workers, so that hundreds of thousands of people can be added.

The jobs done by these hundreds of thousands of people are all low-level. It is a high-level job, and it is not very valuable. Although it is not very valuable to the civilian population, it is different for the Eastern Front. If there are one more million troops, the entire Eastern Front will be much easier.

Now the Eastern Front troops have recovered to four million. If another million are added, there will be five million, which is enough to launch a counterattack.

The only thing to worry about is logistics. After all, it is not an easy task to supply food and drink to an army of five million.

Therefore, during this period of time, the logistics department has been fully supplying the Eastern Front. As for the Western Front, it has to solve it on its own. The Southern Front has not even sent reinforcements, let alone reinforcements.

In the area of Tuji Country, it was purely relying on new weapons to crush and win.

"Five hundred thousand female soldiers?"Marshal Keitel said with a smack of his tongue.

"Why is it so difficult?" August asked

"Yes, it is very difficult."Marshal Keitel said helplessly.

Hearing this, August's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he said calmly:"Those who oppose will be dealt with by someone."

Hearing this, Marshal Keitel nodded, he knew what to do.


On the other side, at the female soldiers' training base, a group of female soldiers finished a day's training and returned to the camp. Everyone collapsed on the bed.

"I didn't expect the training to be so tiring."A female soldier couldn't help but said. No

, I thought it would be easy, but it turned out to be so tiring. Oh, if I had known, I wouldn't have suffered this." The companion next to him nodded in agreement, and many people nodded.

However, some people shook their heads and said,"In fact, this is just a basic training of individual fitness. I heard that those who are qualified will form a women's special forces team to perform special tasks."

Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up, especially many people who were particularly curious about the women's special forces, and hurriedly asked:"What is the women's special forces?"

"It is to carry out some special combat missions, such as lurking behind enemy lines, collecting intelligence, destroying enemy logistics, etc."Obviously, the female soldier knew more and said immediately.

Some people were disdainful at first, but now after hearing this, they are all a little tempted, but some people still doubt:"Is this true?"

"Of course it's true. Haven't you noticed that those who participated in the special training were all the best in each female soldier training camp? As for those who were eliminated, they had already been arranged to work as clerks."

After hearing this, many people suddenly realized that it was true. The people in their company were all the best in their respective training camps, otherwise they would not be able to withstand such intense training.

And their former recruits in the training camp had already been arranged for work. Now that this was said, many people understood.

"No wonder, those who failed the training were all sent back?" Someone asked again

"Of course, all those who quit will return to their hometowns and be assigned new tasks."

"Do you know how many people to recruit?" Someone asked curiously.

"I don't know exactly, maybe 100, maybe 1,000, I don't know exactly, it depends on their training performance"

"What about the recruitment criteria? Are they the same as for male soldiers?"

"It is definitely different, and there will be some differences with male soldiers."

After hearing this, many people breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time they were very curious whether they could be selected.

At the same time, at the training base headquarters, a major general was frowning at the colonel in front of him and said helplessly:"They haven't completed their training yet? Are we sending them to perform tasks now? Isn't this too hasty?"

"General, I have to remind you that the Empire has reached this point, and every second must be used. As for the unfinished training, let them complete it on the battlefield. I believe they will definitely complete it."The colonel said expressionlessly.

"Alas, I know what you said, but if that happens, the casualties will be too great, after all, they are all female soldiers.��The major general sighed and said

"Casualties? General, do you know how many of our men are killed in battle at the front every moment? War does not distinguish between men and women, old and young. If you can't win, you know the consequences, including me and you."The colonel said bluntly.

Hearing this, the major general looked a little ugly, but he also knew that he was telling the truth, and finally signed his name on the document helplessly.

"Looks like my base is empty again." The major general said bitterly.

Who knew that the colonel smiled and said:"No, the Supreme Command has just recruited 500,000 female soldiers again. You will have to train for a long time."

"Humph, no matter how much training I have, it can't stand up to a piece of paper from you."The major general said expressionlessly.

The colonel didn't pay much attention to the major general's sarcasm. After all, no one would be too happy. He took the paper and turned away.

""Assemble, emergency assembly." Soon, a quick whistle sounded at the training base. The female soldiers who heard the whistle immediately ran out of the barracks and assembled in the open space.

""It's strange, why is there a sudden emergency meeting?" Someone couldn't help but ask

"Hey, why is there a new colonel?"

"It feels like something is going to happen"

"Don't talk, maybe our good days are coming to an end, and hard times are coming."The female soldier who broke the news saw the colonel and laughed bitterly.

"My name is Andrew. Those whose names are called, please stand up."Soon, Colonel Andrew took the document and read out a long list of names.

Although the female soldier whose name was called was curious, she still stood up.

"It's terrible. It's really terrible this time."

"I'm also there"

"Are they asking us to carry out a special mission?"

After reading out the names, Colonel Andrew closed the folder and said quickly,"Everyone whose name is read, follow me.""



At this time, the battle in Sicily was still going on. Several infantry divisions of the US Army began landing on the beaches on the east and north sides of Sicily.

The first to land were the commandos. Their goal was to seize the beachhead as soon as possible to win the opportunity for the follow-up troops to land.

Fortunately, there were also the assistance of the paratroopers who had successfully parachuted, so the mission was not difficult. All they had to do was cross the beachhead and seize the beachhead.

"Quickly, quickly, lower the hatch, and take advantage of the time when our vanguard forces drive the Italian troops out of the first line of defense to land."

A major officer shouted loudly to the soldiers around him. Following his shout, the soldiers behind him immediately lowered the hatch, rushed out of the landing ship carefully and fully armed, and rushed towards the occupied beach.

However, on the ravaged beach, these landing soldiers were not at all relaxed. After all, the defenders on the beach were not vegetarians. Dense gunfire continued to be heard, and many soldiers' landing craft were sunk or overturned by the waves.

Many soldiers were either hit by artillery fire or their boats capsized and sank to the bottom of the sea and drowned.

After all, there are only a few people who can swim, and they are not professional marines. The team, all of them have been trained in water.

So as soon as they landed, hundreds of soldiers died in the sea, turning the entire sea water blood red. However, in the face of such a harsh landing operation, the cruisers behind the landing ships immediately used naval guns to frantically bombard the defenders on the beach.

Although the caliber of the cruiser's naval guns is not large, it has a fast firing rate. It didn't take long for the bunkers and artillery positions on the beach to be almost destroyed. For a while, thick smoke billowed.

Many soldiers were killed in the explosion, and some were burned alive. They wailed in great pain on the battlefield, and finally gradually burned into firemen and became a corpse.

".Where is the minesweeper? Hurry up and clear all the mines."

"Where are the engineers? Speed up and clear the minefields on the beach so that our troops can land as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will lose to other troops. We must be the first to occupy Sicily."

Each unit has its own calculations. No one wants to fall behind, so they all want to speed up. Fortunately, their scale is also very large this time, so the landing speed is also very fast.

Especially since the beachhead positions were bombed to pieces by naval guns, it is not very difficult to land now.

"Damn it, the enemy's naval guns are too powerful. What should we do now? If we continue to fight like this, I'm afraid we will be wiped out."

"Let's retreat then? I don't want to be killed by those naval guns."

"We can't retreat. There are too many enemies."

"Please save me, I don't want to die"

"Go away, don't come over here"

"Retreat! Enemy planes are coming!"

"Oh my god, why are there so many planes? Surrender now!"

"No, there is a supervisory team behind us."

"No matter what, I surrender, I don't want to die here."

Faced with the fierce offensive of the enemy, the Italian soldiers who had been beaten and lost their fighting will all shouted in panic.

Especially after they saw the densely packed planes, the defenders were so scared that they turned pale and roared in fear.

Unfortunately, there were supervisory teams behind them, and it was impossible to escape. As long as they crossed the retreat line, they would be shot on the spot, and the surrendered soldiers would not have a good end. After all, the fighting is crazy now, who cares whether you surrender or not, maybe it's fake, so the enemy troops frantically shot and killed the defenders who rushed out.

At the same time, the Italian command was anxiously listening to the staff officers' reports on the landing situation on each beach in a daze.

But the more he listened, the more panicked he became, and he was even a little scared.

"What should I do? What should I do now? How could this happen? Why are there so many landing troops? Are they going to annihilate us all?"

Especially when he heard that there were enemy troops everywhere, his heart was like falling into an ice cave, and he was extremely frightened.

"What should we do now?"The combat staff officer next to him asked anxiously.

"Should we evacuate or notify the Germans?

Several combat staff officers said this, which annoyed the Italian commander. However, he also knew that the situation was critical, so he asked,"I want to know how many troops the enemy has mobilized for the landing?"

Soon, the staff officer next to him gave the answer and said,"The army alone has almost 300,000 people, not including the Marines. The air force has more than 2,000 fighter planes, and the navy has almost hundreds of warships."

Hearing this number, the Italian commander was stunned. He had never expected the enemy to be so large.

"Damn it, how did they dispatch so many troops to land? I only have two divisions, how can I fight them? The German army only has three divisions, with a total of only 100,000 people, how can I fight them?"The Italian commander shouted loudly

"Sir, apart from the three German divisions, the combat effectiveness of our two divisions is not very high. It is okay to fight a favorable battle, but it is simply suicide in a high-intensity battle."

"Yes, now I am committing suicide."

""Sir, let's withdraw first."

After hearing the specific numbers of the enemy, not only the Italian commander was discouraged, but other staff officers were also terrified.

"Now, it is not so easy to retreat. The enemy will not let us retreat so easily."

"There are also German troops behind us, they are staring at us covetously, if we retreat now, we will be courting death."

A combat staff officer still has some strategic vision, and said helplessly immediately. After hearing this, everyone frowned, after all, he was telling the truth.

"What should we do now?"The Italian commander asked

"Unless we let the German army stop the landing troops, there is still hope to stop the enemy's advance."The combat staff spread his hands helplessly and said.

Hearing this, many people looked tempted. After all, in the current situation, only the German army has the ability to stop the enemy's attack.

"It seems that this is the only thing we can do. Notify the Germans and tell them that we can no longer hold on."

"Yes!"At this time, the battle in Sicily was still going on. Several infantry divisions of the US Army began landing operations on the beaches east and north of Sicily._Faloo reminds you: Three things to do when reading - ∪Collect, recommend, share!

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