The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 69:Who am I dancing with?

Princess Evangeline's mysterious smile stirred both curiosity and a sense of unease within me. I knew she was a dangerous opponent, but the proper point of concern was how, despite being so powerful and influential, she managed to present herself as so innocent and pure. The palace was rife with power struggles, but the intrigues surrounding this woman were perhaps the most complex and deadly of all.

Evangeline took a few steps toward me. As the crowd parted to let her through, I tried to suppress my excitement at the prospect of meeting her. It was possible to sense the ambition and danger hidden in the depths of her eyes, but it was equally fascinating to see how she controlled this inner power.

"Prince Ethan" she said softly, her tone neither overly respectful nor disrespectful.

"Princess Evangeline, your beauty shines like the sun on this dark evening" I said, but contrary to my words, my face showed no emotion.

"Thank you, Prince Ethan. I can tell you are someone who would shine even on the brightest of days" she replied.

Evangeline’s delicate compliment was wrapped in carefully chosen words. There was politeness in her speech, but it was impossible to sense the underlying meaning. Conversations in the palace were always two-layered: the surface of meaning and the true intent beneath. Therefore, I assessed her words carefully. "Thank you for your kindness, Princess Evangeline," I said with equal calmness.

I noticed that many of the other princes and princesses were observing me with curiosity as Evangeline spoke to me. Evangeline stared into my eyes for a while, and I reciprocated by looking into hers. I could see my own reflection in the pupils of her eyes, and perhaps Evangeline could see herself in mine. The gaze lasted uncomfortably long, but another trumpet sound redirected my attention to the entrance.

At that moment, the second prince of the Tamerid Empire and his partner, Umala, the eldest daughter of Fiona, entered. The second prince, Keithun, had a notably handsome face and a gentle smile. I also looked at Umala, who was holding his arm happily. Undoubtedly, this marriage pleased her. The couple walked to the dance floor and began to dance in tune with the music. Their dance drew the attention of the other guests. Keithun and Umala glided across the floor as a harmonious pair, showcasing the power and grandeur of the Tamerid Empire. The pure happiness on Umala’s face clearly indicated how important this marriage was to her.

The sensation of Evangeline standing next to me brought me back to reality. My gaze shifted from the dancing couple back to her. Evangeline had glanced briefly at Keithun before returning her gaze to me. I couldn’t read her thoughts, but the cunning in her eyes and the mysterious smile on her face remained. She looked at me silently and then suddenly raised her right hand.

"I heard that you are a gentleman, Prince Ethan, and I thought you might invite a lonely and powerless princess like me to dance" she said in a melancholic tone.

‘This girl…’ I sighed silently and gently placed a kiss on her outstretched hand. "May I have this dance, Princess?" I asked with a false smile on my face.

The immediate look of pleasure on Evangeline’s face indicated she appreciated my gesture. She nodded slightly, and we walked together to the dance floor. As we glided between the couples, I could feel the eyes of those around us. Everyone’s gaze was on us; Prince Ethan and Princess Evangeline were measuring each other within the dance. It would be fair to say we attracted more attention than Keithun and Umala’s dance.

As we matched the rhythm of the music, Evangeline’s proximity reminded me once again of how dangerous she was. "Princess, it’s not surprising to see you so popular within the palace," I said with a hint of sarcasm. "But I’m curious why you chose to share this dance with me."

Evangeline’s enigmatic smile drew her closer to me. "Prince Ethan," she said, her voice almost a whisper, "You know that in this world, no one can truly be trusted. Sometimes the safest place might be next to the most dangerous person."

"So, am I the most dangerous person?" I asked with curiosity.

"You are not… At least not for me" she replied.

Princess Evangeline’s words once again revealed how skillfully she played the game. Her answer both intrigued and reminded me to stay cautious. As we continued dancing, I realized once again how complex and dangerous the power games within the palace were. Friendships in this world were fleeting, and alliances could be perilous.

"You seem to know a lot about me, Princess," I said, leaning forward slightly because of the rhythm of the dance. Meanwhile, Princess Evangeline took this opportunity to draw even closer and whispered into my ear. Undoubtedly, this scene must have created quite a gossip among the onlookers.

Feeling her breath against my ear, I felt strange being so close to her. Additionally, her scent involuntarily passed my nose, smelling like the most precious and guarded flowers. It was impossible not to notice the piercing stares directed at my back during this time. I saw Roxanne standing aside with a displeased expression. Beside her, Fiona’s second son, with a scowl, was seated.

"Prince Ethan," Evangeline whispered in my ear, drawing my focus back to her. "Unlike the limited information you have about me, I know a great deal about you," she whispered, and then, as we resumed the rhythm of the dance, our bodies moved apart once more.

Although her words surprised me, I immediately understood the reason behind them. "So, the servant guild betrayed me, did they?" I said in a quiet and calm tone.

From an outsider’s perspective, one might think we were getting along well or even having romantic moments because of Evangeline whispering in my ear, but the reality was far from that. Hearing my words, Evangeline was momentarily surprised, but quickly regained her composure.

"Well, they were a guild driven by their own interests from the beginning, and you should know that. They might see me as a more profitable ally than you." Evangeline said with a slight smile on her lips.

"So, the servant guild, which has enriched itself and resumed again activities in the south thanks to the gold they gained through me, sees you as a more valuable ally, does it?" I said, my voice tinged with mild irritation.

But now I recalled that the leader of the servant guild resided in the Tamerid Empire. Although I had only corresponded with her a few times, she might indeed be a close friend of Evangeline’s. This could explain why I could not access information about Evangeline, though I still couldn’t understand why she was on the red list.

"Yes, exactly," Evangeline simply said.

Evangeline’s calm demeanor and ambiguous smile only deepened the uncertainty within me. The knowledge she had about me unsettled me. The cunning in Evangeline’s deep blue eyes reminded me to stay alert. As we danced, every movement of ours was under observation, which also led to an increase in the gossip swirling around us.

"Princess," I said, briefly adopting a quiet tone. As I looked around, I saw many couples dancing close to us. "What is the purpose behind this interest you’re showing in me?" I asked suddenly.

"Prince Ethan, I am not your enemy, so there’s no need for you to be on edge. In fact, I am just a young girl who admires you because I know a lot about you. Look at the surrounding women; you’ll see that some of them, even if they have a partner, occasionally cast secret glances at you. I’m like those girls… except I know much more, about you" she said with a smile.

Evangeline’s words deepened the uncertainty I had felt throughout my time at the palace. Her "admiration" for me was both unsettling and thought-provoking. Understanding her true intentions and strategies behind her words was a complex task.

"You pose a threat because of the extent of what you know about me, Princess, but I will still trust your words... Moreover, given that a young woman like you is on the red list and is so beautiful, I too suppose I am slowly starting to feel some admiration for you" I said, though this was a lie. Well, perhaps there was a kernel of truth in my last statement, but I would never be foolish enough to trust Evangeline.

Evangeline's faint smile widened further. "Prince Ethan," she said, her voice elegant and resolute, "Admiration and trust can always be double-edged in the palace. But Sharing this dance with you is not only a strategy but also a sign of my intention to build a relationship with you."

"Then I suppose you’ve made a good enough start. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to take a break from dancing," I said with false politeness.

"Of course... But let’s meet again another time," Evangeline replied.

As Princess Evangeline silently continued to watch me at the end of the dance, I could feel the attention of those around us still focused on us. As I moved towards the edge of the dance floor, Evangeline's eyes signaled a silent understanding between us. While the other guests turned their attention back to the cheerful dance of Prince Keithun and Umala of the Tamerid Empire, my focus remained solely on Princess Evangeline's knowledge about me and how she intended to use it.

As I navigated through the crowd, I noticed Roxanne and Fiona observing me intently. Roxanne's jealousy and Fiona’s dissatisfaction were clearly visible. Additionally, the constant glances from the burly my brother next to them were unsettling, but I couldn’t afford to make a misstep now. So, I quietly began to distance myself from the noisy atmosphere.




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