The Talent of Konoha

Page 942

The battle between Uchiha Madara and the 'traitor' Uchiha Saitama!

"At this time, you still say that you don't understand such meaningless words. As a senior, don't you think it's boring? What we are pursuing is the real peace of the entire ninja world, but the methods are very different! Besides, do you think this? Can you cause us any huge loss at that time? I am not the kid who was speechless after being stared at by you!"

Saitama met Madara's eyes and said calmly.

"Hehe, very good! Uchiha Saitama, do you know what kind of person I hate the most in my life? It's a traitor like you! You are no different from those in the Uchiha family in Konoha Village."

Madara laughed extremely, the killing intent in his eyes pierced towards Saitama fiercely like substance, and the Gouyu in his eyes rotated even faster.

A chess piece that is not under his control is the most difficult for him to accept.

Because this is betrayal.

And betrayal is the biggest taboo in Uchiha Madara's heart!

"If you are going to tell me about your Moon Eye project, I'm sorry, this is something I can't agree with. As for being saved by you, I am very grateful. All I can do now is to let you see the long-awaited ninja world. Peace, at least make you no longer so regretful."

"Then the old man has to correct all this by himself."

Madara sneered, his eyes were terrifyingly sharp.

He looked at Qiyu with cold eyes, no matter what the other party said, if it didn't match what he thought in his heart, then it was wrong!

And hearing Madara say such words, Saitama frowned again.

Madara's pride makes him unable to accept his own suggestion, and it is difficult to change after he has established a truth.

"Do you think everything you know is correct? For example, the Eye of the Moon project, for example, the true purpose of Heijue?"

Facing Uchiha Madara in a dirty state, Saitama is not afraid at all, so he still plans to continue talking for a while.

Because meaningless fighting is troublesome for him, and it is a waste of time.

"Leave aside the matter of Hei Jue, maybe the old man has other ideas or has been deceiving me all the time, but at least he is still completing the task according to the steps I want to explain, but you! Let me down!"

While speaking, Madara glanced to the side from the corner of his eye.

As a result, the expression in Hei Jue's eyes flickered obviously, but there was no extreme expression.

This situation was within his expectations.

"It seems that we have to fight before we talk, maybe I should let you know that times have changed?"

For such an unreasonable Uchiha Madara, Saitama had nothing to say, and in the end thousands of words could only be turned into physical actions.

"I'm looking forward to your performance. Although this rotten and dilapidated body can't exert its full strength, I don't care about moving around. At least I think it should be no problem to take you down!"

Madara straightened her body, the ninja armor on her body rubbed against each other and made a rattling sound, and what she said was still so domineering.

There was no extra temptation, and no extra dialogue. After the two decided to start the fight, they went straight to it.

"Fire escape - the art of dragon fire!"

Saitama put his hands together in front of his chest, and at the same time, Sharingan observed Uchiha Madara's movements.

He didn't underestimate Uchiha Madara's idea.

For a man who can use an ordinary fireball technique to make a big scene like a forbidden technique, his attitude is very correct.

So when he used ninjutsu, he directly urged it with all his strength, without the slightest reservation.

As a result, the flames sprayed out overwhelmingly, and a dragon shape loomed in it, continuously roaring and roaring.

The temperature rises suddenly.

And Uchiha Madara also used the fire escape, and the scale of the escape technique was no less than that of Saitama, falling like a sky fire.


The escape techniques of similar colors collided together, making a dull sound.

Then the flames scattered in mid-air, covering the ground hundreds of meters below in scorching heat.

"As expected of Madara Uchiha!"

This is Saitama's first fight with Madara.

When he was rescued, the spots were already senile plaques. Although he still had the strength in his heart, the strength he could display was not strong.

So at that time, there was no good calculation of Madara's strength, and he could only give a vague rough idea based on his memory.

At this time, although the opponent is still in an incomplete state, that kind of oppression cannot be given by other people in the whole ninja world.

Perhaps the strongest enemy Saitama has ever encountered so far!

Before the ninjutsu completely dissipated, Saitama disappeared in place, leaving only a deep hole on the ground.

In the next moment, the black shadow behind Uchiha Madara flashed past, and Saitama's face appeared clearly.

He punched Madara's back with a fist, and wrapped Chidoriryu with his other hand and stabbed Hei Ze who was not far away.

"That's right! I didn't believe it when Hei Jue told me that your strength had reached this level, but he still underestimated you!"

Madara turned quickly, blocking the attack with both hands, while looking up at Saitama slightly.

Heijue also sensed Saitama's attack, and immediately fled into the ground and disappeared nearby.

Blocking Saitama's fist, Madara grabbed his hand and yanked it downward, and suddenly raised his right knee towards Saitama.

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