The Sword Saint Also Has A Succubus Class

16. Incidents

Vale stared at Suzi's tits.

Just this morning, she'd had her cock firmly buried against Suzi's ass after accidentally cuddling up in the night. Now, she was getting her first look at the girl's exposed chest. Not that she was truly exposed, but the wet t-shirt had gone impressively transparent when doused with water. More than enough to make out the full curve of her small but cute breasts, and even a clear image of her hard nipples. In a way, the clinging of the wet fabric gave an even better view than if she'd just been naked. Well, maybe. It was impossible to weigh two invaluable things against each other.

Both girls stayed frozen, Suzi standing with a pot in her hands, and Vale half-risen out of instinct to try to save Suzi from tripping. A second passed. Then a few.

"Well," Suzi said, tittering. "I hope all the staring means you like them." The words were high-pitched, mortified.

Vale jolted, standing from her seat. "I—I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"Take this for me?" Suzi asked, holding the pot out.

Vale hurried forward and did so.

Then Suzi did something that broke Vale's brain. In one smooth motion, she peeled off her wet shirt right in front of her. And suddenly Vale did have an unblocked view of Suzi's bare tits.

"I'll put on a different one," she said casually, walking away—Vale's golden eyes locked with sudden predatory intensity onto the woman. She drank in the details, the front-view that turned into a side-view before it was just Suzi's feminine back on display. The girl pulled a new shirt out of her wardrobe and tugged it on, casual-as-could-be. "Thanks," she said, returning and grabbing the pot from Vale's hands. "I'll try to be less clumsy. I swear, though, I tripped over nothing there."

A bit dumbly, Vale stood there for several seconds longer. Suzi looked her way, and her eyes flicked down to her crotch before going back up to meet her gaze. She seemed satisfied, for some reason.

Vale also looked down. She realized she'd gone hard. Flushing, she retreated to her seat, covering her lap with the table.

"You tried to stand and catch me. I saw that," Suzi said. "Real sweet of you. Thanks."

Vale said something in return, but she wasn't entirely sure what. Because her thoughts were racing.

Suzi had gotten naked in front of her. Or close enough. All that had been remaining had been her panties, which admittedly did hide the most sensitive parts. But still. She'd exposed her tits, and hadn't cared when Vale looked.

She… she was just confident, right? Or comfortable with Vale, knowing she didn't need to worry about untoward advances. And it wasn't like she'd done it for no reason. Her shirt had been wet. It would've been more chaste to turn her back first, but it was her own house.

Yes, Vale shouldn't read into things. There were plenty of reasonable explanations for why Suzi would get mostly naked in front of her, beyond hinting that she was interested.

As Suzi settled back into her cooking routine like nothing had happened, Vale's thoughts returned to that issue from yesterday. Her newest skill, [Temptatious Fate]. There had been two odd occurrences this morning. First, how her pants had somehow wiggled down her waist to expose her cock during the night, allowing her to wake up with it planted on Suzi's ass. And two, how Suzi had tripped on thin air to spill water across her shirt and expose her chest.

Of course, the follow-up had been all Suzi, but there were two implausible incidents that weren't her fault.

Nothing about Suzi had indicated she was particularly clumsy, and while it was somewhat plausible for Vale's pants to wiggle down her waist while turning about in the night, both together were suspicious. That was the purpose of the skill. To bend Fate. It couldn't rewrite it. The impossible was still the impossible. But anything that could be ascribed to a coincidence might, or perhaps was likely, to be the fault of the skill.

Did she tell Suzi about the ability? So she would know that… certain events might happen? It would open up the need to explain many other things, like why in the world her 'swordsman-type' class had an ability that made lewd coincidences more likely.

She mulled over the issue, distracted by Suzi's cheerful chattering. Thankfully, nothing else strange happened during breakfast. Suzi served as incredible a meal as the ones before. She was quickly falling in love with her hostess's cooking. The culinary selection on Master Northstar's mountain had been… unimpressive.

Vale collected the dishes, scraped them off, and stored them in the basin to be washed shortly, insisting Suzi let her handle that minor part of the chore. Suzi allowed it, sitting contentedly in a post-food haze.

And then the next incident happened.

Heading back to the table after finishing with the dishes, Suzi rose from her seat—but then stumbled, losing her footing on seemingly nothing.

This time, she couldn't catch herself before toppling over. While Vale tried to reach out to help, Suzi had already fallen—and found a handhold on the way down.

The waistband to Vale's pants.

In one fell swoop, Suzi grabbed onto the only thing she could. She yanked Vale's pants and panties down in one smooth motion, bringing both down to her knees.

Then crashed face-first into Vale's exposed crotch.

And so, Vale had her beautiful hostess's face smooshed into her. Cheek, eye, and forehead against her only half-soft shaft, and her chin nestled nicely into her balls.

Both of them froze in sheer disbelief. And while their brains might have shut off at the insanity of what had just happened, Vale's body hadn't. It responded with raging enthusiasm.

Bit by bit, Vale watched as she hardened across Suzi's face, her shaft swelling and extending as it crawled up the cute girl's features, until all ten aching inches were draped across her eye and forehead, extending past her hair. Suzi stayed frozen, lips just barely brushing the bottom of her shaft as her mouth fell open in disbelief.

Suzi - Cock On Face

Vale throbbed, hard and virile and powerful, and her cock jumped up half an inch before slapping back down onto Suzi with an audible impact of wolfgirl-dick on face.

"Um," Suzi said.

Their brains started to re-engage, at least enough to form coherent speech. But for some reason, neither of them moved.

"Did… I just pull your pants down?" Suzi asked dumbly.

"It was an accident," Vale said, just as dumbly. She throbbed again, even harder than before, and her cock jumped up before slapping back down onto the blonde girl's features.

"Your cock is on my face, Vale."

"Y-Yeah. It is. Sorry."

And still, they stayed there, Suzi kneeling, Vale standing. Suzi started panting. Vale had already been.

"That's one heck of a coincidence," Suzi tittered, and she was cross-eyed as she stared at the ten inches of wolfgirl dick pulsing heat onto her cheek and up across her face. Her lips tickled the bottom of Vale's shaft as she spoke. "I swear, it was an accident. I wouldn't—"

"I know."

And then, her instincts screaming furiously at her in protest at what she was doing, Vale forced herself to step backward. Her heavy rod slid down Suzi's face inch by inch, tip briefly kissing into Suzi's slightly open lips as it went down, before she pulled away completely.

Suzi was left sitting there, cross-eyed, seeming… cock-drunk.


No, that was Vale's own arousal speaking. Suzi was simply dazed from the extremely uncomfortable position she'd been put into. Which had been caused by Vale's skill, without a doubt now.

And it was shame that had forced her to move, despite every nerve in her body pulsing with hot fire: yelling and shouting to slide her cock down that cute girl's throat. Shame over the fact this was her fault, and Suzi had just had cock slapped onto her face without necessarily wanting it. The shame wriggled through her entire body, and Vale made her decision, the one she should've made earlier. She had to tell Suzi what was going on, so she could decide whether being around Vale was worth the risk.

Suzi looked dazed as she took Vale's offered hand and was helped up. She at least didn't look upset, just surprised and—well, uh, something else that Vale couldn't identify, because she knew her first guess was wrong. Suzi wasn't aroused by what had happened. That would be ridiculous.

"We need to talk," Vale said, sitting Suzi down at the table, then taking the chair across from her.

"About?" Suzi mumbled, seeming distracted, only half-there. "I can't believe that just happened… your cock was on my face…"

"Yes. Exactly."

Suzi blinked, then seemed to finally focus, prompted by Vale's tone. She seemed suddenly worried. "No, really, I know it sounds crazy, but it was an accident! I didn't mean to. You aren't mad? Please don't be mad."

"Mad?" Vale was taken aback. "No, I— Why would I—" She stopped there. "This is my fault."

"Your fault?" Suzi laughed once, incredulously. "Pretty sure I'm the one who yanked your pants down and slammed my face into your—" She cut herself off, not wanting to say the word 'cock' again.

Vale took a breath in. "This is going to sound crazy, but there's a skill I need to tell you about."

So she did. Straight-faced, she explained [Temptatious Fate], making sure Suzi knew she was serious. Thanks to her tone, the witch seemed incredulous by the absurd explanation, but not doubting.

"Yesterday? You leveled up yesterday, and got it?"

"From my second class, yes."

"Your second class?"

"Is that rare?"

Suzi stared at her. "Are you kidding?"

"I wouldn't joke about this."

"No, you wouldn't. Huh. Yes, Vale. Two classes is rare. As in, I didn't know it was possible. Then again, I'm just some girl from the backwaters, what would I know?" She shook her head. "Still. What in the world is your second class, if it has a skill that does that?"

Vale's cheeks colored. "I would rather not say." She dipped her head, ears flattening in shame. "It's not that I don't trust you. You've been better than perfect to me, for no reason other than because it's your genuine character."

Suzi's cheeks colored. She waved a hand rapidly. "Stop saying stuff like that! I'm just doing what I should. And that's fine, your class is your own, we've known each other less than a day. It's not like I expect all your secrets." She breathed in. "Still… what a skill. It makes… 'accidents' more likely to happen? So weird."

Vale nodded. "Now you know. I'm nearly certain that's why you've tripped twice now. First with your shirt, and now… this." She dipped her head again. "I shamed myself by not telling you right away. I understand if you want to part ways after we've handled the Lurker."

"What?" Suzi said, nearly bolting out of her chair. "Part ways? Why would we do that?"

Vale was genuinely taken aback by the intensity of the response. Startled, she looked up with wide golden eyes at the girl across the table.

"Because more accidents might happen? And worse ones, possibly."

"Okay?" Suzi demanded. "And?"

"And… you're fine with that?"

She laughed incredulously. She opened her mouth to reply, then closed it, her expression shifting, reining herself in. She tried again: then closed her mouth a second time. Nearly ten seconds passed as she struggled to come up with an answer, which Vale spent fidgeting in worry.

Then, finally, amusement twitched onto her lips.

"Yes, Vale, I'm fine with it. So I had your cock on my face. What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?" she echoed.

"Some girls would be jealous," she teased, which broke Vale's solemn demeanor to have her instead blushing furiously. Jealous? "If tripping and falling into each other is going to become a thing, I guess we'll just have to be more comfortable with each other," Suzi said with a nonchalant shrug. "If you don't mind, I don't mind. Do you?"

Did she mind Suzi accidentally splashing water on her chest so that Vale could see her nipples, or face-planting into her crotch and staying there as Vale grew hard against her?

Yes, but only in the sense it tempted her self-control to seize the woman, bend her over, and finally let the primal urges win.

But not otherwise, of course.


"Great," Suzi said with a bright smile. "We're all good, then. And you're not allowed to apologize if something else happens, because you've warned me and it's out of your hands. Which was really sweet by the way, I don't think most people would've mentioned such a strange ability to a stranger." She stood, walked over to Vale, and kissed her on the cheek. "You're a sweetheart."

Vale nearly died on the spot. She was vaguely aware of her tail wagging behind her in flustered happiness, which she stopped. Why did that thing always give her away? Hopefully Suzi hadn't noticed.

"Now c'mon, big dick," Suzi said, patting her on the shoulder. "We do still have that Lurker to deal with."

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