The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 2 - chapter2

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The teenager opened his eyes in a terrible shock.

The thunderous thunder rang from far to near, the blood-red cannons illuminated the night sky, the earth shook slightly in the huge shadow of the landing of the warship, and there were successive explosions in the distance.

The teenager struggled to sit up from a petri dish filled with liquid, and found that his whole body was up and down | not hanging, there is an empty wasteland around, many pieces of broken parts and broken wires came out of the ground, sparkling with nourishment Blue electric flower.

It is a deserted cemetery.

The juvenile stared at his hands trembling, his mind was blank, and countless doubts scrambled to his head.

–who am I? What is this place?

——Why am I here?

“After the cleaning of No. 2 Proving Ground, we are heading towards the East District, heading towards the East District …” A vocal suddenly sounded not far away, and the boy turned back fiercely. Sure enough, several soldiers wearing black protective clothing were leading the dog towards this side. Come.

There was no time to think at that moment, and the boy turned over and climbed out of the petri dish, only to see an old white coat left behind by the container, and suddenly grabbed it and wrapped his body.

“What is that … someone! Don’t run!”

The giant dog barked violently, and the few people immediately noticed the movement here, and pulled their legs to chase after this. The boy looked around hurriedly, turned around subconsciously, and ran, but only heard “bang!” Behind him before two steps, and the bullet flew out against his heel!

“Don’t run! Or shoot!”

The teenager didn’t know why he ran, and his crazy fear occupied all his consciousness. He could feel that the giant dog chased after him like an arrow, and the sharp teeth were only one step away from his neck.


Thanks to the huge number of abandoned instruments on the ground, the teenager ducked and hid in an emergency, and the giant dog slammed into a broken metal screen.

A few soldiers roared, “Stop!” “There is a missing target here!” “Notify the cleaning team of group b, hurry up!”

The teenager gasped tightly, and saw a few sharp metal fragments on the ground, immediately rushed up and grabbed it in his hands.

Just as he got up, the other two giant dogs whistled!

Instantly the time seemed to stretch indefinitely, all the movements were slow to the extreme-the young man twirled his arms and backhanded, the sharp metal dagger slanted and slanted horizontally, piercing through the blood bowl of the giant dog!


Bloodblood suddenly exploded, and the giant dog shouted and fell to the ground!

The juvenile was too late to stand still, the last terrifying black giant dog suddenly rushed, and a huge body more than three meters descended from the sky. The teeth had been precisely aligned with the juvenile’s throat.

It ’s too late, and the boy has no time to turn around to avoid it. He kneels on his back when he hits the ground, the whole body and the ground form a ninety degree U-shape, holding the dagger in his hands and turning his wrist with a stab!

I stabbed the blade into the flesh, and the giant dog’s momentum was too fierce to fall to the ground, even crossing the blade across the sky!

With the shouting of the sky, the beast’s heavy body was unloaded in mid-air, and the hard muscles and bones had a strong resistance to the blade. The palm of the boy was cut to the bones in a moment-immediately followed by a puff of beast blood. Next, the young man’s face was poured!

“This … this …” A few soldiers were speechless after being shocked by this **** scene, and then a quick reaction pulled their legs and shouted, “No movement! Otherwise, a real shot!”

The teenager shook off the giant dog’s body severely and ran towards the distance. The bullet fell to the ground almost next to his footsteps. He was terrified, desperately searching for a shelter in the open space, and several abandoned metal instruments that had fallen to the ground suddenly fell into a honeycomb with a series of bullets.

“You can’t run! Stop! Surrender!”

The teenager gasped in despair, glanced at the deepness of the open space across the ground, and jumped forward without thinking.

But then he regretted it.

There is nothing at the bottom, and there is not even something that can be covered slightly.

The boy wrapped his white coat in a hurry, gritted his teeth, and climbed the rubble to the other side.

His palms were dripping with blood, but the severe pain did not affect the speed. He panted and grabbed a rock, and as he watched, he was about to climb to the ground, suddenly reaching out from above to grab his arm.

“Do not……”

The hand was so strong and powerful that he yanked him out of the depths and threw it on the ground with a bang.

Immediately after, countless hands held him at the same time, the cold muzzle pressed against his temple.

“No … let go! Let me go!”

Because he hadn’t spoken for many years, the boy’s voice was almost hoarse, and it sounded broken and sharp. However, his struggle was insignificant in front of a group of trained soldiers, and soon some people violently put his hands back-cuffed on the ground.

“Let me go … Please, let me go!”

The colonel in handcuffs stood up, motioned to his left and right hands not to release the muzzle, then turned and shouted respectfully: “General Aaron.”

The man who had previously pulled the boy out of the depths stood by the pit, frowning.

“Group A found him in an abandoned petri dish in the Eastern Proving Ground. I don’t know what he has to do with the Fugitive Army, but he looks like a … guinea pig.”

The colonel said, turning back and winking, his men immediately pressed the boy over, revealing his pale and embarrassed face.

“What is your name?”

The teenager was shaken by the flashlight, his whole body trembling slightly because of fear and embarrassment, and the white coat barely covered the curled body in the struggle.

The Colonel was about to ask again, and was suddenly stopped by General Aaron, “General …?”

Aaron took the flashlight, and the light beam fell on a flashing nameplate on the white coat’s chest, with several letters engraved on it-gavin.

“Gavin,” the General whispered, “I haven’t seen anyone call this name for a long time.”

The muzzle in the colonel’s hand moved, looking at his boss for consultation, but saw the general shaking his head resolutely.

“Why? If it’s a test …”

“He’s an omega, don’t you see it?” Aaron said, “According to the Empire’s latest weak gender protection law, any omega captured on the battlefield is not allowed to be hurt, let alone a minor.”

The colonel was suddenly surprised, and then he felt the extremely weak omega pheromone smell in the blood of the teenager.

But it was too weak. Only an uninterrupted injection of a large number of inhibitors could suppress the breath to this extent-not to mention that his body was covered with strong smelling beast blood, and a group of alpha soldiers present at the scene could not distinguish the teenager. odor.

The colonel was a little bit thrilled. He almost killed a rare healthy and young omega, even on the battlefield.

“Send him to the medical unit. I want to know what the fugitives are doing here.” Aaron stood up, took off his military uniform and threw it on the teenager:

“——Strictly pack him.”


When Gavin woke up again, he found himself lying on the bed with his left hand chained between the cold iron railings on the bedside.

He reluctantly sat up, only to see that the ward was clean and spacious, and the white-alloy walls glowed with a terrifying cold light.

“you’re awake?”

Gavin suddenly turned back, and saw the door of the ward slide silently, and Aaron came in with the dinner plate.

The general looked exceptionally young and strong, and did not know how many times the perfect result of the genetic modification. The pure black Emperor uniform is thick and deep, and the silver star on the epaulets and the gun on the waist are very eye-catching, which makes him have an overwhelming threat.

He gently placed the plate on the stand in front of the bed: “Eat something.”

The contents of the dinner plate are unexpectedly fresh and rich, and there are even rare seasonal fruits on the battlefield. Don’t ask for special treatment for omega.

However, Gavin did not have any intention to eat. He stared coldly at Aaron, with a calm and inorganic light shining in the deep black eyes, and asked for a moment, “Who are you?”

“Gemini Empire,” Aaronton paused, and asked with all his spare time, “how about you?”


Aaron pulled a chair and sat beside the bed, calmly: “Do you know where this is?”


“Let me tell you. This is one of the most remote areas of the empire. The zodiac constellation Red Saturn has a technological level half an century behind the imperial capital. A fugitive army sneaked in here nine years ago to conduct a top-secret human test. After the incident, His Majesty the Emperor sent an Imperial Fleet, represented by me, to carry on an indiscriminate bombing of Red Saturn’s northern hemisphere for half a month. ”

“The fugitive is dead.” Aaron leaned over his body and stared at Gavin’s beautiful eyes: “——Do not kill omega on the battlefield, but if you dare to resist, I will have 10,000 ways to make you feel alive Might as well die. ”

Gavin’s pupil dilated slightly, and a while later said, “I’m not a runaway.”

“Then what are you?”

“I do not know.”

“What’s your last name?”

“do not know.”

“Why is it here?”

“I don’t know, I don’t remember anything.”

Aaron stared at him as if measuring the truth of his words.

Gavin clenched his teeth tightly. His muscles were painful because of the tension. I didn’t know how long it took to hear Aaron’s threatening whisper: “You better not lie … this is a military camp, you know it’s closed here How many alphas have you never seen in your life? ”

Compared to “I have 10,000 ways to make you die,” the threat in this sentence is more vivid and practical; if it were not for a military camp, this sentence would be enough to convict sexual harassment.

“… Are you threatening me?”

“If you think so,” Aaron stared at the teenager’s pale face, and stood up full of Yi. “So, yes.”

That’s strange.

Aaron stepped out of the ward, and the alloy door closed silently behind him.

As he said, in today’s severe gender imbalance of the three abos, there may indeed be a lot of alphas throughout his life. I do n’t want to know what omega looks like, but it definitely does not include Asia, one of the founding generals of the Gemini Empire. Lun.

Although he is still a proud (and sad) old diamond king, he knows very well how weak, sensitive, timid and vulnerable Omega is. This kind of person’s physique is as soft and fragile as jelly. Under normal circumstances, three military modified giant dogs are mentioned, and a common cold is enough to keep them in the hospital for half a month.

Since the founding of the Empire, it has been like a curse. Omega’s death rate has increased by a terrible increase every year. The new census last year showed that the three gender ratios of abo have become a terrible 25: 5000: 1- 1 is still the number of newborn babies. At least a quarter of the young omega will die for various reasons.

The number of omega determines the overall population. Because the beta fertility rate is low and the offspring are mostly beta, when the ao **** ratio is greater than 10: 1, the alpha birth rate of elite roles in humans becomes negative; when the ao **** ratio is greater than 20: 1, the overall population starts to grow negatively Already.

For an empire that has just lost 10 billion people in the founding battle, it is simply an unbearable burden in life.

Military scientists used a variety of methods to reduce the mortality of omega infants, but found nothing. Experts even made a pessimistic language: within 40 years, the gender ratio of ao will expand to 50 to 1. By then, controlling the **** crime rate will be enough to drink a pot, and the birth rate will never even be thought of.

Even if he wasn’t an expert, Aaron knew how terrible the future was.

And this boy named Gavin gave him new hope.

This teenager is an omega without a doubt, but his genetic quality is almost close to his age alpha; at the same time, his blood reproductive function has not been affected in any way.

The Fugitive Army is here to study the genes that improve omega, and they have succeeded.

For an empire with a negative population growth every year, it is simply a savior from the sky.

Aaron instructed his men without looking back: “Send someone to surround this ward. Don’t even put in flies without my order. In addition, send someone to strengthen the Saturn security system. One week later, the 50th anniversary of the marshal’s death I don’t want to see any errors! ”

“Yes!” The colonel saluted, and strode away.

According to the Empire’s Constitution, except for the emperor who can be called Marshal this year, there is only the one who died on Red Saturn 50 years ago-Gavin Silia, the last military **** of the alliance.

Aaron is a loyal warrior with loyalty to the empire, but his admiration for Marshal Silia is unquestionable as a soldier.

-There is nothing to blame, this worship within the empire is an open secret. Almost all the founding generals who had fought against the emperor almost returned to Silia’s squadrons-before they blatantly betrayed the alliance, they were once the **** commanders of Silia, and the emperor even served as the captain of the guard.

After the failure of the alliance, the commander of Silia refused to surrender and commit suicide, which has always been a huge psychological shadow of the emperor. It has not changed for half a century.

To express their condolences, they held secret sacrifices every ten years on Red Saturn, a ritual similar to pilgrimage to founding generals.

So when news of the fugitives conducting illegal human tests on Red Saturn came, the entire Emperor Fang was furious:

“Who dares to pretend to be on Saturn! Bombed his entire family!”

“Qingfu Runaway Army! Let them be removed from the galaxy forever!”

Admiral Aaron led the capital’s Ninth Fleet, the only elite combat unit in the empire composed of full alpha, to drive to Saturn, and half an month later, endless artillery fire flattened the entire planet.

-Whoever touches my eyes, I dig his roots! The brave and fearless (and brainless) emperor once again proved this to the universe with practical action.

The author has something to say:

Thanks for your collection and comments, thank you for your long comment! !! !! !! !! !!

Thanks to pretty Li Xi, Shu Ye, Xi Yeliang, Hong ?, Hu Huyu (3 mines), Youyou (3 mines), kuku (4 mines), Luo Qinghuan (11 mines … = 口 = ) Mines! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!

Thanks for the garlic and vicky grenades! !! !! !! !!

Thanks to Kuku and the rocket gun [how it is called Hurry everywhere] (the name is too long to enclose)! !! !! !! !! !!

Thanks to Luo Qinghuan for the shallow water bomb! !! !! !!

Thanks to Fangya (I can’t think of more gestures to accept it, everyone knows it’s OK). !! !! !! !!

bow! !! !! !! !!俺 … 俺 will work hard to update! !! !! !! !! 2k novel reading network

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