The Survival of an Inferior

(Vol3)110. Final Push

Amid the confusion, I take a deep breath to compose myself. 

The system is suddenly providing an opportunity. Something is off. Still, I don't have a choice. 

Let's see...

I have two unknown enemies that can't be defeated. From the context, it seems that the mastermind can determine the proximity but not the exact location of the vase. 

In this situation, I can hide or run. 

I ponder in the middle of a destroyed remnant street, holding and staring at the vase.  

Running...does not seem viable when they can detect our location. Stamina is an issue too. If they catch up to us, we have no place to hide or run. 



Once proud and towering, infrastructures now stand as crumbling ruins, their skeletal frames twisted and fragmented. Despite the hollow outlook, we can find cracks to slip through. 

In addition, only the south section of the fortress is destroyed, the area closest to the gate. 

"Everyone! What happened?" Melissa asks, climbing down the stairs. 

Kasli explains my request. Melissa raises her brow in response. 

"Arsto? Explain." 

I show her the vase. "I wondered why a group of monsters kept attacking an abandoned city. Turns out it was this. I'm sorry, I was finding ways to cheat the dungeon."

Melissa stares at me and nods. her fatigue darkens her face with a rigid frown. I reckon she does not want to think about this. 

"Uhm..." Kasli raises her hand. 

"Yes?" I turn to her.

"Is that Servant of The Gods the giants from fifty-one years ago? I read this in the hero's memoir and he mentioned facing against an army of giants calling themselves slaves of divinity." She says.


I do remember that but I don't have elaborate knowledge about it. 

"The giants appeared in different forms and sizes. Some are extremely big yet agile like a rabbit. I remember one of those types is the Cyclop Giants."

Cyclops? The ones I saw in the "Elvis Arcane" dungeon that the real Arsto fought!

Kasli twirls her finger in the air, bits of mana flowing out to form a circle. The circle glows and opens a void. She shoots her hand in and pulls out a small notebook. I was more surprised by the fact that she could use space-time magic. 

She flips the notebook, worn from repetitive use with stacks of bookmarks protruding. 

"Here! If we find out what giant it will be, we can fight it." 

"Wait wait, you want to fight it?" I exclaim. 

Kasli sighs and shakes her head. "I don't but what choice do we have? If their goal is that vase, we can't hide or run. Surviving for five hours is practically impossible."


"Hah..." I let out a sigh and look away, scratching my hair. 

"I suppose we...have to try. Anyways, what about the second unknown enemy?" 

Everyone stares at me as if I spouted nonsense. 


"There is no second enemy," Melissa says.

They don't know? There is another... the corrupted enemy. 

Melissa goes to my side. "Hey, are you truly okay?" 


"Yeah...I think?" 



Fuck, was I hallucinating?


"Go rest. We will pour our remaining coins into defence." 

I nod and climb outside the fortress, splurging my fortune of coins in upgrading the Healing Totem. 

Only when I lie on the bed in the medical do the aftermath of fatigue slams into my body. A throbbing headache electrocutes my mind. 

Am I going insane? 

That was my final thought before I succumb to slumber's embrace, drifting away and detached from the demands of the waking world.


I awaken to oscillatory nudging and eruptive but slow footsteps in the distance. 

"Sir Arsto! Oh, thank goodness. The wave has begun and a headless giant is approaching."

I pull myself upright as a yawn escapes. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and rub my eyes. 

Taking a deep breath, I nod. "Alright."

I quickly grab my sword resting beside the bed and run out. 

Kasli is flipping through her notes frantically. 

"Found it!" She says. "It's The Headless Wail, a blue giant that occasionally howls a piercing cry. It has super regenerative properties in its upper body and thus has a weakness in its legs. Another thing to note is the lazy nature of the giant, it tends to not focus on weaklings trying to take it down and focuses on the target. We can use this."

I see... 

The plan we came up with is pretty simple. We attack its heels to limit its movement and make it fall, bringing down the abdomen, the brain of the giant lies there. Afterwards, the ranged members will fire their best shots through to kill it. Three thousand turrets were upgraded to the maximum with some coins to spare to activate their ability. 

For close combat warriors, we split into two teams, each going for a respective heel on the giant. Leo and I are a team. 

We went ahead into the sandy battlefield and hid around the giant's path, buried deep into the sand. Melissa holds the vase, luring the giant towards the fortress. 

Leo trembles anxiously. 


"Leo, you okay?" I ask. 

"Huh? O-Oh...I will get my act together. Sorry about that." 

"No, that's not what I meant. We are facing death, anyone can be afraid."

Leo stares at me. 

"How are you so composed?" He asks. 

I shake my head. "I just don't show it." 


Leo sighs. "If we survive, I think I will quit."

"Don't say that, it's a death flag."

Confusion flashes across Leo, his eyebrows furrowing. 


With every slow and heavy footstep afar, our hearts pound heavier and faster. Anxiety tightens its grip on our chest. 

"I come from a normal household of middle socioeconomic status, an ordinary yet happy family," Leo tries to strike up a conversation. "If anything happens to younger brother and my parents will..."

I can see genuine fear in his eyes. Leo is trying to distract himself with a bleak topic. 

He pulls the necklace over his head and hands it to me. 

"Give it to my family please."

I lower my gaze. "Hell no. Survive and give it yourself."

Leo slowly puts the necklace back into his coat. The air is tense yet a whiff of awkward blows. 

This is the final battle that determines our fate. 

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