The Survival of an Inferior

34. Trauma

At the other end of the colosseum is another barrier. Touching it turns the surrounding into an enclosed cooling room. 


Beyond me is a modern door, bed, and wardrobe. Beside the wardrobe is a small table with some small shelves. Some books of mathematics and sciences are stacked on the table. 

"What..." I mumble. 

This is my...old room from my original world?


The Trial of Trauma 





The lower half of the panel is glitched with parts becoming different colours randomly.



My eyes dart to the clock on the table, it shows 8:51 pm, 11th of January. The room is dark. Curtains prevented light from the streets to enter. 

Beneath the door is a gap where light beams through. The air conditioner blows cold air. I wear a grey hoodie with shorts. 

This comfortable I back?

I open the door and hear some sizzling from the kitchen. It's a small apartment so the kitchen is directly in front of my room. 

A woman with a ponytail wearing an apron turns and smiles at me. 

"Samuel! You are up, I'm almost done. Set up the table please?" 


I simply walk up to her and wrap my arms around her. 

"S-Samuel?! What's wrong? This is dangerous, I'm cooking-"

"I'm sorry..." I say.


My mother awkwardly returns the hug.

I let her go and helps her set the table. 

I know, it's an illusion. My original mother is dead.


I can vaguely remember the outline of what happens from the moment I agree to help Lena recover her energy core to the hidden dungeon as if it is an event that occurred years ago. The other "Samuel" must have taken over during that period.


The clock on the wall shows 8:57 pm.

A few more minutes before disaster... It was at this time that everything went downhill...and the other "Samuel" manifested. 

As if a defence mechanism attempted to force my body out of depression, the bastard "Samuel" was created to be extremely selfish, ironically "justifying" what I did.

"Samuel...? What's wrong?" my mother asks as she stares at me. I simply stare at the dining table. 

Trial of Trauma? Such a trial didn't exist...

*Ding Dong* 

"Visitors? At this time?" My mother mumbles. She switches the stove off and takes the apron over her head, placing it on the table.

"Mom, it's okay. I will take care of it." I say and walk to the door.

"Take care of it? Sure?" 

It's pretty obvious what I need to do to overcome The Trial of Trauma. 


"Ma'am! We are the police!" a man shouts from the other side of the door. 

I unlock the door and instantly kick it, the door's hinges break and swing outwards. 



It throws the men off and I send an uppercut to the chin closest. 


My first victim flies back the corridor.

All of the men are wearing police uniforms. So far, I can only see 4 people.

Each of them jumps back but my fist already reaches one of their faces, slamming his head to the ground.

"Two more..." I mumble.

I duck when a knife swings across and quickly counters with a hook to his face, he drops to the floor unconscious. The second man reaches into his coat and brings out a gun but a roundhouse kick to his waist throws him to the ground, dropping the gun. 

"ARGH?!! FUCK!? HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG?!" The only conscious man exclaims. The other three were knocked out.

I walk to his pistol and pick it up. 

Status Screen.


Name: Samuel Turner

Title: None[Choose]

Class: Marksman

Lvl: 56


Mana: 1

Atk: 47.11[+]

Def: 59.24[+]

Dex: 37.01(77.01)[+]

Mag: 1

Luck: 70[+]

Free stats: 14



-Bullet Hell(lvl1)

-Full Focus(lvl 1)



-Potion Brewing(lvl1)


-Luck(lvl 2)

-Beast Hunter(lvl max)

-Mana Sense(lvl 1)

-Pain Resistance(lvl 1)

-Mental Resistance(lvl 1)



Turner Bloodline awakened 


I knew it, my stats are still active, it's the only explanation for my superhuman strength and speed. 

"S-Samuel!! W-What..." my mother exclaims. Her face goes pale and her jaws drop.

"Call the police, they are here to kill us." I blurt. Although calling the police is useless, it can distract the killers.

I kick the last man's head until he goes out cold. Each of them has a similar "Ace of Heart" card tattoo on their shoulder.

"Stop! What are you doing?!!" My mother pushes me aside and checks the man. 

Right...this was who my mother was. An excessively benevolent lady. She's not naive, just...too kind. 

That kindness caused her life...


Seeing how the trial isn't complete, do I have to go further? I know these four people have more reinforcement at the ground level. 

Outside the apartment is a long corridor that stretches to an elevator. To the right is a short cement wall and open space to have a view of the city.

I glance over the wall and notice a group of suspicious people loitering. 

I ignore my mother and walk ahead.

"Samuel!... Where are you going?" my mother asks with a genuine concern expression.

As I climb down the stairs, I suddenly stop in place.




A grin slides onto my face. "Why dirty your hands? Leave it to the bastard as always." I say.

On the day of his mother's death, Samuel hid under the bed to survive and simply watch as his mother attempts to fight off the gangsters. She was eventually raped and killed. 

The culprits were imprisoned to 20 years of jail but receive no further punishments. It was obvious someone was pulling the strings. 

I step out of the building and into an alleyway. Several men are on standby with knives and bats. 

"Hm? Kid, fuck off."

With a huge smile, I say "Albeit already done it once, I can't allow my little brother's bully to get off scot-free." 

Yes, I am selfish. I care about "myself" more than anyone. That's why, the original Samuel is like a little brother to me. 

The big brother should do the bloody work instead. 

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