The Summoner's Rebirth: Awaken, Milady

Chapter 84: The End

"...If you say so, then so be it," Aria leaned backwards against her chair, stretching her body as she let out a tired moan.

Her eyes swept through the other three before getting up and heading towards the staircase. "If there is nothing more, then I am going to go back to my room. Call me if anything happens," Aria announced.

The three who were left in the room had a complicated gaze with their own thoughts and ideas. However, they shared a common topic, and that was about Aria's matter.

"...Sung-ha. I know that you always have problems in detaching yourself from people who you have grown accustomed with, but Aria made it clear to us from the start. It is not fair if we try and make her a permanent member when her original words already stated her intentions," Arin reminded calmly, although her own heart was also stirred into chaos.

None of them could confidently say that Aria's departure would not shock them in the slightest. Aria, to them, was a perfect match to them. A perfect balance for a new member. They had temporarily forgotten about Aria's original statement- that was to stay with them until Aria could grow her own wings and become independent in this world, climbing up the stairs to freedom on her own way.

Now that the due date seemed to be coming soon, they found it hard to fool themselves and let her go with an open heart. The relationship they had built over the course of several months, it was actually going to crumble down just like this, how would they not be affected?

"Do you have to phrase it that way?" Sung-ha replied with an irritated voice, clicking his tongue before getting up from the sofa and turning off the television. He also began to head towards the staircase, wanting to come to the balcony to get some fresh air.

He leaned against the rails as he began to zone out, feeling vexed.

Then, just a minute later, Aria's figure came out of her room. She was headed to the washroom.

Aria saw Sung-ha's figure standing there in the balcony and felt awkward. The things she said during their conversation was only seventy five percent truth, the other twenty five were lies. The more she looked at Sung-ha, the more she felt awkward.

Even so, she felt like she had to say something to him, or else it would be even more stranger.

"...Hi there," Aria called out to him, regretting the very next moment.

"...Hi," Sung-ha was reluctant, but he replied.

Aria's eyes danced around in every direction. She opened her mouth and closed it back several times before resolutely making the decision to turn around and head towards her destination- the washroom.

She did her business and came out of the room- Sung-ha was still standing in the same position.

Aria sighed internally. It was precisely because she felt bad that she was having such a hard time trying to face the man. Clearly, all sides of the parties were affected in this declaration of hers.

But she was not selfish. She stated everything fairly. Even though it might not be the desired outcome for some, it was her right to proclaim those words.

The balcony was very near to Aria's room, right beside each other, even. Aria could not bring herself to enter the room and ended up walking to the balcony too.

She stood beside Sung-ha, who did not turn to look at her.

Taking a long, deep breath, she began to speak.

It was time to settle things clearly and not in the way of the conversation they had downstairs.

"I truly value my time here in [Golden Insignia]. It's just that.. I have made up my decision to leave, and I think it would be the best path for me to take. If I continued on staying with you guys, maybe my heart would have wavered. Maybe I would have became too comfortable in this home," Aria said.

Sung-ha still did not respond.

"If we look at it from an outsider's perspective.. I find it so strange that I was able to find people who can actually accept my shadowy past and not think of anything upon it. I think it was partly because of fate, although I hate to account things to the thing called 'fate'," Aria used her fingers to form a square shape, pointing it at the sky as she spoke.

"Since we all know that I am bound to go sooner or later," Aria coughed. "I just wanted to say that.."

"[Golden Insignia] will forever be my home. I can promise that. The only thing that can refute that statement is if you choose to kick me out, which I can't refuse," Aria looked at Sung-ha straight in the eyes and pointed at him as she confessed.

That was the end of what Aria wanted to say. Whether or not Sung-ha wanted to respond will no longer be her business.

Silence ensued.

Aria was prepared to go away, but she stayed to wait for a minute.

And in that minute, Sung-ha spoke to her.

"Have you made up your decision? Truly?" He said.

Aria pursed her lips, nodding.

"I believe the decision I am about to take is correct," Aria let out a long sigh as she stared into the sky, where the bright sun was still shining at.

"You know, I am the leader of [Golden Insignia], but I am not in an authoritative position. I have no power over you," Sung-ha's voice shook slightly as he turned to face Aria. "I guess.. you are about to enter the next stage of your life,"

"En," Aria replied shortly. "You could say that it's a second chapter,"

Sung-ha's lips parted, but no words came out of his mouth. His conscience did not allow him to say anything out of the line over the boundaries between them.

"If you are going to go, then don't say goodbye to us. Just disappear. Although... I will need you to promise one thing," Sung-ha ended up saying.

"First, remember that we will be open for communication. Second, take care of yourself. Third.. don't die," Sung-ha stated three simple rules.

"...You must be drunk. That's three promises," Aria pointed out.

"Then, I will omit the first two things.. just don't die," Sung-ha fixed his words. His eyes were dead serious as he grasped the balcony rails, standing proudly as the hot sun shone on him.

Aria laughed, knowing that Sung-ha must be pushing himself really far just to talk to her like this. Just to convey what he wanted to say truthfully.

"Then.. I shall agree to your conditions, but I think this rule shouldn't just apply to me,"

"It should also apply to the one who proposed it. And the main lineup of [Golden Insignia], too," Aria added. "I don't want to pay a visit and have to learn that some of you are gone,"

"...I will try my hardest to ensure that," Sung-ha chuckled.

To promise to keep their lives intact was normally not a hard challenge, but due to them being inside the Hunter industry, it was hard to say.

No one knew what would happen. Perhaps the next dungeon they enter would be the perfect death trap for them, effectively ending their lives.

Aria nodded repeatedly, finding herself in a euphoric state. A large weight had been taken off of her chest.

With a relaxed smile, Aria thought that this was a pretty good ending. The opening to her modern life's second volume.

"Actually... I think I'll be going now, Leader," Aria waved before going back into the house and heading towards her room to pack some stuff. "Keep the promises, alright?" she said for the last time before entering the room and shutting the door behind her.

She was already on the verge of breaking down- to leave from this comfortable home of hers. However, she just couldn't find the right opportunity and chance to convey that.

Now that things were settled on such a good note, she felt like her heart was freed.

Sung-ha, with a defeated looking back, went downstairs to fetch his members. He passed through Aria's room with a heavy, yet light heart. It was hard to describe what he was feeling right now.

A sense of loss? Relief? Whatever it was, it definitely wasn't sadness.

The next time they peek into Aria's room, the woman would probably be gone with some of her belongings snatched away.

Even though he knew that, he had learned to let this member depart.

Because everybody had different lives, with different sections, chapters, and volumes to them.

Aria's second volume required her to get on the path of becoming independent, which could only be achieved through jumping out of [Golden Insignia], although not for a bad cause. He did not have the right to prevent her from doing so.

Farewell, Aria Schreiner. Keep the goodbyes to our respective hearts and don't say it.

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