The Strongest Devouring Upgrade

Chapter 27: Small circle

As soon as Lu Pingan’s words fell, he saw the bright white electric current that was transformed from the spirit energy on the blade of Feng Leijian rushing wildly, instantly engulfing Lu Pingan’s entire right arm.

But in the next second, this electric current was enveloped by the golden light magic curse cast by Lu Pingan.

The electric current released by Feng Lei Sword quickly spread across the golden light cluster covering Lu Ping's whole body. When the assassins of Hanying Pavilion reacted, all the aura within a few feet of his body had lightning attributes.

"Hall Master, this man has a weird technique, let's still..."

A killer standing close felt the fierce aura bursting out of Lu Ping's body, and was about to persuade everyone to retreat. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was hit by the sword qi from Lu Ping's raised his hand and cut it on the spot.

And because of the lightning attribute attached to the sword air, the killer was cut to death at the same time, the body was also roasted into coke, and the air was filled with the smell of roasted feathers for a moment.

Although the Lu family has produced many sword masters in the past century, "Feiyan Double Sword" and "Seven Birds Senluo Sword" are all famous martial arts of the Lu family.

However, because his father left early, Lu Pingan had no one to teach him, and he had not practiced any swordsmanship seriously. The Ben Lei sword just now was made entirely by brute force.

But because of the blessing of thunder and lightning attributes, Lu Ping'an's sword energy was as fast as lightning, coupled with the support of a large amount of spiritual energy provided by the Golden Light Curse, it was enough to deal with the Hanying Pavilion assassins present.

"If you hesitate, you will lose." Lu Ping looked around, jokingly, "Hey, what are you doing in a daze? Are you going to wait for me to kill one by one?"

"Smelly kid, don't be arrogant and watch Grandpa take your dog's life!"

Two men were killed face-to-face by a young boy who had not yet reached the weak crown. The assassin leader was so angry that he no longer had any reservations, and his cards were all out.

As he opened a scroll of spells, he saw ninety-nine and eighty-one flying forks flying out of it quickly, lined up and hovering in the air.

Although the killer leader's realm has not yet reached the seventh level of the martial art realm of "Using Qi to Defend Objects", these eighty-one "Pill Biting Flying Chas" do not require him to control himself.

This is the current pavilion master of Hanying Pavilion, who personally seals a set of small formations in the scroll, once the target is locked, it can automatically attack the enemy.

He had made great contributions that year and was fortunate enough to get a volume, which he kept as a life-saving talisman.

Until tonight, he faced Lu Ping'an, who had a weird technique. He knew that he had to use this assassin.


Following the assassin's leader Void, he saw a row of flying forks hovering in the air turning in unison, aiming at Lu Pingan.

"Oh? Do you think you can beat me with this fancy thing?"

As a child of the Lu family, Lu Pingan is also very knowledgeable. He could see at a glance that the row of flying forks in the air were not real objects, but made of metallic spells.

Although the ninety-nine and eighty-one flying forks seem to be in a big battlefield, Lu Ping'an is really not afraid of it with the golden light curse body.

"Hehe, I hope when you die, you can still remember what you said now."

The killer leader sneered, and while speaking, the eighteen flying forks in the formation had already shot towards Lu Ping'an.


Lu Pingan didn't know how many Hanying Pavilion's people were still in the city. Perhaps reinforcements would arrive in the next moment. Based on the principle of quick battle and quick decision, he used his full strength to cut out a sword energy that was larger than just now.

"Hurry up!"

Lu Pingan's sword came rushing to destroy the flying fork formation, and did not aim at the assassins present, so everyone was easily avoided without causing casualties.

Zi Zi Zi...


Lu Pingan thought that by relying on a magnificent aura of large-scale slashing, he could easily disrupt the restrictions placed in the formation and break it down.

I didn't know that the moment the flying fork was in contact with Jianmang, it was not blocked by any means, and it passed directly through the inside and continued to fly towards Lu Ping An.

"Could it be that……"

Lu Pingan didn't dare to hold it big, and at the moment when the flying fork pierced into the golden light of the protective body, he quickly dodged, and he could easily escape this round of attacks.

Without a single blow, the eighteen flying forks did not disappear. Instead, they circled a large circle behind Lu Ping’an and returned to the flying fork array. At the same time, they were replaced with another eighteen flying forks and activated. The second attack was exactly the same.

"Hahahaha! Boy, are you crazy now?" The killer boss laughed triumphantly, then waved his arm around and ordered, "Brothers, take advantage of it now! Kill Tian and the master and servant together!"

"Tian Piao, fight with them!"

Tian He picked up two sabers dropped by the dead killer from the ground and threw one of them to Tian Pian, who lent the Feng Lei Sword to Lu Pingan.

Up to now, running is useless, they can only delay as much as possible before Lu Ping's breaks the flying fork formation.

Of course, with the current state of the master and servant, I'm afraid that he can't even hold on to half a cup of tea.

"Be careful!"

When Yu Guang saw that Tian He was about to be stabbed by a killer, Lu Ping's subconsciously swung his sword to clear the siege. As a result, at this moment of distraction, his shoulder was scratched by a flying fork.

Although the wound was not deep, Lu Ping'an was shocked to find that the aura in the meridians near his wound had stopped flowing!

In desperation, he could only give up transmitting aura to this arm and maintain the stability of the week, lest the Golden Light Curse disappear.

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity, although this wind and thunder sword is strong, it is the bane of your life."

The killer leader swiftly retreated to a safe distance, appreciating Lu Ping's embarrassing struggle in the flying fork formation with great interest.

"Boy, give it up, there is a special technique written on the pill bite flying fork, which can not only swallow the aura defense wall, but also use the swallowed aura for your own use. The more you attack it, the more powerful it becomes."

Seeing that Lu Ping'an relied on the improved agility of the fusion spirit beast's bloodline, and flexibly avoided the flying fork time and time again, the killer leader became a little anxious, and began to use words to interfere with Lu Ping'an and grind his fighting spirit.

In fact, this sentence of his can also be understood in reverse, that is, if the flying fork formation can't swallow the aura of the attacking target, its power will become smaller and smaller until it disappears.

At this time, Lu Ping'an converged the scope of the Golden Light Curse and stopped attacking Fei Cha, which made Fei Cha Array lose its source of aura to maintain its existence, and the killer leader couldn't help feeling very troublesome.

Once the flying fork array disappeared, he could only escape.

On the other hand, the quick-minded Lu Ping'an also inferred this weakness of the flying fork formation based on his personal experience after being recruited and the content of the killer leader's words.

But for him, this method of breaking the formation is not advisable, because Tian and the two can't hold on for that long.

If Tian He died, even if he broke the flying fork, it would not make any sense.

"Calm down, be calm, think about it again, it must have other weaknesses..."

Lu Ping'an secretly cheered himself up, while thinking quickly in his mind.

He didn't believe that the flying fork array had only this method to break the formation, and the pill bite technique on the flying fork must have its limitations. Otherwise, if an array division continuously injects aura into the formation to maintain it, wouldn't this formation be invincible?

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