The Stained Tower

Chapter 5: Integrating The Entity

‘Hmm? Where… Am I in my cottage...? I cannot seem to recall. Why do I feel as if I have been in a circumstance similar to this recently…? Some ale might stimulate my mind.’

A somehow familiar ethereal and feminine voice echoes from every direction.

Beta Entity 1-3-2-3 seal loosening. Fully integrating into the Cosmic System now.

‘Who is speaking? Oh, aye... I remember now. Earl? Is that thou? Wait, Earl has never spoken before.’ I attempt to open my eyes. ‘Why… Why can I not open my eyes! Nay, I cannot be in darkness once again! Pray thee; I cannot be back he’ 


Analyzing Error… Cause Determined: Kiln Soul Interface is already operating within the Entity.

Searching for a Solution… Solution Found: Blend the system with the interface.

Beginning process...

Merge Successful!

The voice vanishes, replaced by the white words of a wall that intrudes upon the darkness that surrounds me. ‘Aye, I… I do not appear to be in the Tenebrous Place. Oh, Earl, how I love thee.’ I place my hand on my chest, finding it oddly heated. My blurry vision clears. ‘Wait, this is not the purple wall; it is blue. Is this the wall of that voice that was speaking?’

Proceeding with a customized tutorial.

‘The what?’

The blue wall fades, and in the distance, a white light glistens before bursting, illuminating everything around me. I swing my head from right to left when I find myself standing in a peaceful, barrel-shaped room constructed entirely of stained glass. Hundreds, perhaps, thousands of different shades of color surround me as I gaze at the gorgeous chamber in awe. Finding myself near a section of clear glass, I stare outside, discovering the world is shrouded in a familiar heavy black haze.

‘The haze surrounds this place… but what about me?’ Lifting my arms, I see they are still blue, warm, and smooth. ‘I am still the girl of glass.’

I tap against the glass wall with my blue fingers, creating a sound reminiscent of two mugs bumping against one another.

‘It would seem I am.’ Turning, I gaze upward, where an intricate display of glowing glass floats. ‘Yet, should I not be the haze girl by now? More importantly, where am I?’

My hand finds its way to my forehead as I attempt to gather my thoughts, that is until a blue wall appears.

Welcome, Beta Entity 1-3-2-3.

The Entity is indeed in their particle form in reality, but the ‘Cosmic System’ determined it would impede the tutorial, so the Entity is displayed in this form for now. 

As for the Entity’s location, this is a room that will be familiar to the Entity in the future, assuming the Entity perseveres.

Further analysis will now commence.

‘I… I do not understand; so much is occurring at once. If it was not for Earl nearly causing my head to burst with the “forced knowledge,” I am afraid I would be totally incapable of comprehending anything.’

The blue wall fades, replaced by another.

Improving Entity’s language comprehension abilities for the remainder of the tutorial...

It has been detected that the Entity has some insight into the Cosmic System, mana, and magic due to a forced knowledge upload. If the Entity is unaware, forced knowledge uploads are not recommended and should be avoided. The Soul and Conscious store information differently, and this could cause permanent adverse effects upon a Conscious or Spirit.

Moving my eyes across the message, I move close to the wall, stunned by my ability to understand what this ‘Cosmic System’ is saying. ‘I suppose this is what was meant by “improving language comprehension.” Did the Cosmic System understand I was having difficulties?’

I return my attention to the wall and give a small nod. ‘Aye, I shall remember that… not that thee had to warn me.’ I recall the information Earl forced upon me and discover some inconsistencies. ‘Art thee not the Cosmic Mana Stream?’

That is correct, Entity, but among several other changes, it is now the ‘Cosmic System.’ 

Let’s move on Beta Entity 1-3-2-3. Due to the Entity being unfortunate enough to be born within the time period of the Cosmic System’s absence, the Entity will likely struggle to a much greater degree than those to come later. With this in mind, the Cosmic System has found in the pursuit of fairness that the Entity shall be allowed into the Beta. Although your kinds’ chance of survival is always low, this is at least more optimal than arriving during the full return.

Studying the message, I roam the room while my feet of glass clink against the floor.  ‘I am grateful… I think.’ My attention turns toward the kiln in my abdomen. ‘But what is meant by my ki—’

I am interrupted when a new wall appears.

Apologizes Beta Entity 1-3-2-3, but individual questions are not permitted. The Entity is simply here to solidify their essential knowledge of subjects related to ‘Status.’ Ordinarily, the Entity would then undergo a battle portion of the tutorial, but this will be bypassed due to the circumstances. 

‘Individual questions are not permitted.’ I stop and stare at the beautiful glass floor, finding myself gazing at my reflection. Wringing my hands together, my expectations for this conversation sink. I take a moment to count to ten and hope that they can be revived. ‘What is meant by my kind? And battle portion? My combat skills are not particularly great. I was always more of the crafty type. Could thee please explain further?’ 

A new wall appears.

Generating status. Analyzing the entity’s past actions…

While analyzing takes place, the Cosmic System will answer the five most common questions posed by the current Earth’s Entities.
See Below:

Frequent Question 1: Am I dead? Are you God?
No. The Entity has not passed, and this Cosmic System does not require nor request the Entity's worship.

Frequent Question 2: Am I the chosen one!?
Answer: No. This Cosmic System does not select ‘chosen ones.’

Frequent Question 3: Will the Cosmic System help me survive? Like beyond just Essence and stats?
Answer: No. This Cosmic System does not have a bias.

Frequent Question 4: Who gave you the right to disrupt the natural order of things!? Do you hate humans!?
Answer: No. This Cosmic System possesses no prejudice and assures the Entities that the current state of Earth is, in fact, the unnatural state.

Frequent Question 5: Why would you do this!? Will I be eaten by monsters when the Beta is over!?
Answer: Conceivably. This Cosmic System, however, trust that the Entities will persevere.

Status Successfully generated.

‘These questions were posed by others in this ‘Beta’ thing?’ I pause, but I do not receive an answer as expected. ‘Art thee related to Earl? He is not one for questions either. Although these five answers are already much better than him... Even if they are not particularly helpful, and seemed to be from scared and panicked people.’ 

Shaking my head, I give up asking any more questions, but it’s only a moment later, an even greater blue wall appears. 

Success! Rewarding titles.

Congratulations, you have been awarded the title:

[Roanoke Lost]
What happened to Roanoke’s humans? This is a question that has been asked by human historians for centuries. Hunger? Native humans? Disease? Little do they know, but the one who possesses this title is the cause for the disappearance of Roanoke's humans.
{Those of higher learning will be more interested and slightly more friendly toward you. Those that consider themselves ‘Colonists’ will be afraid of you.}

Congratulations, you have been awarded the title: 

The one who possesses this Title is a creature unable to survive without acquiring something from others. However, to receive this Title, one must have acquired it to the great detriment of another while offering nothing in return. 
{Yum Yum! Meals stolen from someone else taste better! At Least that’s what anyone with this Title would tell you. Increased taste and benefits from stolen food.}

Displaying Entity ‘Status’:

Name: Constance Nightingale
Race: Kiln
Seed Type: Tower [Embryo]
Variant: Oort Stained Glass
Forms: [Particulate] [Collapsed **Inaccessible**]
Shell Level: 0 (Progress Past Embryo)
Flame Level: 0 (Progress Past Embryo)
Durability: 28/28
Mana: 200/200 [100/100 Max Shielding]
Erysichthon: 5/100
Inborn Effects: Corrupting Oort Cloud
Adaptations: -
Skills: -
Titles: [Roanoke Lost]  [Parasitic]

Customized individual Stats are contained in the Entities ‘Chronicles’. Please, view this at a later time, and explore what each stat does alone. Additionally, as a particularly complex Race, please question your Kiln Soul Interface for Kiln specific information. This will allow the Entity to grasp concepts at their own pace.

‘This is the wall called Status? This was in Earl’s forced knowledge. If I recollect correctly, this represents me in a sense. This is a lot of information, though, if I recall, this is only part of it.’

As I study the thing called ‘Status,’ committing what I can to memory, it vanishes before I am able to read the lower portion of the wall.

‘Wait! I… I am a bit slow of reading! Please, bring the “Status” wall back! That bottom portion seemed rather important! I would very much like to finish reading it!’

Alas, my pleas go unheeded as yet another wall appears.

Displaying Explanation for non-racial specific information

Durability is the brittleness or Sturdiness of your body. As a Kiln, the Entity is nothing more than the material that makes up your shell and the flame within it. If the glass bursts, then your soul will greet oblivion. If the flame smolders, then your consciousness will never return as it once was. Being a glass variant Kiln, the Entity is even more brittle than a typical Kiln. 

Mana is a powerful energy that flows through all things in quantities that vary depending on its Orenda value. This energy can be used for skills and other purposes. Although your durability is low, the Entity’s Orenda is at the point where the Entity has formed a natural mana shield due to the ‘body’s’ mana saturation. Please be aware the mana shield does not block all incoming damage.

Skills are where the Entity’s magic, abilities, and select trades are displayed. Suppose the Entity progresses any of these to a sufficient level. In that case, the ‘Cosmic System’ will allow them to better comprehend the skill, to a small extent, and offer an appropriate tidbit of knowledge. However, please be aware that skills are not a substitute for experience, technique, or artistry. Ranks are as follows: Interim[I], Novice[N], Intermediate[ID], Veteran[V], Advanced[A], Expert[E], Master[M], and Grandmaster[G]. Once gaining the ‘Interim’ rank, the Entity must progress into ‘Novice’ rank to retain the skill. Note: Ranks above Grandmaster are not displayed.

Talents [or Inborn Effect for Kiln] develop within the souls of an individual and are principally unique. Talents cannot be taught or removed once attained. A Talent will follow an individual perpetually and through all their reincarnations. Utilizing talents requires mental strength and rarely mana. Relies heavily on Endurance and Fortitude.

Titles are granted for unique or unusual achievements. Titles may give additional positive or, in some individuals' opinion, unwanted benefits. Titles are typically the most this ‘Cosmic System’ will ever intrude upon an Entity's daily life, but know that they are awarded without bias. Please also note, the Titles are granted by a subsystem with a lousy sense of humor.

This time, wishing to avoid the wall disappearing, I read through the information several times over before allowing my thoughts to wander. 

‘Aye, I believe I understand, at least fundamentally. But...’ 

As I am about to again attempt to pelt the ‘Cosmic System’ with questions, the wall changes.

This concludes the tutorial for Beta Entity  1-3-2-3.

I wave my arms as the black that surrounds this room starts to push against the walls. ‘What!? But wait! Wait! I have dozens, nay, hundreds of questions! For instance, what do the numbers mean?! I did not even get to study the “Status” thing adequately! Moreover, how do I check the other thing thee spoke of!? Just tell me more about anything! I am a rather excellent listener!’ The glass room starts to crumble around me as I run to the center of the room. ‘Prithee! I require more knowledge! Anything! Anything thee can make me privy to!’

The Cosmic System ignores me, and as the darkness squeezes my glass body, it begins to snuff out the light of its glow. I sink to the floor and pull my legs in close to feel their warmth for one last brief moment. 

‘This is the final time. I will not allow myself to be swallowed by the murk again… One. Two. Three…’

Soon, yet again, the darkness reclaims my sight and then my awareness.

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