The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 73: Grayfia Lucifuge Redux

A/N: As of today, 7/7/2023, this is the final chapter currently posted publicly for this story. Because of how the schedule works, Chapter 74 will come out Monday the 10th and then after that it will be one chapter every two weeks going forward.

There will always be four advance chapters on my Patreon at all times for this and my other Patreon-Funded fics.


In his moment of uncertainty, Issei finds himself making eye contact with Gabriel. And he knows, instinctively… that she has a plan. Trusting her implicitly, he doesn’t let his fears get the better of him. What sort of dragon would he be if he started questioning every move he made now? Looking at Serafall Leviathan, Issei smirks, radiating pure confidence as he steps away from Gabriel’s side.
“If you think you can convince my beloved to abandon me… feel free to try, Leviathan. Gabriel, why don’t you take Serafall here on a tour of the estate… and I’ll do the same with Grayfia.”
Serafall looks surprised by how easily he appears to be giving up. Then, she looks calculating. A woman like the Leviathan can obviously tell that he’s so confident he doesn’t even mind letting her walk off with his beloved. And yet, she’s also arrogant enough to believe that his confidence is misplaced and she can worm her way in all the same. She is a Great Satan after all. Temptation is the bedrock of her people’s culture.
Grayfia on the other hand, looks taken aback, freezing in place.
But before the silver-haired Queen of Sirzechs Lucifer can properly protest the idea, Serafall leans in, grinning wickedly.
“Sounds wonderful! Come on Gabriel, show me EVERYTHING~”
The sultry tone that she says ‘everything’ in makes it clear she’s not just talking about the estate. Still, as Serafall and Gabriel prance off, Grayfia watches them go woodenly, shocked at Serafall’s surprising betrayal. She should have expected it though, honestly. Did she think they were united by a common purpose or something? Even Issei could tell that Serafall had specifically brought Grayfia along as bait.
“What could… how could there even be two different tours?”
Grayfia’s accusatory tone just makes Issei laugh as he snaps his fingers and begins leading her in the opposite direction that Gabriel has led Serafall. She blushes but still follows.
“Well you’re two very different people, aren’t you? She’s the Leviathan, a Great Satan and a dignitary from the Underworld. But you? You’re just a maid.”
Issei finds it quite amusing when Grayfia stays silent this time in the face of his words. Agreeing with him by not disagreeing with him, essentially. This? This would be easy to say the least…
This is how it feels to be Grayfia Lucifuge right now. You’ve been fucked by this… boy once before. Long ago, you gave yourself to him in order to save your husband’s sister from losing her purity. No one asked you to. No one thanked you for it either. In the end, you did it because that’s what you did. You always did the thankless tasks.
But then it hadn’t even mattered. The stay of execution for Rias Gremory’s virginity had lasted only as long as it had taken Issei Hyoudou to utterly destroy Riser Phenex and ultimately dissolve the engagement between House Phenex and House Gremory. And then he’d fucked Rias to hell and back, using her body for himself… and even impregnating her at this point.
Grayfia was used to her sacrifices going unnoticed and without gratitude. But she was not so used to her actions being so… pointless in the end.
The last time they were together, Issei Hyoudou was strong… but not stronger than her, the Strongest Queen in the Underworld. He was young and powerful, but still a small fish just discovering how big the sea he swam in truly was. And yet… he’d still made her his bitch, hadn’t he? She’d tried so hard to keep her cool. But he’d brought her to multiple orgasms all the same, and ultimately covered her tits and her face in his seed.
And that was Issei Hyoudou when he was far, far weaker than her. Now? Now Grayfia could not say for sure which of them was the stronger anymore. He was leaking his draconic aura and his incredible strength into the space around him, which meant he was leaking it all over her as well. And yet, she could tell that he was also holding himself back.
If this was how he felt when he was holding his power at bay, just how strong was he truly? A shiver runs down Grayfia’s spine as she licks her lips out of his field of view. She opens her mouth, intending to distract herself by asking him where they’re going… but before she can do so, he stops at a door to a bedroom and smiles at her.
“Right through here.”
Grayfia narrows her eyes at the way he refuses to open the door for her. On the one hand, she’s a servant and he’s the Master of the House so it wouldn’t be proper for him to open the door for her. On the other hand, she’s not HIS servant… or at least, she’s not supposed to be. She’s supposed to be his guest, and thus it’s quite proper for him to open the door for her.
In the end, Grayfia is a maid first. Always. And so she doesn’t call him out for fear of being labeled merely a guest. Instead, the Strongest Queen steps forward and turns the door handle, pushing the door in and stepping inside.
Immediately, she reels back as she’s struck near senseless in an instant. The room beyond… is the messiest, filthiest room she’s laid witness to in quite some time. Given how hard she works to keep her own home nice and tidy, it’s not often that Grayfia comes across a room in such a state of disarray as this one. The bed isn’t just unmade… it’s messy with fluids from recent coupling. The pillows are strewn across a floor covered in suspicious stains. The walls have handprints on them, and it’s clear… it’s clear something truly debauched happened in here not too long ago.
“What… where have you brought me?”
“Oh? This is mine and Gabriel’s bedroom of course.”
Standing next to her, Issei wiggles a finger in his ear all nonchalantly, pulling out some earwax and sniffing at it for a moment before flicking it onto the ground. Grayfia’s eyes follow it… but really, it’s just one more mess to clean up.
“We were very anxious about today’s meeting, ya know? So we had to fuck all of our pent-up stress and anxiety away all night long. Didn’t really have time to clean up after ourselves… but hey, I figured you would- Aaaand there you go.”
Grayfia can’t help herself. She’s centered her entire identity around being a maid. And this… this room is an affront to maids everywhere. She NEEDS to clean it. She needs this place to be spotless or else she might just go mad.
She starts by swiping up the discarded ear wax with a cloth that she pulls out of seemingly nowhere. And then she begins pulling out the rest of her tools and getting to work. Tossing the pillows up onto the bed to be taken care of with the rest of the bedding later, Grayfia starts with the walls first, wiping away the handprints with diligent efficiency and single-minded focus.
So single-minded, in fact… that she doesn’t even notice Issei coming up behind her until he reaches around and grasps her breasts from behind.

The squeak that leaves Grayfia Lucifuge’s lips is embarrassing, but no more embarrassing than having him molest her as she tries to focus on working.
“W-What… what are you doing?”
Issei hums, following her around and after a moment, starting to unbutton her blouse.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m making use of my maid, aren’t I?”
Grayfia sputters some more at that. Her instincts should have warned her that he was approaching. She was her Master’s maid… not Issei’s Hyoudou. The only one allowed to touch her while she worked was Sirzechs… for all that he hadn’t taken her up on that offer in far, far too long. And yet, her instincts had not allowed her to react in time to keep Issei from touching her. And indeed, she was continuing to allow his molestation to happen without physical reprisal even now.
A soft moan leaves her lips before Grayfia can stop it as Issei’s hands free her sensitive breasts from their confines, his fingers toying with her nipples and soft boobflesh directly now. She shakes her head again, trying to focus on cleaning up this dreadful, godawful room…
But she can’t. Her mind keeps going back to the way Issei is touching her. As she finishes with the walls and starts clearing off the dressers of discarded garments such as Gabriel’s bra and panties and Issei’s boxers, she whimpers, unable to contain the noise. The smell of sex is heavy in the room. The stench fills her nostrils. At the same time, Issei’s leaking aura is pushing down on her as well.
She’s starting to believe he might actually be stronger than her, as insane as that sounds. But it’s a new strength. That’s why he’s not doing a very good job of containing it just yet. Whatever Gabriel has done to him to make him this strong this fast… he’s still learning to control it.
By all rights, that should have given Grayfia all the room she needed to control HIM. He might be more powerful than her, but experience trumped pure power every day of the week. She could take him… in a fight anyways.
This? This was not a fight. This was him attacking her at her weakest, bringing her to this filthy place and making her give in to her urges to clean it, only to turn around and toy with her to his heart’s content. She hates it… but more than that, she hates how much she loves it.
“Y-You must stop… you are not… my Master. Only my Master m-may make use of his maid in such a lewd, disrespectful, debauched f-fashion…”
Issei scoffs, not removing his hands from her breasts.
“Yeah? And when was the last time he did that, huh?”

Grayfia freezes for a split second, her eyes widening. But no… no, there’s no way Issei could know… right?
“D-Don’t be absurd… my Master uses his maid w-whenever he sees fit. He uses me o-often.”
Issei just scoffs… and finally moves one hand off of her bust to slip it under her skirt. Grayfia squeaks as his fingers slip right past the familiar red thong she’s wearing, and into her cunt.
“Ya know… back then, I believed you. I was still young and naïve I suppose. Even though I thought I was on top of the world, I didn’t really even see the true depth of the ocean I was playing in. But now… now I know better.”

Grayfia shivers as he speaks into her ear, drilling her cunt with his fingers and pinching her nipple between his other digits.
“I-I don’t know what you mean…”
Issei hums at that, clearly not convinced.
“Let’s start by addressing your first complaint. I am the Master of THIS House am I not? … and you are a maid, are you not?”
He has not lied just yet so Grayfia bites her lower lip and hastily nods.
“Very good. Then let me be clear. We can stop any time. You just have to say the word. However, as the Master of this House, it is my prerogative to play with any maids I catch cleaning up the place. Especially horny little bitches who start cleaning without my permission. If we stop… then you are no longer a maid when you’re on these premises. You are a guest and you will be treated with all the courtesies of one. Do you understand?”
She understands perfectly. If she refuses him now… then he’ll back off immediately. At his heart, Issei Hyoudou isn’t the kind of man to force a woman to do anything she doesn’t want to do. However, at that point Grayfia will be kept from cleaning. She won’t be treated as a maid anymore.
… It’s the flimsiest excuse possible, and yet…
She trails off, not able to finish the sentence at first. Issei pauses and tilts his head to the side, still holding her but no longer molesting her.
“Don’t… what? Don’t continue? Don’t keep toying with your needy, aroused body?”
Grayfia’s eyes shut and she lets out a low breath signaling her total and utter defeat.
“Don’t stop… Master.”
Issei just chuckles at that and goes right back to toying with her. Grayfia, for her part, goes back to cleaning up the room while he plays with her body. Except, he doesn’t let her stay quiet for long before scoffing loudly.
“Now the other thing. Honestly, just how long has your husband left you pent-up, maid? How long has it been since he made use of you?”
She can hear it in his voice. He already knows. Which means… Grayfia might as well stop lying. A single tear falls down her face as she shivers, her eyes closing tightly again.
“Sirzechs… Sirzechs hasn’t made love to me since the night our son was conceived. He’s been… so busy.”
Issei growls at that, sounding insulted on her behalf.
“Over a decade?! A woman like you should be fucked NIGHTLY! What the fuck is he thinking?!”
Grayfia opens her mouth to defend Sirzechs, only to mewl instead when Issei pinches her nipple and clit at the same time, tipping her over the edge and making her climax all over his palm as the heel grinds into her cunt.
“No wonder you came so damn much when I fucked you the first time. I was barely a whelp back then, even though I called myself Red Dragon Emperor and thought that the declaration made it real. And yet… you came for me over and over again. Because you were a horny, needy bitch being neglected by her husband.”
… It was true. Grayfia had even made up that story about being on her way to see Sirzechs when Issei had seen her red thong the very first time they’d met. She hadn’t… she hadn’t known what else to do. In that moment, exposing her racy underwear to him, Grayfia had panicked.
But the truth was, she hadn’t been fucked by Sirzechs that night or any other night for a long, long time. By the stands of their lifespans, maybe it wasn’t that long. But by Issei’s standards, it had been too long apparently. And now here he was, offended on her behalf.
Blushing profusely, Grayfia finally turns away from her cleaning for a moment and looks the Red Dragon Emperor in the eyes.
“… I’m still a horny, needy bitch, Master. This… this maid would appreciate it… i-if the Master of the House would break her in properly and take her however he p-pleased…”
Issei pauses… and then grins wickedly at that, making Grayfia’s heart race oh so much faster. She couldn’t believe she was doing this… and yet, she also couldn’t imagine being anywhere else at this point in time.


The Patreon Vote:

[X] Take Grayfia on her hands and knees while she cleans the floor - 63%
[  ] Take Grayfia from behind standing up while she continues to move around the room cleaning - 12%

[  ] Toss her on the bed and fuck her on the used sheets instead, not letting her clean - 25%

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