The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 66: Lavinia Reni

Locating Gabriel’s unique presence in the mansion is the work of moments, and Issei begins heading her way without a second thought. Sure, going and toying with Vali on his own before the Grand Finale might have been fun, but ultimately it would be even more fun for the White Dragon Empress to return all full of fire and vigor only to find that in her absence, the entirety of her team had been… converted.
Yes, it was better not to give Vali any sort of idea of what was to come. He especially didn’t want to show his hand too early. If he let Vali know JUST how much stronger he was than her, it would probably extend her stay out in the woods, forcing her to continue her training for weeks on end. Better to keep his distance and let her own sense of superiority and ill-conceived arrogance go to her head. She would more rapidly forget just how his Intent had felt when it was focused so sharply on her, and that would prompt her to make brash and foolish moves.
All the same, he knew that Gabriel didn’t exactly need his help with the last of Vali’s comrades. Lavinia Reni was little more than a human magician. Oh sure, she had some intense nicknames like Demise Girl and Ice Princess. She was in fact the only other member of Team Vali save for Vali herself that had a Longinus.
Called ‘Absolute Demise’, Lavinia Reni’s Longinus gave her unparalleled control over ice, allowing her to summon an incredibly tall doll made of ice that obeyed her every command. If she wanted to, she could entrap an entire small country in the range of her ice powers. But none of that changed the fact that she was only human.
Issei had full faith in Gabriel’s abilities to handle Lavinia without him. In fact, he had let her go on ahead to start the process while he’d been dealing with Kuroka with Koneko’s help. By now, he expected the Fallen Seraph to have Lavinia eating out of the palm of her hand.
After all, what could a Human Magician, even one with a Longinus, possibly do to someone as powerful as Gabriel?
Lavinia moans, tilting her head back as she slides her fingers through Gabriel’s blonde locks, forcing the Fallen Angel deeper into her naked quim. Her thighs are wrapped around the Seraph’s head, locking her in place down betwixt her legs.
“That’s it… that’s a good girl. It’s so much easier to just submit, isn’t it? So much nicer to get all warm with me~”
Everything had gone according to plan. Young Mr. Hyoudou had acted exactly as Lavinia had foreseen. The poor-mannered boy was all over the younger members of Va-kun’s team within days of their arrival, steering clear of her all the while. No doubt he felt an instinctive fear of her, likely understanding that she was much too much woman to handle.
Of course, he’d taken Gabriel with him when he’d gone after Jeanne and sweet little Le Fay Pendragon, so Lavinia had had to bide her time and wait for a proper opening. But then he’d left the Fallen Seraph to her own devices when he went after Kuroka, providing Lavinia with exactly the opportunity she sought. That was when the Magician had struck, and when she’d made her move to ensnare Gabriel in her web.
It was exactly as she’d thought. Drawing in the Fallen Seraph was honestly child’s play. Gabriel might have been incredibly powerful, but she was… unused to the possible love between two women. Without Issei backing her up, cornering the Fallen Seraph was all too easy. With the use of her Longinus, corralling the other woman right into her arms was also quite easily done.
Indeed, all around them the entire room is covered in frost and ice. Right beside Lavinia stands her ever-present companion. It was a common misconception that Lavinia Reni’s two nicknames were Demise Girl and Ice Princess. As a matter of fact, only Demise Girl was a nickname she laid claim to. Ice Princess was the name she’d given her beloved companion, the incredibly tall, somewhat disfigured doll that formed whenever she used her Longinus.
Standing beside her in the form of a woman in a dress, the doll stares unflinchingly down at her Mistress and the Fallen Seraph between Lavinia’s thighs.
Toying with Gabriel, turning her into this submissive little thing… ah, it’d been the height of Lavinia’s week if she was being honest. Ever since Va-kun had gone running away, the Magician had been a little… bored. But of course, a proper lady did not act out of turn. Beaming happily, Lavinia continues to grind Gabriel’s mouth into her muff, moaning in enjoyment at the way the Fallen Seraph drives her tongue deep into her insides.
“You and Mr. Hyoudou have been very naughty, you know. You’ve been treating us guests like we’re your own personal playthings. You know better though now, don’t you darling?”
Yanking Gabriel’s head back roughly, she smiles as the wet lower face of the Seraph comes into view, panting heavily, her chest heaving with every breath. To her credit, Gabriel doesn’t miss a beat.
“Yes… Mistress. I’m sorry for being naughty, Mistress.”
Lavinia hums at that, smirking easily as her eyes dance with delight. Then, she drives Gabriel right back down into place betwixt her thighs, before lifting one leg up and resting her heel on her opposite knee. With that, she fully traps the Fallen Seraph’s head between her legs. Not that Gabriel seems to mind. The room is below freezing after all, something that doesn’t bother Lavinia one bit, but definitely affects the Fallen Seraph something fierce.
She’s desperate for any sort of body heat she can get, and so she’s quite docile and domesticated as she eats out Lavinia’s cunt. Lavinia can’t help cooing over the Fallen Angel slut she’s so easily dominated. Honestly, if she’d known it would be this simple, she would have gone after Gabriel and Issei Hyoudou together.
Frankly, she couldn’t imagine the perverted boy being any harder to handle than the Fallen Seraph. Indeed, Gabriel might have been the weak link in their relationship, but she was also the strongest member of the duo. By comparison, Issei would be easily brought down nice and low, wouldn’t he? Yes… Lavinia could already see it. She would force the Red Dragon Emperor to submit just as she had the Fallen Seraph. Then, when Va-kun finally returned from her sulk, Lavinia would present the pair to her and make them tender their sincerest apologies with both their lips AND their bodies.
All will be well. Her Va-kun’s confidence would be restored once she saw how weak the two really were. Everything would be just fine. Smiling widely, Lavinia can’t help but laugh. It was such a wonderful mental image… a glorious fantasy soon to be made reality. She could hardly wait…
“Ooooh~ Aaaaah~ Nnngh~”
Staring down at the beautiful buxom human magician with some incredulity, he watches as Lavinia Reni plays with herself in quite an unseemly fashion. Gone is the lady-like visage, the coy smile, and the older sister impression she’d given off when Team Vali had first arrived. Instead, Lavinia Reni lays out on the floor of the room with her dress askew.
Her tits are out and so is her cunt, and she’s happily, almost giddily even, toying with her nipples while fingering her pussy. Her eyes are fully rolled back in her head, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth in a constant ahegao. She looks… absurdly foolish like this. Any smidgen of respect he might have had for the woman after reading her dossier dies in this moment.
Issei opens his mouth for a moment… and then closes it. Finally, he looks over at Gabriel questioningly, brow raised as he tilts his head to the side.
“… What did you do to her?”
The Fallen Seraph giggles in amusement, moving behind him and hugging him. As she rubs her tits against his back and her hands down his front, Issei just stares at Lavinia’s downed form. There’s a half-destroyed ice statue a few feet away from her, and the temperature in the room is a few degrees colder than the rest of the mansion, but beyond that there’s essentially no sign of a struggle.
“I gave her what she wanted, beloved. Her dearest desire. She’s currently living out her wildest fantasy.”
Issei squints at the lewd-looking magician sprawled out before him. Her wildest fantasy, huh?
“And what is her wildest fantasy?”
Gabriel snickers at that bit, even as one of her hands finally delves down into his pants and grabs hold of his cock. She pulls his dick out without a second thought and begins to stroke it to full mast as they both watch Lavinia making a fool of herself.
“To force me to submit to her, of course. Right now, she’s got me down between her thighs, my tongue in her quim as she grinds my face into her cunt. She’s greatly enjoying lording her sexual superiority over me, as a matter of fact.”
Issei opens his mouth at that… and then closes it again, incredulity truly straining every fiber of his being.
“I’m sorry, her what? Does she even know who you are?”
Gabriel snickers at Issei’s pure disbelief.
“Mm… she THINKS she does, beloved. Gabriel the newly Fallen Seraph. In her eyes, I was a virgin until recently. In her eyes, me falling for you marks as both as fools. The blind leading the blind, that’s how she sees us. After all, she thinks you too young to have the experience you have, and me too new to all of this to shore up your deficiencies. She’s convinced herself that she can dominate us sexually.”
That was… incredibly arrogant. More arrogant, even, then Vali. Lavinia Reni… had truly bitten off more than she could chew, hadn’t she? Issei can’t help but be immensely amused, even as Gabriel continues to give him a handjob.
“… So, what now?”
Giggling into his ear, Gabriel nibbles on it for a moment before shrugging.
“Now? Now we break her. What better way to shatter her delusions… then to show her how fantastical her wildest dream truly is?”
Oh. This was going to be good.
For the umpteenth time, Lavinia cries out and coats Gabriel’s face in her pussy juices. Honestly, she’s lost count of how many orgasms she’s experienced on the Fallen Seraph’s tongue. For all her inexperience, the little angel slut really was eager to please and enthusiastic about learning. Luckily for her, Lavinia was a good teacher.

That said, it was time to get a move on. Pulling Gabriel back from her muff once more, the blonde human gazes down into her new pet’s eyes with a wide and wicked smile.
“That was fun, darling, but it’s time to get a move on. Let’s go find the boy and I’ll show him the error of his ways just like I did with you. You’ll help me, won’t you? You’ll help me teach Issei Hyoudou his proper place.”
Averting her gaze in a shy, coquettish way, the Fallen Seraph nods happily.
“Yes Mistress, of course Mistress. I’ll be happy to help you show Issei the truth just like you showed me.”
Lavinia’s heart soars at hearing those words from Gabriel, her lips curling into a wicked, satisfied smile. She’s truly done it. She’s-
“… Only… there is one thing, Mistress. How DID you show me the truth again?”
What? Crashing back down to Earth, Lavinia furrows her brow as she looks down at Gabriel’s expectant face betwixt her legs.
“Excuse me?”
Staring right at her now, the Fallen Seraph flicks her black wings.
“Apologies for my presumptions Mistress… I was just wondering how it was you conquered me precisely. How did you force me, the Fallen Seraph, to submit in the first place?”
Lavinia’s mouth opens and closes for a few moments before she finds her voice.
“Well I… I mean… don’t be ridiculous. Obviously you know. You were there.”
“Oh yes Mistress! Only, this worm is so stupid and forgetful… I’m afraid I just don’t remember! And if we’re going to make my beloved submit just as you made me submit, I really do need to know, right?”
… That was a fair point. Lavinia finds herself slowly nodding along without even realizing it. At the same time, she stares off into space trying to remember. How had they gotten here? It should have been simple enough to recollect what brought them to this point. She’d… sought out Gabriel, hadn’t she? Except, no she hadn’t. Gabriel had sought out her. And they’d… she’d… what…
“Mistress? Mistress, it’s a simple question, don’t you think? How did you conquer and subjugate me? Won’t you tell me, Mistress?”
The sudden change in Gabriel’s tone has Lavinia’s eyes darting back down to see the Fallen Seraph no longer gazing up at her with a doe-like gaze. Instead, Gabriel is grinning at her with a wickedness that makes Lavinia shudder. As well, the Fallen Seraph is flickering… almost as though she isn’t real. Or rather… almost as if none of this is real.
In an instant, the illusion shatters. Her dream breaks and Lavinia finds herself back in the real world, one hand on her breast and the other between her legs. The Magician quivers as she realizes how effectively she’d been bamboozled. She shudders as she realizes how aroused she currently is, her body on the precipice of an orgasm. And the first thing she sees as she realizes her humiliation and disgrace? Issei Hyoudou and Gabriel standing before her, the latter pressing against the former’s back with a hand wrapped around his cock.
… She never stood a chance. With a whimper, Lavinia cums, climaxing for real in a pitiful displace that only serves to solidify her humiliation and degradation. The buxom blonde woman shudders as she squirts all over the floor. In that moment, she sends a silent apology to Va-kun. She’s failed… she’s failed utterly. And worst of all? She can’t truly bring herself to mind.
Slowly, Lavinia gets onto her hands and knees… and crawls over to where Issei and Gabriel are waiting for her. More specifically, she crawls over to where Issei’s magnificent cock is waiting for her. With Gabriel’s hand wrapped around it already, Lavinia doesn’t bother reaching up to grab it herself. She just opens wide… and takes the Red Dragon Emperor’s throbbing mast in her submissive mouth.

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