The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 58: Ravel Phoenix Redux

He’d done his due diligence, had he not? He’d greeted their guests as a proper host should and made it abundantly clear that HE was as much in charge of his and Gabriel’s fledgling faction as the Fallen Seraph was. Asserting his dominance as the stronger dragon over Vali in a silence contest of wills had merely been the icing on the cake.

Now… now he would reward himself by going and visiting Ravel. His resident Alchemist had clearly been very hard at work of late after all, and from the look of things, she’d both been trying to solve the fertility problem amongst Devils and get his attention at the same time. Oh sure, maybe that was egotistical of Issei to assume, but he didn’t think so. No, he had a strong feeling he was right on the money, as it were.

Coming upon Ravel’s Alchemical Workshop, Issei decides to move stealthily. Not for fear of getting caught or any sort of real caution admittedly, but simply because he’s feeling a little… impish. As he enters the lab itself, he finds Ravel pouring over an open notebook. Good, if she’d been working on something with actual materials, he would have had to pull back and enter with more fanfare to keep from ruining any of her work.

But since she’s apparently in a moment of restful quiet, reading, Issei is able to continue his mischievous plans, moving as quietly as a mouse until he’s right behind her. Then, as he looms over her… he strikes. His ‘attack’ if you will, is twofold. On the one hand, he uses his metaphysical presence to effectively free Ravel in place, letting her know that a massive predator is right behind her. Mean? Maybe a little, but Issei can’t help himself. He’s in a playfully cruel mood.

As Ravel stiffens at the amount of pressure suddenly on her shoulders, Issei’s second prong also comes into play. Namely, he grabs her by the breasts and gives her a good, hard groping from behind, playing with the pigtailed blonde’s tits as he grinds his crotch against her ass.

“And how is my little Alchemist doing on this fine day, hm?”

Ravel blinks as she hears his voice, but notably, she was already in the process of submitting before he made his identity known. Rather, her instinctive reaction wasn’t too fight back… it was to push her ass back into his crotch, and moan.

Her moan finishes off and she looks back over her shoulder at him, eyes hooded and tongue out to lick her lips as she wiggles in his grasp.

“I-I finally got your attention then…”

Issei chortles at that, pleased to be right about his earlier assumptions. He gives Ravel an approving grin and a nod, even as he continues to molest her freely, something the beautiful young Phenex definitely does not protest, even as she has to plant her hands palm down on the table in front of her to keep herself steady.

“That you did, darling. Sorry I’ve been a little indisposed of late. But you’ve kept busy, haven’t you?”

Groaning as he lowers his mouth to her neck and begins to suckle at the soft flesh there, Ravel nods as best she can.

“Uh-huh~ D-Did it work, do you think? Was the experiment a, mm, success?”

Issei hums at that, considering how to answer. In the end, he decides for honesty rather than over the top flattery.

“There’s no way of knowing for sure just yet my dear. But if I were a betting man, I’d say yes.”

Ravel’s hips get an extra energetic wiggle of excitement at that, as she continues to grind her ass into his bulge. His cock is straining against its confines by this point, and Issei wants nothing more than to have his way with Ravel right then and there. But… she’s been such a good sport about his mischief, as well as creating that experimental serum for Rias in the first place. The Phenex could have drawn him to her in any number of ways, and then saved the serum for herself.

That she had not meant either she truly was feeling selfless… or she didn’t want kids yet. Either way, she needed SOME form of reward, and if it wasn’t to be a pregnancy of her own… well, best to just ask, right?

Pulling away abruptly, Issei doesn’t let any of his own struggle show on his face. Yes his cock is rock hard, yes he’s quite ‘down bad’, but there is a certain decorum to be maintained. Turning to face him, leaning back against her desk for support, Ravel is flushed and panting as she stares at him questioningly. Issei just rolls a hand as he smiles at her.

“What would you have of me, Ravel Phenex? For your efforts, you haven’t just earned my attention… you’ve earned a reward. One thing, so long as its within my power. What would you have of me?”

Ravel’s blush intensifies, and for a moment the blonde is silent, staring at him wide eyed in contemplation. Then, she just… blurts it out.


Blinking, Issei tilts his head to the side, somewhat confused.


Ducking her own head, Ravel averts her gaze for a moment before shyly raising it again.

“… I want to roleplay with you, Issei.”

After a long beat of baffled silence on his part, Ravel finds the courage to explain.

“B-Back at the beginning… did you think I offered those scenarios for your pleasure alone, Issei? I… I always wanted to try them. I wanted to try roleplay. But you…”

And here, Ravel Phenex does the cutest, most adorable thing Issei can imagine. She puffs out her already reddened cheeks, curls her hands into fists, and stomps her foot like an indignant schoolgirl.

“You! Every time, you were all cutesy and l-lovey dovey with me instead! You big jerk!”

… He remembered now. How she’d originally propositioned him. Offering to roleplay like she didn’t want it, or like she was his maid and he her Master, despite her position as a Phenex daughter. And he remember deciding to fuck with her by being gentle and loving instead. She hadn’t complained though!

“You never complained before!”

“O-Of course I didn’t! It felt great! Even you being gentle with me was more amazing than I ever could h-have imagined!”

Ravel blushes harder still at her own confession but doesn’t let it shut her down. Instead, her eyes narrow and she scowls cutely.

“B-But that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to try other stuff! I’m a Devil, Issei! All that gentle loving stuff is so… vanilla!”

His mouth is open long enough for him to realize he’s staring at her gobsmacked. Finally, he clicks it shut and just… shrugs sheepishly, rubbing a hand through the back of his hair.

“… Alright. So what do you want to do for roleplay?”

Ravel doesn’t even have to think about it. She does hesitate for a heartbeat, but ultimately, it’s immediately obvious that she had this idea in mind for a while.

“I could… be your employee. And you would be my employer. And… and you would take advantage of the power dynamic between us. Maybe I’m not giving you the results you want? Maybe you decide I need some… proper motivation?”

The more she talks, the harder she pants. Issei can see now… Ravel Phenex IS a Devil, with all that entails. She’s as naughty as the rest of them. She always was to be fair, and he’d always known… but he’d ignored it until now, hadn’t he? He’d been quite mean about it, in fact.

Flashing Ravel a smile, Issei nods.

“Very well… that’s what we’ll do then.”

Ravel’s eyes widen at that, and she blushes prettily.

“R-Really? I-I mean… g-great. Then… l-let’s do it.”

Without missing a beat, Issei pushes in close again, trying on a very… different demeanor as he starts up the roleplay. After all, if he’s the boss, he’s gotta be in charge, right?

“Ms. Phenex. Have I caught you slacking off again?”

Ravel’s pupils dilate, as she realizes they’re doing this right here, right now. Heh, they’re doing it live! Immediately, the smell of her arousal grows even more pronounced then it already was in the air. She trembles as he traps her against her desk, looming over her like someone abusing their position of authority would.

“N-No sir!”

Issei raises an eyebrow at the denial, before snaking a hand behind her and snatching the notebook she’d been reading when he originally came in off the table. As he closes it and holds it aloft, her eyes dart to it in surprise.

“Then what’s this? It looks like a personal notebook, detailing personal projects. And on company time at that, Ms. Phenex. For shame.”

Catching on, Ravel blushes and ducks her head.

“I-I’m sorry sir… it won’t happen again, s-sir…”

Issei considers how he wants to continue the roleplay for a moment, before coming up with the perfect plan. Smirking… he steps back from Ravel, notebook still in hand.

“See that it doesn’t, Ms. Phenex. Back to work now.”

For a moment, the blonde Devil is confused as to why he’s ‘stopping’. Then, her eyes dart to the notebook and he sees the light of understanding dawn in her eyes as she calls out to him.

“U-Um… can I have my notebook back, s-sir?”

Issei tilts his head to the side at that, pretending to give the notebook a considering look.

“Your notebook, Ms. Phenex? This notebook is company property. And seeing as everything within it was recorded on company time… that makes its contents mine as well.”

Ravel’s eyes widen even further at that, and her chest heaves as she pants noisily. Issei is hitting the nail right on the head it would seem with this act. So much so that Ravel almost forgets to continue the roleplay, she’s looking at him so heatedly. But then she remembers herself and fidgets, before blurting out a response.

“N-No! You can’t… please… I’ll do anything.”

And there they are. The magic words. Of course, Issei immediately puts a smile on his face, stepping forward again, looming over Ravel as she feigns shrinking back while in actuality getting even MORE aroused.

“Anything, Ms. Phenex?”

Whimpering, Ravel nods.

“Y-Yes sir… a-anything.”


Her knees hit the floor with an audible smack, and Issei has to hold back a wince. She’s a Devil, they’re hardier than humans are anyways.

With her right in front of him, on her knees, Issei can’t hold back any longer. He sets her notebook back down on her desk carefully… and then frees his cock from its confines, letting it flop out and slap down upon Ravel’s upturned face. One half of her face is completely covered as the pigtailed blonde stares up at him with her one visible wide eye. She whimpers and Issei grins down at her wickedly.

“I would hope you know what to do next, Ms. Ravel. Show me why I should bother letting you keep your notebook. Show me why I should invest one more iota of time into you.”

“… y-yes sir.”

Her voice is quiet and small, but the undercurrent of deep, lustful arousal is obvious, at least to Issei’s ears. She reaches up with all the hesitance of a virgin maiden and wraps her hands around his cock, even making sure to gasp in ‘shock’ at the heat of his throbbing erection. Issei, meanwhile grunts and places a hand atop her head, spreading out his fingers as his dick ends up pointed at her lips.

Ravel’s eyes go crossed for a moment, before she opens her mouth and tentatively sticks out her tongue. He lets her pretend to be uncertain and less than eager, enjoying the way she works her tongue over just the tip of his dick for a little while, moving it back and forth. She’s acting so very inexperienced, but that in and of itself has a certain pleasure to it, doesn’t it?

Still, Issei can’t last forever like this. And it wouldn’t be very in character for him to put up with her inability to pleasure him, would it? In fact… Ravel knows exactly what she’s provoking, doesn’t she?

“Enough. Useless wench, I’ll show you how it’s done.”

“S-Sir? Mmph!”

Reaching down with both hands, Issei grabs Ravel by her blonde pigtails, yanking them forward and HER forward at the same time. Her lips spread over his cockhead, her jaw stretching across his girthy length as Issei forces her to take him halfway to the base in one go. Ravel chokes of course, her small mouth and tight little throat not exactly made to accommodate his size.

That hasn’t stopped her before, however. She’s sucked his cock often enough by this point. Never quite like this though. Even now, she’s doing an excellent job of maintaining the act. Even now, she’s squirming and letting out gurgling, muffled whines in between choking on his dick. Issei doesn’t let that stop him, knowing full well that she’s getting off on this even more than he is right now.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

As he face fucks her, Issei can see Ravel’s hands twitching in her lap. Ultimately, she has to clutch at her skirt. Ostensibly, one might assume she was doing so in order to keep from reflexively pushing him away. Issei knows better, however. He knows that Ravel Phenex, in this moment, is holding onto her skirt for dear life to keep from touching herself and ruining the illusion.

Thrusting into the back of her throat, Issei snorts in derisive amusement. He grunts in pleasure. His cock pulses and throbs in Ravel’s mouth and esophagus. The dainty blonde Devil can do nothing as he uses her hair like a pair of handlebars and takes what he wants from her. But then, that’s exactly how Ravel wanted it. This is everything that she desired, from start to finish.

All that’s left is that finish, in fact. Issei considers it for half a moment, before going with his gut. It’s what his ‘character’ would do… and so he pulls out at the last second and finalizes his ‘employee’s’ humiliation by cumming all over Ravel’s face and chest, coating her blouse with his jizz along with her features. She gasps and flinches back, but his grip on her pigtails means she can’t pull away. She has to kneel there and take his seed all over her front until he’s done.

After he’s finished, Issei smirks wickedly.

“… I suppose that was good enough for me to let you keep your notebook, Ms. Phenex. Now though, there’s the question of if you’re willing to go even further.”

Blinking rapidly through the haze of pleasure and the veil of cum dribbling down her face, Ravel looks up at him, wide-eyed.


“Do you not hope to pitch me one of your ideas? Do you not want me to fund one of your personal projects?”

He’s flipping the script here, but Ravel is nothing if not an adaptable actress.

“S-Sir! That would be a-amazing!”

“… Then convince me. Show me how badly you want it.”

There’s no doubt about what he’s demanding of her. Issei sees the light in Ravel’s eyes turn on as she realizes what he means. Now, all that’s left is for her to decide how she’s going to convince him.

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