The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 51: The Messenger Pt. 2

Staring at this descendant of Tamamo-no-Mae with Gabriel whispering temptations into his ear, Issei knows exactly what he wants from the ‘insignificant gnat’, as Gabriel put it. He’s not entirely sure how to put it into words, but luckily, he doesn’t have to. Gabriel understands his desires perfectly, and the Fallen Seraph immediately moves to act upon them.
Standing up from the couch, Gabriel prowls towards the three-tailed kitsune messenger.
“The Red Dragon Emperor will agree to meet with the Lady Yasaka on HIS terms, but he has conditions.”
Blinking, the pink-haired kitsune bites her lower lip.
“O-Oh? What are those?”
“To start with, he wants you.”
The kitsune blushes deeply at that, and despite her suddenly stricken expression, her three tails are twitching and waving behind her as she swallows thickly.
“That- I’m sorry, but that wouldn’t b-be possible. I’m loyal to my Mistress, y-you see…”
Gabriel towers over the kitsune now, making her look even smaller than she already is.
“Oh? Tell me, Tam-Tam… I can call you Tam-Tam, can’t I?”
Fox ears drooping, the three-tailed kitsune raises a truly weak protest.
“M-My name is Tamamo-no-Mae…”
Gabriel, her visage twisted into a truly wicked smirk, just shakes her head.
“Ah, but you and I both know one far greater than you holds claim to that name. Wouldn’t want them to be angry if they ever… got out. Tam-Tam will do. Tell me, Tam-Tam… would your Mistress not sacrifice you in a heartbeat, to see her goals succeed?”
The newly minted Tam-Tam looks at Gabriel with wide eyes.
“W-What?! No! Lady Yasaka isn’t like that, she’s-!”
“I’m sure she’s fine. However, you say she’s not like that… and yet you also say she sent you here to treat with the Red Dragon Emperor.”
“The Red Dragon Emperor, who is a lecherous, perverted man who inevitably conquers and claims every female who enters his sphere of influence, up to and including the Great Seraph Gabriel herself. Or rather, myself.”
Tam-Tam blinks, clearly not fully getting where Gabriel is going with this. Issei understands exactly what the Fallen Seraph is saying however, but he doesn’t speak up, preferring to sit quietly for the time being and enjoy the show.
“Do you really think your Lady Yasaka didn’t know exactly who my beloved was and all he’d done? Do you truly think her that incompetent and blind?”
“W-What?! No!”
Suddenly, Gabriel is leaning forward over Tam-Tam, planting a hand on the back of the three-tailed kitsune’s couch and showing off her voluptuous figure and bountiful bosom in the process.
“But it has to be one or the other, doesn’t it? Either Lady Yasaka didn’t know precisely what she was doing when she sent you here, revealing a startling lack of intelligence on her part, one way or another… or she sent you here as a sacrifice, hoping to appeal to my beloved’s lewder nature. You’re certainly a cute thing… and as I think I’ve made clear already, you’ve certainly caught my beloved’s eye… just as Lady Yasaka likely intended.”
Tam-Tam squirms, shuddering as she finds zero fault in Gabriel’s words. Issei himself is admiring the beautiful Fallen Seraph’s backside, which Gabriel is currently wiggling back and forth for him just out of Tam-Tam’s line of sigh. She’s giving him a lewd show while intimidating the hell out of the poor kitsune messenger at the same time.
“L-Lady Gabriel… it would be… improper…”
Chuckling throatily, Gabriel’s eyes flash.
“Please, Tam-Tam. Call me Mistress.”
The three-tailed kitsune squawks at that.
“That would be highly inappropriate, L-Lady Gabriel! I can’t… I’m not-!”
“Let’s get a little inappropriate then, shall we?”
Suddenly, the kitsune is up off the couch and in Gabriel’s grasp. With her hands on Tam-Tam’s shoulders, she’s spun them both around so they’re both facing Issei on the couch. He remains where he’s seated, as Gabriel frog-marches the youkai emissary over. This is probably breaking all sorts of rules, but Issei can see it in Tam-Tam’s eyes and smell it in the air… she’s turned on right now, immensely so. Scaroused, if he had to guess. But then, Gabriel has that effect on people.
They come to a stop in front of Issei, and Gabriel flares his power. All of the sudden, Issei is naked. His clothes were quite literally blown off of his body, the couch and his actual physical form both buffeted by the blast. However, Issei himself is fine, where just a week ago such a move would likely have left his body covered in lacerations and bruising and red marks from the indirect contact with Gabriel’s power.
Instead, he just grunts at suddenly being entirely nude, his cock already at half-mast down between his spread legs as Tam-Tam blinks at the change in view and bites her lower lip, studying his chiseled form intently. Heh, it’s clear despite her words that she doesn’t actually have any sense of shame outside of what shame she feels she should feel as a servant of her Mistress. Indeed, she’s visibly enjoying the free show, rather than trying to avert her gaze or hide her face like most human girls would do.
“Tell me, Tam-Tam… what do you see right now, between my beloved’s legs?”
The three-tailed kitsune twitches, staring long and hard at his cock. That along is enough for Issei to rise to full mast.
“I see… I s-see a human cock. Above average in size… but otherwise normal…”
Issei wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be insulted or not. In the end, he didn’t feel all that insulted… mostly because it was obvious to him that Tam-Tam was trying to put on an act, trying to hold onto her last scraps of defiance. Gabriel, nevertheless, acts insulted enough on Issei’s behalf, openly scoffing.
“Normal? Don’t make me laugh. Look again, Tam-Tam. That cock… has been inside of me multiple times.”
That gets the kitsune’s attention. Her eyes widen and her entire body, including her three tails swishing behind her, go straight as can be. She stares at Issei’s cock in new light, as Gabriel leans in closer to continue whispering in her ear.
“That cock has been inside of Serafall Leviathan.”
Here, Tam-Tam squeaks. Not just because of the name drop though, not solely. As Gabriel mentions his tryst with Serafall, her hands wander down from the kitsune messenger’s shoulders, and into her top, playing with her chest.
“That cock has deflowered Devil Heiresses and made Devil Matriarchs stray from their husbands.”
Tam-Tam’s top comes off, slipping free as she remains still, still staring at his dick. Gabriel has her in a trance of sorts, as she lists out his accomplishments and achievements, praising him before the three-tailed kitsune.
“That cock has conquered both the Exorcists of the Church, and the Fallen of the Grigori… and sometimes both at once.”
All of it is true, to Issei’s internal amusement. He’d never really thought about it, but Gabriel isn’t lying. He HAS done all those things, heh. Tam-Tam’s mouth is opening and closing wordlessly now, as she stares at his still very-human cock. Throbbing, pulsating with need, and indeed above average in size… but physically, distinctly human.
“That is the cock of the Red Dragon Emperor… and you will show it the respect it deserves, pet.”
“Y-Yes, Mistress.”
Tam-Tam squeaks and covers her mouth a moment later after she realizes what she’s just said. But Gabriel just laughs. It’s too late now, and as her hands return to the half-naked kitsune’s shoulders, she pushes… and the youkai messenger drops to her knees between his legs, in front of his throbbing erection.
Gulping as she stares at it, her fox ears twitching, Tam-Tam looks up at him after a moment.
“Y-You’ll meet with my Mistress, i-if I do this?”
Before Issei can answer, Gabriel cuts in with a scoff.
“Oh, Tam-Tam. I thought we were done with the self-deception. We all know you’re not doing this for Yasaka anymore.”
The three-tailed kitsune flushes and ducks her head, before finally shyly reaching out and grasping his cock. Her nipples stand on end upon her exposed chest as she takes his member in both hands and strokes it up and down for a few moments… before finally surrendering to her impulses. Diving forward, the salmon-haired youkai takes his cock in her mouth and begins to eagerly suck at it, slurping away and suctioning down her lips as she stares up at him with hazy eyes glazed over in lust.
Issei groans, as she attacks his cock with an enthusiasm that makes him feel very, VERY good indeed. She’s quite skilled with both her mouth and tongue, this young kitsune. He’s enjoying himself very much, not least because of all of Gabriel’s foreplay.
That’s what it was, after all. Gabriel teasing him, while slowly cranking up their kitsune guest. It’d definitely done the trick, and Issei can’t help himself as he reaches out and takes hold of Tam-Tam’s ears, gripping and petting them and using them to pull her head down his cock all the faster.
“Gluuughk! Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
She’s soon gagging on his length, involuntary tears trickling from her eyes. But her tails are thumping against the ground, swishing back and forth, and her tongue continues to work at his shaft like there’s no tomorrow. It’s an incredibly pleasurable experience, made even more so by Gabriel standing back and touching herself as she watches the fruits of her labor, of her handiwork, in motion.
When he makes eye contact with her, Gabriel grins savagely and mouths two words to him.
‘The tails.’
Blinking, Issei is pretty sure he understands… and with his curiosity piqued, he can’t help himself. Yanking Tam-Tam off of his cock by her ears, he abruptly stands up. The kitsune squeaks, as he spins around and flings her up onto the couch, bending her over the back of it. As her knees hit the cushion, before she can truly react, Issei is already positioning himself behind her, tearing the rest of her garments off the lower part of her body.
When the salmon-haired youkai messenger feels cool air suddenly washing across her sopping wet slit and realizes she’s showing the goods, her three tails immediately try to droop down to hide her crotch in mortification. But Issei isn’t having that, of course. One hand reaches out and grabs the base of all three tails, gathering them up into one tight grip and pulling until they’re all tugged away from her ass, thighs, and cunt.
The other comes down harshly, smacking her across that same ass and spanking her for her attempt at hiding herself from him.
As Tam-Tam squeaks, Issei grins and slams forward, burying his cock inside of the kitsune messenger right then and there. A moment later and he’s fucking her into the back of the couch… and a moment after that, he realizes why Gabriel gave the advice she did. As he fucks Tam-Tam, he also pulls on all three of her tails, tugging at the base of the trio and pulling on them hard while thrusting forward.
Each and every time he does so, the kitsune’s pussy goes absolutely wild, growing FAR tighter than it otherwise got. Her cunt flexes and clenches down amazingly hard around his pistoning prick whenever he pulls on the base of her tails. It seems clear to him now what Gabriel was saying. Either Tam-Tam herself had an incredible weakness here… or all kitsune had this weakness.
Either way, nothing was going to stop Issei from abusing the weakness most maliciously. As he fucks the kitsune from behind, she squeals and shakes, spasming her way through orgasm after orgasm. Her yelping almost sounds like yipping as the foxlike youkai’s head lolls back, revealing that her eyes have rolled all the way back in her skull, and her tongue is sticking straight out of her mouth.
She’s clawing up the back of the couch with some very sharp-looking nails, ripping it to shreds as she almost howls from the pleasure. Her body trembles, and her pussy walls spasm their way through orgasm after orgasm, until Issei is sure he won’t be able to hold back much longer.
But… it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to knock up a visiting emissary after seducing her in the way they had. More than that though, the idea of wasting his load on ‘Tam-Tam’ when Gabriel is right there… it just doesn’t sit right with Issei, if he’s being honest.
And so, he pulls out after the latest in a long stream of explosive orgasms from the three-tailed kitsune. She’s in no position to complain. The moment his cock leaves her, it’s like it was the only thing keeping her conscious. It’s as if her strings are cut, and she slumps forward into the back of the couch, her cheek pressing into the back and her spine arched as her sopping wet pussy and perky posterior remain lifted high in the air.
Issei pays her no further mind though, instead turning to a waiting Gabriel and stroking his ready to blow cock.
“Where do you want it, Gabriel?”
The Fallen Seraph doesn’t hesitate to fall back on the couch Tam-Tam was originally sat upon and spread her legs wide while using her fingers to splay open her pussy lips. The invitation clear, Issei chuckles and doesn’t wait for any sort of verbal confirmation. He strides over, and slams home into Gabriel’s cunt. The two of them kiss there, the Red Dragon Emperor and his Fallen Great Seraph… and the Fallen Great Seraph and HER Red Dragon Emperor.
It doesn’t take long for Issei to reach the point of no return, especially not in Gabriel’s amazingly tight, extremely hot, incredibly wet pussy. With a loud groan that’s mostly muffled by Gabriel’s mouth, Issei proceeds to creampie the Fallen Seraph right then and there, painting her womb white with his seed, even as her black wings are all around them, pulling him in closer.
As they finish up, the two of them enjoy one another’s company for a moment longer, before a needy whine reminds them that they’re not entirely alone. Pulling apart, they both look over to recently renamed Tam-Tam, who has finally recovered enough to realize she got robbed. Snorting derisively, Issei pulls out of Gabriel’s cunt and walks back over to the other couch to give the kitsune messenger her consolation prize.
Namely, by grabbing her by her hair and directing her once more to his cock, where she gets to clean off not just her own pussy juices and the remnants of his cum, but also the pussy juices of Gabriel the Fallen Seraph as well. Needless to say, Tam-Tam only stiffens for a moment before going to town on his dick as Issei watches over her efforts with a somewhat fond smile. What could he say? The three-tailed kitsune was already starting to grow on him.
Hm. Only time would tell if he would be able to say the same about her Mistress.

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