The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 41: Serafall Leviathan Pt. 3

Issei and Sona’s relationship had always been a little adversarial. From the very beginning, in fact. He was a bit of a delinquent, and he recognized that fact. It felt like an eternity ago now, and he really should go check in on those girls at some point, but it all had started with the Girl’s Kendo Club, hadn’t it? Except, that had really just been Sona’s excuse to try and take him to task, to try and get him under her thumb.
He didn’t much care for rules, while the Student Council President was a stickler for them. Maybe if their power dynamic had been a lot more balanced, they could have gone on sniping at one another and being thorns in each other’s sides for quite some time. Maybe, in some sort of Lady and the Tramp kind of thing, they would have even fallen in love with one another. She would be convinced she could fix him, while he would become enamored with her tough exterior, but soft, gooey inside.
… Yeah, even in his head, that idea sounded fucking hilarious to him. Not that it mattered, in the end. Issei was so far above Sona in power level that they could never have a truly equal relationship. She was who she was, and he was himself, the Red Dragon Emperor. Not even her position as Sitri Heiress gave her a leg to stand on with him.
Honestly, it was a wonder that Sona hadn’t been pulled out of Kuoh Town as soon as his presence was properly sussed out. Surely someone up at the top had to know what was going to happen? Or maybe they were just all willfully blind. Or MAYBE… they’d trusted their eyes on the ground. It was quite possible, probable even, that Issei had been the cause of Sona’s first act of rebellion.
Serafall Leviathan taking so damn long to show up didn’t make sense otherwise. The fact that the Great Satan big sis of Sona Sitri hadn’t stopped him earlier, or at least tried to, was a telling sign that Sona had been keeping information from her family for as long as possible. At first, because she presumably thought she could handle him… and then after the Student Council Room Incident, well, she’d had other reasons.
That was all to say, Issei had never been very nice to Sona. He’d sort of bullied her, in a way. She’d enjoyed every last moment of it and come out the other side as corrupted as a human could corrupt a devil, but at the same time, he’d definitely always treated her like… well, like just another one of his sluts.
Now though, now she’d gone and helped him tackle the greatest challenge of his life. And as Issei stares down at Serafall, who has slumped forward face down on the floor, as if unable to face her own defeat and shame, he then looks up to Sona, who’s standing there looking down at Serafall too, as if just now realizing what she’s done.
His voice cuts through Sona’s thoughts and brings her attention over to him. He holds out a hand, and she blushes but puts her own hand in his palm, letting him draw her past her sister’s face down, ass up body and into his arms. Issei doesn’t waste any time. He kisses Sona soundly, right on the lips, causing her to moan and squirm in his grasp for a moment before relaxing into his chest, positively melting into a puddle against his pecs.
Her complete submission and total surrender is cute, in a way. Positively adorable, really. As Issei swaps spit with the Student Council President, kissing the ever-living daylights out of her, he slides one hand down her front, copping a feel of her small chest for a moment, before going down to her pussy, where he slides two fingers into her cunt.
Sona gasps into her mouth and bucks her hips against his hand, her eyes growing lidded with pleasure behind those glasses of hers. The nude Student Council President puts up little fight, even as he fingerbangs her right there in front of her sister. Serafall slowly but surely pushes over onto her back, acting as if she’s been exhausted, as if she can’t go on any further.
Issei sort of doubts that. Just because she came on his cock while he butt fucked her, doesn’t mean she should suddenly be completely and utterly tapped. No, Serafall is still more than capable of fighting… she’s just acting a part, as if her ‘total defeat’ at his ‘evil hands’ is legitimate, and that’s why she can’t stop him from molesting and fingering her little sister.
Issei just rolls his eyes, as he finally stops kissing Sona so they can both come up for air. Sona turns in his grasp slightly, leaning into his side with his arm encircling her waist as she looks down at her ‘helpless’ sister.
“I-I’m sorry So-tan. I f-failed you… Satan Pink f-failed you…”
The fact that she’s still keeping up the Magical Girl Act is as good a sign as any that this is ALL a façade. Sheesh, even now, Serafall hides behind her cosplay. But it’s obvious, from the way her legs are parted even as his cum leaks out of her asshole, that she’s excited for what comes next. She’s eager for the forfeit, to have lost.
Sona seems like a deer caught in the headlights for a moment, staring down at her sister’s wanton display, unsure how to react. So Issei gives her ass a little pinch, and then leans in close to whisper in her ear. Not quiet enough for Serafall not to hear, of course, but it’s not like he really cares if she hears or not.
“She’s your sister, Sona. What do you want to do with her?”
That causes a jolt to go through Sona, as her mouth opens and closes a couple times before she finally formulates a response.
Issei nods, nuzzling her hair in the process, his hand on her ass having moved to between her legs, fingering her from behind as they both stare down at Serafall, who is managing the pitiful defeated and broken down Magical Girl act quite well.
“I’m going to leave it up to you, Sona. You’ve more than earned my time today. So, if you want to send your sister away before I ravish you atop your desk, then say the word.”
It wasn’t like Issei himself was going to give up on the chance to have some fun with Serafall… and her Queen for that matter. But hey, he could separate the two encounters, if Sona wanted him to. He could be magnanimous like that. Probably because deep down inside, he knew what Sona would say ahead of time. Was it really him making the offer in good faith, when he knew what her answer would be?
“N-No… no, she should stay. She should watch.”
Issei grins, even as Serafall blushes faintly, trying to pretend like she wasn’t listening in on their whispered conversation. Squirming, the self-titled ‘Satan Pink’ whines from her place ‘exhausted’ on the floor before them.
“S-So-tan! What evil is he w-whispering in your ear?! You must stay strong, So-tan! You must remain p-pure!”
Pulling Sona back against his chest, he moves his hand out from behind her and to the front of her, his other hand joining it. At first, he just gropes her small tits with both of them, but eventually he slides one down to her slit again.
“If she stays, she doesn’t just watch, Sona… she participates.”
His whispered warning sends a jolt through the Student Council President’s naked body, but in the end… she nods shakily, before biting her lower lip as she gazes down at her big sister with a hooded gaze.
“You’re too late, S-Sera… I haven’t been p-pure for a long time…”
Serafall’s wailing is incredibly cheesy, even as Issei just scoffs and pushes Sona towards the desk. She stumbles, before catching herself on the edge and looking back over her shoulder at him. Grinning, he waves a hand airily, magnanimously even.
“I’ll let you choose how this goes.”
There’s multiple meanings to his words. He’s giving her leave to choose both the position… and who exactly is in charge of involving Serafall in what happens next. He’s a little impressed by what Sona ultimately decides. Frankly, he didn’t think she had it in her. Reaching down, Sona grabs her sister by the hair and pulls her up off of the ground.
“Don’t fight me, Sera… this is your punishment for trying to beat our Master…”
“Nooo, So-tan… he’s not our Master! I won’t g-give in! So-tan, don’t-mmph!”
Even as Serafall wailed, even as she half-heartedly squirmed and made an attempt at looking like she was struggling against Sona’s grip, she doesn’t actually fight back. Instead, Issei notes the miniscule ways in which her movement actually HELPS Sona drag her over to the front of the Student Council President’s desk, where the Sitri Heiress pushes her big sister back against it, and then promptly thrusts her cunt into Serafall’s face.
From the way Sona moans and bucks her hips, Serafall wastes no time in getting to work, once she can no longer spout her silly lines. Issei takes a moment to just… enjoy the sight of Sona, bent over both her desk and her sister’s seated form, getting eaten out by her big sis and enjoying every last moment of it. He lets this go on for a minute, before moving in and taking control again.
Grabbing Sona by the hips, he pulls her back a bit, so she’s bent forward more and Serafall has to lean forward to keep her tongue on her little sister’s clit, let alone her slit. Before Serafall can get far enough forward to get back to eating Sona out, Issei replaces her tongue with his cock instead, thrusting into the bespectacled young devil and causing a cry to spill forth from her lips as he spears her from behind.
Serafall is forced into pure fluffing duty, her tongue slipping and sliding along his cock-length and Sona’s stretched slit, pressing once in a while against her sister’s clit, but mostly unable to do anything but wiggle and thrash about. Mostly, the Great Satan is reduced to watching as her darling So-tan gets soundly fucked by Issei Hyoudou, literally right in front of her eyes.
Reaching up and around, Issei gropes one of Sona’s tits as he leans forward and rests his chin on her shoulder. Then, because he knows Sona loves to give a lesson, even when she’s getting fucked, Issei asks the obvious.
“So. Who’s Rei?”
“Rei is-mmph!”
Down below, Serafall tries to answer him… only for Sona’s grip on her sister’s hair to retighten back up and the younger devil to shove her big sis back into their currently melding crotches. As he fucks her and she moans, Sona collects herself and eventually answers his question.
“H-Her full name is Rei Hino… she’s m-my sister’s Queen.”
Issei nods along, pinching Sona’s nipple between his fingers and giving it a tug. He knew that part, but he can tell Sona is just building up, and so he gives her room to breathe and answer at her own pace.
“She… she was a Shrine Maiden that my sister r-reincarnated a couple hundred years back. She’s, ah… v-very strong-willed… but also very loyal to m-my sister.”
Cocking his head to the side, Issei picks up on what Sona is putting down quickly enough.
“Which means, even if she’s over two hundred years old, she’s been completely sucked into all of this Magical Girl crap by this point?”
Sona shakily nods to show that he’s understood her perfectly.
“Y-Yes. She, um… she goes by…”
When Sona trails off, clearly incredibly embarrassed by what she has to say, Serafall uses a bit of her actual strength to push Sona off, causing her hips to buck back into his cock in a way that disrupts the thrusting pace and makes Sona yelp, his cock effectively jolting inside of her at twice its normal speed for a moment as Serafall gets her mouth clear and is able to speak.
“Y-You just wait! Satan Red will-mmph!”
Sona is quick to shut her sister back up with her muff, even as she blushes prettily. And Serafall lets her, going back to licking and lapping at their joined genitalia, even as Issei fucks into Sona hard and fast, pondering things for a long moment.
“Your sister’s entire peerage is made up of devils forced into being magical girls, isn’t it?”
Groaning, Sona just hangs her head.
“… yes…”
Issei imagines it for a moment… and finds that it doesn’t really turn him off as much as he thought it might have. Rather, the idea is an arousing one. Ah, but he’s only won Serafall’s Queen so far, hasn’t he? And it’s not like he’s going to try to win the rest of Serafall’s peerage. Still, Issei can’t help but wonder if maybe… he should be happy with this much?
It feels a little ridiculous, even in the privacy of his own head. Really now, he’d won this Rei Hino chick fair and square, hadn’t he? He should get a chance to have his way with her, right? Serafall had bet her, and he’d won, albeit only with Sona’s help. Issei definitely hadn’t forgotten that. Without Sona, Serafall would have beaten him. And then what would have happened?
It didn’t seem like Serafall was all that upset about having lost. The woman was a total siscon, and thanks to him, her little sister was finally using her in a sexual way. Certainly, where he was concerned at least, it was quite the rush, using one of the most powerful devils in all the Underworld as a fuck toy for him and Sona to enjoy.
But this Queen of Serafall’s sounded… well, she sounded uninvolved in all of this, or at least as uninvolved as one can be, when your King is a total Magical Girl fanatic, a siscon, and has gotten herself and you into a world of trouble by gambling your bodies to a lustful, perverted Dragon.
Still, Issei COULD show this Rei person mercy, he supposed. It was his choice, whether he had Serafall call her in or not. And from the sound of things, Sona respected and idolized her sister’s Queen more than she idolized her own sister.
Hm, there was a solution. Issei would leave it up to Sona. Leaning forward, he nibbles at the Student Council President’s ear, even as he picks up the pace, before finally cumming inside of her without warning or request. As he fills Sona with his seed, he pulls her back against his chest, even as she bucks and spasms in his grasp.
When she finally comes down from her own blissful pleasure high, Issei nuzzles into her neck and asks his question.
“What do you think, Sona? Serafall bet her Queen… but I don’t necessarily HAVE to collect the spoils of my victory. If you asked it of me… I’d let this Rei Hino go, for you. Just say the word.”
Sona freezes at his offer, and Issei just smiles, curious to see what she would choose. Would she spare Rei the same fate as her and her sister had shared… or would she bring Rei in, so that she might drag her idol down into the mud with her after all?

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