The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 34: Xenovia Bred

Staring at Xenovia mutely for a long moment, Issei finally shrugs.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“Y-Yes! A thousand times yes!”

Xenovia Quarta certainly sounds desperate, but Issei still doesn’t move from his spot. With Asia down on her knees in front of him, his cock out and in the perverted little nun’s hand, Xenovia is currently leaned over Asia, one hand buried betwixt her own thighs in obvious arousal and the other hand on his shoulder, clinging to him, positively clutching at him for support.

Staring at her somewhat blankly, Issei simply cocks his head to the side.

“Prove it.”

Blinking rapidly, Xenovia rears back as if struck.


“Convince me that you want this. Not just with words, though those will help. But with your actions as well. After all, just the day before you were much more focused on the Excaliburs in my possession. Certainly, you gave no inclination that you were this kind of woman until now. If the simple truth that God is dead is enough to make you act like this… make me want to give you what you want. Show me how badly you want it in truth.”

Xenovia’s mouth opens and closes wordlessly for a moment as she just stares at him, shocked into impotent silence by the sheer weight of his words. Then, a shifting between the two of them draws their eyes downwards, to where they see Asia smiling slightly as she shuffles back and makes room at his feet. Taking the unspoken invitation as it’s intended, the blue-haired exorcist (or is that former exorcist now?) slowly sinks down to her knees in front of him.

Blushing up a storm, Xenovia reaches up, not to his cock at first, but to her shirt. She unbuttons it, pulling the blouse apart to expose her bra-clad tits, after which she removes her bra as well. Given she’s doing this in front of not just him and Asia but also Rias and Sona… well, it’s certainly a telling action on her part. Her breasts bounce free, swelling to their full size now that they’re no longer contained and compressed by her bra.

Indeed, Xenovia is quite well endowed, and she seems to know it too, because rather than taking him in her mouth or hands… she wraps her breasts around his cock instead, looking up at him with desperation and lust filling her gaze.

“P-Please… you must understand. The Church has been my entire life. But even as I worked so very hard to serve the Church… I-I have always had these desires within me.”

Issei raises an eyebrow but remains quiet, allowing Xenovia to bare her heart to him at her own pace. Indeed, her full soft tits feel absolutely phenomenal around his cock, so it’s not like he’s in any sort of real rush. His throbbing member, enveloped in these soft boob pillows, is currently having a great time and his balls are churning as they prepare his next thick load. Said load just might end up in Xenovia’s womb, if she convinces him she’s worthy of such a gift.

“I wished… I wished to be a mother from a young age. Tis one of the reasons that I became an exorcist, rather than a nun. It was my deepest wish to be impregnated, to be bred by… by a powerful warrior.”

She ducks her head at the admission, as if it’s some incredibly lewd and perverted fetish. To be fair, for a girl like her it probably is? But for someone like Issei who has been dealing with Devils and Fallen Angels and even horny Kuoh Academy Students all this time, it’s positively tame. Chancing a glance up at him to see his reaction, Xenovia licks her lips and after a moment, continues.

“I t-thought the only way I could achieve such a dream was if the warrior was… was righteous. A holy paladin of the Church was the only type who w-would do, but all of the Church’s strongest warriors are either… undesirable or have taken vows of celibacy. T-That’s why, before you t-told me of God’s fate… I thought maybe I could convert you. I-I thought if only I c-could convince you to join with the C-Church and become one of us, you and I could…”

Ah, that explained that bit of her outburst, he supposed. And then he’d gone and blurted out that God was dead, and all of her preconceived notions had come crashing down, hadn’t they? Swallowing thickly, Xenovia confirms as much with her next words.

“If God is dead… then none of it matters anymore. The Church lied to us, to all of us. They don’t deserve my loyalty. They don’t deserve my fealty. Instead… I-I pledge it to you, Issei Hyoudou. I take you on as my liege, my Master. My sword is yours as is my body. All that I ask… all that I ask is that you give me a child… n-no, as many children as you are willing to give! I beg of you, make me your woman! Knock me up! Breed m-mmph!”

Just as she’s starting to get more and more fervent, Asia leans in and silences her with a kiss. Xenovia squirms for a moment, but the blonde nun is holding her from behind and has also reached around to grab the former exorcist’s breasts, squeezing them and pushing them up around Issei’s cock so there’s a tighter passage as Asia rubs them up and down his dick.

All but melting into the other girl’s kiss, Xenovia doesn’t say or do anything for a little while, her arms going limp at her sides as she just… succumbs. The display, more than anything, is enough to convince Issei that Xenovia is sticking around. If she’d reacted with disgust or hatred towards Asia, things probably wouldn’t have worked out for her to be honest. He probably would have kicked her out.

But to see her give in instead? When they finally pull apart, Asia has a knowing perverse smirk on her lips as she looks to Issei and gives him a nod.

“She has my vote, Issei~”

Red-faced and panting heavily, Xenovia whimpers as she looks up at him with big doe-like eyes. In the end… what’s a Red Dragon Emperor to do? NOT breed the beautiful human girl he already deflowered when she begs so nicely?

“Very well then… but I’m tired, so you’re doing all the work.”

It’s perhaps a little bit childish of him, and he gets knowing looks from Asia, Rias, and Sona, but Issei just can’t be bothered. How many girls is he expected to plow silly, day after day? Sometimes… sometimes a guy just wants to lay back and take a load off. Is that too much to ask? Issei doesn’t think so, and neither does Xenovia as it turns out.

Soon enough, he’s laid back on the bed with Xenovia kneeling on either side of his waist. Asia remains behind the blue-haired young woman and in fact helps guide his massive cock up into Xenovia’s gushing wet quim from below. Rias and Sona, meanwhile, have cuddled in close to Issei and on one side of his head are a pair of massive tits, while on the other is a comparatively small but nevertheless cute chest.

With minimal movement of his body, Issei goes back and forth between them, turning his head just enough to suck at a nipple, or bite at a breast. His hands, meanwhile, play with their titties more directly, fondling and groping and squeezing the two Devil Heiresses’ tatas like he owns them… and he might as well, for how much they both fawn over him and orbit around him day by day.

Xenovia, meanwhile, isn’t the kind of girl who takes her time as it turns out. Once she’s properly impaled upon his cock by Asia, the blue-haired exorcist puts that athletic toned figure of hers to work and begins to really ride him. Bouncing up and down on his dick, moaning wantonly all the while, the prudish and sheltered young woman lets herself go for the first time in her entire life, more than likely.

Lied to by the Church, deceived by her teachers, convinced to give her life and her happiness for a cause that was fundamentally built on a fallacy, Xenovia Quarta had a lot of time to make up for, and that much was clear from how she was happy to do ALL of the work, gyrating her hips and undulating her way up and down his cock with a ferocity that Issei couldn’t help but be impressed by.

Of course, it wasn’t just Xenovia who was processing that bombshell, now was it? Asia too, had just learned the truth. And while she had technically had more time apart from the whole issue then Xenovia had, there wasn’t really any question that she’d been just as affected by the Church’s lie as the former exorcist. 

Reaching around Xenovia from behind, Asia grabs the exorcist’s breasts once more, this time treating them even rougher than before as Xenovia bounces up and down on his dick, impaled on his gargantuan member and thus helpless to resist Asia’s… ministrations. Growling a little in a manner that’s actually rather cute, Asia pinches and pulls at Xenovia’s nipples, startling a cry from the blue-haired girl as she scowls fiercely just behind her ear.

“The Church tossed me out like so much trash, you know. And you were all too willing to support those old men who did that to me, when you thought they were still working under the mandate of God…”

Xenovia flinches and hangs her head, whimpering as she nods at the truth of Asia’s words.

“I-I’m so sorry… y-you’re right…”

It’s obvious that even if Asia is willing to allow Xenovia a place among them, she still intends to deal with some of her issues. Issei doesn’t mind it in all honesty. So long as it doesn’t go so far, he’s more than willing to enjoy the sight of Asia abusing Xenovia and punishing her for the Church’s actions as the latter continues to ride his cock to kingdom cum.

And indeed, Xenovia doesn’t seem to mind all that much either. In spite of Asia’s treatment, or perhaps because of it as well, Xenovia is soon cumming her brains out on Issei’s cock. As her pussy walls clench down around his member, Issei groans into Rias’ breasts for a moment before swapping back to Sona’s, his teeth nibbling and tugging at the bespectacled Student Council President’s nipple as she whimpers and moans in flustered enjoyment.

Finally though, Issei can’t hold back any longer. His hands come off of Rias and Sona’s chests and move down to Xenovia’s hips. His fingers dig into her sides and he slams her down upon his massive cock one last time while thrusting up into her from below for the first time with all his might. Xenovia’s eyes widen and her mouth drops open in a silent choked-off scream as the air is driven straight from her body.

A moment later, he’s giving the blue-haired exorcist exactly what she desires, a thick hot creampie delivered right to her fertile young womb. He pumps his seed up into Xenovia and she in turn spasms and jolts, eyes rolling back in her head for a moment and tongue lolling out of her mouth in a wide, open-mouthed smile.

There are tears streaking down Xenovia’s face as she spasms atop his cock, orgasming explosively one last time. It’s this scene of debauchery and depravity that Irina Shidou walks into, the other exorcist stepping into the room and clearing her throat.

“U-Um, so-!”

Whatever she might have been about to say, probably having to do with the letter in her hands, is lost as Irina’s jaw drops open and she just stares at the display taking place in front of her. Glancing back over her shoulder past Asia, Xenovia makes eye contact with her former comrade and gives a somewhat insane-sounding giggle.

“God is dead, Irina! None of it matters anymore! We can finally have the things we want! Sin is meaningless!”

This, combined with Xenovia’s state as the meat in a sandwich between Issei and Asia, is apparently a tad too much for Irina… who promptly falls backwards in a dead faint. Issei winces a little at the poor girl’s head hits the ground… it’s a meaty impact, and sounds like it probably hurt. 

She’d be fine though… probably.


In the end, Irina had not been fine. Oh sure, she’d gotten back up quickly enough, but her reaction to Xenovia’s news was not… shall we say, all that calm. She categorically refused to believe God was dead, though to be fair, Issei didn’t really go out of his way to try and convince her. It quickly became obvious that whereas God’s death was something of a relief to Asia and Xenovia, it was a step too far to accept for Irina.

For Asia, God’s death explained the turn her life had taken and how the Church could have fucked up with her so badly. For Xenovia, God’s death gave her leave to pursue her one true desire of becoming a broodmare for a powerful man like Issei. But for Irina? God and the Church were her everything. She wouldn’t just accept his fate from, as she put it, heretics and heathens.

And so Irina had sent a letter off to the Church. Not the one she’d initially written, nor one that actually contained the accusation that God was dead. Rather, seeing Xenovia give in to Issei completely had apparently changed Irina’s priorities and she had immediately begged the Church for reinforcements.

Said reinforcements were now sitting across from him while Asia, Irina, and Xenovia all sat off to the side of the table. Asia closet to him, Irina closest to the Church’s representative, and Xenovia in the middle looking properly abashed. But then, Issei could imagine why. This woman in front of him, this… Sister Griselda… he was pretty sure by scent alone that she was actually Xenovia’s mother.

She was also much stronger than either Xenovia or Irina. If Issei had to gauge it… he would say she was almost as strong as Kokabiel, perhaps? Which given she was seemingly just a human, was definitely saying something. Very impressive… except of course, Issei had put Kokabiel in the ground and he would do the same to this woman if he found it necessary.

“… The Church has sent me here to negotiate the return of the Excaliburs within your possession. As well, I am to-.”

“I-Is it true, Sister Griselda?!”

Before she can finish her sentence, Irina cuts in, leaning forward with a beseeching look on her face. Blinking once, Griselda glances over at her and furrows her brow.

“What, my child?”

“Is God dead?!”

Griselda reels back as if struck, and yet… and yet she doesn’t immediately deny it. Her eyes wide and frantic, she instead acts the question that’s all but the final nail in the coffin… to pardon the pun.

“Where did you hear that, child?!”

Now Irina is the one reeling back as if struck, being more than smart enough to read between the lines and see the truth of things in Griselda’s frightened countenance. In that moment of crystallized panic, Issei sits on the other side of the table with his arms crossed over his chest and considers how best to continue this conversation.

On the one hand, he’s a little embarrassed and a little apologetic for dropping the ball and exposing a big secret like he did. So maybe he could approach these negotiations from a place of reconciliation or something? He could try and be a little gentle with Sister Griselda, for Xenovia and Irina’s sake if nothing else.

On the other hand, this Griselda woman clearly knew God was dead. Which meant… well, which meant that she’d been keeping it a secret from Irina and Xenovia. Which, to be fair, a lot of things were kept secret from young people in big organizations. But that was still a step too far, wasn’t it? Perhaps it was on Issei to be more aggressive instead, once again for Xenovia and Irina’s sake?

Alternatively, he could just sit back and watch the fireworks. See just how explosive things got before he had to step in and do something. That last idea seemed a little lazy… but he had always had a bit of a lazy streak to him, hadn’t he?

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