The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 27: The Fallen Redux

Standing there in the middle of the dilapidated church, Issei blinks, his hand dripping in blood as he stares at the mess he’s made. It wasn’t HIS blood or anything… but even still, it was unequivocally HIS miss.
“… Who’s brains did I just splatter across the wall?”
His voice is a strange sort of quiet, and it seems to deeply unsettle the three Fallen Angels he’s come to visit. Raynare is the one who eventually finds her voice, of course, even as she shakes in fear.
“H-he called himself Valper Galilei, M-Master… he was an excommunicated priest… and the right hand man of the one who sent us here in the first place, Lord Kokabiel.”
… Whoops, hehe.
A distinctly feminine voice speaks up in the back of his head, making Issei snort in derision at Ddraig’s contribution to the situation. He pauses for a moment, considering his words… and then frowns.
“He was incredibly weak.”
Obviously, Issei had spent too much time around supernatural entities recently. Not just the girls he’d been claiming and fucking who had proven tougher, but his opponents as well, few and number that they were. The last fight Issei had was against Riser Phenex, and even that devil had been more durable than this fat-ass priest.
Which, fair, Issei probably should have realized that and regulated his strength better. Instead, he’d just taken the man’s head off with a single backhand swipe. And hey! He’d had a perfectly good reason, in Issei’s humble opinion. Turning to his companion, Issei frowns slightly.
“Are you okay, Asia?”
… It’s a testament to just how long she’s been spying on him that the blonde nun just gives him a warm smile, not actually looking at the mess and gore he’s made of the place, but still seeming ultimately unbothered by it. She even takes out a handkerchief and begins to clean his hand with it, all without looking away from his eyes.
“I’m fine, Issei. That man… he was reaching for me. I’m glad you took care of him.”
She seems to actually mean it too, she’s happy that Issei is showing a possessive bent towards her now. And she’s not wrong. The man, this ‘Valper Galilei’, was definitely reaching for Asia when Issei killed him. He and his nun friend had entered the abandoned church to find the old priest talking with his three Fallen Angel pets about something.
The moment Valper’s eyes had alit upon Asia’s face, he’d gotten excited, racing over as he spouted something about Twilight Healing and research and what have you. Needless to say, it wasn’t so much his words but the context in which they were said that had provoked an overwhelming and entirely lethal response from the Red Dragon Emperor Valper had completely failed to notice standing beside Asia.
Well, what was done was done, Issei supposed.
“This Kokabiel… is he around right now? Is he going to be a problem?”
Exchanging glances, all three of them still very shaken and both scared and aroused by Issei’s presence, it’s eventually Kalawarner who answers him.
“Lord Kokabiel is… one of the leaders among the Grigori. He is quite powerful… as evidenced by his five pairs of wings. I’m not sure…”
She trails off here, clearly not wanting to upset him, but the unspoken bit at the end is obvious, at least to Issei. She’s not sure he can beat this Kokabiel fellow. And maybe he can’t, Issei isn’t so foolish as to think that he’s the biggest fish in the sea.
You’re pretty damn big, my beloved wielder. And you’ve only gotten stronger with your complete domination of me. I’ve never had a wielder as powerful as you before, if it helps.
Actually, that did help and Issei sends Ddraig a mental nod as he assimilates that information. Knowing that he’s the most powerful Red Dragon Emperor to have ever lived, well… that’s useful info. And yes, he had felt the power boost after waking up from making Ddraig his bitch. So that was also nice to have confirmed.
Seeming to take his momentary silence as disproval, Raynare suddenly speaks up again, licking her lips as she hurries to give him information.
“Lord Kokabiel isn’t here, but there are more excommunicated priests in the catacombs down below, Master. They will no doubt take umbrage with your actions, no matter that they were in self-defense. And… they have three Excalibur fragments down there as well.”
Issei blinks at that. Though he’s native to Japan, even all the way over here, Western Mythology has reached them, so he’s vaguely aware of what Excalibur is, or rather, what it’s supposed to be. It’s a sword, right? So then… what’s this about fragments?
And so, Issei gets a crash course lesson in Excalibur and it’s current state of existence. Namely, it doesn’t exist, at least not as one complete whole anymore. Instead, it was broken into seven different Excaliburs when the original Excalibur broke. These seven fragments were then kept by the church for safekeeping. Except, not safe enough keeping, because the Fallen Angel Kokabiel had apparently used his agents to steal three of them, Excalibur Rapidly, Excalibur Nightmare, and Excalibur Transparency.
Issei hadn’t really thought about what his three pet Fallen Angels were doing while he was busy with the Devil side of things all these months. He’d not left Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt completely out in the cold, but he had admittedly not paid them all that much attention beyond a weekly fuck or two whenever he had a free moment.
Perhaps he should have done a bit more, all things considered, but it didn’t seem like there was too much harm in his negligence. Even with this Kokabiel character showing up, it seemed like the three female Fallen Angels knew which side their bread was buttered on, which way the wind was blowing. Or maybe they were just so addicted to Issei’s cock that they didn’t care if he could beat Kokabiel or not? Naaah, that’d be ridiculous.
“Right. I suppose I’ll go downstairs and handle these priests then.”
“You… y-you don’t want us to assist you?”
That was Mittelt, the cute little blonde Fallen Angel looking surprised that he wasn’t ordering them to fight for him. Cocking his head to the side, Issei gives a not-so-nice smile.
“We wouldn’t want any potential survivors to escape and think that you were my willing accomplices.”
And then he floods the entire church with his presence, pouring it out in waves that flow around Asia Argento, but nobody else. Letting out whimpers, eeps, and squeaks, Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt all collapse to their knees and then onto their faces, forced into positions of prostration as their entire bodies tremble with the inability to so much as raise their heads.
Meanwhile, his presence floods the catacombs of the church too, though not quite as much. In a few moments, his foes make themselves known, the priests all coming rushing up the stairs only to find a sight that fills them with horror and terror. Their leader, Valper Galilei, is, his fat headless body sprawled out on the floor and his brains splattered across the far wall. Their heaviest hitters, the three Fallen Angels, are in turn submitted on the ground right beside Issei, clearly forced to prostrate themselves before him against their will.
As Issei had hoped, three of the priests are wielding strange magical swords. All of them rush in at once, the excommunicated exorcists letting out shouts and roars of rage and anger. Then they hit the edge of his ‘true’ presence and begin having heart attacks. It’s somewhat anticlimactic, but it’s the safest way for Issei to deal with them when Asia is in the mix. He’s not about to let any of them get close enough to use one of those swords on his favorite blonde nun, after all.
And so, at the end of the day, the rest of the battle is bloodless compared to his opening move of killing Valper. The rest of the priests all fall into a pile, dropping their weapons and dying to the man one by one in the face of his power. If this were an anime, Issei supposed it would be his ‘Killing Intent’, but really, he’s just relaxing his muscles, not directing any lethal intent towards anyone. It’s not his fault the vast majority of humanity is just too weak to handle him.
As soon as the last ex-priest has breathed their last, Issei reels his presence back in with a deep inhale, before walking over to the pile of bodies and fishing the three strange holy swords out of their mixture of weaponry. Assuming these to be the bits of Excalibur, he hums as he walks back over to Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt.
“Well, I suppose these are mine now. Just like you are mine.”
Ddraig hums in approval in the back of Issei’s head, while Raynare slowly lifts her head. Technically, all three of them could have lifted their heads by this point, but none had until he spoke. Now, Raynare stares at him with tear tracks down her cheeks and awe painted on her face as he holds the three shards of Excalibur under one arm.
“Y-Yes… yes, M-Master! You-!”
She cuts herself off, not seeming to know what to say. Then, Kalawarner preempts her, not with words, but actions. Issei… isn’t really one to care too much for the humiliation of his women. He’s especially not the kind of man who would get off on someone licking his shoe clean. But that’s what Kalawarner does, the Fallen Angel apparently so overwhelmed by his power that she feels the need to express her desire to please him in as humiliating a fashion as possible. Mittelt, upon seeing this, hurriedly takes up his other foot, licking the top of that shoe as well.
Raynare just stares at her two former subordinates blankly. They’re all equal in his eyes now… but Kalawarner and Mittelt have already taken both shoes. Finally, it’s like a light bulb goes off in Raynare’s head, and the Fallen Angel hurriedly moves between the two, glancing up at him fearfully as if worried he’ll reject her efforts as she moves to open his pants and take out his cock so she can service him with her mouth.
For the moment, Issei lets her do as she pleases. Asia, meanwhile, watches all of this from his side and lets out a perverted giggle.
“You have such a way with people, Issei. They really do know their place with you, don’t they?”
Raynare shudders as the girl she intended to sacrifice for her Sacred Gear hits the nail right on the head. With her mouth full of Issei’s cock, it’s not like the Fallen Angel can offer a reply anyways. And she knows better then to try and talk back at this point.
Meanwhile, as much as Issei is enjoying Raynare’s mouth on his cock, he also finds himself lamenting the loss of Asia’s innocence. Maybe that was why he’d neglected her for so long, because he couldn’t bring himself to… break the cute blonde nun in. Instead, she’d broken herself in and come out the other side every bit as perverted as he was.
With a sigh, Issei reaches out and wraps an arm around Asia’s shoulders, leaning over to give her a kiss on the head that causes her to giggle in delight and hug into his side. He’s not going to make the same mistake twice. He’s not going to neglect Asia to the point that she goes partial yandere on him again or something like that. Hell, that’s half the reason he invited her along today for this. The other reason…
Setting aside the three Excalibits, Issei reaches out and pulls Raynare off of his cock.
“Raynare… don’t you have an apology to make?”
Blinking owlishly, the Fallen Angel looks confused for a moment, before he turns her head to look to Asia. Then, she flushes and drops her gaze. Finally, after a few moments, she speaks.
“I… I apologize…”
Looking to Asia, Issei sees the blonde nun giving him a knowing grin. Of course she knows where he’s going with this already.
“Now, now… is that really how we apologize, Raynare?”
Without hesitation, Asia undoes her skirt and pulls it away from her body, exposing her lack of panties and her glistening wet pussy. Needless to say, Raynare of the Grigori doesn’t put up much of a fight when Issei guides her into Asia’s cunt.
Meanwhile, he snaps his fingers at Kalawarner and Mittelt and the two Fallen Angels finally stop submissively tonguing his boots in favor of bringing their mouths up to his cock and balls instead. As he lets out a sigh and settles in to enjoy their oral ministrations while Raynare ‘apologizes’ to Asia, Issei wonders what he should be doing next.
This Kokabiel fellow needed to be taken care of… but should he go warn Rias and Sona first, perhaps? Did they even need to know? Technically, Kuoh was their town. But also, he didn’t exactly answer to either of them, not really. They all knew where they stood with one another now, and Rias and Sona both knew they were more his then he was theirs.
Still, this Kokabiel fellow was probably a threat to all of them. It made sense to let them know unless he was going to take care of things right now. It was honestly just a matter of… choice, he supposed. Take care of Kokabiel and let them know after the fact or go talk to them first and then take care of Kokabiel. Either way, Issei could tell that he was going to be the one left taking out the trash.
With great power comes a shit ton more annoyances~
Ddraig’s teasing voice in the back of his head, makes Issei roll his head as he snorts in amusement. She’s not wrong though, that’s for sure…

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